Cancel button jsf not resetting entity - jsf

I'm trying to implement a cancel button to clear the fields from my entity.
Though, when I'm setting the entity to null my fields still keep their value.
The EntityBB's cancel method (note that the debugger can reach the cancel method):
public void cancelAddStandardLetter() {
this method really sets all the values from the entity back to null and the standardLetterInit method sets some default values that are needed (tried the same method without the standardLetterInit -> same result).
The xhtml page (other inputfields are left out):
<o:form includeRequestParams="true" id="addStandardLetterForm">
<h:inputTextvalue="#{entityBB.entity.fileName}" styleClass="rInput"/>
<h:commandButton value="Cancel" immediate="true"
action="#{entityBB.cancelAddStandardLetter()}" />
After pressing the "cancel" button, the values being typed in the "fileName" field are still there. How can that be?

Make sure that the bean is view scoped and use a plain GET button.
<h:button value="Cancel" />
This basically refreshes the page. It'll recreate the view scoped bean instance. No need to submit the whole form. If the input values still appear, then it's either the browser cache or autocomplete/autofill which you in turn can control with respectively a servlet filter and autocomplete="off".


Bean value is getting set on click of a cancel button in JSF, How to avoid this? [duplicate]

I have a JSF/PrimeFaces form page set up to edit some configuration details. At the bottom are Submit and Cancel buttons implemented as CommandButton. The Cancel button looks like this:
value="Cancel" />
The problem is that the view bean still winds up doing more processing on the data that's been entered into the form than I'd like. It isn't updating anything in the database, but if (say) I enter a string into a field that's looking for a numeric in the bean, it still produces errors.
Part of my solution is, of course, to get the bean to gracefully handle that sort of bad data, and I'm working on it. But I'd also like to tweak that button so that it just takes the user to the prior page. Is there some attribute I can set that will prevent the form from being processed at all?
The <p:commandButton> submits the form. You don't want to submit the form. You should then not use the <p:commandButton>, but just <p:button>.
<p:button value="Cancel" outcome="priorPage.xhtml" />
See also:
Difference between h:button and h:commandButton

PrimeFaces CommandButton that Doesn't Process Data

I have a JSF/PrimeFaces form page set up to edit some configuration details. At the bottom are Submit and Cancel buttons implemented as CommandButton. The Cancel button looks like this:
value="Cancel" />
The problem is that the view bean still winds up doing more processing on the data that's been entered into the form than I'd like. It isn't updating anything in the database, but if (say) I enter a string into a field that's looking for a numeric in the bean, it still produces errors.
Part of my solution is, of course, to get the bean to gracefully handle that sort of bad data, and I'm working on it. But I'd also like to tweak that button so that it just takes the user to the prior page. Is there some attribute I can set that will prevent the form from being processed at all?
The <p:commandButton> submits the form. You don't want to submit the form. You should then not use the <p:commandButton>, but just <p:button>.
<p:button value="Cancel" outcome="priorPage.xhtml" />
See also:
Difference between h:button and h:commandButton

CommandButton open new tab with FlashScope parameters

How can I open new tab when user clicks p:commandButton? I also want to pass some parameters to new page using FlashScope. Here's the code:
<p:commandButton value="open new tab" action="#{myBean.newTab}"/>
public String newTab() {
Faces.setFlashAttribute("foo", bar);
return "otherView";
On the otherView page I use f:event type="preRenderView" to read Flash parameters.
Two notes:
I need to use FlashScope, not URL parameters.
If possible, I don't want to change newTab() and preRenderView() methods.
Thanks for help
Use target="_blank" on the form to tell the browser that the synchronous response of the form should be presented in a new (blank) tab/window. You only need to turn off ajax behaviour of the <p:commandButton> in order to make it a synchronous request.
<h:form target="_blank">
<p:commandButton value="open new tab" action="#{myBean.newTab}" ajax="false" />
No changes are necessary in the backing beans, it'll just work as you intented. I would only recommend to use POST-Redirect-GET pattern in the action method.
return "otherView?faces-redirect=true";
Otherwise the new tab would show the URL of the originating page and a F5 would re-invoke the POST. Also, this way the flash scope is also really used as it is been designed for (if you didn't redirect, just storing in request scope was been sufficient).
Update: as per the comments, the view scoped bean in the initial tab/window get killed this way. by returning a String navigation case outcome. That's right, if you'd like to keep the view scoped bean alive, replace the navigation case by a Faces#redirect() call (assuming that it's indeed OmniFaces which you're using there for Faces#setFlashAttribute()). You only need to set Flash#setRedirect() to true beforehand to instruct the flash scope that a redirect will occur.
public void newTab() throws IOException {
Faces.setFlashAttribute("foo", bar);

Data in <h:inputText readonly="true"> disappears when command button is clicked

I am using JSF 1.1. I have a JSF page with a request scoped bean and a readonly input field.
<h:inputText id="dt" value="#{bean.sdate}" readonly="#{bean.disable}" />
<a onclick="cal('dt');"><img src="fr.gif" border="0"></a>
When I set the input value using JavaScript and click on command button, then the data in input field disappears.
How is this caused and how can I solve it.
That's because the property is set to readonly. If this evaluates true, then JSF won't process the submitted value and hence the model won't be updated. If you want to set it to readonly on rendering the view and have JSF to process the submitted value, then you'd need to make it to evaluate true on render response phase only. You can use FacesContext#getRenderResponse() for this. You'd need to do this in your isDisable() method.
public boolean isDisable() { // TODO: rename to isReadonly().
return FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getRenderResponse();
Note: in JSF2 you could access FacesContext#getCurrentInstance() by #{facesContext} in the view as well, this saves some boilerplate in the model:
<h:inputText ... readonly="#{facesContext.renderResponse}" />
Also note that when you're using JSF2 <f:viewParam>, then this approach won't work on GET requests anymore. See also Make a p:calendar readonly for the explanation and workaround.

JSF: How to get the selected item from selectOneMenu if its rendering is dynamic?

At my view I have two menus that I want to make dependent, namely, if first menu holds values "render second menu" and "don't render second menu", I want second menu to be rendered only if user selects "render second menu" option in the first menu. After second menu renders at the same page as the first one, user has to select current item from it, fill another fields and submit the form to store values in database. Both the lists of options are static, they are obtained from the database once and stay the same. My problem is I always get null as a value of the selected item from second menu. How to get a proper value? The sample code of view that holds problematic elements is:
<h:selectOneMenu id="renderSecond" value="#{Bean.renderSecondValue}"
onchange="this.form.submit();" >
<f:selectItems value="#{Bean.typesOfRendering}" />
</h:selectOneMenu><br />
<h:selectOneMenu id="iWillReturnYouZeroAnyway" value="#{Bean.currentItem}"
rendered="#{Bean.rendered}" >
<f:selectItems value="#{Bean.items}" />
</h:selectOneMenu><br />
<h:commandButton action="#{}" value="#Store" />
However, if I remove "rendered" attribute from the second menu, everything works properly, except for displaying the menu for all the time that I try to prevent, so I suggest the problem is in behavior of dynamic rendering. The initial value of isRendered is false because the default item in first menu is "don't render second menu". When I change value in first menu and update isRendered with valueChangeListener, the second menu displays but it doesn't initialize currentItem while submitting.
Some code from my backing bean is below:
public void updateDependentMenus(ValueChangeEvent value) {
String newValue = (String) value.getNewValue();
if ("render second menu" == newValue){
isRendered = true;
} else {
isRendered = false;
public String store(){
return "stored";
If you're using the rendered attribute on UIInput and UICommand components, then you have to make sure that the rendered condition evaluates exactly the same way in the subsequent request (during submitting the form) as it was during the initial request (during displaying the form). When it evaluates false, then the request values won't be applied/validated and the model values won't be updated and no action will be invoked for the component(s) in question.
An easy fix is to put the bean in the session scope, but this has caveats as well (poor user experience when opening same page in multiple browser tabs/windows). On JSF 2.0 you could use the view scope instead. On JSF 1.x you would use Tomahawk's t:saveState for this.
The problem arises only when we have "don't render" as a first option. I decided to change the values in the database and now I have "render second menu" as a first one. With such an approach, everything works fine.
