How to clone a git repository which is present on a remote linux server into windows - linux

I have a git repository setup on a remote server XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX and want to clone the same in my windows environment. It's actually a webapp present under /var/www/html/Testsite. The git repo is created inside the Testsite folder.
I was hoping the command:
git clone http://XXX.XX.XX.XX/Testsite/mysite.git would work fine but it does not. Please let me know how I can get the URL to configure and clone it into my environment.
However, with the local folder, I am easily able to clone the repository which works totally fine.
Thanks a lot.

You can't, without configuring your Apache in order to server git request.
The fact that your mysite.git is within Testsite doesn't make it accessible to git.
As shown in this config, you can define in a separate VirtualHost (so in a separate port, since you are already using port 80/443 on Testing) a config in order to call the git script able to interpret a git clone request:
ScriptAlias /hgit/ /path/to/git/libexec/git-core/git-http-backend/
SetEnv GIT_HTTP_BACKEND "/path/to/git/libexec/git-core/git-http-backend"
<Location /hgit>
As for ssh, the right url would be:
git clone ssh://account#XX.XX.XX.XX/var/www/html/Testsite/mysite.git
And it would work only if you generate a public and private (non-passhrase protected at first), and publish the public key in the ~account/.ssh/authorized_keys.
Or the sshd (ssh daemon) on the server won't recognize you (hence the password request), and won't know where "Testing/" is.


GitLab Subdomain, Cloning via HTTPS Does Work. Cloning via SSH Does Not Work

I started to work for a new client and they have a GitLab subdomain to keep all their repositories. I applied my ssh key and gpg2 keys to their GitLab account. However, when I try to clone via ssh, I time out. But if I were to clone via HTTPS, everything works fine.
What step am I missing to get the ssh portion working?
Cloning via https does work.
Cloning via ssh does not work.
config file:
In case this may be of any help:
Try completing your ssh config file with
Host companysub
User git
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
(put the "Preferredauthentication publickey" part in Host *)
That way, your URL would become companysub, as in:
git clone companysub:company/repository.git
First, try an ssh -Tv companysub, to check if the key is recognized and working.

Git on server with no SSH access

I have copied all of the files from my production server into a local repo. I want to set up Git on the production server (Linux) so that when I push changes, they are automatically synchronized with the server.
Unfortunately, our hosting service does not allow us SSH access. Is it possible to install and set up Git on the server without having SSH access? (I can run commands in a php script using shell_exec() as kind of a workaround).
Here are some close threads with popular answers:
How to make a “git push” update files on your web host?
Pushing from GitHub to a Web Server
Private git repository over http
You could use http, https or git protocol instead of ssh. More information you can find here

Change SSH host for cloning

Is there any way to change default ssh host for gitlab (displayed at top of repository view in web interface)? I mean only for SSH in clone urls.
For example I have my gitlab installation on, but also points to the same machine (different site). Can I change ssh clone urls from:
git clone
git clone
but for http and https leave it with
If you are using the omnibus package you can edit /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb and add gitlab_rails['gitlab_ssh_host'] = ''
There is the equivalent option somewhere in gitlab.yml : ssh_host:
If your subdomain behaves the same way your actual domain does, it should not be a problem. If the subdomain points to the same IP, git or ssh for that matter should not bother.

Cannot find my project files on the server gitolite is running

I cannot find my project files on the server gitolite is running.
Basically, I built a git server using gitolite on a CentOS 6.2, and I created a new repository,I can successfully clone, pull, commit and push files to this new project, but when I logged in this server, trying to find my project files on it, I could not find them. the repository is in /home/mygituser/repositories/myproject.git/ , but none of my pushed files can be found any in there.
Is gitolite keeping the actual project contents somewhere else or is there a way to config and seperate project contents and its repository?
This is driving me crazy, any help will be highly appreciated.
Gitolite operates with bare repositories.
A bare repo has no working tree, meaning no files.
That is why, by the way, your repo root directory ends with .git: it is a naming convention to reference bare repos.
See "Git push only for bare repositories?" for more.
Your repos are managed by default on:
Generally, you don't need to look to the content of a repo while being on the server: you simply clone it on a client and look it there. (the clone won't be a bare repo by default)
You could clone it on the server, if you have a proper ~git/.ssh/id_rsa(.pub) key declared as a user in the gitolite.conf file.
It is what I do, as a test, after installing/updating gitolite on my server.
That works because of my local ssh config file:
Host gitolitesrv
Hostname localhost
IdentityFile #H#/.ssh/gitoliteadm
So I have a ~git/.ssh/gitolite(.pub) private and public key dedicated to gitolite admin, which I can use locally on the server to clone gitolite repo if I want.
That is because I use that same key to setup gitolite:
GITOLITE_HTTP_HOME= gitolite setup -pk "${H}/.ssh/"
If you have a similar setup, you can then clone any repo on the server:
git clone gitolitesrv:gitolite-admin "${gtl}/ga"

How to setup and clone a remote git repo on Windows?

Anybody know how to checkout, clone, or fetch project or code from a git remote repository on a Windows server?
Repository IP is:, source file directory is c:\repos\project.git
I am used to the command line interface from a SUSE Linux terminal. I have tried the same kind of method but it always replies that
fatal: ''/repo/project.git'' does not appear to be a git repository
fatal: Could not read from remote repository..
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
Can anyone tell me how to setup and clone?
You have to set up some kind of sharing from the windows machine, that you can access with git. Git supports 3 access methods: ssh, remote filesystem or http. The last one is probably most complicated, so I won't detail it. The first two are:
Set up ssh server on windows.
You can try this guide: See also this question for some more options.
Than you clone by git clone (you will be asked for password).
Advantage of this method is that it's secure (connection is encrypted and ssh server is trustworthy), so you can use it over internet. Since git server is running on the windows machine during access, you can set up hooks for advanced security policy, controlling other processes and such.
Share the repository using windows sharing.
Than on the linux host, you need to mount the share with smbmount. That might require username and password, depending on how you set the permissions.
Than you clone by git clone /share/mountpoint/path/to/repo.
This is probably easier to set up, but it is not very secure, so it shouldn't be used outside local network. Also in this case hooks on the windows machine won't be executed (in fact git will try to execute them on the Linux machine, but they either won't run there or can be bypassed anyway), so you can't apply advanced security.
A particular file is not relevant, you need to give path to the directory containing .git subdirectory or to the directory that is a bare repository (path/to/repo above).
First of all, the git repository is just a bunch of files you need to access. You wrote about cloning and fetching repository, and this is easy part - you just need to access the files (and have read rights).
It can be done by direct access to filesystem, by http(s) protocol, or by ssh connection. Actually, there is even a way to do it by ftp server.
What you can do:
1) set the ssh server, then access the git files via ssh server - actually, the path you should use depends on the ssh server you use on windows: source
2) set the web server to access the file:
git clone http://host/path/to/repo
3) mount filesystem from windows on your linux machine and clone repo:
git clone /mnt/filesystem/path/to/repo
Despite the method you choose I suggest to consult the apropriate chapter from Pro Git Book
