Shiro: where credential should be stored? - security

Little prehistory:
I develop RESTful services. That services receives requests from the web frontend and resends it to another server with the actual business logic. I use Shiro to protect my services. Problem is that some business logic functions require a user password. Of course, I can store password in my principal, but I think it is not correct to store credentials there.
So, what is the conceptual right place where I should store credentials to have access inside my REST services?
Ok, I can also store passwords in Shiro sessions, but i don't think that it is the correct place.

Normally, the info is kept in an implementation of AuthenticationToken. This interface has two method: getPrincipal (for example login or email) and getCredentials(). The last is usually used to store a password.
If you look at class UsernamePasswordToken, which is an implementation of this interface, you see that the two are indeed used for username and password.
Now what we did is extend the class AuthorizingRealm for our own authentication mechanism and in the authentication method we store the token in the principal.
public AuthenticationInfo doGetAuthenticationInfo(AuthenticationToken token) {
... authentication logic
SimplePrincipalCollection principalCollection = new SimplePrincipalCollection(login, realmName);
principalCollection.add(token, realmName);
SimpleAuthenticationInfo simpleAuthenticationInfo = new SimpleAuthenticationInfo(principalCollection, login.getPasswordHash());
return simpleAuthenticationInfo;
Now you can get the token later:
PrincipalCollection principals = SecurityUtils.getSubject().getPrincipals();
AuthenticationToken token = principals.oneByType(AuthenticationToken.class);


JWT authentication with two different services

We have a service architecture that currently only supports client authentication. A Java service based on spring boot and spring security issues long lived JWT based on tenants for other services to authenticate against each other. For example a render service needs to get templates from the template service.
We now want to build a user service with node.js that issues short lived tokens for users to also access some of those services and only access the resource visible to the user. For example the user wants to see only their templates in a list.
My question is: what do I need to watch out for when implementing the /auth resource on the user service? I have managed to issue a JWT with the required information and obviously the same secret in the user service to access the template service. But I'm not sure if it is secure enough. I had to add a random JID to the user JWT to get it accepted by the template service (which is also implemented with spring boot).
Is there a security issue I need to watch out for? Is this approach naiive?
This is my javascript code that issues the JWT:
const jwt = require('jwt-simple');
const secret = require('../config').jwtSecret;
const jti = require('../config').jti;
// payload contains userId and roles the user has
const encode = ({ payload, expiresInMinutes, tenantId}) => {
const now = new Date();
payload.jti = jti; // this is a UUID - spring security will otherwise not accept the JWT
payload.client_id = tenantId; // this is required by the template service which supports tenants identified through their clientId
const expiresAt = new Date(now.getTime() + expiresInMinutes * 60000);
payload.expiresAt = expiresAt;
return jwt.encode(payload, secret);
I think of adding some type information to the user JWT so that those java services that do not allow any User access can directly deny access for all user JWTs. Or maybe I can use the JTI here? Will research how spring boot handles that. I'll probably also have to add #Secured with a role distinction to all the services that allow user access to only some resources.
But those are technical details. My concern really is that I am unsure about wether the entire concept of using JWTs issued from different sources is secure enough or what I have to do in the user service to make it so.
Yeah your concept is right since you are the owner of jwt that means only you can write the jwt, others can read it but can not modify it.
So your userservice will create the token with certain information like userid and another service will decode that jwt fetch userid and validate that userid

Validate access token for WEB API protected by Azure AD

I'm playing with Azure AD authentication and authorization scenarios and not all clear for me.
Currently I'm looking at SinglePageApp-WebAPI-AngularJS-DotNet sample project.
And one thing that I can't understand. On the client side we get access token using implicit grant flow - that is clear. Then we send request to WEB API with Bearer and access token as value. On the server side we have TodoListController with Authorize attribute. So, in order to hit the controller request must be authorized.
What is not clear how authentication middleware validates my access token (what if random text sent instead of valid access token?). I cloned katana project and investigated WindowsAzureActiveDirectoryBearerAuthenticationExtensions and OAuthBearerAuthenticationHandler classes, but I still can't find concrete place where validation occur.
How my WEB API will know that this particular access token is valid and where is this concrete line of code, which is responsible for validation?
Actually I find the place. All work is done inside OAuthBearerAuthenticationHandler in method AuthenticateCoreAsync:
this call leads to running JwtFormat.Unprotect method, which performs actual validation.
Thanks #Aram for good notes.
In your service start up you register OWIN and when your controller is decorated with Authorize attribute then the authentication challenge will happen and OWIN will try to validate the token on each request..
The token validation happens because you have OWIN Dll references AND you have the startup.auth class in your service project...
You probably have something like this, that you include Auth challenge in the service side:
new WindowsAzureActiveDirectoryBearerAuthenticationOptions
Audience = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ida:Audience"],
Tenant = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ida:Tenant"],
When the validation is happening, the OWIN middleware will validate against the Audience and the Tenant that the token has been acquired from, and if they dont match the Authz will fail...
Depending on with Authentication handler you use the actual code that calls the ValidateToken function is in YOUR_AUTH_HANDLERAuthenticationHandler class.
Here is the location for OpenId AuthZ handler:
For instance if you have OpenIdConnect Authz handler then the token validation is in : Microsoft.Owin.Security.OpenIdConnect.OpenIdConnectAuthenticationHandler class and the Overrride method :
protected override async Task<AuthenticationTicket> AuthenticateCoreAsync()
And the ValidateToekn code will look like (if your AuthZ handler is OpenId connect):
ClaimsPrincipal principal = Options.SecurityTokenHandlers.ValidateToken(openIdConnectMessage.IdToken, tvp, out validatedToken);

Automatic login with HttpServletRequest and LDAP

I have a JSF web application that uses cookies for automatic authentication without prompting for username & password. It uses a cookie with username and a random UUID, and uses a WebFilter for redirection.
When there are no cookies on the client side, the authentication is done through HttpServletRequest #login(String username, String password). Behind the scenes, this approach uses JAAS authentication, and uses a LDAP server behind.
My problem comes when my application recognizes the user through the cookies holding the userid and the UUID. In this situation,
the application doesn't know the password, so the method HttpServletRequest #login(String username, String password) cannot be used.
Should I ask the password to the LDAP server through JNDI? This doesn't seem to be possible at a first glance
Alternatively, I could store the password in my db. But this would mean duplication of information, and I don't like it.
I have seen around people simply setting the attribute "role" to the session, but this doesn't seem to be equivalent to a JAAS login. With "equivalent" I mean being able to use isUserInRole() and getUserPrincipal() methods.
So, the question is: how am I supposed to log in the user in this case? I hope that the question is clearer now.
In order to let the code speak, I add a simplified version of the Managed Bean:
public class loginBean() {
private String username = null;
private String password = null;
private UUID uuid = null;
private boolean rememberMe = false;
public void doLogin() {
checkCookies(); // this method sets the property values after checking if
// username & uuid match the ones saved previously
if (username != null && uuid != null && rememberMe) {
// authenticate automatically. Here I don't know how to proceed, because
// I don't have the password, unless I have saved it in the application's db,
// duplicating it because it's already in LDAP server.
} else {
httpServletRequest.login(username, password); // this uses LDAP behind JAAS
createCookies(); // this method also saves username & uuid in the app's db
To do an actual container login in a custom way (in your case via an cookie and UUID instead of the password), you need to create your own login module.
The dedicated API in Java EE for this is JASPI/JASPIC (people can never quite agree on the name, complicating eg google queries).
A login module is in full control and does not have to authenticate with the ldap server (if your app can locally verify with 100% certainty that the cookie is valid). You probably do have to authorize the user (ask the ldap server for the roles/groups the user has).
As an alternative to JASPI/JASPIC you can also look at the proprietary login module mechanism that your server is using.
Using an LDAP entry for this case is equivalent to requesting that the directory server authenticate a connection using information provided by the application. In terms of LDAP, authenticate means that an existing LDAP session, that is, a connection to a directory server, has had its authentication state changed by a successful BIND request.
The web application should request appropriate information from the user to be authenticated and present this information to the directory server as a BIND request. The information required varies according to the authentication method used by the web application (LDAP client):
A simple BIND request requires a distinguished name and a password. This distinguished name and password should be transmitted to the directory server as a simple BIND request over a secure connection.
A SASL BIND request using a predefined SASL mechanism. The mechanisms vary per server and range from GSSAPI to PLAIN.
Upon receipt of the BIND request, the directory server will immediately change the authentication state of the connection to anonymous and process the BIND request. If the request can be successfully processed, the directory server responds to the LDAP with a BIND response including an integer result code of zero (0). This indicates that the distinguished name or username was able to successfully authenticate.
The web application should use some mechanism to maintain an authentication state and issue a BIND request to the directory server when the authentication state changes. This could be a session timeout, or some other mechanism. The method that is chosen should not be changeable by the user.
In summary, use the directory server to check authentication credentials and use the session framework to manage authentication state.
Seems this was a controversial answer.
Using cookies does not handle the case of the browser having cookies disabled, and cookies are not necessary to maintain an authentication state when using sessions.
The session does not need the password, nor should it store any sensitive information like passwords in memory or sessions. The application should request the password when the authentication state expires (if ever) or the session expires (if ever).

Azure ACS, WIF 3.5, Asp.Net 3.5 Custom Membership Provider and IsAuthenticated

Following the steps in this guide Using Azure ACS I have a working Azure ACS service configured & authenticating via Facebook, redirecting back to a website running on my development server.
On authentication success Azure ACS redirects back to my local development website and the IsAuthenticated flag is true, however I want to set the IsAuthenticated flag to true only if the email from the claim also exists in my local database, via a check/call to a custom MembershipProvider. If the email from the claim does not exist I want to redirect the client to a register page. Once registered and authenticated I would like to set the IsAuthenticated flag to true.
Currently once authenticated with Facebook and AzureACS, a user can request a secure page such as ViewAccountBalance.aspx, even though the account does not exist since out of the box IsAuthenticated flag to true. Interested to hear what others have done and what the best practice is.
You'll need to make a clear difference between authentication and authorization. Since the user logged in through Facebook it means he's authenticated (you know who he is and where he comes from).
Now, if you want to restrict parts of the application based on a specific condition you're actually talking about authorization. You might consider combining roles with a simple HttpModule. Example: your HttpModule could verify which page the user is browsing. If the user accesses a page that requires an active profile, you could use the following code:
public class RequiresProfileHttpModule : IHttpModule
public void Dispose()
public void Init(HttpApplication context)
context.AuthorizeRequest += new EventHandler(OnAuthorize);
private void OnAuthorize(object sender, EventArgs e)
HttpApplication app = sender as HttpApplication;
if (app.Request.Url.ToString().Contains("bla") && !app.Context.User.IsInRole("UsersWithProfile"))
The only thing you'll need to take care of is to update the principal to make sure it has the role UsersWithProfile if the user filled in his email address.
This is just one of many possible solutions. If you're using ASP.NET MVC you could achieve the same result with global ActionFilters. Or, you could also try to work with the IClaimsPrincipal (add a claim if the user has a profile).
Sandrino is correct. You can use role based authorization (or more generally, claim based authorization). By default, ACS simply returns the claims issued by the identity providers to your relying party. For Facebook, it will return an email claim. However, you can configure ACS to create additional rules. For example, you can map particular users to a role whose value is administrator. Then ACS will also return this role claim to your relying party. Then you can use Sandrino’s suggestion to use role based authorization. You can also refer to for more information.

How do I secure REST resources so that only a single user of a role can access it?

I have succesfully created a REST web service with Jersey and secured it via java security annotations.
It looks something like this
GET /users/ // gives me all users
GET /users/{id} // gives the user identified by {id}
POST /users/ // creates user
PUT /users/{id} // updates user identified by {id}
DELETE /users/{id} // delete user
I also have setup a realm with two roles: user and admin
I secured all methods so that only admins can access them.
Now i want to give free the PUT /users/{id} and GET /users/{id} methods, so that users can access their own and only their own resources.
// user anna is logged in and uses the following methods
GET /users/anna // returns 200 OK
GET /users/pete // returns 401 UNAUTHORIZED
Since i could not find a way to configure this through annotations, I am thinking of passing the HTTP request to the corresponding method to check if the user is allowed to access the resource.
It would look something like this for the GET /users/{id} method:
public Response getUser(
#PathParam("id") String id,
#Context HttpServletRequest req
) {
HttpSession session = request.getSession(false);
if (session != null && session.getValue("userID").equals(id))
return getObject(User.class, id);
return Response.status(Status.UNAUTHORIZED).build();
I don't like this aproach because i think i would have to add the userID manualy to the session.
Do you know a more elegant way to solve this?
If not how do you add the userid to the session while using form authentication?
Thank you Will and Pavel :) Here is my final solution:
private SecurityContext security;
// ...
public Response getUser(#PathParam("id") String id){
if (security.isUserInRole("user"))
if (security.getUserPrincipal().getName().equals(id))
return getObject(User.class, id);
return Response.status(Status.UNAUTHORIZED).build();
return getObject(User.class, id);
In the HttpServletRequest, you can call getRemoteUser() or getUserPrincipal() to get the identity of the logged in user. You would then continue like you are doing in specifically allowing or denying them access to the particular resource.
Blessed Geek is referring more specifically to the aspect of REST regarding stateless transactions and the use of HTTP authentication. While this is an important point in the larger scope of a REST architecture, it's less relevant to your specific question since you don't specify the type of authentication mechanism you're using against your Java EE app, especially since authentication is a container issue in Java EE, not an application issue.
If you're using basic authentication, then you are using HTTP headers to manage authentication and authorization. If you're using form based authentication, then the container is managing this for you via the servlet session, making the service stateful (since sessions are a stateful artifact).
But this has no bearing on your specific question.
One of the most important aspects of deploying REST is understanding the role of http headers and cookies.
For REST to be practical, you need to deploy an authentication framework.
GWT and Google Docs API.
GWT-Platform login + session management
Read up on Google Federated Login, OAuth and OpenID.
Some of my explanations may be outdated, if they were posted before OAuth 2.0.
