List 'created by' in column - sharepoint

I know there is surveylist.get_description and surveylist.get_itemCount. I would like to know if there is a way to get created by fit in a column?

From syntax i guess you are using Javascriot CSOM.
Try this:
Don't forget that you need to explicitly specify which properties you want to retrieve before you can get their values.

Unfortunately List Author property is not exposed via SharePoint CSOM.
How to retrieve List Author property via CSOM?
The idea is to retrieve SPList.SchemaXml property and extract Author property
function getListAuthor(listTitle,OnSuccess,OnError) {
var context = SP.ClientContext.get_current();
var web = context.get_web();
var list = web.get_lists().getByTitle(listTitle);
var schemaXml = $.parseXML(list.get_schemaXml());
var authorId = parseInt($(schemaXml).find('List').attr('Author')); //SchemaXml contains Author ID only
var listAuthor = web.getUserById(authorId);
getListAuthor('Discussions List',
console.log('List created by: ' + author.get_loginName())
console.log('Error occured:' + args.get_message());


How to get a list of internal id in netsuite

Is there a proper way to get a list of all internal id in a Netsuite Record?
var record = nlapiLoadRecord('customer', 1249);
var string = JSON.stringify(record);
nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG', 'string ', string );
I can get most of the id using json string but i am looking for a proper way. It prints all the data including internal id. Is there any Api or any other way ?
I actually developed a Chrome extension that displays this information in a convenient pop-up.
I ran into the same issue of nlobjRecord not stringifying properly, and what I ended up doing was manually requesting and parsing the same AJAX page NS uses internally when you call nlapiLoadRecord()
var id = nlapiGetRecordId();
var type = nlapiGetRecordType();
var url = '/app/common/scripting/';
var payload = '<nlapiRequest type="nlapiLoadRecord" id="' + id + '" recordType="' + type + '"/>';
var response = nlapiRequestURL(url, payload);
nlapiLogExecution('debug', response.getBody());
You can have a look at the full source code on GitHub
The getAllFields() function will return an array of all field names, standard and custom, for a given record.
var customer = nlapiLoadRecord('customer', 5069);
var fields = customer.getAllFields();
fields.forEach(function(field) {
nlapiLogExecution('debug', field);

set lookup field & managed meta data field using jsom in sharepoint

Setting lookup field & managed meta data field value using jsom. Through jsom I will need to set the value into the list .
Setting the lookup and managed metadata columns through code
Try and modify the below sample code:
var clientContext = new SP.ClientContext(_spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl);
var list = clientContext.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle('TestList');
var itemCreateInfo = new SP.ListItemCreationInformation();
var listItem = list.addItem(itemCreateInfo);
var singleLookupColumn = new SP.FieldLookupValue();
listItem.set_item('CustomLookup', singleLookupColumn);
var field = list.get_fields().getByInternalNameOrTitle("TestTaxonomy");
var taxField = clientContext.castTo(field, SP.Taxonomy.TaxonomyField);
var taxonomyCol = new SP.Taxonomy.TaxonomyFieldValue();
taxField.setFieldValueByValue(listItem, taxonomyCol);

SharePoint CSOM: How to update person or group field using ValidateUpdateListItem?

I am updating a SharePoint list item using the ValidateUpdateListItem method of the client-side object model to prevent creation of a new item version. This basically works fine for all fields except the ones with person or group field type. Does anyone know what is the correct string representation of a user or group value to be used as FieldValue of an ListItemFormUpdateValue object? I have already tried everything that seems reasonable to me (user ID from User Info, login name, lookup-value like combinations of these data etc.) without any success.
I just ran into a problem where updating more than 12 person or group fields with item update caused it to throw an exception. Apparently this is caused due to the list view look up threshold in SP online (12 as of this date).
To work around that I used the ValidateUpdateListItem method to update the person or group ids. The trick is to assign it a json in the format of
formValues.Add(new ListItemFormUpdateValue() { FieldName = "AssignedTo", FieldValue = "[{'Key':'i:0#.f|membership|'}]" });
For multiple values, it can be comma separated. Have not tried it with group but i think it should work.
Hopefully this can be useful for someone.
Unfortunately ListItem.ValidateUpdateListItem method does not support the update of user field value. For example, in the following example AssignedTo field will not be updated:
using (var ctx = GetContext(webUri, userName, password))
var list = ctx.Web.Lists.GetByTitle(listTitle);
var item = list.GetItemById(itemId);
var formValues = new List<ListItemFormUpdateValue>();
formValues.Add(new ListItemFormUpdateValue() { FieldName = "Title", FieldValue = taskName});
formValues.Add(new ListItemFormUpdateValue() { FieldName = "AssignedTo", FieldValue = userId.ToString() }); //not supported
item.ValidateUpdateListItem(formValues, true, string.Empty);
Instead consider ListItem.Update Method to update user field value as demonstrated below:
using (var ctx = GetContext(webUri, userName, password))
var list = ctx.Web.Lists.GetByTitle(listTitle);
var item = list.GetItemById(itemId);
item["Title"] = taskName;
var assignedToValue = new FieldUserValue() { LookupId = userId };
var assignedToValues = new[] { assignedToValue };
item["AssignedTo"] = assignedToValues; //multi-valued user field

Xpages java script server side does not update the field in form

case : Update field after select the customer name:
setting : 1 setting view that consist of database path :
DbServer: ServerOne/pcs
Directory: office
Database name : Customer.nsf
this xpages have a datasource inside, it call "document1"
// get the database path :
var vw3:NotesView=database.getView("Setting Path");
var doc3:NotesDocument=vw3.getFirstDocument();
var server:string = doc3.getItemValueString("DbServer");
var DName:string=doc3.getItemValueString("DbName");
var Directory:string=doc3.getItemValueString("Directory");
var DBName:string= Directory+"\\" +DName;
var db:NotesDatabase = session.getDatabase(server, DBName, false);
var vw:NotesView = db.getView("All Customer");
var doc:NotesDocument=vw.getDocumentByKey(document1.getValue("Customer"),true);
if (doc !=null) {
document1.setValue("Contact", doc.getItemValueString("Contact"));
document1.setValue("Telephone", doc.getItemValueString("Phone"));
document1.setValue("Fax", doc.getItemValueString("Fax"));
document1.setValue("Email", doc.getItemValueString("Email"));
Problem :
The field doesn't update and get the value from "customer" database.
I see a series of problems in your code:
Bind your input field to a scope variable, not to the document itself. It is a search string in the beginning, not part of the new document.
You don't check for the case that the customer wasn't found, so you never know if that was the issue.
I would rather use an URL and resolve instead of server / path / database (but that's a little style
So something like (typed off my head, will contain typos):
var vw3:NotesView=database.getView("Setting Path");
var vwe3 = vw3.getFirstEntry();
var db = session.resolve(vwe.entries[0]);
var vw:NotesView = db.getView("All Customer");
var doc:NotesDocument=vw.getDocumentByKey(viewScope.customer,true);
if (doc !=null) {
viewScope.result = doc.getUniversalID();
document1.setValue("Contact", doc.getItemValueString("Contact"));
document1.setValue("Telephone", doc.getItemValueString("Phone"));
document1.setValue("Fax", doc.getItemValueString("Fax"));
document1.setValue("Email", doc.getItemValueString("Email"));
} else {
viewScope.result = "Not found!";
// ADD recycle() calls here!!!
Bind a display only field to viewScope.result, so you have a better idea what is happening. Your view must be sorted and indexed by customer name.
Of course you could use the OpenNTF dialog list control instead.

Determining if the value entered is a User or Group - Client Side Object Model

I'm having a play around with the client side object model and apps for SharePoint Online. I can retrieve the information from a Person and Groups field using a FieldUserValue object, however, how can I determine from this if the value entered is simply a user, or a SharePoint group?
As far as I can tell, the FieldUserValue only has a LookupId and LookupValue as its properties, which doesn't specify if it is a group or not. Have I gone the wrong way about this and is there a much better way of querying the field and checking if the value is a user of SharePoint group?
You could determine whether the user field value is User or Group by getting Content Type of List Item in User Information List:
public static string GetUserFieldType(ClientContext ctx,FieldUserValue value)
var userInfoList = ctx.Site.RootWeb.SiteUserInfoList;
var userInfo = userInfoList.GetItemById(value.LookupId);
ctx.Load(userInfo,i => i.ContentType);
return userInfo.ContentType.Name;
Assume a List contains single-valued User Field, then:
using (var ctx = new ClientContext(webUrl))
ctx.Credentials = CreateSPOCredentials(userName, password);
var list = ctx.Web.Lists.GetByTitle(listTitle);
var listItem = list.GetItemById(itemId);
var userVal = listItem[fieldName] as FieldUserValue;
var type = GetUserFieldType(ctx,userVal);
var isUser = type == "Person";
var isGroup = type == "SharePointGroup";
