Get distinct values for a string in a cell [closed] - excel

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have a spreadsheet that looks like that:
I want to get the distinct sections, in fact the distinct first string from the section colume. I tried advanced filters however, this only gives me the whole string. Is there a excel formula to check the columes just for the first string?(Like here: bla, blub, bla1, bla2, blue)
I appreciate your answer!

In Excel, add a new column with:
=LEFT(B2,FIND(" ",B2))
that will give you the list of first words; after that you can use filters.


Format string when translating from Excel to xml [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I add headers and footers to my Excel file. Rename the file to zip format and pull out the first sheet(xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml), then I see this line <oddHeader>&C&"Britannic Bold,bold italics"&U&KFF0000"mytext"</oddHeader>
Where can I find documentation on how this string is formed, what parameters are allowed, etc?
Microsoft has documentation for the XML spreadsheet format
For your specific question, the OddHeader class is documented here.

How can I get data from a Table [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Can someone assist me on how can I get data from a table in Excel 2013?
I have a table named Personal:
and I want to have a control in a cell like this:
(I do not know how to add this control in a cell)
So I can select data from the table:
I googled a lot before asking here, and couldn't find how to do it.
Maybe your google foo could do with some polish. For the dropdown try DATA > Data Tools, Data Validation,
Allow: List
Source: whatever the range is for the data in your table.

Need to remove arrow symbols from excel data [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I was given some data in excel and it looks like this:
Maps ix↵About the Author↵x↵Preface↵xi↵Ancillary
I need to remove these little arrows and replace them with a single white space. How would I do that?
Thank you.
How about: Ctrl+h (Search and Replace), enter "↵" (by copy/paste) in the search field and (blank space) in the replace field?

Getting last described cell in line [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I need to get the last described cell with in a row with code. So if I'm positioned in A14 and my last described cell A4 contains Hello I want that A14 also contains Hello. I wont care about B4 and so on. If I'm positioned in B13 I just care about the B-Row and so on. Unfortunately I have no idea of VBA so I prefer a non-VBA solution.
You can use something like that perhaps:
Or using MATCH():
Or using VLOOKUP():

What is the difference between = and =+ in Excel [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am beginner in Excel. I have a workbook in which the formula column is defined as
=+TEXT($A36,"mmm"), but even if I give =Text($A36,"mmm")
it is returning the Month.
What is the difference in using =+ and + in Excel?
Will it changes the functionality in any ways?
This is simply a legacy way of doing it. From Lotus 123 I believe. It makes absolutely no difference to the functionality.
There is no difference. It's the exact same thing.
It comes from an old syntax used in Lotus
