URL formation in Chrome or Firefox or IE - browser

I have seen this in one of the tutorial videos.
The tutor used firefox and typed in url box like google 'stackoverflow' and it formed the url as https://www.google.com/#q=stackoverflow. (This is just an example).
I think it will be a very useful feature.
Like, i have a ticketing system whose url is always like this - http://ticket-system.com/Tickets.aspx?Ticket=1000 where 1000 is the ticket number.
I want to be able to go to url box in browser and type 'Ticket 1000', and it should form the url by itself and redirect to there.
Any idea how this can be done?

I found my answer here
Start typing the web address of the site you want to search in the
address bar. If Google Chrome has a record of the site's search
engine, it automatically offers you the option to search that site. If
you remember the search engine's keyword, you can also type the
keyword in the address bar. Press Tab to choose the search engine,
type your search term, then press Enter.


Chrome Extension for URL Bar pre-load

I am looking to develop a Google Chrome extension that affects the way chrome loads text typed into the URL bar.
Current functionality: if your text matches history / bookmarks it'll pull those up and auto-populate with the suggestion(s) and if you keep typing it'll update it's suggestions or remove them. If you type something that doesn't match any URL (like "test") it'll just do a search for the word(s) on google.com.
Goal: I want to be able to use the extension to listen to the text entered before it sends it to Chrome for loading the site / looking for a search term.
Example: if I type "test" and hit enter, I want the extension to listen to that first, tell Chrome what to do next (load a different site, search for a different word, etc.). Is that possible?
What API's (?) would I use for something like that? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

How can I add Wolfram Alpha to search bar in Chrome?

I want to send queries to Wolfram Alpha real fast. I've been using wiki query from search bar for ages, how can I search on WA?
Ultimately I found the solution myself, but it took me some time and I had to devise the solution myself, since all Google searches returned the extension which I wanted to avoid. Here it is.
Right click the address bar and click Edit search engines...
(or open Settings -> Search -> Manage search engines...)
Usually, you can find all recognized search engines you used already listed there, but if not, add this: (*use any keyword of your choice)
The query url: http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=%s
Now it is possible to use wa query from search bar to search on Wolfram Alpha. Note, this method allows you to use any search engine.
This is really handy! I wonder if adding it in Chrome as a search engine is better than using the Wolfram Alpha chrome extension though. That is much easier to search using just combination of "=" followed by space and you can directly type in your search query to the Math engine :)
Wolfram|Alpha (Official)
Instantly query Wolfram|Alpha from any page or tab.
There is more to it, you can type formula and equations directly in your navigation bar using this on any page or tab. Pretty neat!
[Source]: From Wolfram Alpha Official Chrome Extension page
✓ Wolfram|Alpha Button – Access the Wolfram|Alpha query box with just one click. You can also right-click the Wolfram|Alpha icon to change extension options.
✓ Omnibox Shortcut – Transform Chrome's omnibox into a Wolfram|Alpha query field by typing an = sign followed by a space.
✓ Context Menu Shortcut – Highlight text to create queries through a context menu (right-click) entry.
Shouting out to StackOverflow community:
I am still learning and appreciating the power of this engine. If you guys have some resources or content apart from Wolfram's official site, please do share!
This will really help me as a beginner in the field and I can use to improve.
What better way to search than the famous Euler's Identity. In Chrome Nav bar
"=" ==> (space) ==> e^(i*pie) ==> (enter)
Or something like:
"=" ==> (space) ==> sqrt(1779)*cube(pi) ==> (enter)
And see the result instantly in Wolfram. Awesome isn't it?

Is there a Firefox or Chrome plugin that can crawl/search for keywords from the client

I'm looking for a client-only plugin that can search through a site recursively, looking for a search string on the page or within directly linked text files (.txt, .java, .properties, etc...). The website is an intranet website, so it's restricted (which is why I can't use Google Search).
A lightweight downloadable program would do as well...
I found an addon for FireFox called FoxySpider, which does what you want.
It has a "general" search function which searches for all files of a specific type, and a more "specific" search function.
For the general search: Customize the filetypes you would like to include in the settings panel (firefox addons page).
For the specific search:
Middle-mouse-click on the icon next to the url bar in FireFox you can specify exact filenames.
You can find the add-on here: https://addons.mozilla.org/sv-se/firefox/addon/foxyspider/

Can I write into Google Chrome Url Address bar using an extention ?

Can I create a Google chrome extension to change the URL of Google Chrome URL address bar?
Example : If I wrote in the address bar شةثقثىشغشزؤؤخة by wrong, it detects the letters and convert them into English letter to to : amerenaya.com
You can listen to changes in the URL's of the tab using the onUpdated event then you need to determine if there is a litteral keyboard translation and then reload the tab using the update method, unfortunately this will cause the page to reload, but it gets you partially to your solution.

Ideas for educating users into typing url in address bar instead of google

My Google analytics shows the second most used keyword to access my site is the url of the site. This doesn't particularly surprise me, but I wondered if any of you have tried educating your users out of this (i.e. detecting search term from referrer and showing a popin encouraging them to create bookmarks etc.) or is it just a waste of effort or likely to annoy.
I was watching someone the other day and discovered one possible reason why people do this. If you try clicking in the address bar and click twice instead of once, then type your url, you get a big mess. Far easier to type into the nice empty google search box (which is also selected by default). So basically you have the choice between:
Type > Enter > Click
BadClick > Type > Enter > "Bugger!" > Click > Type > Enter
Similarly, Microsoft noted long ago that many people just type search queries into the address bar. If there are essentially between two and four unlabeled text boxes on a browser window (address bar, search box, maybe Google start page, toolbars, etc.) don't expect the user to find the right one when they should.
As long as they end up where they wanted to they couldn't care less.
Google Chrome did the right thing imho by merging at least the search and the address bar again.
for most people, google is the internet.
Focus your efforts somewhere else, like providing good contents. It does not matter how they get there.
Good luck :) Most of internet users may even not realize if the address bar gets removed from their browser. Typing a URL is far too technical.
I'm not sure anything can be done. Users are known to be extremely stubborn in their habits.
One my fellow googles for the login page of his online-banking system, being too lazy to type it in or bookmark it. That scares me a lot. It only takes for someone to manipulate search results even for a day or so to hijack the credentials.
I suggest you ignore the matter. With luck, if they google enough for your site, then google will start to show the name of your site in suggestions as your type which is rather nice.
I've tried to encourage the use of a browser at work to access the data I put on the company intranet. It's proving difficult — they would much rather open My Computer and drill down through many levels of folders, while muttering 'Where was that file? What was it called again?'
I prefer the idea of web pages on an intranet site, with images, hyperlinks, etc, but I have to be careful not to use the term 'browser' since people don't really know what it means. For example, I demonstrated the site to one colleague by telling her to start 'Internet Explorer', then I typed the URL, rather than explain it to her. When the web page opened, she said 'Oh wow, what program is this?'
I've gone to some trouble to use 'friendly URLs' — no complex query strings, but it was probably a waste of time. I'm sure no-one types them in and uses bookmarks/favorites instead.
If the address bar disappeared, it wouldn't be missed by the majority of Internet users, and there's a Google/Yahoo/whatever search tool in the corner of each page.
