Precompile handlebars template with node results in empty file - node.js

I'm trying to precompile an handlebars template with node.
I installed node but when i compile the template what i get is only opening the handlebars file in my editor!
This is che prompt cmd i use after navigating in the folder where the template is:
$ handlebars lista.handlebars -f lista.js
What is the correct way to do it?
Solution: I had the handlebars.js file inside the same directory of my templates so the prompt cmd opened that file instead of following the compile instruction!


when I get vite build I need to change the file path

When I build with vite, I need to put . at the beginning of the file path of the javascript and css file in the index.html file in the dist.
can I set this via config please help.

command line typescript scripting in angular project

In an angular project, a script is required to do some conversions on the json exported in typescript file.
We need to create a command line script in the project which can read typescript files and create output files.
What are possible approaches to achieve this? How can we run typescript code from command line?

Custom 'themes' compilation possible using brunch?

I am trying to figure out how I can accomplish the following using brunch. This is the current directory structure for our app:
--base (theme folder, considered the master for all themes)
--js on
The base folder serves as a master for all other themes. However, if another theme has a file in the sass directory or js directory that matches one in the base folder it overrides that file in the base folder (this applies for imports as well).
I have so far created this which works the way it needs to but it circumvents the brunch pipeline in that I write out the files (doesn't currently support file concatenation) and I would prefer to do this using the proper brunch pipline.
What happens is that each sass or js file it encounters in the base folder is used to generate a new file for another theme. E.g say the base theme has a file called main.scss. The path passed to compile is base/scss/main.scss. Now I want to use this same file for the other themes so I get all the theme folders and dynamically use this base main.scss file for each of the other themes. However, I also alter the inner imports to substitute files imports if they exist in the other themes directory. Its not the same file being spat into multiple locations.
The problem is that I want to dynamically generate new CSS files for brunch to render to different folders not related to the original path passed in (and thus the joinTo config option for this path). By calling the callback, it automatically uses the original path parameter passed to the compile method.
Use overrides in your brunch-config to change your joinTos to include base plus the given theme. You can also customize the build output directory or anything else for each theme if that helps. Then run each build separately using a command like brunch build --env theme1.

How do you set up Jade file watcher in Webstorm?

I set up a Jade file watcher in the following way in WebStorm. However it does not produces any HTML files.
How is it possible to convert Jade file to HTML file with WebStorm 9.0.3?
You have specified a wrong path to Jade in a Program field.
Do you have Jade installed globally? Please run 'npm install jade -g', then test jade in your system terminal by running 'jade <your jade file>.jade'. Then specify a path to installed jade script as a 'Program' in your file watcher

trying to convert app.js to Typescript in Webstorm

I am trying to convert the app.js in my NodeJS project in webstorm, to application.ts. I pasted the app.js code into a new file "application.ts" and replaced "app.js" with "application.ts" in the package.json file. The .ts file is not getting converted to .js even though the FileWatcher for typescript is on and works on every other file in the project. But when I "run" the project in Webstorm, I the project actually starts and runs "app.js" which I have obviously not deleted. Not sure, what other settings need to be changed to get this right. I plan on renaming application.ts to app.ts to suit the convention, once its successfully converted.
Here's what my typescript filewatcher settings look like:
Your file watcher is configured so that it merges all .ts files into a single main.js - see the arguments:
--out main.js
What is your application.ts - main application file? Would you like to generate a single .js for each .ts, or merge them? In the first case, you need to change the watcher arguments as follows:
--module commonjs --sourcemap $FileName$
then it will produce a singe js for each ts with name matching original ts file, with the format compatible with Node.js
To run the generated application.js instead of the original app.js from withihn WebStorm, you have to change the Node.js run configuration accordingly
By the way, if all you need is renaming 'app' to 'application', just refactor/rename original app.ts to application.ts - the generated files (.js and .map) will be updated accordingly
Some links you may find useful:
Is there a tool to convert JavaScript files to TypeScript
