Ignore Emmet commands in files other than html and css - sublimetext3

Is it possible to set up the Emmet package for Sublime Text 3 in a way that it ignores all shortcuts in files other than HTML and CSS?
I love to work with Emmet using tab in HTML and CSS files but I could use tab for something else when working with python for example.

Check Emmet.sublime-settings for disable_tab_abbreviations_for_scopes and disable_tab_abbreviations_for_regexp and disable_tab_abbreviations.
Some more infos about the tab handler can be found in their README.


Sublime Text syntax highlighting html files as babel/javascript

Now that I have Babel installed for my React development I noticed that when I open .html files the syntax highlighting is set to javascript (babel) instead of HTML. How can I fix this? Here are also a couple of images that might help. Also a little extra thing, I am using the Afterglow theme for sublime text, and how can I remove the annoying padding on the last image underneath the tabs? You can see a few pixels of space which really annoys me.
You have probably overridden the default language settings for HTML files. You can verify this in the Syntax settings.
Open the View menu
Open the Syntax sub-menu
Open the settings for HTML
If my assumption is true, edit (or delete?) the settings for HTML.
Otherwise, you can assign a syntax to an extension through the same menu.
Open a HTML file
Open the View menu
Open the Syntax sub-menu
Select HTML in the Open all files with current extension as… sub-menu

How to Prevent this type of Suggestion in Sublime Text 3?

Even before I start writing code, some meaningless suggestions are coming which make no sense... Preventing me to use Multi cursor feature... It's coming from where and how can I stop this?
List of my Packages, hope it helps:
A File Icon
Auto Semi-Colon
CSS To SASS And Stylus Converter
Hover Image Preview
Less Tabs
Local History
Material Theme
One Dark Color Scheme
Package Control
SASS Build
Theme - One Dark
View In Browser
zzz A File Icon zzz
Just disable Packages which autocomplete path of files:
Just uninstall and restart your editor :)
Found a solution from Sublime Text admin.
"AutoFileName" package was causing problem. Now it's solved as soon as removed the package...

How to load default HTML file in sublime text 3?

Am using Sublime Text 3 and have seen some people loading default HTML content / template just by typing words like html5or doctype. Which package do i need to use for getting same control ?
The html snippit is included in Sublime Text 3 by default.
From an empty file, set the syntax to HTML (either by saving the empty file with a .html extension, or by pressing Ctrl+Shift+P to open the command bar, and searching for "Set Syntax: HTML").
Then type html into the file, and press tab. Sublime Text should expand the snippet, giving you a basic HTML file with doctype, head, and body tags.
Try emmet plugin. It provides this sort of functionality. https://emmet.io/

how to make sublime treat . handlebars that same as it would a .html file [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Wrong default syntax highlighting in sublime text 3
(1 answer)
Closed 7 years ago.
Just getting into using handlebars, and pretty new at sublime. Since all my handlebar code is in a .handlebar, sublime treat it like it would a normal .html file (with autocomplete and pretty colors). How can I change this?
You can do this with View -> Syntax -> Open all with current extensions as... -> HTML while viewing a file saved as .handlebars.
Go to the bottom right of your sublime window, there should be a little box that says 'text'. Click on it and select HTML in the window that pops up. You are now writing HTML with a .handlebars extension!
Not a spectacular solution as it will probably override any fancy handlebars packages you have installed, but you can tell Sublime that you want to open all handlebars files as HTML files View > Syntax > Open all with current extension as > HTML.

Which Notepad++ plugin is highlighting my HTML colors?

I have a plugin that I installed that does this:
I really like this function (highlighting HTML colors) but I don't know plugin does it. I want to put it on the another copy of Notepad++ but installing plugins is a rather big thing and I don't want to have to install them all - it gets cumbersome.
Does anyone know which plugin highlights my colors?
It's a wonderful feature.
I think that you are referring to the HTML Color plugin. You can find it here
I think that feature was taken out of Notepad++ due to the users' inability to read the text at times if the colors were too overwhelming. Instead, I recommend trying to install the Quick Color Picker or HTML Color plugins. They are about as close as you're going to get:
Quick Color Picker: https://code.google.com/p/nppqcp/
HTML Color: http://npp.campulka.net/
Source: Notepad++ hover preview on link or color?
Check Quick Color Picker for Notepad++.
The plugin puts the colored underline under the color code based on it's value and thus is not obtrusive in reading the text.
I'm using it without any issues with the Notepad++ v6.9.2
I just ran into this and resolved it as follows:
Download and install the UDL file found at https://github.com/notepad-plus-plus/userDefinedLanguages (get the zip file with all languages). Instructions for installation are on that page. Close Notepad++ and reopen, then go in your Notepad++ menu to "Language". You should now see a long alphabet list with subcategories off to the right indicated by an > Go to H then click on the > and select HTML with your HTML file open in Notepad++ The moment you do that, all your HTML syntax will (should!) be highlighted.
