Permission to Anonymous user for Document of Document Library - sharepoint

I have site in sharpoint which is not available for Anonymous user.
I have created a document library and added Document in that. Now, I would like to show particular Document which is visible to anonymous and non-anonymous users.
Note : My site and Document library both are non-anonymous which is not visible to anonymous user. I only need to visible Document for anonymous user.
Is there any way to do this?

In order to achieve this you must enable anonymous access for the Web Application.
Follow the guide below until the step where you select if you want to enable access for the "Entire Web Site" where you should set "Nothing". After that you will be able to set anonymous access on Item level.


Sharepoint 2013 - how to attach document to a document library as anonymous user

I have a document library on Sharepoint2013 site. I want anonymous users to access this list and can upload any documents they want after specifying their email address. I directed to list settings and allow anonymous access on permissions like below.
Name Type Permission Levels
Anonymous Users Anonymous Users Add Items, Edit Items, Delete Items, View Items
Right now, anonymous users can access the document library without a problem. Those users can click save button without selecting a document, this is working and a record exists. However, when a document is uploaded by anonymous users, when save button is clicked, the user is automatically directed to a login page, asking for credentials, without saving the document. What I want is that anonymous users would upload any document to the document library as well, they should not need to log in.
I appreciate if anyone helps.
Anonymous users are unable to upload documents into SharePoint libraries by default, so you would have to create a webpart and use the RunWithElevatedPrivileges method to upload files into a document library.
You can find the webpart's code here:

Grant read permission on List for Anonymous user for public facing site in Sharepoint 2013 Online

I have a public facing SP site ( SP online 2013 with Office 365 ). There are certain app parts added to it which read data from a custom list created on that site. By default anonymous users do not have read permissions list. I want users to see the list data without login in . I tried modifying the settings for anonymous users , however I am unable to do it as the "anonymous user" permissions cannot be checked by me.
How do I provide read permissions to anonymous users?
Thanks in advance
If i remember rightly enabled anonymous access on the list simply allows users who aren't authenticated to view the list. However they won't be able to access the list directly on the interface as you would need to be authenticated for that. If the list is accessed directly from a web part or user control then you simply need to ensure the page which contains the control is published and your site available as anonymous access.

minimum access to login to a sharepoint site

I am giving full control permission to a document under the shared library to a user that does not have any permission to the site. Sharepoint 2010 adds limited access to this user to the site itself, I believe so that user can login and see the the document.
However I can not login with this user's credentials.
What is wrong and what is the minimum access level that can be given to a user so that they only login, and see the documents they are supposed see?
You would have to provide Viewer rights to the user on document library so that user can open the document library and provide the user direct link to the view which you want to show him.
Second method is what ever rights you have provided is enough for the user just provide him direct link to the document Which would be <>/Documentname.extension
eg. http://sharepointserver:1234/shareddocuments/abc.docx
Limited access is a bit confusing because this permission level is only used to allow a user to traverse the site in order to access the items on which they have explicit (at least read) permission access. Traverse unfortunately doesn't mean browse the site, it's only used to avoid triggering the credentials prompt when accessing the ressource.
If it's just for a specific document, you should link straight to the document, like Ashutosh Singh suggested
Otherwise, if there are no sensitive information, you can add this user in the dedicated visitor group, that will grant him enough access to browse up to the relevant library and access the document.
Another solution is to create a document workspace sub site (with unique permission) and set this user as the owner / contributor. By doing so you'll allow him to have more freedom in his own little shell. While this seems like a big job, it's only a few click away and a few seconds / minutes of configuration if you have enough right on the site collection (which I presume is the case since you are able to give full right to an external user on a specific document).
Hope that helped :)

Granting Access to custom page?

I have a custom sharepoint page that inherits from a custom dll I created
the page is located inside my shared documents library.
I managed the page's permissions so that there are two groups who can access it: one with a Full control level and the other with Contribute level.
the problem is that any member from the second group (with Contribute security level) tries to access the page, the unauthorized login page appears and the user cannot browse the page.
while any user from the first group (with Full Control) level can access the page normally.
so is there something missing that make custom pages only accessible by Full Control Users ? and is there any thing that can be done in the code to fix this ?
I doubt that you have written some code in this page that can not be performed with contribute permission level. So please try to access this page after commenting all the code you wrote in this page or create a new page with out any code. If you could access it with contribute permission level please use impersonation in your code.

Adding items to anonymous lists via code

We have a custom list inside a moss publishing site that an form is submitting information to.
We seem unable to submit the form when accessing the site anonymously, though we have turned off viewformspageslockdown, have enabled anonymous access on the site and allowed add anon on the list itself.
We can navigate to the list and add a new item from the moss gui but from our page, when we submit, it redirects to the login page.
Anonymous Means Read-Only, If you want to enable the user to add items while in Anonymous you need to use the SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges in the ASP.NET Page code.
You will need to check the security on the Custom List to ensure that the anonymous users can modify the list items. You should be able to check the effective security in site administration.
