Move documents to SharePoint 2013 using SSIS WebDav - sharepoint

I have an SSIS package that calls a .jar that exports a file from one system to a specified file path. For my filepath I use \sharepointserver\davwwwroot\library. The problem is I have to have an RDP session open and maintain my file server connection in order for this to work. It will fail without the RDP session and even the davwwwroot connection times out, requiring me to logoff, back on and browse again.
How can I get this process to work without the RDP session?


Python Windows Explorer Force Refresh

I have code, but it doesn't do what I want. I'm trying to delete thumbnail cache via Python script. If I have cache and explorer's open, some of the .db files won't delete because they're in use by explorer. Anyway, in my experimenting, the only way to do it is to change the advanced folder setting for displaying icons/thumbnails, and then restarting explorer. I can change the setting via script in the registry and then restart explorer. BUT, restarting explorer halts the script. So, I don't know. I also tried changing the setting and then sending the WM_SETTINGCHANGE message via SendMessageTimeout(). That didn't do the trick.
So, anyone have any idea how to unlock files (that are safe to delete) from explorer (this could also pertain to other in-use files) without restarting it? Also, I understand this is a sort of dumb project, but I have my reasons for doing it and it's what I want to do.
If I have cache and explorer's open, some of the .db files won't
delete because they're in use by explorer.
Because thumbcache.dll still has an open handle to the local thumbs.db file and does not currently implement a mechanism to release the handle to the file in a more dynamic and timely fashion.
They are only generated for compatibility with outdated applications, and are not required for Windows operations.
To work around the issue, enable User Group Policy setting for "Turn off the caching of thumbnails in hidden thumbs.db files":
Also, you can directly edit the registry. Refer:Let me fix it myself
Related: "The action can't be completed because the file is open in Windows Explorer"

Viewing updates of a dynamically generated log on a remote linux server from a windows machine

I have connected my windows 7 machine via winscp sftp with a cubietruck that runs on debian jessie server.
I need to watch on windows the updated log of an installed app in the linux server.
With winscp I can see this log file. I set the winscp to refresh the remote panel every 10 seconds. I tried to open this log with the following editors:
1) Sublime text with autorefresh plugin
2) Notepad ++ with update silently set
3) Glogg
Unfortunately even though the remote panel was refreshed and watched the log file to grow in size, the file opened in the editors was not updated.
I also tried to set Keep Local Directory up To Date , which creates a replicate file in a local directory in windows. When I had this file opened with the above editors and the remote log file changed then a new file was created on the local disk, without succeeding in watching the updated log.
Does anyone know any solution to this issue or a working alternative ?
You can try klogg. It is a fork of glogg. Glogg opens files in such a way that may prevent other programs from accessing them, that is described here. That has been fixed in klogg(see the issue for details).

Need help in developing a custom WebDav client using node.js

I am developing an open source application which should mount webdav share to local drive letter just like NETDRIVE and WEBDRIVE using node.js and electron-js, so in my application at present I am downloading all files from webdav share which takes a lot of time and not reliable for heavy data. Is there any other approach so that whenever user access a file, only that particular file should be fetched from webdav share, I’ve tried to display files meta data(dummy) structure in directory and kept that directory under file-watcher. So that when user tries to open a file then watcher should capture file open event to get which file was user trying to access, so that in background of application a service will triggered to fetch that particular file using file-path as reference, but none of them are unable to capture file open event. Is there any other approach to do so, correct me if I am in wrong direction.
I think you want virtual file-system and recommend Dokan library.
Dokan is the start point of Windows virtual file-system application.
Open Source : Dokan (
Commercial: EldoS CBFS (
Google, Naver use Dokan and NetDrive, RaiDrive(mine) use CBFS.

MS-Access 2013 unable to remove .laccdb locking file

This is a long shot, but does any one know how to remove the lock file created by access 2013 file type ".laccdb".
I have an excel sheet which is connected to the access database via power query. The access database is on a shared drive. However even when this file is closed the locking file for the access database is not deleted.
When trying to remove the lock file it just says that unable to close as another program is using.
I've closed down the machine, removed all temp files, checked nothing is running and also checked in computer management within the administration tools. and checked for any open files.
I know the database should be split to stop this happening. however this is not my database, and the user refuses to split.
Any help will be grateful.
You can open and read the lock file with a text editor (I use Notepad++); within the file you should find the computer name (or some similar identifier) of the one(s) who have it open. You could then take that name/number/whatever to IT and see if they can identify who the user is. You should be able to close it from their computer. Hope this helps.

Importing Multiple Tables from Excel Using SSIS 2008 - Exclusivity

I'm writing a SSRS report that is the direct result of a SSIS package.
It is my understanding that SSIS must have exclusive access to Excel files for import. Is there any way around this?
If I can't read what was there as of the last save, can I at least send an e-mail notifying the user of the failure? How do I catch that error?
This seems like a limitation of the Jet connection engine and Excel, by default, opens files in exclusive access mode. If there is only one or two people using the file, then you may be able to have them open the file in shared access mode to avoid this error. Or, since this is ultimately a Jet database engine connection, you might be able to specify in your connection string that you open it in Mode=Read.
