Deploy a .aspx page to the Sharepoint 2010 - sharepoint

I am new to sharepoint and have a scenario
1) I have a aspx page which displays some data from a xml.
2) The data is populated in a table in the aspx page using a code behind .cs file.
3) I use some dll's which I have made to access the data.
Note:- This things are done on my local pc which does not have a sharepoint server installed.
Now my question is
1) I want a way using which I can use this page as a webpart in a sharepoint site.
2) Can you please guide me a by which the compiled dll of the web application can be used as webpart.
Note:- I have access to put files on the server but cannot develop anything on that

You can use the User Control in SharePoint and add it to your site page..
Use Visual Studio and create an empty SharePoint project (deploy as farm solution).
Then, right click project and add mapped layouts folder.
Rename this folder to whatever name you want to appear (this folder will get created on the servers layout folder in the hive) after you deploy the solution.
Add your aspx page and cs into this folder
Then, double click on package.package (its inside package, above layouts folder, under project)--> Advanced --> Add (existing assembly) and add your dll references here.(this will add the dlls under your sites sharepoint web.config.
After deploy, you can access page using: http://sharepointsite/_layouts/foldername/youraspxfilename.aspx
Let us know about the progress.


SPSolution Pages: Where are they found?

I am currently training on sharepoint and have few weeks experice with regards to development in sharepoint. My current task involves deploying a .wsp solution on a server farm, and did that using the powershell through the Add-SPSolution, Install-SPSolution, and did that successfully. The problem I am encountering is that in the spsolution I had a webpage named TestPage.aspx, I cant find where the page is residing such that I can access it. there a specific place where the page resides or any command which I can use?
Visual Studio usually creates a folder for application pages, so you may try:
where foldername is the name of your project/solution.
If you get "The resource cannot be found" - HTML 404 error, the site is not there.
Otherwise, even if it says "An Unexpected error has occurred" it does not mean the site is not there.
The site may exist, but has some errors. In that case the best way would be to check Windows Event Viewer and logs.
You cannot just add an aspx file and deploy on sharepoint.
Maybe what you are after is how to deploy an application page, an application page sits at the application level, so every site collection will be able to access it.
How to deploy an application page:
To add an application page do the following:
create a new empty sharepoint project
add "Sharepoint "Layouts" Mapped Folder to the project
in layouts folder create a folder (usually the name of the project)
add an application page to that folder.
that application uses sharepoint masterpage, put some content in.
Deploy using visual studio or compile and deploy the wsp using the method above
access the page in /_layouts/foldernamed/test.aspx*
If you are looking only to add some content to a sharepoint page, then I suggest you use a visual web control. it is basically a user control wrapped in a webpart. After deployed you can add it to a webpart page that you can create using the Sharepoint UI.

Kentico Not Showing Added Pages from Visual Studio 2010

I am working with Kentico in Visual Studios (web project) on my local computer. When I add folders or files to the solution and then run it in the browser, the pages do not show up in the CMS desk or site manager. Am I creating these folders/files in the wrong place in the solution (ex: {directory of web project}/CMSPages/filename.aspx)? Or maybe have incorrect settings?
This is not the way how it works - the system has no idea about your pages if you place them on the file system. However, you can create ASPX page templates and then use then for the documents. Please see the Devnet forum
Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus
Where Do you want to use this page?
In the visitor sites or CMS Page
If you want to use visitor site you can create a webpart and add you webpart to the Page create on content tree.
If you want to use in the cmsdesk the you need to register your page in the module

Configure the WebPart before add it to a page in the SharePoint 2010

I have an issue: gather configuration of the WebPart before add it to a page. For instance, the Silverlight Web Part has the same behaviour. It show modal dialog with asking to enter path to .xap file.
The enviroment is SharePoint Foundation/Server 2010.
I hope that you has already solved this problem. Please share you solution, whever is has been solved or not.
Web parts properties and configuration are stored in the web parts .dwp file which is just an xml file.
You can manually setup your web part then export the .dwp file via the web part menu. If you examine it in a text editor you will be able to identify the configuration.
You can then import the pre-configured web parts .dwp file using the Add new web part link (can't give you exact instructions as you didn't specify SharePoint 2007 or 2010) or you can import it into the web part gallery so it will be automatically used with "Add new web part"

SharePoint 2010 VS development: Intellisense for ASPX files

I'm using Visual Studio 2010 to develop a SharePoint Server 2010 solution. Part of this includes custom Page Layouts, but when editing them, intellisense is completely broken, since Visual Studio doesn't appear to know how to handle them. Here's what I've done:
Created a new blank solution
Right-clicked on the solution and created a new "Empty SharePoint Project"
Right-clicked on the project and created a new "Module"
Renamed sample.txt to MyPageLayout.aspx or created a new ASPX Web Form
At this point, intellisense for the new Page Layout is broken. It gets even worse with tools like ReSharper installed. Also, things like "Format Document" will break the Page Layout (by for example changing asp:Content to asp:content)
What I've tried to get intellisense working:
Added a Web.config from a standard Web Application Project to the root of the SharePoint Project - made no difference.
Added the ProjectGuid for a Web Application Project to the SharePoint project file - broke the project.
Is there any way to get intellisense, and the rest of the support Visual Studio can offer for Web Forms, available when developing SharePoint 2010 Page Layouts?
I have followed your post to some extent.
Using VS2010 (On an x64 machine)
Create a blank SharePoint solution. (this properly combines your #1 & #2)
Add a module (in SharePoint a module is like a folder or resource container)
added a new class to the module (intellisense present)
Added a new webpart to the module (intellisense present)
added a user control to the project designer works and (intellisense present)
I believe that you should consider creating true server or visual web parts. This will have a harder learning curve but will pay with dividends in the future. You will be able to package and deploy your solution again or to another server/farm. Aspx pages can be added and manipulated by the dreaded SharePoint designer. In 2010 the theory is that those designer mods can be packaged and deployed.
I work in this environment every day and the best advice I can give is to embrace the SP object model and do 'it' the sharepoint way. Don't try to force SP to be something its not. :)
This is probably not the solution you are looking for but it's the best thing I found for SharePoint development.
In your solution, create 2 projects :
1 SharePoint Project (empty or not)
1 ASP.NET web application project
Develop all your UI (aspx pages, ascx controls, etc.) in your ASP.NET project and create post-build steps that will copy the pages and controls to the appropriate folders in your SharePoint solution.
That way, you will benefit from all the features of web development in visual studio and it will be very easy to deploy as well. It is a bit of a time investment at first, but it is well worth it if you have any considerable amount of logic to implement in your aspx pages.
This blog post documents what you need to do.
you can add an intellsense to pagelayouts by closing the page and simply reopen it from
file->openfile->your file page layout path
Or you can directly "Right Click" on the file you want to open from the Solution explorer and then select "Open" : you'll get the Intellisense !

How do you remove a site from Sharepoint Designer?

I would like to use Sharepoint Designer 2007 as an html editor. I have a web site with a lot of files in a folder on my hard drive. I do not want Sharepoint Designer to make a web site out of this. I just want to use Sharepoint Designer to edit the html files, locally.
If I ever make a mistake and click on a tool for Sites, such as summary or report, Sharepoint Designer will decide that my folder is now a web site. From that point on, Sharepoint Designer is painfully slow whenever I open a file contained in the folder that Sharepoint decided is my web site, instead of being instantaneous like it was before.
I can resolve this situation by renaming the folder containing my web site -- everything gets fast again. I can also fix it by uninstalling and reinstalling Sharepoint Designer. Neither of these is a good solution. Is there a place in Sharepoint Designer, or in application data or the registry that I can kill off the Sharepoint Designer web site that's associated with a folder on my hard drive?
I'm not certain this will fix your issues (as I can't easily recreate the situation you describe). But I do know where SharePoint Designer tucks away metadata about the websites you open and edit.
The next time SPD converts your folder to a web, shut down SPD and delete the contents of the following folders:
XP: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\WebsiteCache
Vista/7: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WebsiteCache
There is one file in WebsiteCache you may wish to keep, which is Websites.xml. This contains the "shortcuts" you see when you go to File > Open Site...
Web Server Extensions:
XP: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\Microsoft\Web Server Extensions\Cache
Vista/7: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Web Server Extensions\Cache
Whenever SPD gets wonky about reporting which files are checked out/in, really slow to open, or just generally weird, we clean out these folders and things return to "normal".
Hope this helps!
