Need to remove arrow symbols from excel data [closed] - excel

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I was given some data in excel and it looks like this:
Maps ix↵About the Author↵x↵Preface↵xi↵Ancillary
I need to remove these little arrows and replace them with a single white space. How would I do that?
Thank you.

How about: Ctrl+h (Search and Replace), enter "↵" (by copy/paste) in the search field and (blank space) in the replace field?


How to stop google docs replacing parentheses? [closed]

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Closed 10 months ago.
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Is it possible to make google docs stop replacing parentheses?
Sometimes I make there cheat sheets for myself but I noticed that when I make parentheses there it places instead of which do not work in a code.
That's called smart quotes.
To turn them off, click Tools > Preferences and then unselect Use smart quotes:

what is this blank space that gets inserted in excel? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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When I open excel, the rows move down and a big blank space gets inserted. I have no idea why this is happening nor how to fix it. Any suggestions? See image below:
It's a known monitor issue, you have to check for compatibility
If you drag it about between monitors it can fix it other than that compatibility settings.

What is the opposite of "xset"? Is there an "xget" command? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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My mouse sensitivity sometimes changes on its own, and I would like to see what the acceleration/sensitivity values are at any point. Sometimes I forget my keyboard repeat rate settings and have to feel around for it.
Is there a command like "xset", but to get the current values?
From the man of xset :
The q option gives you information on the current settings.
Is that what you are looking for ?

Sublime Text Case insensitive Highlight multiple words on double click [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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When you double click or just highlight a word in sublime it matches the case. is there any way to ignore the case on highlighting a word?
Unfortunately, there is not. The behavior of this feature seems to be hard-coded, and is not accessible via the API or the documented preferences. Changing the options in the Find or Find and Replace search functions doesn't seem to have any effect, either. Even the color of the outline box can't be changed.

Get distinct values for a string in a cell [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have a spreadsheet that looks like that:
I want to get the distinct sections, in fact the distinct first string from the section colume. I tried advanced filters however, this only gives me the whole string. Is there a excel formula to check the columes just for the first string?(Like here: bla, blub, bla1, bla2, blue)
I appreciate your answer!
In Excel, add a new column with:
=LEFT(B2,FIND(" ",B2))
that will give you the list of first words; after that you can use filters.
