node.js mongodb closing the connection - node.js

I am trying to use node.js with mongodb and following the tutorial at
The code for opening the connection is
ArticleProvider = function(host, port) {
this.db= new Db('node-mongo-blog', new Server(host, port, {auto_reconnect: true}, {}));{});
However i cannot see any connections being closed.
But when i see the logs on the mongo console, i can see that are connections which open and they close after some time.
Does the connection close automatically? Will it be a problem when a large no of clients try to access the server? Where should the connection be closed?

In that example application, only a single ArticleProvider object is created for the application to share when serving requests. That object's constructor opens a db connection that won't be closed until the application terminates (which is fine).
So what you should see is that you get a new mongo connection each time you start your app, but no additional connections made no matter how many clients access the server. And shortly after you terminate your app you should see its connection disappear on the mongo side.

node-mongodb-native provides a close method for Db objects and you can close your connection when you are finished by calling it.
var that = this;{
// do db work here
// close the connection
If you don't close your connection, event loop keeps the connection open and your process doesn't exit. If you are building a web server where your process will not be terminated, it's not necessary for you to close the connection.
A better reference for node-mongodb-native can be found on

Remember to put the db.close in the last callback that gets executed so the connection is open until all callbacks are finished. Otherwise, it gives an error like
process.nextTick(function() { throw err; });
at Error.MongoError (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/mongodb/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/error.js:13:17)
at Server.destroy (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/mongodb/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/topologies/server.js:629:47)
at Server.close (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/mongodb/lib/server.js:344:17)
at Db.close (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/mongodb/lib/db.js:267:19)


Mongoose close connection issue

In my node js program, After opening mongo connection I trying to run certain query and finally trying to close connection.
group.find({group_name: "music"}, function (doc) {
// do your stuff
But while I trying to see mongotop log, after closing the connection, its still show as connected
Here finananceManagement is the the database, which I tried to connect, If I restart the mongo service it will disapper from the log, help me to resolve this issue

Handing MongoDB connection issues from Node (Express)

I have an Express App which connects to a MongoDB server at startup and serves requests on-demand (I don't disconnect - it's a single threaded server so no pooling - fairly simple stuff)
Problem is that it's possible the MongoDB server will be unavailable for periods of time (it's not on-site) and whilst the Express App doesn't crash, it seems that any requests made to the server will run indefinately until the connection is restored!
I'd like to limit that (e.g. throw an error back after a period of time) but I can't seem to make that happen...
I'm using connect options "{server: {auto_reconnect: true}}" which seems to ensure that once the MongoDB server reappears, requests complete (without it, requests made during downtime seem to run forever...) - and I don't have access to the client code so I can't fix it there...
I'd assumed a combination of 'connectTimeoutMS' or 'socketTimeoutMS' would allow me to terminate requests when MongoDB is unavailable for longer periods, but I just can't get those to work (I've tried them as connect options, passing them in the URI etc. etc.)
Any attempt to open a Collection and Find/Insert/Update just 'hangs' until the MongoDB reappears - I've left it over 30 mins and everything was just sitting these (and completed AOK when the network was restored!)
What's the best way around this? Should I open a connection specifically for each request (not really a performance issue - it's not a high volume app) or is there something else I'm missing?
Updated to add the connect code
var myDB
var mongodb = require('mongodb')
var uri = // some env vars and stuff
mongodb.MongoClient.connect(uri, {server: {auto_reconnect: true}}, function (err, db) {
myDB = db
myDB is then used elsewhere to open collections - and the handle from that is used to find/insert etc.
If the connection to the DB is interrupted, myDB.collection() calls (or calls to find/insert on their handles) will simply hang until the connection is restored - nothing I've tried will cause them to 'time out' sooner!?
I assume that you are using mongoose as a driver.
You'd catch the error by this.
var db = require('domain').create();
db.on('error', function(err) {
console.log('DB got a problem');
}); {
mongoose.connect(config, options);
or you can directly access
to check the statement of your DB.
Connection ready state
0 = disconnected
1 = connected
2 = connecting
3 = disconnecting
Each state change emits its associated event name.

NodeJS/mongodb: Do I need to close db connection at some point?

I read this article on connection pooling with mongodb/nodejs. There he opens the connection once, and leaves it at that.
This is how I set up the database connection in my app.js file:
mongodb.MongoClient.connect(MONGODB_URI, function (error, database) {
if (error) throw error;
db = database; // db is defined outside this callback
coll = db.collection('testData'); // coll is defined outside this callback
This is going to leave the db connection open as long as the server is running. Shouldn't you close the connection at some point? Or is it of no consequence to leave it open?
If your app has support for controlled shutdown, then you should close the connection pool at that time. Otherwise you just leave it open.
The connection pool manages the number of actual connections for you, adding more in times of heavy load and closing them when your app is idle.

Node.js server.close() won't close due to active connection

I'm trying to show some information before the application is closed. So, I create an event that will be fired when the server receive a SIGINT. This code will work if no connection is ever made. However, if there had been a connection localhost:4040, the server will never close as the server think there is still an active connection(connection count will be 1). The part I don't understand is why Node.js still think there is an active connection when the request has already finish. Is there any ways to kill a connection or my current way of closing the request is wrong?
Here is the code of What I'm trying to accomplish:
var http = require('http')
var server = http.createServer(function(req, res){
process.on( 'SIGINT', function(){
server.getConnections(function(err, count){
console.log('connection:' + count);
Some ideas I have:
saving a copy of the sockets I receive and close them individually
Hope someone can give me some advice in solving this.Thanks
store all sockets from you have and close them manually
use process.exit() and destroy the entire process instead
use domains and do a scary deprecated domain.dispose()

Error connecting mariadb - node.js?

I am using MariaDB in my node.js application. I am having the following code
var nodeMaria = require('node-mariadb');
var connection = nodeMaria.createConnection({
connection.on('error', function(err){
connection.on('connect', function(){
console.log("mariadb connected");
After connecting the db, It is logging "mariadb connected".
After that Application is breaking without throwing any error.
Note: I had handled the error in connection connection.on('erorr',function(){});
Any help will be great.
If the application is closing, it doesn't necessarily mean that an error has occurred with connecting to MariaDB.
In fact, if there isn't anything keeping a node application explicitly open, it just closes after execution of the code.
What keeps a node application open? Event listeners. If you have an event listener listening for events, the node application doesn't close after finishing code execution. For example, if you have a http.listen command, which starts the web server and starts listening for incoming HTTP connections.
