Visual Studio 2012 Project Properties Editor is Disabled - visual-studio-2012

I have problem with my visual studio. Something went wrong with my project properties and I always see everything disabled. It hapens even if I create new console application.
Any ideas? I restarted all visual studio settings, restarted computer, uninstalled extensions, searched the web but nothing helped.

I used Repair in add or remove programs and it is working fine now. Wonder what went wrong. I dont like this "it worked yesterday" problems.

The same symptom occurs while running your program in Visual Studio using the debugger.
If the project properties are greyed out, first check if you are debugging. If you are, finish debugging, then look again at the property pages.


Visual Studio 2017. LNK1104: cannot open file ….\Debug\….exe after single successful build

I am having a very weird issue. I am able to build my C++/CLR Win Forms project with visual studio 2017 only once. Every next time I am getting “LNK1104 cannot open file ….\Debug\….exe” error.
What I have noticed is that after stopping debugging the program is still visible in Task Manager which is I believe the reason of getting the above message.
When I try to kill it am getting “access denied”.
The only way to compile the project is to restart visual studio. The process shuts down immediately together with visual studio. Once the visual studio is back on I can do a single build again.
I have tried to run "clean" project and solution.
I have also created new project and moved my files in it. What I have noticed is that before having my form filled with controls the problem was not appearing. It started happening after adding few textBoxes, ListView and buttons.
Any ideas how to fix it?
I figured out what was causing the issue. I have tried with switching off multiple Windows security features and finally I found the right one. The problem appeared to be a Windows 10 built in "Real-time protection" against malware. It can be disabled under "Virus & threat protection settings".

Visual Studio 2015 - Class Wizard in C++

When I right click my project and go to Class Wizard I'm met with the following error:
"The solution's source code database may not have been opened. Please make sure the solution is not open in another copy of Visual Studio, and that its database file is not read only."
What I've tried so far:
Creating a new project
Restarting Visual Studio
Restarting PC
Repairing Visual Studio
Reinstalling Visual Studio
Installing MS SQL Server Compact 3.5
Deleting the folder: C:\Users\Jacob\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\VisualStudio\14.0
None of these have had any effect, and I'm finding very few pages online where others have had this issue. I am totally at a loss on what to do next.
If anyone has any ideas, I would really appreciate them.
It turns out the problem here was actually caused by JetBrains Resharper C++, which I didn't consider could be the problem.
There seems to be no solution, however the program provides an alternative Class Wizard in the same menu.

VS2012/2013 fails to display solution explorer

I have this problem with both VS2012 and 2013. When I load an existing or create a new solution I get a ProviderPackage error - An exception was thrown during package instantiation and was caught in the package manager. After I close the error dialog, the solution explorer window is empty, although there are solution files open in the editor.
The ActivityLog.xml file shows different modules loading when the error occurs, depending on the project type. Is there a way that I can determine the common thread between 2012 and 2013 that is causing this error.
There is probably a corrupted dll which I have to replace. I am dead in the water until I figure this out.
Clearing the Visual Studio Component Model Cache worked for me (details: Error message "No exports were found that match the constraint contract name")
None of the previous suggestions worked for me, but this one did:
This issue is because of a MEF cache corruption. Installing [or uninstalling any extension] will invalidate the cache causing VS to rebuild it.
I ran into the empty solution explorer with Visual Studio 2013, and fixed it with a repair install.
Solution: This worked for me.
I had the same problem in Visual Studio 2015 with the Solution Explorer always showing empty, even after deleting the ComponentModelCache folder. Looking at the Microsoft.VisualStudio.Default.err file, one of the errors was:
"----- Catalog construction errors -----
Error #1
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Composition.PartDiscoveryException: Failure while scanning type ......"
Doing a Google search on Microsoft.VisualStudio.Composition.PartDiscoveryException lead me to a Nuget package for Visual Studio MEF. Since I read so many posts of people have this same problem, I figured the problem was with Visual Studio and not necessarily any particular extension. So I installed this Visual Studio MEF Nuget package, restarted Visual Studio, and now the Solution Explorer is populated every time.
Deleting the .suo file worked for me.
Close VS, delete suo file of your project (is hidden), open your project again.
I had this problem with two projects, this fixed it in both cases.
Also, creating a new project (in my case a Console Application) also worked! That was probably the easiest fix i've found thus far and you don't have to delete anything! Nice...
Go To Window menu in visual studio and click reset window will work

there was an error attaching the debugger to the role instance

I am getting an Exception when I am trying debug my application on Emulator (Web Role).
you can see exception by clicking following link
Configuration which I am using Windows 7 pro, VS 2012 Pro, Azure SDK 1.8
Hope it might help others.
I Also had the similar problem and I restarted PC and **Run Visual Studio as Administrator**.
And let Visual Studio start the emulator with same privilege resolved the issue.
I was using Visual 2013 and Web API application under IIS Express.
Do you have IIS added? Most likely it's already installed but you've to enable it via Add Windows Compoenents on Control Panel...
I had this same issue all of a sudden, luckly I remember changing the ServiceDefinition.csdef file. I rolled this back to an earlier version and the debugger ran again correctly. The only thing I changed in the 'broken' version was instance size from small to medium.
Go to visual studio installer(search it from window's start)
and update the visual studio.
After updating, hit modify
button, after that on right side you will find a box named
debug (or something like that), select that box
Then hit install.
Restart your visual studio and debugger will start working.
In my case it worked perfectly.

Start debugging button unavailable in a VS2012 project

I'm using visual studio 2012 and I don't find the button start for debugging.
Instead, there a button "Attach".
How is it possible to enable Start button.
I have only one project in the solution that I imported from vs2010.
When a create a new project from scratch, Start is available.
You can solve this issue by right clicking the project in Visual Studio and setting it as the 'StartUp Project'.
I had this problem and it turned out that, even though the status bar was blank, it was still building (reeeeally slowly).
