Lotus Notes : User form over email - lotus-notes

I am going to organize a team event at my workplace.
I want to call in team nominations for the same.
However, to make the mail interesting, I want to design the mail in such a way that after the usual descriptive content, there should be a form and a button with various fields.
For e.g.
Team Name:
Team Leader:
Submit Button
So, the receiver fills these fields with relevant details and on hitting the submit button, I receive a mail back with the nomination details.
Can someone please tell me if this is possible in Lotus Notes and if possible can someone guide me to a simple example somewhere on the web.
Please note that I will not be able to do Notes Scripting. So it there is some inbuild function to create text boxes or user forms similar to button functionality available, then I want to be guided with that.
Thanks for reading.

Yes, this is possible, and it is quite easy, if you know how to do it.
BUT: You will most probably not be able to do this, as you need the Domino Designer to achieve what you want. If you HAD the Domino Designer, your question would have been more concrete, so I guess you don't have it.
If you want to try it: Get The Domino Designer with the right version for your environment, install it and try working with it.
The most current version of designer can be found here.
The Domino Designer Help will be a good starting point for you, but without a training or at least somebody who shows you the basics, it will be not possible for you to achieve what you want.
Almost forgot: If your admins did not give you the appropriate rights in the Domino environment, then you will not be able to bring your code to the server, and that means it will be very hard to distribute the form to the users.


Create Mail-In Database using Standard Notes Mail Template

I am trying to create a Mail-In database for a new workflow application,
internal and external mail to arrive into a view which can be accessed by any member of the team, assigned reassigned, etc etc.
Attempt 1
I started with a blank canvas created a memo form, view, frame with preview etc, embedded another team calendar in the frame etc no problem until I started to try to implement basic functionality like forward and reply - with history. Forwarding my memo/mail with the history results in a copy of what becomes the ugly header in the new form. I needed it to be formatted like it is in a reply or forward of a Notes email ie like this.
Many hours later I could not figure out how the above has been achieved in Notes.
Attempt 2
Use the standard Notes 11 mail template and using the Notes message/memo form, add my bespoke view and frameset with preview etc. Nearly works, I get the neat history on Forward, however, on previewing the mail in my frameset the preview is pushed outside of my frame covering half of the other frames, it is unuseable. It seems like there is one form on top of another, ie this is apparent when opening the mail, adding a green background to the form is only visible on Edit. Again after hours and hours of searching through code and subforms, I cannot find the cause of it. I have established though if I open my client in basic mode, ie. nlnotes then it works perfectly.
So several questions all related, am I going about it the right way. I would like to use the mail template as a lot of what I need is built in, but I need to view that database in basic mode whilst in a standard eclipse notes client, ie stop it trying to open whatever it is trying to open in the eclipse version.
Or is there a better way, ie to generate the neat From: To: history in Forwarded and Replied to emails.
I will also want any replies to be from the group email address rather then the individual user, I haven't got to that yet so I am not sure if it is a problem.
I have seen the Open NTF Team Mail project, but that is 10 years out of date, so I felt there would be more advantage in trying to use the existing mail template.
Hope that makes sense.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I suggest to create a new mail-in database and give it the right mail-template. Sometimes an application gets a hick-up and the application can't implement the template correctly. Or because of your previous tries there are design parts which shouldn't be there.
Is this the first time you create a mail-in database? Are all template elements signed correctly? Did you check the ACL, too?

Form Help-Sharepoint

So I am seriously super new to sharepoint, have never worked with it before this. My agency has a client that uses it, and they need to change the e-mail that the form from their website is sent to. I said I could do it because it sounded easy, boy was I wrong!
I have downloaded info path and watched and read all about it. I thought i got it to work by having infopath submit the data to the new email address, but no luck. I then downloaded sharepoint designer to try and change where the email goes through a workflow, but now I can not get the site to open on sharepoint designer. I know this probably comes off as super inexperienced, and thats because it is. I have no idea what I'm doing with sharepoint.
Any help would be super appreciated!
Emails from SharePoint always go out as the same account unless you write custom code

CRM 2011 - E-mail snapshot of Dashboard to a particular user

I have a request of a customer who wants his dashboards to be send weekly/daily to him via E-mail (PDF or IMAGE). I have searched for hours to find a decent solution, but I can’t seem to find one. This should work on “CRM Online” and on “IFD”.
I have found some code that can take a snapshot of a Webpage, but there I have the “Log-In” problems. Each time you execute the page, you see a page with the “MICROSOFT PASSPORT” or “ADFS” sign in box. I tried the “wkhtmltopdf”-method and “WebBrowser”-method and 3rd party tools.
There is also no “JavaScript” or “JQuery” that is able to generate screenshots from the current page. I’ve created a Webresource in CRM 2011 with an iFrame and in that iFrame I’m able to show the “Dashboard”. If I would be able to take a snapshot of that page, I could create an attachment and put in the CRM.
I think I’m on the right way of doing this, but I can’t seem to get over the last difficulties. I hope someone here on the forum already has done something like that. I’m almost sure it must be possible, because a partner of us was able to take a screenshot of the Dashboard and put it in their application. Of course they don’t want to share that piece of code with me.
I don't believe there is a way to possibly implement the functionality requested with out some major "hacks" that would be brittle and most likely break with any type of CRM/Browser update. I would work with the customer and advise them that what they are asking really doesn't make sense from a cost / maintenance standpoint. I'd try to see if they'd be willing to live with these work arounds:
Send a weekly e-mail with a link to CRM. Downside is the user has to be able to have rights to login and see the data, but it would be super easy.
Create custom reports that recreate the dashboard data. You should be able to schedule e-mails for this through SSRS
Good luck!

Customizing SharePoint's NewForm.aspx, or creating my own form... thoughts?

I'm not sure that there will be a definitive answer to my question, but I'd like to read some discussion from other folks on this... here's some quick background.
I'm creating a request form that will handle adding new equipment to our datacenter. I'm collecting some pretty basic info about the submitter and the equipment to add. Some of the metadata gets pretty complex, but I won't get into that here.
At first I started with a browser enabled InfoPath form, because most of our users aren't licensed for the InfoPath rich client. After much frustration I got things working, but could never get a level of performance that I was happy with. Since then I have been playing around with SharePoint's web services and I have a GREAT form that I've written in HTML (with some jQuery magic) that submits to a SharePoint list.
So now I'm asking myself... why not just use this form? First, I can get rid of InfoPath completely... that also helps us out with licensing since I won't need Enterprise licensing. Second, performance... Third, sure I have to hand code it, but I can, and I enjoy it.
So, InfoPath is out the door.
That leads to where I need some best practice ideas mixed in with new ideas. I've got this form that works great, but I want everything to work within SharePoint. As a test, I just created a new view for my list, removed the web part that shows the list, and plopped in my form. Aside from some CSS issues, everything works and it updates the list lightning quick!
But should it be a custom view? Should it live somewhere else? Should I just edit NewForm.aspx?
I'd love to hear some thoughts on this. Ultimately, my entire solution will be deployed as a Feature, but I'm not sure that's relevant.
I would've done it mostly the same way:
Create a new form (via SharePoint Designer or a custom ASPX page)
Encapsulate the form in a Web Part (you can use the SmartPart Web Part if you're in a hurry)
Create as many custom views as you want, it doesn't really interfere with the way you code the form
If you must modify NewForm.aspx, don't delete the default ListForm Webpart since it's used by SharePoint for other things. You're better of just hiding it to avoid future issues.
Hope that helps
I think you should create custom form templates for your request SharePoint-List.
See MSDN: Creating Custom Form Templates.
I also recommend reading Understanding SharePoint: List Forms.
There's nothing wrong with using a custom form or a completely seperate app to edit SharePoint data. You end up with the same data you would get from using the standard new form, so it can't possibly break anything beyond the modified view.
Setting up a custom newform is probably the most appropriate place for it - easy enough to change the newform url in schema.xml or through designer.

Lotus Notes Authentication

I want to setup Lotus Notes on my laptop to mess around with it. I am trying to setup my email, but my email through verizon.net requires authentication. I have it setup in Outlook 07, but Outlook does not have support for Databasing. Does anyone know how to setup authentication for outgoing email in Lotus Notes, let alone is it possible?
In your personal address book in Lotus Notes (File > Database > Open > names.nsf), go to the Advanced > Accounts section and create a new account. You'll need to create one count for POP and one account for SMTP to send and receive email. There are fields in those forms where you can put the authentication info.
Ken is correct, but I would like to counter Todd's remark (although I didn't vote you down, Todd).
Saying that Notes is crappy because it is not a RDBMS is like saying SQL is crappy because it is not a Network Operating System. Notes is tremendously powerful at what it does - indeed, it has no rival. Visual Studion + WinForms is in no way equivalent. There are things you can do in either Notes or a RDBMS - sometimes one platform will be better, sometimes the other.
Enjoy, Mark.
Ken Pespisa's answer is correct.
However, you need to understand that the nsf (Notes Databases) are completely flat files. They are in no way relational. Believe me, there are plenty of ways you can squeeze relational data into a notes database and everyone of them will leave you with TONS of maintanince nightmares and crappy data.
Mitch's comment to you is dead on, just mess around with SQL Server Express or MySQL. If you want the RAD aspect of Notes, just use Visual Studio with WinForms or something.
