find the difference between two date values in Sybase database - sap-ase

I have understand that there are some functions days() in sybase iq, but in sybase ase, I think we have only date part option to get the number of days between two days.
My requirement is that i want number days between two days without comparing month or year between two days.
Any help appreciated!

Use datediff function:
Calculates the number of date parts between two specified dates or times.
datediff(datepart, {date, date | time, time | bigtime, bigtime | datetime, datetime | bigdatetime, bigdatetime}])
is a date part or abbreviation. For a list of the date parts and abbreviations recognized by Adaptive Server, see Transact-SQL Users Guide.
date expression1
is an expression of type datetime, smalldatetime, bigdatetime, bigtime, date, time, or a character string in a datetime format.
date expression2
is an expression of type datetime, smalldatetime, bigdatetime, bigtime, date, time, or a character string in a datetime format.
Example 6
Finds the number of days between two times:
declare #a time
declare #b time
select #a = "20:43:22"
select #b = "10:43:22"
select datediff(dd, #a, #b)


separating date and time from datetime column in excel

how to separate date and time from datetime column if you have the format as below :
click here to view image
I am trying int(datetime column) for fetching date ; Datetime column - int(datetime column) for fetching time column
Your formula cannot work because your data is a text string (note that it has a letter included) and not a number.
So first convert the string into a "real" time with:
=substitute(a2,"T"," ")
You can then use:
Date: =INT(SUBSTITUTE(A2,"T"," "))
Time: =MOD(SUBSTITUTE(A2,"T"," "),1)
and be sure to format the results as desired:
If your column is formatted true date then use to separate date
For time
If data is in text string or output by TEXT() function then try below functions.
for date =TEXT(FILTERXML("<t><s>"&SUBSTITUTE(A1,"T","</s><s>")&"</s></t>","//s[1]"),"yyyy-mm-dd")
for time =TEXT(FILTERXML("<t><s>"&SUBSTITUTE(A1,"T","</s><s>")&"</s></t>","//s[last()]"),"hh:mm:ss")
For date
For time

converting a twitter date string into a datetime field in excel

I have a number of excel strings in the format "Mon Nov 25 17:20:47 +0000 2019"
I found an earlier post that recommended using =DATE(RIGHT(O2,4),MONTH(DATEVALUE(1 & MID(O2,5,3))),MID(O2,9,2)) to create a usable date field. However, this drops the time which is an important piece of information.
How can I include the time with the date in order for excel to recognize and sort all the information included in the field?
Thank you in advance!
You can just use the same logic with the date formula, but use TIME instead of DATE and of course extract the correct time into the formula =TIME(MID(O2,12,2),MID(O2,15,2),MID(O2,18,2))
to combine them both in one field, you will need to add them =DATE(RIGHT(O2,4),MONTH(DATEVALUE(1 & MID(O2,5,3))),MID(O2,9,2)) + TIME(MID(O2,12,2),MID(O2,15,2),MID(O2,18,2))
The rationale of this is because:
Date is expressed in whole numbers i.e. 1 = 01/01/1900, 2 = 02/01/1900, 3 = 03/01/1900... 43794 = 25/11/2019, etc.
Time is expressed as a fraction of the day i.e. 0.5 = 12 hrs/12PM, 0.66666 = 16 hrs/4PM, etc.
so lets say you have 1/1/2019 12.00 PM, the date part that gives 1/1/2019 will be 43466 and the time part will be 0.5. Adding them together will give you 43466.5, and when converted to a date time format it will show as 1/1/2019 12:00 PM.
You can use string functions to create an unambiguous date string, then turn it into a date/time value with a mathematical operation (adding the time value in a string form).
You'll need to format the result as something appropriate: eg: dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm

How to convert DB2 string column with different formats of datetime to datetime?

I have a varchar column [DB_TIMESTAMP] in a (DB2) table which get data from different sources/environments, This column have different formats in it like:
11/15/2019 11:30:02
11/15/2019 11:22 AM
2019/11/15 11:15 AM
I have to put remarks using CASE in my query to find if there is any row that has 2 hours delay from current DateTime with this column data then mark them pending.
I tried like following, but it need the column with DateTime format which it is not because of different format of data entered in it:
CASE WHEN days (current date) - days(DB_TIMESTAMP))>2
[for checking 2 hours difference]
I think, this column needs to be converted into DateTime then try with above may work, but how:
Please help.
Shamshad Ali
Try Something May it helps:
CASE WHEN DAYS (Replace (CONVERT(nvarchar (500), CURRENT_DATE ,106),' ','-') as current_date)
- DAYS(Replace (CONVERT(nvarchar (500), DB_TIMESTAMP ,106),' ','-') as DB_TIMESTAMP))>2

Excel Using concatenate to compare dates

I have a table containing several columns of which one is a date/time field. I am trying to get a count of instances per day using the following
Data Date Comp Date Count
Apple 6/12/18 1:00 PM 6/12/18 12:00 AM 0
Apple 6/12/18 7:00 AM
Orange 6/12/18 1:30 PM
Apple 6/11/18 11:23 AM
From my understanding of all the moving parts here I should be checking to see if "Apple" exists in the data column and then if "6/12/18" with any amount or type of characters after it exists. If both are true I will then get a count + 1 leaving me with a value of 2 in the above example.
What I actually get however is a 0 unless I match the time portion of date the data to be exactly the same and then removed the wildcard ,"*" from the equation.
Am I doing something wrong or can the wildcard not be used to accomplish what I am trying?
I think you should set your criteria properly.
If you add an additional column next to your Date that contains calculates the integer value of your date using INT() and format the display as DATE (m/d/yyyy) you should then be able to use the following COUNTIFS formula
=COUNTIFS(Table4[Data], "Apple", Table4[Date], "=6/12/18")
See the explanatory video from their Office' support site:
If your [Date] column is a datetime or smalldatetime, you can work with it using CONVERT function, depending on how you want to group.
For example, if you don't care about the time to do the group, you could use the next query:
SELECT CONVERT(varchar,[Date],103), [Data], COUNT(*)
FROM [test_delete].[dbo].[Table1]
GROUP BY CONVERT(varchar,[Date],103), [Data]
This should result in something like this:
[Date] [Data] [Count]
11/06/2018 Apple 1
12/06/2018 Apple 2
12/06/2018 Orange 1
Hope this helps you
If your dates are stored as dates instead of text, use the following:

How do I pull a substring from a string in Python?

Good evening. Today, I was writing a piece of code in Python. I have a string that is called date. It holds the following data:
So. I want to split this string into several substrings, each holding the day, month or year. These substrings will be called day, month and year, with the respective number in each string. How could I do this?
Also, I would like this method to work for any other date strings, such as:
Simply use:
day,month,year = date.split('/')
Here you .split(..) the string on the slash (/) and you use sequence unpacking to store the first, second and third group in day, month and year respectively. Here date is the string that contains the date ('05/04/2014') and '/' is the split pattern.
>>> day,month,year = date.split('/')
>>> day
>>> month
>>> year
Note that day, month and year are still strings (not integers).
