Node.js server.close() won't close due to active connection - node.js

I'm trying to show some information before the application is closed. So, I create an event that will be fired when the server receive a SIGINT. This code will work if no connection is ever made. However, if there had been a connection localhost:4040, the server will never close as the server think there is still an active connection(connection count will be 1). The part I don't understand is why Node.js still think there is an active connection when the request has already finish. Is there any ways to kill a connection or my current way of closing the request is wrong?
Here is the code of What I'm trying to accomplish:
var http = require('http')
var server = http.createServer(function(req, res){
process.on( 'SIGINT', function(){
server.getConnections(function(err, count){
console.log('connection:' + count);
Some ideas I have:
saving a copy of the sockets I receive and close them individually
Hope someone can give me some advice in solving this.Thanks

store all sockets from you have and close them manually
use process.exit() and destroy the entire process instead
use domains and do a scary deprecated domain.dispose()


Wait for socket connection to establish (when changing page path), till sending router data to the user

I need the socket connection to establish before I can send data from the route to the user (otherwise it is not possible).
In app.js file I have socket connection logic:
app.use(function(req, res, next)
req.sio = sio;
console.log('socket connected');
soc.on('disconnect', function(reason)
console.log('socket disconnected');
// and more about socket connection here...
In index.js file I have logic:'/route1', function(req, res, next) // user is moved from index.js to route1.js if he fills the form
var fromInput = req.body.form_name;
console.log('DATA passed from INDEX.JS: ' + formInput);
if ((formInput !== '') && (formInput !== null) && (formInput !== undefined))
function render()
//// first we render the page, so the javascript (with notes) can be read it and then the browser know that socket connection should be established
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject)
// I need to pass some data AFTER the socked connection is established - cause I move to a different page path - using a **** and cause of that socket connection is disconnected - so I need to wait till its usable again. For simplicity let suppose socket connection is established after 2 seconds (it is a simple check for req.soc.connected):
var soc = false;
soc = true; // after 2 sec soc is true (connection is established)
}, 2000);
// Now I want to create an interval that will monitor IF socket connection is established every 100ms (so checking won't happen to often - it is not "resource hungry"). If socket connection is not ready the function should call it self (recursion) if the socket connection is established it (function) should fire a promise.
var arr = [];
arr.push(exe(100, data));
function exe(delay, d)
d = data;
return new Promise(function(resolve)
if (d === false)
console.log('wait another ' + delay + ' [ms] - ' + d);
return resolve(exe(delay, d));
}, delay);
console.log('socket connected!');
return resolve(d);
return Promise.all(arr).then(function(arr)
console.log('ALL DONE!');
Comment are in code. If something isn't clear let me know.
1 - true,
2 - true,
3 - I call render() immediately - so page is loaded and client make a socket connection, then the rest of the code should execute and send the data.
yes I did use POST with a form. There could be socket connection between the server and index page - not a problem I can create one, but I dunno what for.
"or there could be a connection created in the response to the POST when the browser renders and processes that." I'm trying that one :) I have data in this I want to sent with help of sockets - but first I need to make a connection.
as I understand it... user did use form, so path is changed (socket connection is broken), then I'm in I render the page FIRST - so the browser can read it's JS and make a socket connection, BUT you want to say that my response is not finished? So the browser say - ok you want me to render a page, but what now - cause we are NOT finish yet?!
So I will never establish a socket connection, cause I did not properly response? And cause of this I will not be able to send the data (later code in cause socket connection is never established cause I did not response properly? Cause my tests show me otherwise - it is working just fine.
you are right - code should works now.
till socket connection is established.
yea, good catch. I will make some kind of database - redis with express session I guess.
So again step by step.
User did fill the form so he is redirect from index.js to route1.js (so it does not make a difference if there is a socket connection BEFORE filling the form or not cause the connection is lost). We are in process of redirecting him ( so I thought I will render the route1 page immediately, so the JS from it can be read by browser, and socket connection can be established (which take time - and IF its possible). So I wait with the data I want to sent to the user (in for example... the form input or whatever) TILL the connection is established, and the send it to the user, with help of
The thing is that socket io connection is lost when you change page (path). So I thought (and it could be wrong cause I'm newb) then I wait till it is established, and then send the data. I hope it does make sense.
This structure can never work. Here's what it looks like you're trying to do:
Express server receives a POST request.
Then, you try to wait for a connection to appear before you process the POST and send a response.
Finally, when you think you've found a connection, you then call your render() function to "presumably" send a response.
Without really understanding what you're' trying to accompilsh, there are a number of things wrong with the current code:
A POST request comes from either an Ajax call or a form POST. There is no connection associated directly with either one of those. There could have been a connection when the page loaded BEFORE the POST request was sent or there could be a connection created in the response to the POST when the browser renders and processes that.
Even if there was a connection created when the browser processes the POST response, you're trying to wait for the connection BEFORE you send the response so you're waiting for something that won't happen until you're done waiting (essentially a deadlock - A won't finish until B finishes, but B can't start until A finishes).
This structure render().then(waitUntil(100, d)) isn't correct. You MUST pass .then() a function reference. You are passing it a promise (the return value form calling waitUntil(...)). This is the least of your problems though because the overall structure of what you're trying to do is wrong.
The whole implementation of waitUntil() is confused and I can't even tell what it's trying to actually wait for.
This is a server that can field lots of connections from lots of clients. You can't just wait for the "next" connection and assume that connection is from the client you just got a request for. The only way to associate a connection with an http request is to use some identifying characteristic in both (usually a cookie) and then in the http request, you get the cookie and look up the cookie to see if you currently have a connection that matches that cookie. This is something that helps with.
Unfortunately, you don't describe what you're really trying to accomplish here so I can't point you to a good solution. All, I can really say here is that this scheme will not work. If you want further help with the actual problem, please edit your question to include the problem description in words (not your coding issues). Show the exact sequence of events you want to happen and explain what you're trying to accomplish and why.

Node.js proper socket closing

In case a client timeouts or I want to close the client connection for another reason I would like to close the socket connection properly. By properly I mean that:
The client knows that it shouldn't send any further information
The serverside closes the connection completely (because attackers still might send data to the server which we don't want to read)
At first I thought about using socket.destroy() which will ensure that no more I/O activity will happen. When I tried this I noticed that the client does not get informed about this. Most likely because it can't know that the connection has been closed since nothing has been sent to the client, right?
Because of that I thought emitting socket.end() and immediately after that emitting socket.destroy(). This time the client closed properly, but it triggered the socket.end() event twice. Why is that happening? Is that the proper way of forcing a socketconnection to close or am I missing something?
Server code:
sock.on('destroy', function() {
console.log(sock.remoteAddress + ' has been destroyed');
sock.on('end', function() {
console.log(sock.remoteAddress + ' has been half closed');
sock.on('timeout', function() {
console.log(sock.remoteAddress + " timed out");

Efficient HTTP shutdown with keepalives?

This Node.js server will shutdown cleanly on a Ctrl+C when all connections are closed.
var http = require('http');
var app = http.createServer(function (req, res) {
process.on('SIGINT', function() {
app.close(function () {
The problem with this is that it includes keepalive connections. If you open a tab to this app in Chrome and then try to Ctrl+C it, it won't shutdown for about 2 minutes when Chrome finally releases the connection.
Is there a clean way of detecting when there are no more HTTP requests, even if some connections are still open?
By default there's no socket timeout, that means that connections will be open forever until the client closes them. If you want to set a timeout use this function: socket.setTimeout.
If you try to close the server you simply can't because there are active connections, so if you try to gracefully shutdown the shutdown function will hang up. The only way is to set a timeout and when it expires kill the app.
If you have workers it's not as simple as killing the app with process.exit(), so I made a module that does extacly what you're asking: grace.
You can hack some request tracking with the finish event on response:
var reqCount = 0;
var app = http.createServer(function (req, res) {
res.on('finish', function() { reqCount--; });
Allowing you to check whether reqCount is zero when you come to close the server.
The correct thing to do, though, is probably to not care about the old server and just start a new one. Usually the restart is to get new code, so you can start a fresh process without waiting for the old one to end, optionally using the child_process module to have a toplevel script managing the whole thing. Or even use the cluster module, allowing you to start the new process before you've even shut down the old one (since cluster manages balancing traffic between its child instances).
One thing I haven't actually tested very far, is whether it's guaranteed safe to start a new server as soon as server.close() returns. If not, then the new server could potentially fail to bind. There's an example in the server.listen() docs about how to handle such an EADDRINUSE error.

node.js mongodb closing the connection

I am trying to use node.js with mongodb and following the tutorial at
The code for opening the connection is
ArticleProvider = function(host, port) {
this.db= new Db('node-mongo-blog', new Server(host, port, {auto_reconnect: true}, {}));{});
However i cannot see any connections being closed.
But when i see the logs on the mongo console, i can see that are connections which open and they close after some time.
Does the connection close automatically? Will it be a problem when a large no of clients try to access the server? Where should the connection be closed?
In that example application, only a single ArticleProvider object is created for the application to share when serving requests. That object's constructor opens a db connection that won't be closed until the application terminates (which is fine).
So what you should see is that you get a new mongo connection each time you start your app, but no additional connections made no matter how many clients access the server. And shortly after you terminate your app you should see its connection disappear on the mongo side.
node-mongodb-native provides a close method for Db objects and you can close your connection when you are finished by calling it.
var that = this;{
// do db work here
// close the connection
If you don't close your connection, event loop keeps the connection open and your process doesn't exit. If you are building a web server where your process will not be terminated, it's not necessary for you to close the connection.
A better reference for node-mongodb-native can be found on
Remember to put the db.close in the last callback that gets executed so the connection is open until all callbacks are finished. Otherwise, it gives an error like
process.nextTick(function() { throw err; });
at Error.MongoError (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/mongodb/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/error.js:13:17)
at Server.destroy (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/mongodb/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/topologies/server.js:629:47)
at Server.close (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/mongodb/lib/server.js:344:17)
at Db.close (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/mongodb/lib/db.js:267:19)

How to check if connection was aborted in node.js server

I'm making some long polling with node.js.
Basically, node.js server accepts request from the user and then checks for some updates. If there're no updates, it will check them after the timeout.
But what if user has closed his tab, or went to another page? In my case, the script continues working.
Is there a way in node.js to check or detect or to catch an event when user has aborted his request (closed the connection)?
You need to use req.on('close', function(err) { ... }); instead of req.connection.on('close', function(err) { ... });
There is a very important distinction. req.on() adds a listener to this request while req.connection.on(), you add a listener to the (keep-alive) connection between the client and the server. If you use req.connection.on(), every time the client re-uses a connection, you add one more listener to the same connection. When the connection is finally aborted, all listeners are fired.
Function scoping typically keeps you safe from this screwing up your server logic, but it's a dangerous thing nevertheless. Fortunately at least NodeJS 0.10.26 is smart enough to warn the user of this:
(node) warning: possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 11 listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit.
at Socket.EventEmitter.addListener (events.js:160:15)
at Socket.Readable.on (_stream_readable.js:689:33)
Thanks to Miroshko's and yojimbo87's answers I was able to catch the 'close' event, but I had to make some additional tweaks.
The reason why just catching 'close' event wasn't fixing my problem, is that when client sends the request to the node.js server, the server itself can't get information if the connection is still open until he sends something back to the client (as far as I understood - this is because of the HTTP protocol).
So, the additional tweak was to write something to the response from time to time.
One more thing that was preventing this to work, is that I had 'Content-type' as 'application/json'. Changing it to 'text/javascript' helped to stream 'white spaces' from time to time without closing the connection.
In the end, I had something like this:
var server = http.createServer(function(req,res){
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-type': 'text/javascript'});
// code to handle connection abort
* Here goes some long polling handler
* that performs res.write(' '); from time to time
// some another code...
My original code is much bigger, so I had to cut it a lot just to show the sensitive parts.
I'd like to know if there are better solutions, but this is working for me at the moment.
Is there a way in node.js to check or detect or to catch an event when
user has aborted his request (closed the connection)?
You can try to use http.ServerRequest close event. Simple example:
var http = require("http"),
util = require("util");
var httpServer = http.createServer(function(req, res) {
util.log("new request...");
// notify me when client connection is lost
req.on("close", function(err) {
util.log("request closed...");
// wait with response for 15 seconds
setTimeout(function() {
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
util.log("response sent...");
}, 15000);
util.log("Running on 8080");
I'm using Express.js (~4.10.6) and the following code is working fine for me:
//GET Request:
app.get('/', function(req, res){
req.on('close', function(){
console.log('Client closed the connection');
As soon as I close the browser's tab, the browser closes the connection, and the callback function gets executed as expected.
Seems that your question is very similar to this one:
NodeJS HTTP request connection's close event fired twice
request.connection.on('close', function () {
