Renaming files using a strings from a txt file - string

The question might sound confusing but all I really need is the ability to change a file name using an array of strings.
For example:
File 1 contains:
File 2 contains (array/reference)
The new file name for abc1234cd.jpg should now be 1234c.jpg and so forth.
Is this possible with powershell or any other language to do?

This should do it, assuming the files have a one-to-one match.
# Get contents of file 1
$File1 = Get-Content -Path $PSScriptRoot\File1.txt;
# Get contents of file 2
$File2 = Get-Content -Path $PSScriptRoot\File2.txt;
# Iterate over each item in $File1
foreach ($Item in $File1) {
$FileList = Get-ChildItem -Path "c:\test\$Item*.jpg";
foreach ($File in $FileList) {
# Determine file's new name, based on corresponding value in File2
$NewName = $File.Name -replace $Item, $File2[$File1.IndexOf($Item)];
Write-Host -Object ('Old name: {0}, new name: {1}' -f $Item, $NewName);

After countless hours, I finally got the code to work.
$dir = 'file.txt'
$backup = 'C:\Users\all users\Desktop\backup'
$file = 'file2.txt'
$files = Import-Csv -Header Name -Path $file
foreach ($line in $files){
$linefiles = Get-ChildItem $dir | where {$_.BaseName.Contains($line.Name)}
$count = 0
foreach ($linefile in $linefiles) {
#do stuff to each file here
$name = $linefile.BaseName
$extension = $linefile.Extension
$newName = $line.Name
Copy-Item -Path "$dir\$linefile" -Destination "$backup\$linefile"
if ($count -gt 0){
Rename-Item -NewName "$newName-$count$extension" -Path "$dir\$linefile"}
Rename-Item -NewName "$newName$extension" -Path "$dir\$linefile"}


How to use dash or hyphen to join a string array in Powershell

I wrote code like this:
$count = 0
$path = "C:\Videos\"
$oldvids = Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Include *.* -Recurse
foreach ($oldvid in $oldvids) {
$curpath = $oldvid.DirectoryName
$name = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($oldvid)
$names = $name.Split(" - ")
$names[0] = ""
$metadata_title = $names -join "-"
$ext = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($oldvid)
if ($name.StartsWith("new_") -eq $false)
$newvid = $curpath + "/new_" + $name + ".mp4"
if ([System.IO.File]::Exists($newvid) -eq $false)
Write-Output $metadata_title
But this code causes a file name like this:
Chapter 1 - New Video
to become:
Chapter 1---New Video
How can I make sure a single - is actually only one? Do I have to escape it?
The idea is to eliminate first part of the file names, so from:
01 - Chapter 1 - Video 1
Chapter 1 - Video 1
So I wanted to split using " - " and then join everything back without the first element in the split array.
Looking at your example and your explanation of changing metadata with ffmpeg on each file, I guess this is what you need:
$count = 0
$path = 'C:\Videos'
# get a list of old video files (these do not start with 'new_')
$oldvids = Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Filter *.mp4 -File -Recurse |
Where-Object { $_.Name -notmatch '^new_' }
foreach ($oldvid in $oldvids) {
# if the file is called 'C:\Videos\01 - Chapter 1 - Video 1.mp4'
$tempName = $oldvid.Name -replace '^\d+\s*-\s*(.+)', 'new_$1' # --> new_Chapter 1 - Video 1.mp4
# or do
# $tempName = 'new_' + ($oldvid.Name -split '-', 2)[-1].Trim() # --> new_Chapter 1 - Video 1.mp4
# or
# $tempName = $oldvid.Name -replace '^\d+\s*-\s*', 'new_' # --> new_Chapter 1 - Video 1.mp4
# combine the current file path with the temporary name
$outputFile = Join-Path -Path $oldvid.DirectoryName -ChildPath $tempName
# next do your ffmpeg command to change metadata
# for input you use $oldvid.FullName and for output you use $outputFile
Write-Host "Updated file $($oldvid.Name) as $tempName"
# when done with ffmpeg, delete the original (or for safety move it to somewhere else)
Write-Host "Deleting file '$($oldvid.Name)'"
$oldvid | Remove-Item -WhatIf
# and rename the updated file by removing the 'new_' part from its name
$newName = ($tempName -replace '^new_').Trim()
Write-Host "Renaming updated file to '$newName'"
$tempName | Rename-Item -NewName $newName
# all done, proceed with the next file
Note: I have added switch -WhatIf to the Remove-Item line. This is a safety measure that will only display what file would be deleted without actually deleting it.
If you are sure the correct file should be deleted, then remove that -WhatIf switch so the original file gets destroyed after maipulating it with ffmpeg.
As per your comment, to send items to the Recycle bin instead of destroying them like Remove-Item does, here's two ways of achieving that:
Method 1: Use COM
function RemoveTo-RecycleBin {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
begin {
$shell = New-Object -ComObject 'Shell.Application'
$Recycler = $Shell.NameSpace(0xa)
process {
foreach ($item in $Path) {
end {
# clean-up the used COM objects
$null = [System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($Recycler)
$null = [System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($shell)
$null = [System.GC]::Collect()
$null = [System.GC]::WaitForPendingFinalizers()
# usage example, remove all files from the D:\Test directory
Get-ChildItem -Path 'D:\Test' -Filter '*.*' -File | RemoveTo-RecycleBin
# usage example, remove all files and subdirectories from the D:\Test directory
Get-ChildItem -Path 'D:\Test' | RemoveTo-RecycleBin
Method 2: Use the Microsoft.VisualBasic assembly
function RemoveTo-RecycleBin {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
begin {
Add-Type -AssemblyName Microsoft.VisualBasic
$showUI = if ($ShowConfirmationDialog) { 'AllDialogs' } else { 'OnlyErrorDialogs' }
process {
foreach ($item in $Path) {
Write-Host $item
# detect if this is a file or a directory
if ((Get-Item -Path $item) -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]) {
# first parameter: the absolute full path
# second parameter: one of Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.UIOption values: OnlyErrorDialogs or AllDialogs
# third parameter: one of Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.RecycleOption values: DeletePermanently or SendToRecycleBin
[Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.FileSystem]::DeleteDirectory($item, $showUI, 'SendToRecycleBin')
else {
# first parameter: the absolute full path and file name
# second parameter: one of Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.UIOption values: OnlyErrorDialogs or AllDialogs
# third parameter: one of Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.RecycleOption values: DeletePermanently or SendToRecycleBin
[Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.FileSystem]::DeleteFile($item,$showUI, 'SendToRecycleBin')
# usage example, remove all files from the D:\Test directory
Get-ChildItem -Path 'D:\Test' -Filter '*.*' -File | RemoveTo-RecycleBin
# usage example, remove all files and subdirectories from the D:\Test directory
Get-ChildItem -Path 'D:\Test' | RemoveTo-RecycleBin
Just choose any of the above functions, put it on top of your script and then change line
$oldvid | Remove-Item -WhatIf
$oldvid | RemoveTo-RecycleBin

Automate creating configurations from template and excel

I'm having trouble in automation of a configuration.
I have a template of a configuration and need to change all the hostname (marked as YYY) and IP (marked as XXX(only 3rd octet needs replacement)) according to a list of excel values.
Now I have a list of 100 different sites and IPs and I want to have also 100 different configurations.
A friend suggested to use the following Powershell code but it doesn't any create files..:
$replaceValues = Import-Csv -Path "\\ExcelFile.csv"
$file = "\\Template.txt"
$contents = Get-Content -Path $file
foreach ($replaceValue in $replaceValues)
$contents = $contents -replace "YYY", $replaceValue.hostname
$contents = $contents -replace "XXX", $
Copy-Item $file "$($file.$replaceValue.hostname)"
Set-Content -Path "$($file.$replaceValue.hostname)" -Value $contents
echo "$($file.$replaceValue.hostname)"
Your code tries to overwrite the same $contents string in the loop, so if the values are replaced the first time you enter the loop, there won't be any YYY or XXX values to replace left..
You need to keep the template text intact, and create a new copy from the template inside the loop. That copy can then be altered the way you want. Every next iteration wil then start off with a fresh copy of the template.
There is no need to first copy the template text to a new location and then overwrite this file with the new contents. Set-Content is happy to create a new file for you if it does not already exist.
$replaceValues = Import-Csv -Path 'D:\Test\Values.csv'
$template = Get-Content -Path 'D:\Test\Template.txt'
foreach ($item in $replaceValues) {
$content = $template -replace 'YYY', $item.hostname -replace 'XXX', $
$newFile = Join-Path -Path 'D:\Test' -ChildPath ('{0}.txt' -f $item.hostname)
Write-Host "Creating file '$newFile'"
$content | Set-Content -Path $newFile

Functions using multiple Foreach-Object

I have a part of my script that I can't get to work. The goal is, to take files from a folder, filter and organise them by an aspect of their filename, and move them to a new folder which has had new directories made for them. i.e organised by month and year based on file name. E.g. 032 Approved warranty - Croatia - Case-2019 08-1419032, goes into a directory 2019, then 08.
The next step was creating a select all function, which cycled through numbers 01-12. Which it does just fine. Now the issue is I want to cycle for each year as well between 2017-2019. Which is where i'm stuck.
This is my code which does work but only does all months and 1 selected year:
function DoWork { param ([int]$Month)
$StrMonth = $Month.ToString("00")
Echo $StrMonth.ToString("00")
$files = Get-ChildItem $destinationpath -Filter "*$group1 $StrMonth*" -Recurse
foreach ($file in $files)
$year = $group1.ToString()
$month = $Month.ToString()
# Set Directory Path
$Directory = $targetPath + "\" + $year + "\" + $StrMonth
# Create directory if it doesn't exsist
if (!(Test-Path $Directory))
New-Item $directory -type directory
# Move File to new location
$file | move-Item -Destination $Directory -Force
if ($group -eq 'Select All') {
1..12 | ForEach-Object {DoWork($_)}
} else {
I want it too be able to repeat this for multiple years (Select All).
This code was suggested but doesn't work:
function DoWork {
$StrMonth = $Month.ToString("00")
echo $StrMonth.ToString("00")
$StrYear = $Year.ToString
echo $StrYearToString
$files = Get-ChildItem $destinationpath -Filter "*$StrYear $StrMonth*" -Recurse
foreach ($file in $files) {
$year = $Year.ToString()
$month = $Month.ToString()
# Set Directory Path
$Directory = $targetPath + "\" + $StrYear + "\" + $StrMonth
if (!(Test-Path $Directory)) {
New-Item $directory -Type Directory
$file | Copy-Item -Destination $Directory -Force
if ($group1 -eq 'Select All') {
2017..2019 | ForEach-Object {
$year = $_
1..12 | ForEach-Object {DoWork($_, $year)}
} elseif ($group -eq 'Select All') {
1..12 | ForEach-Object {DoWork($_, $group1)}
} else {
DoWork($group, $group1)
I have found that param block in your function is not correct, define param block as below:

Merging CSV Files into a XLSX with Tabs

I currently have 5 Registry CSV files which are created during a PowerShell script:
I need these CSV files to open at the end of the script however would like if all of them were contained within one XLSX file with 5 different headings
Is there a way to combine the files through PowerShell?
I understand how to get the data of the CSV files but don't understand how to merge them or convert. Some of the variables I believe which may be helpful.
$Date = Get-Date -Format "d.MMM.yyyy"
$DIR = $WPFlistview.Selecteditem.Ransomware
$path = "F:\Registry_Export\Results\$DIR\$Date\*"
$csvs = Get-ChildItem $path -Include *.csv
$output = "F:\Registry_Export\Results\$DIR\$Date\Results.Xlsx"
Paths to the CSV files if needed:
This is what I have tried prior. However, it completly scrambles my data into the wrong lines and cells:
function MergeCSV {
$Date = Get-Date -Format "d.MMM.yyyy"
$DIR = $WPFlistview.Selecteditem.Ransomware
$path = "F:\Registry_Export\Results\$DIR\$Date\*"
$csvs = Get-ChildItem $path -Include *.csv
$y = $csvs.Count
Write-Host "Detected the following CSV files: ($y)"
foreach ($csv in $csvs) {
Write-Host " "$csv.Name
$outputfilename = "Final Registry Results"
Write-Host Creating: $outputfilename
$excelapp = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$excelapp.SheetsInNewWorkbook = $csvs.Count
$xlsx = $excelapp.Workbooks.Add()
$sheet = 1
foreach ($csv in $csvs) {
$row = 1
$column = 1
$worksheet = $xlsx.Worksheets.Item($sheet)
$worksheet.Name = $csv.Name
$file = (Get-Content $csv)
foreach ($line in $file) {
$linecontents = $line -split ',(?!\s*\w+")'
foreach ($cell in $linecontents) {
$worksheet.Cells.Item($row,$column) = $cell
$column = 1
$output = "F:\Registry_Export\Results\$DIR\$Date\Results.Xlsx"
How the CSV looks
How the XLSX looks
So, using the Excel.Application ComObject still, what I would suggest is loading each CSV as a CSV, not using Get-Content like you are. Then use the ConvertTo-CSV cmdlet, specifying to use tab as the delimiter, and copy that to the clipboard. Then just paste into Excel, and it will paste in fairly nicely. You may want to adjust column size, but the data will show up just as you would expect it to. I would also use a For loop instead of a ForEach loop, since Excel plays nice with numbers for the tabs (though it is 1 based instead of PowerShell's 0 base). Here's what I would end up with after making those modifications:
function MergeCSV {
$Date = Get-Date -Format "d.MMM.yyyy"
$DIR = $WPFlistview.Selecteditem.Ransomware
$path = "F:\Registry_Export\Results\$DIR\$Date\*"
$csvs = Get-ChildItem $path -Include *.csv
$y = $csvs.Count
Write-Host "Detected the following CSV files: ($y)"
Write-Host " "$csvs.Name"`n"
$outputfilename = "Final Registry Results"
Write-Host Creating: $outputfilename
$excelapp = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$excelapp.SheetsInNewWorkbook = $csvs.Count
$xlsx = $excelapp.Workbooks.Add()
for($i=1;$i -le $y;$i++) {
$worksheet = $xlsx.Worksheets.Item($i)
$worksheet.Name = $csvs[$i-1].Name
$file = (Import-Csv $csvs[$i-1].FullName)
$file | ConvertTo-Csv -Delimiter "`t" -NoTypeInformation | Clip
$output = "F:\Registry_Export\Results\$DIR\$Date\Results.Xlsx"
You could use ImportExcel by Doug Finke And then replace your Export-CSV in the original script with Export-Excel -WorksheetName
Install-Module ImportExcel
Export-Excel "F:\Registry_Export\Results\$DIR\$Date\Results.xlsx" -worksheetname "HKCR"
Export-Excel "F:\Registry_Export\Results\$DIR\$Date\Results.xlsx" -worksheetname "HKCU"

PowerShell does not replace string although you can see it in cmd

I normally find the answer to my problem by going through the site, but this time I have read every question yet still I am in despair and really need an experienced eye.
What I have is basically a structural health monitoring system. I measure strains and receive raw data. This raw data is processed by a MATLAB executable that I wrote myself and then uploaded to an ftp-server. We had a student that automated this with a PowerShell script which was working perfectly until I changed literally one small line in MATLAB and recompiled the code.
I do not understand much about PowerShell, so please be patient with me. The error I receive is you cannot call a method on a null-valued expression. This occurs when I try to replace a set of strings (just called xxx_xxx) with a date that exists as a variable in PowerShell. I can see xxx_xxx in the command window (see attached image), I can print out the date that I want to use as replacement, but somehow it does not work.
I cannot provide a working code snippet because you would need the DAQ to generate data, and as I said, I don't understand the language much. But below is the code. For easier reading, the line that I am receiving the error is the following:
$outData = $cmdOutput.Replace("xxx_xxx",$snaps[$i].Substring(6,4)+"-"+$snaps[$i].Substring(3,2)+"-"+$snaps[$i].Substring(0,2)+" "+$snaps[$i].Substring(11,8)+";")
If anyone could help me with this, I would be eternally grateful!
#$dir = "C:\Users\Petar\Documents\Zoo\PetarData\INPUT DATA\New folder\"
$dir = "C:\Users\Yunus\Documents\Micron Optics\ENLIGHT\Data\" + $(get-date -f yyyy) + "\" + $(get-date -f MM) + "\"
#$outdir = "C:\Users\Petar\Documents\Zoo\PetarData\OUTPUT DATA\New folder\"
$archivedirin = "C:\Users\Yunus\Documents\Elefantenhaus\Archive\IN\"
$archivedirout = "C:\Users\Yunus\Documents\Elefantenhaus\Archive\OUT\"
$tempdir = "C:\Users\Yunus\Documents\Elefantenhaus\Archive\TEMP\"
$prefix = "EHZZ";
$filecount=(Get-ChildItem $dir).Count
$latest = Get-ChildItem -Path $dir | Sort-Object LastAccessTime -Descending | Select-Object -First 1
if($filecount -gt 1){
$exclude = $
$Files = GCI -path $dir | Where-object {$ -ne $exclude}
$dest = $archivedirin + "batch_"+$(get-date -f MM-dd-yyyy_HH_mm_ss)+"\"
new-item -type directory $dest
foreach ($file in $Files){move-item -path ($dir+$file) -destination $dest}
$latest = Get-ChildItem -Path $dest | Sort-Object LastAccessTime -Descending | Select-Object -First 1
$filename = $dest + $
$s=Get-Content $filename
while($s -eq $null){
if($retry -lt 0){break}
write-host "could not read file"
$retry = $retry -1
$s=Get-Content $filename
#read content of input file
$snaps = $s
#loop through the lines in the file until the first occurence of a timestamp, that is our desired line
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $snaps.length; $i++)
$ismatch =[regex]::Matches($snaps[$i], '^(\d\d.\d\d.\d\d\d\d\s\d\d+)')
if ( $ismatch -ne $null -and $ismatch[0].Groups[1].Value)
$temp=Get-Content $filename | select -skip $i
$filenametemp = $tempdir+"\temp.txt" #temp file path, don't change the filename "temp.txt"
#$filename3 = $tempdir+"\test.txt"
Add-Content $filenametemp $temp
$filename = $archivedirout+$prefix+"_"+$snaps[$i].Substring(8,2)+$snaps[$i].Substring(3,2)+$snaps[$i].Substring(0,2)+"_"+$snaps[$i].Substring(11,2)+$snaps[$i].Substring(14,2)+$snaps[$i].Substring(17,2)+".txt"
$cmdOutput = (cmd /c new_modified.exe $tempdir) | Out-String
write-output $cmdOutput #"$cmdOutput is:"
#IF ([string]::IsNullOrWhitespace($cmdOutput)){
# break
$outData = $cmdOutput.Replace("xxx_xxx",$snaps[$i].Substring(6,4)+"-"+$snaps[$i].Substring(3,2)+"-"+$snaps[$i].Substring(0,2)+" "+$snaps[$i].Substring(11,8)+";")
Add-Content $filename $outData
remove-item -path $filenametemp
write-host "waiting for file"
Start-Sleep -s 30
I think what is happening is that the output of the external program isn't being piped into a variable correctly. I haven't had a chance to test this but Tee-Object looks like the appropriate method for you.
I would suggest you try replacing...
$cmdOutput = (cmd /c new_modified.exe $tempdir) | Out-String
cmd /c new_modified.exe $tempdir | Tee-Object -variable $cmdOutput
