Start debugging button unavailable in a VS2012 project - visual-studio-2012

I'm using visual studio 2012 and I don't find the button start for debugging.
Instead, there a button "Attach".
How is it possible to enable Start button.
I have only one project in the solution that I imported from vs2010.
When a create a new project from scratch, Start is available.

You can solve this issue by right clicking the project in Visual Studio and setting it as the 'StartUp Project'.

I had this problem and it turned out that, even though the status bar was blank, it was still building (reeeeally slowly).


Visual Studio 2017. LNK1104: cannot open file ….\Debug\….exe after single successful build

I am having a very weird issue. I am able to build my C++/CLR Win Forms project with visual studio 2017 only once. Every next time I am getting “LNK1104 cannot open file ….\Debug\….exe” error.
What I have noticed is that after stopping debugging the program is still visible in Task Manager which is I believe the reason of getting the above message.
When I try to kill it am getting “access denied”.
The only way to compile the project is to restart visual studio. The process shuts down immediately together with visual studio. Once the visual studio is back on I can do a single build again.
I have tried to run "clean" project and solution.
I have also created new project and moved my files in it. What I have noticed is that before having my form filled with controls the problem was not appearing. It started happening after adding few textBoxes, ListView and buttons.
Any ideas how to fix it?
I figured out what was causing the issue. I have tried with switching off multiple Windows security features and finally I found the right one. The problem appeared to be a Windows 10 built in "Real-time protection" against malware. It can be disabled under "Virus & threat protection settings".

WIX in VS 2012 Menu and Commands missing

I just installed WIX 3.10 and I'm using VS 2012 Ultimate. I have then successfully added a WIX setup project to my solution but that's about as far as I can go because the WIX menu is not showing up. The commands buttons that should appear at the top of the solution explorer window does not appear, neither does the shortcut button that appears just below the 'clean' button when you right click the project. I have tried uninstalling and restarting my PC several times but still the same.
snap shot of the solution explorer window.
I'm obviously missing something, but what? Thanks very much.
The designer you're looking for is from a 3rd party commercial product:
Normally one would write most Wix files by hand. It's relatively simple XML and the documentation isn't bad.
You can install the extension: Tools -> Extensions and Updates
Then in the search box type 'wix' and Enter.
The extension name is 'Designer for Visual Studio Wix Setup Projects':

Visual Studio 2015 Preview - Keep IIS Express Running

I'm trying to get a decent development experience with Visual Studio 2015 Preview.
To do that I'd love to have my IIS Express running all the time instead of requiring me to start debugging.
Anyway to do that? Tried command line:
IISExpress.exe /path:pathmyproject/wwwroot
IISExpress.exe /site:SiteName
IISExpress.exe /path:pathtomyproject
First two give me:
Unable to locate project.json
Third one
HTTP Error 403.14 - Forbidden
Not exactly an answer, but if you can view in browser instead of Debug.
The command for view in browser is: CTRL+ SHIFT + W (or right click on project and select View -> View in broswer.)
IIS Express will start but will not close when you exit your browser.
Hope this helps, this is what I do (specially now that build/compile is no required with roslyn).
Similar to VS 2013, if you disable Edit and Continue IIS Express will continue to run when you stop your debug sessions.
Open the menu item Tools/Options, look for the Debugging/General option. Scroll down and uncheck "Enable Edit and Continue"
in the Debug menu > Start without debugging (Ctr + F5)
Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 adds the support to keep IIS Express Running
For ASP.NET Web Application projects, when "Enable Edit and Continue" checkbox is unchecked, the IIS Express process will no longer stop working every time you stop debugging.
Visual Studio Update 3 RC Release Notes
"Enable Edit and Continue" checkbox does not exist in visual studio 2015 update 2!this is best solution for this problem
I just unchecked Edit & Continue option under project properties -> Web -> Debugger.
I'm using VS2015. It is working for me.
This problem occurred to me when trying to run a cloned project. The solution that worked to me was installing Microsoft.NET Core 1.0.1 VS 2015 Tooling Preview 2.
Go to Tools --> Extensions and Updates --> click Updates
Look for Microsoft.NET Core 1.0.1 VS 2015 Tooling Preview 2 and install the update if it is available.

Visual Studio 2012 Project Properties Editor is Disabled

I have problem with my visual studio. Something went wrong with my project properties and I always see everything disabled. It hapens even if I create new console application.
Any ideas? I restarted all visual studio settings, restarted computer, uninstalled extensions, searched the web but nothing helped.
I used Repair in add or remove programs and it is working fine now. Wonder what went wrong. I dont like this "it worked yesterday" problems.
The same symptom occurs while running your program in Visual Studio using the debugger.
If the project properties are greyed out, first check if you are debugging. If you are, finish debugging, then look again at the property pages.

No devices attached in xamarin VisualStudio for ios

I'm having real trouble when I try to use the IOS emulator from the visual studio. So I created a hello world app in VS using xamarin (latest stable version), I set the project as main project, and When I refresh the connexion with the mac, I can't select the device that should be shown in the selectList. The message is "No device attached" :
And if I try to use xamarin studio on the host mac, all is okay, the sample app builds on the iphone emulator:
Thanks to help me !
I know this question has already been answered, but i found it when i had a problem, and it did not help... but i did find the solution:
Under the debugging menu in VS2012, click on Configuration Manager
make sure that iPhone Simulator (or iPad, if you want) is set...
Default seems to be looking for a physical device...
hope this helps.
Are you sure the device is connected to the Mac and not the Windows machine? Have you tried debugging from that same device from Xamarin Studio on the Mac?
Had the same problem. Issue was when i loaded my solution, visual studio 2012 decided to choose a library project as the 'Startup project'.
Rt Clicked the ios project, chose 'Set as StartUp Project' and the device list was populated.
P.S: Visual Studio you should be old enough to figure this out by now.
When I ran into this problem, I had another instance of visual studio running which was connected to the Mac.
Apparently you can only have on VS instance connected at a time.
Check your server log in Visual Studio output window for some more clues:
Closing the other instance of Visual Studio allowed me to connect in the instance I wanted to debug in
I discovered something missing. For me, in Visual Studio 2013, for some reason they have removed Solution Platforms from the toolbar. This makes it impossible to switch from iPhone to iPhoneSimulator without opening Configuration Manager. So, to fix this.
Click TOOLS/Customize then select the 'Commands' tab then select the 'Toolbar:' radio button and click the dropdown to the right of it and select 'Standard' as the toolbar you're working on.
Now, click 'Add Command' and select 'Build' from the catagories on the left and then scroll down commands until you find 'Solution Platforms'. Select that one and click OK. Then click the 'Close' button. You will now see an additional dropdown next to the Solution Configurations dropdown on your Standard Toolbar.
This will allow you to easily switch from iPhoneSimulator and iPhone. Use iPhone when you want to plug in an actual device, and use iPhoneSimulator when you want to pick a simulated device.
Hope this helps somebody out. I too have spent lots of time trying to figure this one out when I went from a device and was trying to use the simulator instead.
Restarting of Visual Studio 2010 worked for me.
Different things worked for me (Windows 8.1 & Visual Studio 2013):
Restart Visual Studio
Set 'iPhoneSimulator' as platform (only working one)
In Properties - iOS Application change 'Deployment Target' version to some lower number (6.0 worked for me).
As well as checking you have the right startup project selected as per #Chamkila's answer, check that you haven't accidentally broken your project's Info.plist file by attempting to open it through Visual Studio.
