Use send to dynamically select options in page objects, watir - watir

I want to dynamically use page objects. Something like this:
text_field(:company_name_field, id: 'company_directory_name')
select_list(:state_select, id: 'company_directory_workflow_state')
def input_text_field (page_object)
sample_text = Faker::Lorem.paragraph
send("#{page_object}_field=", sample_text)
But, using a select_index object, instead of a input_field:
def input_select_list(page_object)
x = rand(0..send("#{page_object}_select_element.options.length"))
send("#{page_object}_select_element.option(#{:index}, #{x})).select")
But this is giving me an error of "undefined method `state_select_element.option(index, 1).select'"
How can this be done?

When using send, the first argument needs to be a single method. send does not break up the state_select_element.option(index, 1).select into 3 method calls.
Since only the first method call state_select_element needs to evaluated from the string, just use send for that. The rest can be called as normal. Applying this to your method gives:
def input_select_list(page_object)
x = rand(0..send("#{page_object}_element").options.length) - 1
send("#{page_object}_element").option(:index, x).select
However, the option and select methods will give a depreciation warning. To prevent the error, I would probably re-write the method as:
def input_select_list(page_object)
select = send("#{page_object}_element")


Bind variable number of PyQt toggles to same number of functions [duplicate]

I'm connecting multiple signal/slots using a for loop in PyQt. The code is bellow:
# Connect Scan Callbacks
for button in ['phase', 'etalon', 'mirror', 'gain']:
getattr(self.ui, '{}_scan_button' .format(button)).clicked.connect(
lambda: self.scan_callback(button))
What I expect:
Connect button phase_scan_button clicked signal to the scan_callback slot and send the string phase as a parameter to the slot. The same for etalon, mirror and gain.
What I'm getting:
For some reason my functions is always passing the string gain as parameter for all the buttons. Not sure if I'm being stupid (likely) or it is a bug.
For reference, the slot method:
def scan_callback(self, scan):
print(scan) # Here I always get 'gain'
if self.scanner.isWorking:
self.scanner.isWorking = False
self.scanner.isWorking = True
getattr(self.ui, '{}_scan_button' .format(
scan)).setText('Stop Scan')
getattr(self, '_signal{}Scan' .format(scan)).emit()
My preferred way of iterating over several widgets in pyqt is storing them as objects in lists.
myButtons = [self.ui.phase_scan_button, self.ui.etalon_scan_button,
self.ui.mirror_scan_button, self.ui.gain_scan_button]
for button in myButtons:
button.clicked.connect(lambda _, b=button: self.scan_callback(scan=b))
If you need the strings "phase", "etalon", "mirror" and "gain" separately, you can either store them in another list, or create a dictionary like
myButtons_dict = {"phase": self.ui.phase_scan_button,
"etalon": self.ui.etalon_scan_button,
"mirror": self.ui.mirror_scan_button,
"gain": self.ui.gain_scan_button}
for button in myButtons_dict:
myButtons_dict[button].clicked.connect(lambda: _, b=button self.scan_callback(scan=b))
Note, how I use the lambda expression with solid variables that are then passed into the function self.scan_callback. This way, the value of button is stored for good.
Your lambdas do not store the value of button when it is defined. The code describing the lambda function is parsed and compiled but not executed until you actually call the lambda.
Whenever any of the buttons is clicked, the current value of variable button is used. At the end of the loop, button contains "gain" and this causes the behaviour you see.
Try this:
funcs = []
for button in ['phase', 'etalon', 'mirror', 'gain']:
funcs.append( lambda : print(button))
for fn in funcs:
The output is:
Extending the example, as a proof that the lambdas don't store the value of button note that if button stops existing, you'll have an error:
del button
for fn in funcs:
which has output
funcs.append( lambda : print(button))
NameError: name 'button' is not defined
As noted here : Connecting slots and signals in PyQt4 in a loop
Using functools.partial is a nice workaround for this problem.
Have been struggling with same problem as OP for a day.

QCheckbox issue [duplicate]

I am struggling to get this working.
I tried to transpose from a c++ post into python with no joy:
QMessageBox with a "Do not show this again" checkbox
my rough code goes like:
from PyQt5 import QtWidgets as qtw
mb = qtw.QMessageBox
cb = qtw.QCheckBox
# following 3 lines to get over runtime errors
# trying to pass the types it was asking for
# and surely messing up
mb.setCheckBox(mb(), cb())
cb.setText(cb(), "Don't show this message again")
ret = mb.question(self,
'Close application',
'Do you really want to quit?',
mb.Yes | mb.No )
if ret == mb.No:
the above executes with no errors but the checkbox ain't showing (the message box does).
consider that I am genetically stupid... and slow, very slow.
so please go easy on my learning curve
When trying to "port" code, it's important to know the basis of the source language and have a deeper knowledge of the target.
For instance, taking the first lines of your code and the referenced question:
QCheckBox *cb = new QCheckBox("Okay I understand");
The line above in C++ means that a new object (cb) of type QCheckBox is being created, and it's assigned the result of QCheckBox(...), which returns an instance of that class. To clarify how objects are declared, here's how a simple integer variable is created:
int mynumber = 10
This is because C++, like many languages, requires the object type for its declaration.
In Python, which is a dynamic typing language, this is not required (but it is possible since Python 3.6), but you still need to create the instance, and this is achieved by using the parentheses on the class (which results in calling it and causes both calling __new__ and then __init__). The first two lines of your code then should be:
mb = qtw.QMessageBox()
cb = qtw.QCheckBox()
Then, the problem is that you're calling the other methods with new instances of the above classes everytime.
An instance method (such as setCheckBox) is implicitly called with the instance as first argument, commonly known as self.
checkboxInstance = QCheckBox()
checkboxInstance.setText('My checkbox')
# is actually the result of:
QCheckBox.setText(checkboxInstance, 'My checkbox')
The last line means, more or less: call the setText function of the class QCheckBox, using the instance and the text as its arguments.
In fact, if QCheckBox was an actual python class, setText() would look like this:
class QCheckBox:
def setText(self, text):
self.text = text
When you did cb = qtw.QCheckBox you only created another reference to the class, and everytime you do cb() you create a new instance; the same happens for mb, since you created another reference to the message box class.
The following line:
mb.setCheckBox(mb(), cb())
is the same as:
QMessageBox.setCheckBox(QMessageBox(), QCheckBox())
Since you're creating new instances every time, the result is absolutely nothing: there's no reference to the new instances, and they will get immediately discarded ("garbage collected", aka, deleted) after that line is processed.
This is how the above should actually be done:
mb = qtw.QMessageBox()
cb = qtw.QCheckBox()
cb.setText("Don't show this message again")
Now, there's a fundamental flaw in your code: question() is a static method (actually, for Python, it's more of a class method). Static and class methods are functions that don't act on an instance, but only on/for a class. Static methods of QMessageBox like question or warning create a new instance of QMessageBox using the provided arguments, so everything you've done before on the instance you created is completely ignored.
These methods are convenience functions that allow simple creation of message boxes without the need to write too much code. Since those methods only allow customization based on their arguments (which don't include adding a check box), you obviously cannot use them, and you must code what they do "under the hood" explicitly.
Here is how the final code should look:
# create the dialog with a parent, which will make it *modal*
mb = qtw.QMessageBox(self)
mb.setWindowTitle('Close application')
mb.setText('Do you really want to quit?')
# you can set the text on a checkbox directly from its constructor
cb = qtw.QCheckBox("Don't show this message again")
mb.setStandardButtons(mb.Yes | mb.No)
ret = mb.exec_()
# call some function that stores the checkbox state
if ret == mb.No:

.get_dummies() works alone but doesnt save within function

I have a dataset and I want to make a function that does the .get_dummies() so I can use it in a pipeline for specific columns.
When I run dataset = pd.get_dummies(dataset, columns=['Embarked','Sex'], drop_first=True)
alone it works, as in, when I run df.head() I can still see the dummified columns but when I have a function like this,
def dummies(df):
df = pd.get_dummies(df, columns=['Embarked','Sex'], drop_first=True)
return df
Once I run dummies(dataset) it shows me the dummified columsn in that same cell but when I try to dataset.head() it isn't dummified anymore.
What am I doing wrong?
You should assign the result of the function to df, call the function like:
function inside them have their own independent namespace for variable defined there either in the signature or inside
for example
a = 0
def fun(a):
return a
print("a is",a) #a is 0
here you might think that a will have the value 23 at the end, but that is not the case because the a inside of fun is not the same a outside, when you call fun(a) what happens is that you pass into the function a reference to the real object that is somewhere in memory so the a inside will have the same reference and thus the same value.
With a=23 you're changing what this a points to, which in this example is 23.
And with fun(a) the function itself return a value, but without this being saved somewhere that result get lost.
To update the variable outside you need to reassigned to the result of the function
a = 0
def fun(a):
return a
a = fun(a)
print("a is",a) #a is 23
which in your case it would be dataset=dummies(dataset)
If you want that your function make changes in-place to the object it receive, you can't use =, you need to use something that the object itself provide to allow modifications in place, for example
this would not work
a = []
def fun2(a):
return a
print("a is",a) #a is []
but this would
a = []
def fun2(a):
return a
print("a is",a) #a is [23]
because we are using a in-place modification method that the object provided, in this example that would be the append method form list
But such modification in place can result in unforeseen result, specially if the object being modify is shared between processes, so I rather recomend the previous approach

Python calling mock with "=" not called result

I am trying to mock the following call:
df_x = method() # returns a pandas dataframe
df_x.loc[df_x['atr'] < 0, 'atr'] = 0
I have mocked the method so it returns a MagicMock and set a default value to the __ getitem__ attribute of the MagicMock as like this:
mock_df_x = mock_method.return_value
mock_df_x.__getitem__.return_value = 0
The problem is when I try asserting the call:
mock_df_x.loc.__getitem__.assert_called_with(False, 'atr')
I get a function not called error. If I call the function like this without the "= 0" part the assertion works.
df_x.loc[df_x['atr'] < 0, 'atr']
The reason you are seeing this different behavior depending on whether on you have = 0 at the end of the call you are testing is that in Python's data model, those correspond to two different magic methods: __getitem__ and __setitem__.
This makes sense, because for example doing some_dictionary['nonexistent_key]' raises KeyError, whereas some_dictionary['nonexistent_key]' = 1 doesn't, and sets the value as expected.
Now, in order to fix your test, you only need to change your assertion from:
mock_df_x.loc.__getitem__.assert_called_with((False, 'atr'))
which only works if you are accessing the key, to:
mock_df_x.loc.__setitem__.assert_called_with((False, 'atr'), 0)
which works if you are trying to assign a value to that key.
Notice the extra parameter, too, corresponding to the value you are actually trying to assign.

How do I set an instance attribute in Python when the instance is determined by a function?

I would like to iterate through a selection of class instances and set a member variable equal to a value. I can access the members value with:
for foo in range(1,4): #class members: pv1, pv2, pv3
bar[foo] ='{0}'.format(locals()['pv' + str(foo)+'.data'])
However when I try to set/mutate the values like so:
for foo in range(1,4): #class members:
'{0}'.format(locals()['pv' + str(foo)+'.data']) = bar[foo]
I obviously get the error:
SyntaxError: can't assign to function call
I have tried a few methods to get it done with no success. I am using many more instances than 3 in my actual code(about 250), but my question is hopefully clear. I have looked at several stack overflow questions, such as Automatically setting class member variables in Python -and- dynamically set an instance property / memoized attribute in python? Yet none seem to answer this question. In C++ I would just use a pointer as an intermediary. What's the Pythonic way to do this?
An attr is a valid assignment target, even if it's an attr of the result of an expression.
for foo in range(1,3):
locals()['pv' + str(foo)].data = bar[foo]
Another developer wrote a few lines about setattr(), mostly about how it should be avoided.
setattr is unnecessary unless the attribute name is dynamic.
But they didn't say why. Do you mind elaborating why you switched your answer away from setattr()?
In this case, the attr is data, which never changes, so while
for i in range(1, 3):
setattr(locals()['pv' + str(i)], 'data', bar[i])
does the same thing, setattr isn't required here. The .data = form is both good enough and typically preferred--it's faster and has clearer intent--which is why I changed it. On the other hand, if you needed to change the attr name every loop, you'd need it, e.g.
for i in range(1,3):
setattr(locals()['pv' + str(i)], 'data' + str(i), bar[i])
The above code sets attrs named data1, data2, data3, unrolled, it's equivalent to
pv1.data1 = bar[1]
pv2.data2 = bar[2]
pv3.data3 = bar[3]
I originally thought your question needed to do something like this, which is why I used setattr in the first place. Once I tested it and got it working I just posted it without noticing that the setattr was no longer required.
If the attr name changes at runtime like that (what the other developer meant by "dynamic") then you can't use the dot syntax, since you have a string object rather than a static identifier. Another reason to use setattr might be if you need a side effect in an expression. Unlike in C, assignments are statements in Python. But function calls like setattr are expressions.
Here is an example of creating a class which explicitly allows access through index or attribute calls to change internal variables. This is not generally promoted as 'good programming' though. It does not explicitly define the rules by which people should be expected to interact with the underlying variables.
the definition of __getattr__() function allows for the assignment of (object).a .
the definition of __getitem__() function allows for the assignment of
class Foo(object):
def __init__(self, a=None,b=None,c=None):
def __getattr__(self, x):
return self.__dict__.get(x, None)
def __getitem__(self, x):
return self.__dict__[x]
f1 = Foo(3,2,4)
print 'f1=', f1.a, f1['b'], f1['c']
f2 = Foo(4,6,2)
print 'f2=', f2.a, f2['b'], f2['c']
f3 = Foo(3,5,7)
print 'f3=', f3.a, f3['b'], f3['c']
for x in range(1, 4):
print 'now setting f'+str(x)
print 'f1=', f1.a, f1['b'], f1['c']
print 'f2=', f2.a, f2['b'], f2['c']
print 'f3=', f3.a, f3['b'], f3['c']
The result is
f1= 3 2 4
f2= 4 6 2
f3= 3 5 7
now setting f1
now setting f2
now setting f3
f1= 1 1 1
f2= 1 1 1
f3= 1 1 1
