JWT authentication with two different services - node.js

We have a service architecture that currently only supports client authentication. A Java service based on spring boot and spring security issues long lived JWT based on tenants for other services to authenticate against each other. For example a render service needs to get templates from the template service.
We now want to build a user service with node.js that issues short lived tokens for users to also access some of those services and only access the resource visible to the user. For example the user wants to see only their templates in a list.
My question is: what do I need to watch out for when implementing the /auth resource on the user service? I have managed to issue a JWT with the required information and obviously the same secret in the user service to access the template service. But I'm not sure if it is secure enough. I had to add a random JID to the user JWT to get it accepted by the template service (which is also implemented with spring boot).
Is there a security issue I need to watch out for? Is this approach naiive?
This is my javascript code that issues the JWT:
const jwt = require('jwt-simple');
const secret = require('../config').jwtSecret;
const jti = require('../config').jti;
// payload contains userId and roles the user has
const encode = ({ payload, expiresInMinutes, tenantId}) => {
const now = new Date();
payload.jti = jti; // this is a UUID - spring security will otherwise not accept the JWT
payload.client_id = tenantId; // this is required by the template service which supports tenants identified through their clientId
const expiresAt = new Date(now.getTime() + expiresInMinutes * 60000);
payload.expiresAt = expiresAt;
return jwt.encode(payload, secret);
I think of adding some type information to the user JWT so that those java services that do not allow any User access can directly deny access for all user JWTs. Or maybe I can use the JTI here? Will research how spring boot handles that. I'll probably also have to add #Secured with a role distinction to all the services that allow user access to only some resources.
But those are technical details. My concern really is that I am unsure about wether the entire concept of using JWTs issued from different sources is secure enough or what I have to do in the user service to make it so.

Yeah your concept is right since you are the owner of jwt that means only you can write the jwt, others can read it but can not modify it.
So your userservice will create the token with certain information like userid and another service will decode that jwt fetch userid and validate that userid


Cannot Logout from IdentityServer 4 through Azure SAML logout request

I have a Service Provider (SP) based on IdentityServer 4 and Sustainsys.Saml2.AspNetCore2 that is configured to use Azure as an IdP (SAML2).
I also have a SPA with an api that connects to my SP (with oidp) to identify my user. The api then creates a JWT for my user to use.
I can login my user correctly.
My issue comes with the logout. I want to use the logout url parameter of Azure to notify my SP about the logout. I manage to see the SAML Logout Request as a string when I configure an endpoint of mine but I can't exploit it and parsing it manually does't seem right.
Is there an existing endpoint that would come with my dependencies that I missed?
The goal here is to revoke all my user's application sessions (the apps to which my user is connected throug my SP).
Idp configuration in the SP (called in Startup.cs).
The Saml2AuthModel comes from a config file.
public static AuthenticationBuilder AddSaml2Auth(this AuthenticationBuilder builder, Saml2AuthModel saml2AuthModel)
builder.AddSaml2(saml2AuthModel.Scheme, saml2AuthModel.DisplayName ?? saml2AuthModel.Scheme, options =>
options.SignInScheme = IdentityServerConstants.ExternalCookieAuthenticationScheme;
options.SignOutScheme = IdentityServerConstants.SignoutScheme;
options.SPOptions.EntityId = new EntityId(saml2AuthModel.ServiceProviderEntityId);
options.SPOptions.ModulePath = "/" + saml2AuthModel.ModulePath ?? saml2AuthModel.Scheme ?? options.SPOptions.ModulePath;
var idp = new IdentityProvider(
new EntityId(saml2AuthModel.IdentityProviderEntityId),
idp.MetadataLocation = saml2AuthModel.IdentityProviderMetadataLocation;
return builder;
The Sustainsys.Saml2 library has support for single logout. To enable it, you need to set up a service signing key. The reason is that logout requests and responses should be signed. So the library doesn't expose the logout endpoints if it has no signing keys available.

Utilize JWTBearer from multiple Identity Providers in ServiceStack API

Is it possible for a ServiceStack api to accept jwt tokens from multiple identity providers?
I have one admin application that will be calling all our apis across environments. I need to allow my api's to accept jwt tokens from two different identity providers. This can be accomplished in web api, by calling the .AddJwtBearer help method twice and not providing a default schema in the AddAuthentication() helper. And the providing both in the AddAuthorization helper method. I tested this out in ServiceStack and it is not working for me.
This is in the .net core startup, configure services.
.AddJwtBearer("Bearer", options => {
options.Authority = Configuration["IDENTITYSRV_WEB_BASEURL"];
options.RequireHttpsMetadata = Boolean.Parse(Configuration["IDENTITY_HTTPSMETADATA"]);
options.Audience = Configuration["IDENTITY_VALIDAUDIENCE"];
.AddJwtBearer("Admin", options =>
options.Authority = "Configuration["IDENTITYSRV_WEB2_BASEURL"]";
options.RequireHttpsMetadata = Boolean.Parse(Configuration["IDENTITY_HTTPSMETADATA"]);
options.Audience = Configuration["IDENTITY_VALIDAUDIENCE"];
AuthFeature auth = new AuthFeature(() => new AuthUserSession(), new IAuthProvider[] { new NetCoreIdentityAuthProvider(AppSettings), })
IncludeAssignRoleServices = false,
IncludeRegistrationService = false,
IncludeAuthMetadataProvider = false
Any suggestions or work around?
ServiceStack's JWT Auth Provider supports all HMAC and RSA crypto algorithms for its JWT or JWE tokens, but it can only be configured with the 1 algorithm you want it to use. So it's technically not possible for it to verify JWT Tokens from different authorities which would likely be configured with different keys and algorithms.
The next obstacle is that if all Identity providers were configured to use the same Key and Algorithm, they would need to encode the same contents ServiceStack uses in order for the JWT to be correctly deserialized into an Authenticated ServiceStack Session. Most of the names used in ServiceStack's JWT's have well-known names however there are others that don't like roles and perms, in which case ServiceStack JWT's have adopted the Azure Active Directory Conventions. Although there is an opportunity to apply custom logic when inspecting the verified JWT Body and populating the Session using the PopulateSessionFilter.
Ultimately I don't think trying to funnel multiple JWT's into the same implementation is a viable strategy, instead I would be looking at creating Custom JWT Auth Providers like JwtAuthProviderReader.cs which just knows how to handle parsing JWT's from a single provider which would then know how to verify & extract the Authenticated Session Info from each JWT and use it to populate a ServiceStack Session. This could be done in a "single uber JWT Auth Provider" that has knowledge in being able to parse every JWT sent to it, but as JWT Tokens are sent with the same Authorization: Bearer {Token} HTTP Header there would need to be some information in the JWT Headers that determines which crypto algorithms it should use to validate each token. If all Identity Providers use different alg then that might be enough to be able to distinguish the identity provider.
Either way there's no pre-built solution in ServiceStack that you could configure to support multiple identity Auth Providers, the other approach you may want to look at is to maintain all Authentication in a central Identity Server Auth Provider so then your Websites only need to be configured to support Authentication from the central Identity Server.

Generating AAD Token with UPN

I am trying to generate a token for a user with below code.
string apiResourceId = "11224320-66b9-4132-8953-9aa485f07004";
string clientId = "bc9869a0-2393-4e42-8c52-845071640ea8";
Uri redirectUri = new Uri("https://localhost:44335/");
string authority = string.Format("https://login.windows.net/{0}",
var authContext = new AuthenticationContext(authority);
AuthenticationResult authenticationResult;
authenticationResult = await authContext.AcquireTokenAsync(apiResourceId, clientId,
redirectUri, new PlatformParameters(PromptBehavior.Auto, null));
I have been getting an error in AcquireTokenAsync call -
AADSTS70002: The request body must contain the following parameter:
'client_secret or client_assertion'. Trace ID:
a198696d-8377-40eb-8351-527a25183500 Correlation ID:
24d4b47d-67bf-46c0-a6b7-a248c434512e Timestamp: 2017-09-20 23:09:38Z
Why do I need a client_secret or client_assertion if I want to generate a token when a user is authenticated against a AAD? The type of Client I am using is "Web app /API". However when I am trying to use a Native client I get the token generated but API call to apResourceID is generating unauthorized error.
Few Questions I am seeking help on related to the scinario -
Why I need to provide client_secret when I am using user auth flow?
Why AcquireToken succeed when I change the client Type to Native?
Why the token generated through native client gives an Unauthorize error?
Is there a way for admin to consent on behalf of every user in AAD?
Why I need to provide client_secret when I am using user auth flow?
Web Apps and APIs are considered Confidential Clients. See here for a definition of the different Client Types in the OAuth 2 Specification. These kinds of client always need to use their client secret to authenticate, no matter the flow they are following.
Confidential clients are typically issued (or establish) a set of
client credentials used for authenticating with the authorization
server (e.g., password, public/private key pair).
Why AcquireToken succeed when I change the client Type to Native?
Native Client Applications are a subset of Public Clients. These are defined, in the specification as:
Clients incapable of maintaining the confidentiality of their
credentials (e.g., clients executing on the device used by the
resource owner, such as an installed native application or a web
browser-based application), and incapable of secure client
authentication via any other means.
Therefore, they do not have or need a client_secret to authenticate... but this also means they can only authenticate with user context, whereas a confidential client could authenticate without a user present (Client Credential Flow).
Why the token generated through native client gives an Unauthorize
This is hard to answer without knowing more about the error and the call you are making that causes this error. You should provide more information about this scenario.
Is there a way for admin to consent on behalf of every user
in AAD?
Yes. In the new Azure Active Directory V2 Endpoint, we have an "Admin Consent Endpoint".
Using the older V1 endpoint, we have an &prompt=admin_consent query string which you can read about here.

What authentication strategy to use? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Recently I have been reading up on OAuth2, OpenID Connect etc. But still very lost at what to use when and how to implement it. I am thinking of using NodeJS for now.
Lets say I want to create a blog service. This service will expose API's for clients to use. "Clients" include an admin CMS. I am thinking it will be nice to decouple my server and client (UI). I can change the UI without touching the server. These clients are likely going to be single page web applications.
Ok 1st question: In this example, should I be using OAuth2? Why? Isit just because I am authorizing the admin app to access by blog?
Since its SPA's, I think the right strategy is OAuth2 Implicit Flow?
For each app, eg. admin cms, I will have to generate an AppID which is passed to the auth server. No app secret is required correct?
Isit possible to use google login in this case (instead of username/password)? Does OpenID connect do this?
How do I implement all these in NodeJS? I see https://github.com/jaredhanson/oauth2orize, but I do not see how to implement the implicit flow.
I do see an unofficial example https://github.com/reneweb/oauth2orize_implicit_example/blob/master/app.js, but what I am thinking is why is sessions required? I thought one of the goals of tokens is so that server can be stateless?
I am also wondering, when should I use API key/secret authentication?
Let's examine your questions
Should I be using OAuth2? Why?
A: Well, as today the old OpenId 2 authentication protocol has been marked as obsolete (November 2014) and OpenId Connect is an identity layer built on top of OAuth2 so the real question is if is important for you and your business to know and verify the identity of your users (the authentication part). If the answer is "yes" then go for OpenId Connect otherwise you can choose any of the two, the one you feel more comfortable with.
Since its SPA's, I think the right strategy is OAuth2 Implicit Flow?
A: Not really. You can implement any strategy when using a SPA, some takes more work than others and greatly depends on what are you trying to accomplish. The implicit flow is the simplest but it does not authenticate your users since an access token is issued directly.
When issuing an access token during the implicit grant flow, the authorization server does not authenticate the client. In some cases, the client identity can be verified via the redirection URI used to deliver the access token to the client.
I would not recommend this flow for your app (or any app that needs a decent level of security1).
If you want to keep it simple you should use Resource Owner Grant flow with an username and password but again there is nothing that prevents you of implementing the Authorization Code Grant flow especially if you want to allow third parties apps to use your service (which in my opinion is a winning strategy) and it will be relatively more secure than the others since it requires explicit consent from the user.
For each app, eg. admin cms, I will have to generate an AppID which is passed to the auth server. No app secret is required correct?
A: Yes that is correct but the client_secret can be used to add an extra layer of security to the token endpoint in the resource owner flow when you can't use Basic authentication, this is not required in any other flow.2 3
The authorization server MUST:
require client authentication for confidential clients or for any
client that was issued client credentials (or with other
authentication requirements),
authenticate the client if client authentication is included, and
validate the resource owner password credentials using its
existing password validation algorithm.
Alternatively, the authorization server MAY support including the client credentials in the request-body (...) Including the client credentials in the request-body using the two parameters is NOT RECOMMENDED and SHOULD be limited to clients unable to directly utilize the HTTP Basic authentication scheme (or other password-based HTTP authentication schemes)
Is it possible to use google login in this case (instead of username/password)? Does OpenID connect do this?
A: Yes, is possible to use google login in which case you are just delegating the authentication and authorization job to the google servers. One of the benefits of working with an authorization server is the ability to have a single login to access other resources without having to create a local account for each of the resources you want to access.
How do I implement all these in NodeJS?
Well you started with the right foot. Using oaut2horize is the most simple way to implement an authorization server to issue tokens. All other libraries I tested were too complicated of use and integrate with node and express (disclaimer: this is just my opinion). OAuthorize plays nicely with passport.js(both from the same author) which is a great framework to enforce the authentication and authorization with over 300+ strategies like google, facebook, github, etc. You can easily integrate google using passport-google(obsolete), passport-google-oauth and passport-google-plus.
Let's go for the example
// An array to store our clients. You should likely store this in a
// in-memory storage mechanism like Redis
// you should generate one of this for any of your api consumers
var clients = [
{id: 'as34sHWs34'}
// can include additional info like:
// client_secret or password
// redirect uri from which client calls are expected to originate
// An array to store our tokens. Like the clients this should go in a memory storage
var tokens = [];
// Authorization codes storage. Those will be exchanged for tokens at the end of the flow.
// Should be persisted in memory as well for fast access.
var codes = [];
module.exports = {
clients: clients,
tokens: tokens,
codes: codes
// Sample implementation of Authorization Code Grant
var oauth2orize = require('oauth2orize');
var _ = require('lodash');
var storage = require('./storage');
// Create an authorization server
var server = oauth2orize.createServer();
// multiple http request responses will be used in the authorization process
// so we need to store the client_id in the session
// to later restore it from storage using only the id
server.serializeClient(function (client, done) {
// return no error so the flow can continue and pass the client_id.
return done(null, client.id);
// here we restore from storage the client serialized in the session
// to continue negotiation
server.deserializeClient(function (id, done) {
// return no error and pass a full client from the serialized client_id
return done(null, _.find(clients, {id: id}));
// this is the logic that will handle step A of oauth 2 flow
// this function will be invoked when the client try to access the authorization endpoint
server.grant(oauth2orize.grant.code(function (client, redirectURI, user, ares, done) {
// you should generate this code any way you want but following the spec
// https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6749#appendix-A.11
var generatedGrantCode = uid(16);
// this is the data we store in memory to use in comparisons later in the flow
var authCode = {code: generatedGrantCode, client_id: client.id, uri: redirectURI, user_id: user.id};
// store the code in memory for later retrieval
// and invoke the callback with the code to send it to the client
// this is where step B of the oauth2 flow takes place.
// to deny access invoke an error with done(error);
// to grant access invoke with done(null, code);
done(null, generatedGrantCode);
// Step C is initiated by the user-agent(eg. the browser)
// This is step D and E of the oauth2 flow
// where we exchange a code for a token
server.exchange(oauth2orize.exchange.code(function (client, code, redirectURI, done) {
var authCode = _.find(codes, {code: code});
// if the code presented is not found return an error or false to deny access
if (!authCode) {
return done(false);
// if the client_id from the current request is not the same that the previous to obtain the code
// return false to deny access
if (client.id !== authCode.client_id) {
return done(null, false);
// if the uris from step C and E are not the same deny access
if (redirectURI !== authCode.uri) {
return done(null, false);
// generate a new token
var generatedTokenCode = uid(256);
var token = {token: generatedTokenCode, user_id: authCode.user_id, client_id: authCode.client_id};
// end the flow in the server by returning a token to the client
done(null, token);
// Sample utility function to generate tokens and grant codes.
// Taken from oauth2orize samples
function uid(len) {
function getRandomInt(min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
var buf = []
, chars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'
, charlen = chars.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
buf.push(chars[getRandomInt(0, charlen - 1)]);
return buf.join('');
module.exports = server;
var express = require('express');
var passport = require('passport');
var AuthorizationError = require('oauth2orize').AuthorizationError;
var login = require('connect-ensure-login');
var storage = require('./storage');
var _ = require('lodash');
app = express();
var server = require('./oauthserver');
// ... all the standard express configuration
app.use(express.session({ secret: 'secret code' }));
server.authorization(function(clientID, redirectURI, done) {
var client = _.find(storage.clients, {id: clientID});
if (client) {
return done(null, client, redirectURI);
} else {
return done(new AuthorizationError('Access denied'));
function(req, res){
res.render('dialog', { transactionID: req.oauth2.transactionID, user: req.user, client: req.oauth2.client });
passport.authenticate(['basic', 'oauth2-client-password'], { session: false }),
(...) but what I am thinking is why is sessions required? I thought one of the goals of tokens is so that server can be stateless?
When a client redirects a user to user authorization endpoint, an authorization transaction is initiated. To complete the transaction, the user must authenticate and approve the authorization request. Because this may involve multiple HTTP request/response exchanges, the transaction is stored in the session.
Well yes, but the session is used for the token negotiation process. Later you enforce authorization sending the token in an Authorization header to authorize each request using the obtained token.
In my experience, OAuth2 is the standard way of securing APIs. I'd recommend using OpenID Connect though as it adds authentication to OAuth2's otherwise authorization-based spec. You can also get Single-Sign-On between your "clients".
Since its SPA's, I think the right strategy is OAuth2 Implicit Flow?
De-coupling your clients and servers is a nice concept (and I'd generally do the same too) however, I'd recommend the authorization code flow instead as it doesn't expose the token to the browser. Read http://alexbilbie.com/2014/11/oauth-and-javascript/. Use a thin server-side proxy instead to add the tokens to the request. Still, I generally avoid using any server-generated code on the client (like JSPs in java or erb/haml in rails) since it couples the client to the server too much.
For each app, eg. admin cms, I will have to generate an AppID which is passed to the auth server. No app secret is required correct?
You'll need a client ID for implicit flow. If you use authorization code flow (recommended), you'll need both an ID and secret but the secret will be kept in the thin server-side proxy rather than a client-side only app (since it can't be secret in that case)
Is it possible to use google login in this case (instead of username/password)? Does OpenID connect do this?
Yes. Google uses openid connect
How do I implement all these in NodeJS? I see https://github.com/jaredhanson/oauth2orize, but I do not see how to implement the implicit flow.
A nice thing about openid connect is that (if you use another provider like google), you don't have to implement the provider yourself and you'll only need to write client code (and/or utilize client libaries). See http://openid.net/developers/libraries/ for different certified implementations. See https://www.npmjs.com/package/passport-openidconnect for nodejs.

Shiro: where credential should be stored?

Little prehistory:
I develop RESTful services. That services receives requests from the web frontend and resends it to another server with the actual business logic. I use Shiro to protect my services. Problem is that some business logic functions require a user password. Of course, I can store password in my principal, but I think it is not correct to store credentials there.
So, what is the conceptual right place where I should store credentials to have access inside my REST services?
Ok, I can also store passwords in Shiro sessions, but i don't think that it is the correct place.
Normally, the info is kept in an implementation of AuthenticationToken. This interface has two method: getPrincipal (for example login or email) and getCredentials(). The last is usually used to store a password.
If you look at class UsernamePasswordToken, which is an implementation of this interface, you see that the two are indeed used for username and password.
Now what we did is extend the class AuthorizingRealm for our own authentication mechanism and in the authentication method we store the token in the principal.
public AuthenticationInfo doGetAuthenticationInfo(AuthenticationToken token) {
... authentication logic
SimplePrincipalCollection principalCollection = new SimplePrincipalCollection(login, realmName);
principalCollection.add(token, realmName);
SimpleAuthenticationInfo simpleAuthenticationInfo = new SimpleAuthenticationInfo(principalCollection, login.getPasswordHash());
return simpleAuthenticationInfo;
Now you can get the token later:
PrincipalCollection principals = SecurityUtils.getSubject().getPrincipals();
AuthenticationToken token = principals.oneByType(AuthenticationToken.class);
