PowerShell does not replace string although you can see it in cmd - string

I normally find the answer to my problem by going through the site, but this time I have read every question yet still I am in despair and really need an experienced eye.
What I have is basically a structural health monitoring system. I measure strains and receive raw data. This raw data is processed by a MATLAB executable that I wrote myself and then uploaded to an ftp-server. We had a student that automated this with a PowerShell script which was working perfectly until I changed literally one small line in MATLAB and recompiled the code.
I do not understand much about PowerShell, so please be patient with me. The error I receive is you cannot call a method on a null-valued expression. This occurs when I try to replace a set of strings (just called xxx_xxx) with a date that exists as a variable in PowerShell. I can see xxx_xxx in the command window (see attached image), I can print out the date that I want to use as replacement, but somehow it does not work.
I cannot provide a working code snippet because you would need the DAQ to generate data, and as I said, I don't understand the language much. But below is the code. For easier reading, the line that I am receiving the error is the following:
$outData = $cmdOutput.Replace("xxx_xxx",$snaps[$i].Substring(6,4)+"-"+$snaps[$i].Substring(3,2)+"-"+$snaps[$i].Substring(0,2)+" "+$snaps[$i].Substring(11,8)+";")
If anyone could help me with this, I would be eternally grateful!
#$dir = "C:\Users\Petar\Documents\Zoo\PetarData\INPUT DATA\New folder\"
$dir = "C:\Users\Yunus\Documents\Micron Optics\ENLIGHT\Data\" + $(get-date -f yyyy) + "\" + $(get-date -f MM) + "\"
#$outdir = "C:\Users\Petar\Documents\Zoo\PetarData\OUTPUT DATA\New folder\"
$archivedirin = "C:\Users\Yunus\Documents\Elefantenhaus\Archive\IN\"
$archivedirout = "C:\Users\Yunus\Documents\Elefantenhaus\Archive\OUT\"
$tempdir = "C:\Users\Yunus\Documents\Elefantenhaus\Archive\TEMP\"
$prefix = "EHZZ";
$filecount=(Get-ChildItem $dir).Count
$latest = Get-ChildItem -Path $dir | Sort-Object LastAccessTime -Descending | Select-Object -First 1
if($filecount -gt 1){
$exclude = $latest.name
$Files = GCI -path $dir | Where-object {$_.name -ne $exclude}
$dest = $archivedirin + "batch_"+$(get-date -f MM-dd-yyyy_HH_mm_ss)+"\"
new-item -type directory $dest
foreach ($file in $Files){move-item -path ($dir+$file) -destination $dest}
$latest = Get-ChildItem -Path $dest | Sort-Object LastAccessTime -Descending | Select-Object -First 1
$filename = $dest + $latest.name
$s=Get-Content $filename
while($s -eq $null){
if($retry -lt 0){break}
write-host "could not read file"
$retry = $retry -1
$s=Get-Content $filename
#read content of input file
$snaps = $s
#loop through the lines in the file until the first occurence of a timestamp, that is our desired line
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $snaps.length; $i++)
$ismatch =[regex]::Matches($snaps[$i], '^(\d\d.\d\d.\d\d\d\d\s\d\d+)')
if ( $ismatch -ne $null -and $ismatch[0].Groups[1].Value)
$temp=Get-Content $filename | select -skip $i
$filenametemp = $tempdir+"\temp.txt" #temp file path, don't change the filename "temp.txt"
#$filename3 = $tempdir+"\test.txt"
Add-Content $filenametemp $temp
$filename = $archivedirout+$prefix+"_"+$snaps[$i].Substring(8,2)+$snaps[$i].Substring(3,2)+$snaps[$i].Substring(0,2)+"_"+$snaps[$i].Substring(11,2)+$snaps[$i].Substring(14,2)+$snaps[$i].Substring(17,2)+".txt"
$cmdOutput = (cmd /c new_modified.exe $tempdir) | Out-String
write-output $cmdOutput #"$cmdOutput is:"
#IF ([string]::IsNullOrWhitespace($cmdOutput)){
# break
$outData = $cmdOutput.Replace("xxx_xxx",$snaps[$i].Substring(6,4)+"-"+$snaps[$i].Substring(3,2)+"-"+$snaps[$i].Substring(0,2)+" "+$snaps[$i].Substring(11,8)+";")
Add-Content $filename $outData
remove-item -path $filenametemp
write-host "waiting for file"
Start-Sleep -s 30

I think what is happening is that the output of the external program isn't being piped into a variable correctly. I haven't had a chance to test this but Tee-Object looks like the appropriate method for you.
I would suggest you try replacing...
$cmdOutput = (cmd /c new_modified.exe $tempdir) | Out-String
cmd /c new_modified.exe $tempdir | Tee-Object -variable $cmdOutput


Powershell Separate csv data into separate rows

I have the following script and it gets me the info I need.
$Monitors = Get-WmiObject WmiMonitorID -Namespace root\wmi
$LogFile = "d:\monitors.csv"
"Manufacturer,Name,Serial" | Out-File $LogFile
ForEach ($Monitor in $Monitors)
$Manufacturer = ($Monitor.ManufacturerName|where {$_ -ne 0}|ForEach{[char]$_}) -join ""
$Name = ($Monitor.UserFriendlyName |where {$_ -ne 0}| ForEach{[char]$_}) -join ""
$Serial = ($Monitor.SerialNumberID |where {$_ -ne 0}| ForEach{[char]$_}) -join ""
"$Manufacturer,$Name,$Serial" | Out-File $LogFile -append
My problem is the data is exported to the excel spreadsheet like this..
HWP,HP P232,6CM8122DXL
HWP,HP P232,6CM7241DRB
I need it to be:
Manufacturer Name Serial
in the spreadsheet, and when I do the next pc, it adds to the next line and so on.
I have looked online and the examples just don't match.
Does anyone have any advice?
As others already commented, use Export-Csv to write out the wanted data in csv format, rather than constructing it manually.
That means your ForEach-Object loop should emit objects instead of lines of concatenated strings.
Also, nowadays, I would use the newer Get-CimInstance instead of Get-WmiObject (What's the difference)
$LogFile = "d:\monitors.csv"
Get-CimInstance -ClassName WmiMonitorID -Namespace root\wmi | ForEach-Object {
Manufacturer = [string]::new($_.ManufacturerName, 0, $_.ManufacturerName.Length).Trim("`0")
Name = [string]::new($_.UserFriendlyName, 0, $_.UserFriendlyName.Length).Trim("`0")
Serial = [string]::new($_.SerialNumberID, 0, $_.SerialNumberID.Length).Trim("`0")
} | Export-Csv -Path $LogFile -NoTypeInformation -UseCulture
The -UseCulture switch makes sure the output csv file uses the same delimiter characters your locally installed Excel would expect, so you can simply double-click the file to open it in Excel

Powershell script to extract data from multiple text files into an excel spreadsheet

I'm pretty new to PS and been struggling for a few days.
I have multiple text files in a folder with specific data that I would like to extract into an excel spreadsheet.
each files look like this :
Client n° : xxx Client name : xxx
Computer status
pc group 1 :
n°1 OK n°2 Disconnected n°3 Unresponsive
n°4 Unreachable host n°5 Unresponsive
Data read 11/11/20 12:50:07
Version: x.x.x
I would like to have an output file that looks like this :
Client name and n° OK Disconnected Unresponsive Unreachable host version
xxx/xxx 1 1 2 1 x.x.x
For the status columns it's the sum number of pc with that status and not the pc n° that I would like to display.
At the moment I'm working with multiple .bat files that searches for the status and output one file per status
find /c "Disconnected" *.* > disconnected.txt
find /c "Unresponsive" *.* > unresponsive.txt
And then I sort every single output in an excel which takes me too much time, I was wondering if it was possible to automate this task with a script.
I really don't have any knowledge of PS, only basic batch commands.
Let's assume your files are all in one folder and all of them have the .txt extension.
Then you need to loop through these files and parse the data you need from it:
# create a Hashtable to add the different status values in
$status = #{'OK' = 0; 'Disconnected'= 0; 'Unresponsive' = 0; 'Unreachable host'= 0}
# loop through the files in your path and parse the information out
$result = Get-ChildItem -Path 'D:\Test' -Filter '*.txt' -File | ForEach-Object {
switch -Regex -File $_.FullName {
'^Client n°\s*:\s*([^\s]+)\s+Client name\s*:\s*(.+)$' {
# start collecting data for this client
$client = '{0}/{1}' -f $matches[2], $matches[1]
# reset the Hashtable to keep track of the status values
$status = #{'OK' = 0; 'Disconnected'= 0; 'Unresponsive' = 0; 'Unreachable host'= 0 }
'^\d+' {
# increment the various statuses in the Hahstable
($_ -split '\d+').Trim() | ForEach-Object { $status[$_]++ }
'^Version:\s(.+)$' {
$version = $matches[1]
# since this is the last line for this client, output the collected data as object
'Client name and n°' = $client
'OK' = $status['OK']
'Disconnected' = $status['Disconnected']
'Unresponsive' = $status['Unresponsive']
'Unreachable host' = $status['Unreachable host']
'Version' = $version
# output on screen
$result | Format-Table -AutoSize
# output to CSV file
$result | Export-Csv -Path 'D:\Test\clientdata.csv' -UseCulture -NoTypeInformation
Result on screen:
Client name and n° OK Disconnected Unresponsive Unreachable host Version
------------------ -- ------------ ------------ ---------------- -------
xxx/xxx 1 1 2 1 x.x.x
I used this as an exercise to test my abilities. I created three of the same files, with different data, and tested this script. As long as they are text files in the directory the script will iterate through each file and pull the data from each as you stated it needs to be. If a stray text file gets added the script does not know nor care and will treat it like the others. If there is data it can find it will, and it will output that data to the excel file. Lastly the file is set to save itself and then immediately close.
It starts by Creating the Excel file, then Workbook. (I commented out the naming of the workbook. If you like you can add it back.) Finds all text files in a directory, then searches the text for the specific content within the text you specified above.
During the script I commented as much as I thought might be needed to assist with modification later on.
Output formatted like this:
Excel Output
#Create An Excel File
$excel = New-Object -ComObject excel.application
$excel.visible = $True
#Add Workbook
$workbook = $excel.Workbooks.Add()
<#Rename Workbook
$workbook= $workbook.Worksheets.Item(1)
$workbook.Name = 'Client name and #'#>
#create the column headers
$workbook.Cells.Item(1,1) = 'Client name and n°'
$workbook.Cells.Item(1,2) = 'OK'
$workbook.Cells.Item(1,3) = 'Disconnected'
$workbook.Cells.Item(1,4) = 'Unresponsive'
$workbook.Cells.Item(1,5) = 'Unreachable'
$workbook.Cells.Item(1,6) = 'Version'
$workbook.Cells.Item(1,7) = 'Date Gathered'
$move = "C:\Users\iNet\Desktop\Testing"
$root = "C:\Users\iNet\Desktop\Testing"
$files = Get-ChildItem -Path $root -Filter *.txt
#Starting on Row 2
[int]$i = 2
ForEach ($file in $files){
$location = $root+"\"+$file
#Format your client data to output what you want to see.
$ClientData = select-string -path "$location" -pattern "Client"
$ClientData = $ClientData.line
$ClientData = $ClientData -replace "Client n° :" -replace ""
$ClientData = $ClientData -replace "Client name :" -replace "|"
$row = $i
$Column = 1
$workbook.Cells.Item($row,$column)= "$ClientData"
#Data Read Date
$DataReadDate = select-string -path "$location" -pattern "Data read"
$DataReadDate = $DataReadDate.line
$DataReadDate = $DataReadDate -replace "Data read " -replace ""
#Data Read Date, you asked for everything but this.
$row = $i
$Column = 7
$workbook.Cells.Item($row,$column)= "$DataReadDate"
$Version = select-string -path "$location" -pattern "Version:"
$Version = $Version.line
$Version = $Version -replace "Version: " -replace ""
$row = $i
$Column = 6
$workbook.Cells.Item($row,$column)= "$Version"
#How Many Times Unresponsive Shows Up
$Unresponsive = (Get-Content "$location" | select-string -pattern "Unresponsive").length
$row = $i
$Column = 4
$workbook.Cells.Item($row,$column)= "$Unresponsive"
#How Many Times Disconnected Shows Up
$Disconnected = (Get-Content "$location" | select-string -pattern "Disconnected").length
$row = $i
$Column = 3
$workbook.Cells.Item($row,$column)= "$Disconnected"
#How Many Times Unreachable host Shows Up
$Unreachable = (Get-Content "$location" | select-string -pattern "Unreachable host").length
$row = $i
$Column = 5
$workbook.Cells.Item($row,$column)= "$Unreachable"
#How Many Times OK Shows Up
$OK = (Get-Content "$location" | select-string -pattern "OK").length
$row = $i
$Column = 2
$workbook.Cells.Item($row,$column)= "$OK"
#Iterate by one so each text file goes to its own line.
#Save Document
$output = "\Output.xlsx"
$FinalOutput = $move+$output
#saving & closing the file

String variable acting strange when writing to text file

Below is the code I am having trouble with. It pulls from a config.txt file and sets information to childofRoot.properties file. for some reason the string when I set it is coming with extra added on.
$date = (Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyyy'_'HH-mm")
$backup = 'backuplocation'
$temp = 'replace'
$p = ($PSScriptRoot + 'childofRoot.properties')
$cuidConf = Get-Content -Path ($PSScriptRoot + 'config.txt') | Select-String "cuids_rootfolder=" | Out-String
$cuidConf = $cuidConf.replace("cuids_rootfolder=", "").replace("`n", "")
$cuids = $cuidConf.Split(";")
$backuppath = ((Get-Content -Path ($PSScriptRoot + 'config.txt'))) | Select-String "backuplocation=" | Out-String
$backuppath = $backuppath.replace("backuplocation=", "").replace("`n", "")
$backuppath = $backuppath + $date + "\"
$foldername, $cuid = ($cuids[0].Split(","))
$backup1 = ($backuppath + "Folder a.lcmbiar")
((Get-content -Path $p).replace($temp, $cuid)) | Set-Content -Path $p
((Get-content -Path $p).replace($backup, $backup1)) | Set-Content -Path $p
Contents of config.txt:
Content of childofRoot.properties:
Expected output written to childofRoot.properties:
Output I'm seeing written to childofRoot.properties:
08-18-2020_18-02\Folder a.lcmbiar
Yes I already tried removing new line characters with .replace("`n","")
I had others look at this script too and the variable looks fine just when i set it it comes out different in the text file.
I was able to replicate this on Powershell 4 and Powershell 5 on different machines. If someone would try this on their machine and see if they can fix the problem.
The extra line breaks are from doing | Select-String "backuplocation=" | Out-String, and the reason .Replace("`n", "") doesn't solve the problem is that Windows uses the sequence "`r`n" for line breaks.
I suggest simplifying your script with Where-Object instead of Select-String | Out-String:
$backuppath = Get-Content -Path (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot config.txt) | Where-Object {$_ -match "backuplocation="}
$backuppath = $backuppath -replace 'backuplocation='

Powershell - Optimizing a very, very large csv and text file search and replace

I have a directory with ~ 3000 text files in it, and I'm doing periodic search and replaces on those text files as I transition a program to a new server.
Each text file may have an average of ~3000 lines, and I need to search the files for maybe 300 - 1000 terms at a time.
I'm replacing the server prefix which is related to the string I'm searching for. So for every one of the csv entries, I'm looking for Search_String, \\Old_Server\"Search_String" and making sure that after the program completes, the result is "\\New_Server\Search_String".
I cobbled together a powershell program, and it works. But it's so slow I've never seen it complete.
Any suggestions for making it faster?
I changed get-content as suggested, but it still took 3 minutes to search two files (~8000 lines) for 9 separate search terms. I must still be screwing up; a notepad++ search and replace would still be way faster if done manually 9 times.
I'm not sure how to get rid of the first (Get-Content) because I want to make a copy of the file for backup before I make any changes to it.
So this is an order of magnitude faster; it's searching a file in maybe 10 seconds. But now it doesn't write changes to files, and it only searches the first file in the directory! I didn't change that code, so I don't know why it broke.
Success! I adapted a solution posted below to make it much, much faster. It's searching each file in a couple of seconds now. I may reverse the loop order, so that it loads the file into the array and then searches and replaces each entry in the CSV rather than the other way around. I'll post that if I get it to work.
Final script is below for reference.
#get input from the user
$old = Read-Host 'Enter the old cimplicity qualifier (F24, IRF3 etc'
$new = Read-Host 'Enter the new cimplicity qualifier (CB3, F24_2 etc)'
$DirName = Get-Date -format "yyyy_MM_dd_hh_mm"
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $DirName -force
New-Item "$DirName\log.txt" -ItemType file -force -Value "`nMatched CTX files on $dirname`n"
$logfile = "$DirName\log.txt"
$VerbosePreference = "SilentlyContinue"
$points = import-csv SearchAndReplace.csv -header find #Import CSV File
#$ctxfiles = Get-ChildItem . -include *.ctx | select -expand fullname #Import local directory of CTX Files
$points | foreach-object { #For each row of points in the CSV file
$findvar = $_.find #Store column 1 as string to search for
$OldQualifiedPoint = "\\\\"+$old+"\\" + $findvar #Use escape slashes to escape each invidual bs so it's not read as regex
$NewQualifiedPoint = "\\"+$new+"\" + $findvar #escape slashes are NOT required on the new string
$DuplicateNew = "\\\\" + $new + "\\" + "\\\\" + $new + "\\"
$QualifiedNew = "\\" + $new + "\"
dir . *.ctx | #Grab all CTX Files
select -expand fullname | #grab all of those file names and...
foreach {#iterate through each file
$DateTime = Get-Date -Format "hh:mm:ss"
$FileName = $_
Write-Host "$DateTime - $FindVar - Checking $FileName"
$FileCopied = 0
#Check file contents, and copy matching files to newly created directory
If (Select-String -Path $_ -Pattern $findvar -Quiet ) {
If (!($FileCopied)) {
Copy $FileName -Destination $DirName
$FileCopied = 1
Add-Content $logfile "`n$DateTime - Found $Findvar in $filename"
Write-Host "$DateTime - Found $Findvar in $filename"
$FileContent = Get-Content $Filename -ReadCount 0
$FileContent =
$FileContent -replace $OldQualifiedPoint,$NewQualifiedPoint -replace $findvar,$NewQualifiedPoint -replace $DuplicateNew,$QualifiedNew
$FileContent | Set-Content $FileName
If I'm reading this correctly, you should be able to read a 3000 line file into memory, and do those replaces as an array operation, eliminating the need to iterate through each line. You can also chain those replace operations into a single command.
dir . *.ctx | #Grab all CTX Files
select -expand fullname | #grab all of those file names and...
foreach {#iterate through each file
$DateTime = Get-Date -Format "hh:mm:ss"
$FileName = $_
Write-Host "$DateTime - $FindVar - Checking $FileName"
#Check file contents, and copy matching files to newly created directory
If (Select-String -Path $_ -Pattern $findvar -Quiet ) {
Copy $FileName -Destination $DirName
Add-Content $logfile "`n$DateTime - Found $Findvar in $filename"
Write-Host "$DateTime - Found $Findvar in $filename"
$FileContent = Get-Content $Filename -ReadCount 0
$FileContent =
$FileContent -replace $OldQualifiedPoint,$NewQualifiedPoint -replace $findvar,$NewQualifiedPoint -replace $DuplicateNew,$QualifiedNew
$FileContent | Set-Content $FileName
On another note, Select-String will take the filepath as an argument, so you don't have to do a Get-Content and then pipe that to Select-String.
Yes, you can make it much faster by not using Get-Content... Use Stream Reader instead.
$file = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader -Arg "test.txt"
while (($line = $file.ReadLine()) -ne $null) {
# $line has your line
i wanted to use PowerShell for this and created a script like the one below:
$filepath = "input.csv"
$newfilepath = "input_fixed.csv"
filter num2x { $_ -replace "aaa","bbb" }
measure-command {
Get-Content -ReadCount 1000 $filepath | num2x | add-content $newfilepath
It took 19 minutes on my laptop to process 6.5Gb file. The code below is reading file in a batch (using ReadCount) and uses filter that should optimize performance.
But then I tried FART and it did the same thing in 3 minutes! quite a difference!

Renaming files using a strings from a txt file

The question might sound confusing but all I really need is the ability to change a file name using an array of strings.
For example:
File 1 contains:
File 2 contains (array/reference)
The new file name for abc1234cd.jpg should now be 1234c.jpg and so forth.
Is this possible with powershell or any other language to do?
This should do it, assuming the files have a one-to-one match.
# Get contents of file 1
$File1 = Get-Content -Path $PSScriptRoot\File1.txt;
# Get contents of file 2
$File2 = Get-Content -Path $PSScriptRoot\File2.txt;
# Iterate over each item in $File1
foreach ($Item in $File1) {
$FileList = Get-ChildItem -Path "c:\test\$Item*.jpg";
foreach ($File in $FileList) {
# Determine file's new name, based on corresponding value in File2
$NewName = $File.Name -replace $Item, $File2[$File1.IndexOf($Item)];
Write-Host -Object ('Old name: {0}, new name: {1}' -f $Item, $NewName);
After countless hours, I finally got the code to work.
$dir = 'file.txt'
$backup = 'C:\Users\all users\Desktop\backup'
$file = 'file2.txt'
$files = Import-Csv -Header Name -Path $file
foreach ($line in $files){
$linefiles = Get-ChildItem $dir | where {$_.BaseName.Contains($line.Name)}
$count = 0
foreach ($linefile in $linefiles) {
#do stuff to each file here
$name = $linefile.BaseName
$extension = $linefile.Extension
$newName = $line.Name
Copy-Item -Path "$dir\$linefile" -Destination "$backup\$linefile"
if ($count -gt 0){
Rename-Item -NewName "$newName-$count$extension" -Path "$dir\$linefile"}
Rename-Item -NewName "$newName$extension" -Path "$dir\$linefile"}
