Generating substrings and random strings in R - string

Please bear with me, I come from a Python background and I am still learning string manipulation in R.
Ok, so lets say I have a string of length 100 with random A, B, C, or D letters:
> df
I would like to do the following two things:
1) Generate a '.txt' file that is comprised of 20-length subsections of the above string, each starting one letter after the previous with their own unique name on the line above it, like this:
... and so forth
2) Take that generated list and from it comprise another list that has the same exact substrings with the only difference being a change of one or two of the A, B, C, or Ds to another A, B, C, or D (any of those four letters only).
So, this:
Would become this:
As you can see, the "C" in the third position became a "B" and the "A" in position 11 became a "D", with no implied relationship between those changed letters. Purely random.
I know this is a convoluted question, but like I said, I am still learning basic text and string manipulation in R.
Thanks in advance.

Create a text file of substrings
n <- 20 # length of substrings
starts <- seq(nchar(df) - 20 + 1)
v1 <- mapply(substr, starts, starts + n - 1, MoreArgs = list(x = df))
names(v1) <- paste0("NAME", seq_along(v1), "\n")
write.table(v1, file = "filename.txt", quote = FALSE, sep = "",
col.names = FALSE)
Randomly replace one or two letters (A-D):
myfun <- function() {
idx <- sample(seq(n), sample(1:2, 1))
rep <- sample(LETTERS[1:4], length(idx), replace = TRUE)
return(list(idx = idx, rep = rep))
new <- replicate(length(v1), myfun(), simplify = FALSE)
v2 <- mapply(function(x, y, z) paste(replace(x, y, z), collapse = ""),
strsplit(v1, ""),
lapply(new, "[[", "idx"),
lapply(new, "[[", "rep"))
names(v2) <- paste0(names(v2), ".1")
write.table(v2, file = "filename2.txt", quote = FALSE, sep = "\n",
col.names = FALSE)

I tried breaking this down into multiple simple steps, hopefully you can get learn a few tricks from this:
# Random data
n<-10 # Number of cuts
# Pick n random numbers between 1 and the length of string-20
# Make your cuts
cuts<-sapply(nums,function(x) substring(df,x,x+20-1))
# Generate some names
# Make it into a matrix, transpose, and then recast into a vector to get alternating names and cuts.
# Drop a file.
write.table(names.and.cuts,'file.txt',quote=FALSE,row.names=FALSE,col.names = FALSE)
# Pick how many changes are going to be made to each cut.
# Pick that number of positions to change
pos.changes<-lapply(changes,function(x) sample(1:20,x))
# Find the letter at each position.<-lapply(pos.changes,function(x) substring(df,x,x))
# Make a function that takes any letter, and outputs any other letter from c(A-D)<-function(x){
# Make a list of alternate letters.
# Pick one of each
# Find another letter for each
# Make a function to replace character by position
# Inefficient, but who cares.<-function(str,pos,chars){
for (i in 1:length(pos)) substr(str,pos[i],pos[i])<-chars[i]
# Change every letter at pos.changes to letter.changes
# Generate names
# Use the matrix trick to alternate names.Drop a file.
write.table(names.and.mod.cuts,'file2.txt',quote=FALSE,row.names=FALSE,col.names = FALSE)
Also, instead of the function, you could just use strsplit and replace like this:
mod.cuts<-mapply(function(x,y,z) paste(replace(x,y,z),collapse=''),

One way, albeit slowish:
Rgames> foo<-paste(sample(c('a','b','c','d'),20,rep=T),sep='',collapse='')
Rgames> bar<-matrix(unlist(strsplit(foo,'')),ncol=5)
Rgames> bar
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
[1,] "c" "c" "a" "c" "a"
[2,] "c" "c" "b" "a" "b"
[3,] "b" "b" "a" "c" "d"
[4,] "c" "b" "a" "c" "c"
Now you can select random indices and replace the selected locations with sample(c('a','b','c','d'),1) . For "true" randomness, I wouldn't even force a change - if your newly drawn letter is the same as the original, so be it.
Like this:
ibar<-sample(1:5,4,rep=T) # one random column number for each row
for ( j in 1: 4) bar[j,ibar[j]]<-sample(c('a','b','c','d'),1)
Then, if necessary, recombine each row using paste

For the first part of your question:
nstrchars <- 20
count<- nchar(df)-nstrchars
length20substrings <- data.frame(length20substrings=sapply(1:count,function(x)substr(df,x,x+20)))
# to save to a text file. I chose not to include row names or a column name in the .txt file file
For the second part:
# create a function that will randomly pick one or two spots in a string and replace
# those spots with one of the other characters present in the string:
changefxn<- function(x){
if (numchanges>1) {
splitstr[id[1]] <- sample(setdiff(charspresent,chars2repl[1]),1)
splitstr[id[2]] <- sample(setdiff(charspresent,chars2repl[2]),1)
else {splitstr[id[1]] <- sample(setdiff(charspresent,chars2repl[1]),1)
# try it out
# apply changefxn to all the substrings from part 1
newstrings <- lapply(length20substrings, function(ii)changefxn(ii))


Change Letters in A String One at a Time (Pandas,Python3)

I have a list of words in Pandas (DF)
What I'm trying to do is swap out certain letters in those words with letters from my dictionary one letter at a time.
so for example:
mydict = {"e":"q,w",
would create a new list that first replaces all the "e" in a list one at a time, and then iterates through again replacing all the "a" one at a time:
I've been looking around at solutions here: Mass string replace in python?
and have tried the following code but it changes all instances "e" instead of doing so one at a time -- any help?:
mydict = {"e":"q,w"}
s = DF
for k, v in mydict.items():
for j in v:
s['Words'] = s["Words"].str.replace(k, j)
DF["Words"] = s
this doesn't seem to work either:
s = DF.replace({"Words": {"e": "q","w"}})
This answer is very similar to Brian's answer, but a little bit sanitized and the output has no duplicates:
words = ["Words", "Shirt", "Blouse", "Sweater"]
md = {"e": "q,w", "a": "z"}
md = {k: v.split(',') for k, v in md.items()}
newwords = []
for word in words:
for c in md:
occ = word.count(c)
pos = 0
for _ in range(occ):
pos = word.find(c, pos)
for r in md[c]:
tmp = word[:pos] + r + word[pos+1:]
pos += 1
Content of newwords:
['Words', 'Shirt', 'Blouse', 'Blousq', 'Blousw', 'Sweater', 'Swqater', 'Swwater', 'Sweatqr', 'Sweatwr', 'Swezter']
Any errors are a result of the current time. ;)
Update (explanation)
The main idea is to find the occurences of the character in the word one after another. For each occurence we are then replacing it with the replacing-char (again one after another). The replaced word get's added to the output-list.
I will try to explain everything step by step:
words = ["Words", "Shirt", "Blouse", "Sweater"]
md = {"e": "q,w", "a": "z"}
Well. Your basic input. :)
md = {k: v.split(',') for k, v in md.items()}
A simpler way to deal with replacing-dictionary. md now looks like {"e": ["q", "w"], "a": ["z"]}. Now we don't have to handle "q,w" and "z" differently but the step for replacing is just the same and ignores the fact, that "a" only got one replace-char.
newwords = []
The new list to store the output in.
for word in words:
We have to do those actions for each word (I assume, the reason is clear). We also append the world directly to our just created output-list (newwords).
for c in md:
c as short for character. So for each character we want to replace (all keys of md), we do the following stuff.
occ = word.count(c)
occ for occurrences (yeah. count would fit as well :P). word.count(c) returns the number of occurences of the character/string c in word. So "Sweater".count("o") => 0 and "Sweater".count("e") => 2.
We use this here to know, how often we have to take a look at word to get all those occurences of c.
pos = 0
Our startposition to look for c in word. Comes into use in the next loop.
for _ in range(occ):
For each occurence. As a continual number has no value for us here, we "discard" it by naming it _. At this point where c is in word. Yet.
pos = word.find(c, pos)
Oh. Look. We found c. :) word.find(c, pos) returns the index of the first occurence of c in word, starting at pos. At the beginning, this means from the start of the string => the first occurence of c. But with this call we already update pos. This plus the last line (pos += 1) moves our search-window for the next round to start just behind the previous occurence of c.
for r in md[c]:
Now you see, why we updated mc previously: we can easily iterate over it now (a md[c].split(',') on the old md would do the job as well). So we are doing the replacement now for each of the replacement-characters.
tmp = word[:pos] + r + word[pos+1:]
The actual replacement. We store it in tmp (for debug-reasons). word[:pos] gives us word up to the (current) occurence of c (exclusive c). r is the replacement. word[pos+1:] adds the remaining word (again without c).
Our so created new word tmp now goes into our output-list (newwords).
pos += 1
The already mentioned adjustment of pos to "jump over c".
Additional question from OP: Is there an easy way to dictate how many letters in the string I want to replace [(meaning e.g. multiple at a time)]?
Surely. But I have currently only a vague idea on how to achieve this. I am going to look at it, when I got my sleep. ;)
words = ["Words", "Shirt", "Blouse", "Sweater", "multipleeee"]
md = {"e": "q,w", "a": "z"}
md = {k: v.split(',') for k, v in md.items()}
num = 2 # this is the number of replaces at a time.
newwords = []
for word in words:
for char in md:
for r in md[char]:
pos = multiples = 0
current_word = word
while current_word.find(char, pos) != -1:
pos = current_word.find(char, pos)
current_word = current_word[:pos] + r + current_word[pos+1:]
pos += 1
multiples += 1
if multiples == num:
multiples = 0
current_word = word
Content of newwords:
['Words', 'Shirt', 'Blouse', 'Sweater', 'Swqatqr', 'Swwatwr', 'multipleeee', 'multiplqqee', 'multipleeqq', 'multiplwwee', 'multipleeww']
I added multipleeee to demonstrate, how the replacement works: For num = 2 it means the first two occurences are replaced, after them, the next two. So there is no intersection of the replaced parts. If you would want to have something like ['multiplqqee', 'multipleqqe', 'multipleeqq'], you would have to store the position of the "first" occurence of char. You can then restore pos to that position in the if multiples == num:-block.
If you got further questions, feel free to ask. :)
Because you need to replace letters one at a time, this doesn't sound like a good problem to solve with pandas, since pandas is about doing everything at once (vectorized operations). I would dump out your DataFrame into a plain old list and use list operations:
words = DF.to_dict()["Words"].values()
for find, replace in reversed(sorted(mydict.items())):
for word in words:
occurences = word.count(find)
if not occurences:
print word
start_index = 0
for i in range(occurences):
for replace_char in replace.split(","):
modified_word = list(word)
index = modified_word.index(find, start_index)
modified_word[index] = replace_char
modified_word = "".join(modified_word)
print modified_word
start_index = index + 1
Which gives:
Instead of printing the words, you can append them to a list and re-create a DataFrame if that's what you want to end up with.
If you are looping, you need to update s at each cycle of the loop. You also need to loop over v.
mydict = {"e":"q,w"}
for k, v in mydict.items():
for j in v:
s = s.replace(k, j)
Then reassign it to your dataframe:
df["Words"] = s
If you can write this as a function that takes in a 1d array (list, numpy array etc...), you can use df.apply to apply it to any column, using df.apply().

Automatic acronyms of strings in R

Long strings in plots aren't always attractive. What's the shortest way of making an acronym in R? E.g., "Hello world" to "HW", and preferably to have unique acronyms.
There's function abbreviate, but it just removes some letters from the phrase, instead of taking first letters of each word.
An easy way would be to use a combination of strsplit, substr, and make.unique.
Here's an example function that can be written:
makeInitials <- function(charVec) {
make.unique(vapply(strsplit(toupper(charVec), " "),
function(x) paste(substr(x, 1, 1), collapse = ""),
vector("character", 1L)))
Test it out:
X <- c("Hello World", "Home Work", "holidays with children", "Hello Europe")
# [1] "HW" "HW.1" "HWC" "HE"
That said, I do think that abbreviate should suffice, if you use some of its arguments:
abbreviate(X, minlength=1)
# Hello World Home Work holidays with children Hello Europe
# "HlW" "HmW" "hwc" "HE"
Using regex you can do following. The regex pattern ((?<=\\s).|^.) looks for any letter followed by space or first letter of the string. Then we just paste resulting vectors using collapse argument to get first letter based acronym. And as Ananda suggested, if you want to make unique pass the result through make.unique.
X <- c("Hello World", "Home Work", "holidays with children")
sapply(regmatches(X, gregexpr(pattern = "((?<=\\s).|^.)", text = X, perl = T)), paste, collapse = ".")
## [1] "H.W" "H.W" "h.w.c"
# If you want to make unique
make.unique(sapply(regmatches(X, gregexpr(pattern = "((?<=\\s).|^.)", text = X, perl = T)), paste, collapse = "."))
## [1] "H.W" "H.W.1" "h.w.c"

Matlab. Find the indices of a cell array of strings with characters all contained in a given string (without repetition)

I have one string and a cell array of strings.
str = 'actaz';
dic = {'aaccttzz', 'ac', 'zt', 'ctu', 'bdu', 'zac', 'zaz', 'aac'};
I want to obtain:
idx = [2, 3, 6, 8];
I have written a very long code that:
finds the elements with length not greater than length(str);
removes the elements with characters not included in str;
finally, for each remaining element, checks the characters one by one
Essentially, it's an almost brute force code and runs very slowly. I wonder if there is a simple way to do it fast.
NB: I have just edited the question to make clear that characters can be repeated n times if they appear n times in str. Thanks Shai for pointing it out.
You can sort the strings and then match them using regular expression. For your example the pattern will be ^a{0,2}c{0,1}t{0,1}z{0,1}$:
u = unique(str);
t = ['^' sprintf('%c{0,%d}', [u; histc(str,u)]) '$'];
s = cellfun(#sort, dic, 'uni', 0);
idx = find(~cellfun('isempty', regexp(s, t)));
I came up with this :
>> g=#(x,y) sum(x==y) <= sum(str==y);
>> h=#(t)sum(arrayfun(#(x)g(t,x),t))==length(t);
>> f=cellfun(#(x)h(x),dic);
>> find(f)
ans =
2 3 6
g & h: check if number of count of each letter in search string <= number of count in str.
f : finally use g and h for each element in dic

Matlab fints doesn't like a string value I pass as an argument

I have a program that takes the columns of a fints-object, multiplies them together pairwise in all combinations and output the result in a new fints object. I have the code for the data, but I also want the series labels to carry through so that the product of column a and b has label a*b.
function tsB = MulTS(tsA)
anames = fieldnames(tsA,1)';
A = fts2mat(tsA);
[i,j] = meshgrid(1:size(A,2),1:size(A,2));
B = Mul(A(:,i(:)),A(:,j(:)));
q = [anames(:,i(:)); anames(:,j(:))];
bnames = strcat(q(1,:),'*', q(2,:));
tsB=fints(tsA.dates, B, bnames);
I get warnings when I run it.
tsA= fints([1 2 3]', [[1 1 1]' [2 2 2]'],{'a','b'}');
??? Error using ==> fints.fints at 188
Illegal name(s) detected. Please check the name(s).
Error in ==> MulTS at 10
tsB=fints(tsA.dates, B, bnames);"
It seems Matlab doesn't like the format of bnames. I've tried googling stuff like "convert cell array to string matlab" and trying things like b = {bnames}. What am I doing wrong?
Your datanames (bnames in MulTS) seems to contain a "*" character, which is illegal according to fints documentation:
Cell array of data series names. Overrides the default data series names. Default data series names are series1, series2, and so on.
Note: Not all strings are accepted as datanames parameters. Supported data series names cannot start with a number and must contain only these characters:
Lowercase Latin alphabet, a to z
Uppercase Latin alphabet, A to Z
Underscore, _
Try replacing the "*" with "_" or something else.

How to paste two vectors together and pad at the end?

I would like to paste two character strings together and pad at the end with another character to make the combination a certain length. I was wondering if there was an option to paste that one can pass or another trick that I am missing? I can do this in multiple lines by figuring out the length of each and then calling paste with rep(my_pad_character,N) but I would like to do this in one line.
Ex: pad together "hi", and "hello" and pad with an "a" to make the sequence length 10. the result would be "hihelloaaa"
Here is one option:
s1 <- "hi"
s2 <- "hello"
f <- function(x, y, pad = "a", length = 10) {
out <- paste0(x, y)
nc <- nchar(out)
paste0(out, paste(rep(pad, length - nc), collapse = ""))
> f(s1, s2)
[1] "hihelloaaa"
You can use the stringr function str_pad
str_pad(paste0('hi','hello'), side = 'right', width = 10 , pad = 'a')
