Synergy v1.4.15 Failing to work on Windows 8.1 - windows-8.1

Could someone please advise. I am running Synergy v1.4.15 on a Windows 8.1 computer as server, running as Admin but I keep getting the follow error. Has anyone resolved it.
I have tried uninstalling it and reinstalling it as Admin and allowed Synergy to create network firewall exception.
ERROR: cannot read configuration "C:/Users/[UserName]/AppData/Local/Temp/qt_temp.Uh7160": read error: line 20: alias "SECOND-PC" is already used
synergys.exe: no configuration available
ERROR: failed to launch, error: process immediately stopped

I have been able to connect a Windows 8 (as server) with a Windows 7 (as client) through synergy v1.3.1. After having some troubles with the last version, 1.5, I decided to download the version 1.3.1 and it is working perfect.
Here you have the link:
This is the configuration I have used:


Reaction Commerce setup on Windows 10 Home

Now its been 2 weeks and i am trying to setup the environment for reaction commerce, but i am failing everytime, i don't want to giveup on it.
I have tried on windows and linux both, following are my points:
Windows --- I have windows 10 home, i tried to install dockers and unfortunately, it is not supporting home version then i tried with virtual box, it also starting giving error.
Ubuntu 16 --- I installed the ubuntu app for windows and then i tried to set up on that, and then failed cause my system was not supporting docker.
Can anyone please help me in the setup of the environment.
Thanks in advance.
I don't know if You fixed the issue as it has been some time. But You have to install WSL2 for docker to run on windows 10 home.

Installation of Azure Machine Learning Workbench fails on Windows 10

I tried to install the azure machine learning workbench from here. Once I double click on the downloaded MSI file, it shows the first screen about licensing terms. Once I click on Continue, it shows dependencies. When I click Install, it starts installation. It downloads Miniconda with Python 3.5.2. While trying to install asn1crypto 0.23.0, it suddenly stops and displays 'Installation fails'. I tried running the MSI file with log option but no error is reported in the log.
Here are my machine details:
Windows 10
Version 1709 (OS Build 17017.1000)
How can I troubleshoot this?
you can have a look at the installer log (%TEMP%\AmlInstaller\Logs). See if there is any obvious error... What version of windows are you running, is it a preview?

run command lxrun failed

I use the command(cmd) "lxrun /uninstall /full /y" to uninstall my sublinux in my Windows 10.Then,I use the cmd "lxrun /install /y" to reinstall,but there is problem I encountered as flows:
- Beta features -
This will install Ubuntu distributed by Canonical on Windows Under the terms of its license, see this link:
Downloading from the Windows app store ...
Error: 0x80072f7d
Downloading from the Windows app store ...
Error: 0x80072f7d
Downloading from the Windows app store ...
Error: 0x80072f7d
Can not be downloaded from the Windows app store. Please check the network connection.
I ensure that other applications include Windows App Stor can access the Internet,becase I tried and successed just now.
so,I have no idea and has anyone ever encountered this problem?

DockerToolbox-1.12.2 - Windows 7 - Error: connect ENOENT //./pipe/docker_engine

I have installed DockerToolbox-1.12.2.exe in Windows 7 from link. After installation, if I try to launch Kitamatic, I am getting
Error: connect ENOENT //./pipe/docker_engine.
I have tried RETRY SETUP and USE VIRTUALBOX options available, but didn't helped much. Can anyone suggest, how to proceed?
Because on Windows 7, docker is not supported native. So, you must have Virtual Box installed on your machine. If it is not already installed, you can re-run the docker toolbox installer, it asks you to install the Oracle VirtualBox with installation.
If it is already installed on your machine, open it and check if there is any default VM created in it and what is the error you are facing when you click on Use VirtualBox?

pywin32 running 32bit windows service on 64bit OS

I am running 32bit python application on old Windows Server 2003 using pywin32 package and it's working fine. Lately I've received new Server with windows Server 2012 64bit OS and I started installing the same application. While it didn't run under 64bit Python 3.4 I've installed 32bit version and it's working fine when I am running it from command line.
The problem starts when I want to run it as windows service. It installs and looks ok but it doesn't start.
I am receiving following error: The service is not responding to the control function.
More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 2186.
When I check pythonservice.exe it shows me following error:
PythonService was unable to locate the service manager. Please see the event log for details
Is there any way I could run it as it does run under 32bit?
