Adding items to anonymous lists via code - sharepoint

We have a custom list inside a moss publishing site that an form is submitting information to.
We seem unable to submit the form when accessing the site anonymously, though we have turned off viewformspageslockdown, have enabled anonymous access on the site and allowed add anon on the list itself.
We can navigate to the list and add a new item from the moss gui but from our page, when we submit, it redirects to the login page.

Anonymous Means Read-Only, If you want to enable the user to add items while in Anonymous you need to use the SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges in the ASP.NET Page code.

You will need to check the security on the Custom List to ensure that the anonymous users can modify the list items. You should be able to check the effective security in site administration.


Permission to Anonymous user for Document of Document Library

I have site in sharpoint which is not available for Anonymous user.
I have created a document library and added Document in that. Now, I would like to show particular Document which is visible to anonymous and non-anonymous users.
Note : My site and Document library both are non-anonymous which is not visible to anonymous user. I only need to visible Document for anonymous user.
Is there any way to do this?
In order to achieve this you must enable anonymous access for the Web Application.
Follow the guide below until the step where you select if you want to enable access for the "Entire Web Site" where you should set "Nothing". After that you will be able to set anonymous access on Item level.

Grant read permission on List for Anonymous user for public facing site in Sharepoint 2013 Online

I have a public facing SP site ( SP online 2013 with Office 365 ). There are certain app parts added to it which read data from a custom list created on that site. By default anonymous users do not have read permissions list. I want users to see the list data without login in . I tried modifying the settings for anonymous users , however I am unable to do it as the "anonymous user" permissions cannot be checked by me.
How do I provide read permissions to anonymous users?
Thanks in advance
If i remember rightly enabled anonymous access on the list simply allows users who aren't authenticated to view the list. However they won't be able to access the list directly on the interface as you would need to be authenticated for that. If the list is accessed directly from a web part or user control then you simply need to ensure the page which contains the control is published and your site available as anonymous access.

Web part personalization permissions on SharePoint 2010

What are the minimum SharePoint 2010 permissions required to allow a user to personalize a web part page, allowing updates and adding web parts to the page but completely restrict the user modifying the shared version?
I initially copied the built-in “Read” permission level and added the “Manage Personal Views”, “Add/Remove Personal Web Parts” and “Update Personal Web Parts” permissions from the Personal Permissions group. This custom permission level was then applied to a user who then viewed a web part page created by the Administrator, which contained only a very simple prototype SharePoint web part. This web part contained a modifiable label which was edited using the “Miscellaneous” section from the Edit Web Part from the standard SharePoint chrome.
With the custom permission level applied the “Miscellaneous” option it is not available to the user upon personalizing the page and selecting Edit Web Part. The “Miscellaneous” option only becomes available to the user when the permission level is further modified to have the “Edit Items” from the List Permissions group. This has the undesired effect of allowing the user to be able to modify the shared version of the page.
Is what I’m trying to achieve even possible?
Many thanks
Check this out:
It's probably because you don't have a safecontrol for the webpart with the attribute SafeAgainstScript

Create AND add user to sharepoint site via code

I'm curious about the best/most efficient way to do this.
I've already set up my sharepoint 2010 site, and it is configured to use FBA. What i'd like to do is allow users to create their own accounts by filling out a form (the form will sit on a public sharepoint site, and filling it out creates a user in the membership database which is used for validation to enter the FBA sharepoint site).
I'm familiar with using the asp CreateWizard tool to build user accounts as part of a .Net web application, but I'm not sure on how to develop this as a webpart for use in a sharepoint site, as a webpart doesn't have the config file to store connection string and membership/role provider info.
Can this user creation form be put in a webpart and deployed to other sites, or is there another/better way to add this functionality to sharepoint (allowing users to register/create their own FBA accounts for access)?
There's nothing not much difference between SharePoint and regular ASP.Net for this.
The membership provider will need to be configured in the SharePoint web.config, including connection strings. However, it does not actually need to be used for login, so you can still create users in that membership provide from a different site.
I use a slightly different approach though - set up an anonymously accessible page in your site (in layouts is probably easiest, though a page within a site may be better for branding) and put controls on that page to create (and log in) a new user. You will need to call EnsureUser and possibly CreateUserProfile to give the new user access to anything, but aside from that it's all standard .net.

Sharepoint 2010 public facing website, anonymous users allowed

I have enabled anonymous users on the farm and on the entire site.
I also have Windows Authentication turned on.
Whenever an anonymous user attempts to view the site, they are prompted to log in.
And they get prompted to login on every single page they view.
I would like to allow users to log in via Windows Authentication, (perhaps through a special page), but anonymous users should not get prompted to put in their password ever.
Does that mean I need to switch to forms based authentication for the entire site, or is there an option in 2010 to somehow get Windows Authentication and allowing anonymous users to live harmoniously.
It could be because some of the file is not published. For ex, if master page, CSS stylesheet or any image is unpublished, it will prompt the user for login.
Make sure everything is published and it will work.
You need to see if it is anything on this path http://server/_catalogs/masterpage/Forms/AllItems.aspx
that it is not published.
You must publish everything
May be you missed some of the configuration steps .So i wish if you take a look to the following article
SP2010 Branding Tip #9 – Turn on Anonymous Access
I assume that you are using the Publishing Site Template for the public site and hence the default.aspx (the welcome page of all the subsites) is not published so you would need to start the approval workflow publish the pages and any other assets (master page, css, images etc)
You need to do some prepwork to set the site up using two web applications, both with different authentication methods. You can't run SharePoint effectively for Windows users and anonymous (or Forms based authentication) at the same time.
Create your SharePoint site for internal users using Windows Authentication
Extend the site to a new site (using the same content database) but using anonymous or forms based authentication (whichever makes sense for you)
A MSDN article can be found here on this:
You can also read Andrew Connell's blog about this (he talks about Forms based authentication but you can do the same with anonymous access)
Basically you want dual authentication, Windows for one set of users and anonymous or FBA for another (and each access the site using a different URL)
Hope that helps.
