Xcode bots cucumber iOS - cucumber

i'm wondering if it possible to use any UI testing framework (cucumber based is preferable like calabash-ios) with XCode bots CI.
I'd like to see test results inside bot stats. thanks

I would love to see a working example of cucumber tests running on Xcode bot as well. Another option is to use KIF, here is a detailed tutorial how its done:

You can actually use Cucumberish: https://github.com/Ahmed-Ali/Cucumberish
In combination with the built-in XCUI or third party frameworks like KIF.
Give it a try, it gives you the beauty of Cucumber with a native environment.

I end up with XCTest UI Framework. Here is some resource:


Cucumber Framework Migration - Existing Rest Assured to Karate Framework

I am working as automation tester for banking domain account. I have a query and need your help.
Current Approach :
1.The framework which we are using for API-Services testing is Java based - Serenity -Cucumber framework using Rest Assured.
2.All the script development/script maintenance activities related to this framework is taken care by the automation testers in our team.
3.Few weeks before , we got to know about Karate framework and completed the PoC( Proof of concept).
4.All went well and we are in the plan to migrate our existing Rest assured java code Karate framework.
The reason for migration - Karate framework Api services testing can be able to do by Manual testers as well.So we are in the plan for migration.
We have almost 80 web services already developed in Rest assured and running successfully.
Also for migration, all the services are inter-dependent. So we have to use both Res-assured and Karate framework code together ,unless it's fully migrated.
Can't able to migrate all the services immediately ,it's a time taken effort.
Is it possible to run karate framework and Rest Assured Java code in the same scenario.
Scnario given in Karate Feature file:
Given urlCustomerservices
When method get
Then status 200
def getCustIDfromUserservices=newcallJavaFunction().getcustid("user","password")
print getCustIDfromUserservices
This "getcustid" have the Rest assured java code for "Post" call service to get the customer number.
When I am running this in code karate framework , getting this error -
Could any help in this. Whether can we run both karate and Rest assured code together in same scenario in karate framework . If yes, why am getting this error, when am trying to get the response in Rest assured.
First I'll say that this is not something we claim to support :) So you are on your own.
That said, it sounds like a simple library conflict. My guess is your existing Maven pom.xml has a lot of libraries floating around. You will need to do some investigation and find out what maven exclusions you need to do or which libraries need explicit versions specified. If you are lucky, switching from karate-apache to karate-jersey may do the trick.
Also I strongly recommend creating a Karate quickstart, then adding the extra stuff one by one in "hello world" mode and see what causes the problem. Use the mvn dependency:tree command and see the differences between a Karate project and yours. If you know how to use Maven profiles, that may be one way to go. All the best !
Worst case, fall back to 2 maven modules and run 2 test-suites, it is fine and not the end of the world. You can gradually migrate.
EDIT - also see https://stackoverflow.com/a/65628686/143475

Watir/Watij integrating into Robot Framework?

I'm evaluating different tools for WebApp testing. Is anyone knowing if Watir or Watij can be integrated into the Robot Framework or as a workaround Watir/Watij can be started from command line which can be implemented into Robot?
There is a water-robot library listed on robotframework.org.

Steps to use Nodejs modules like assert and paralleljs with Titanium appcelerator

I want to use the assert and paralleljs modules in mobile apps developed with Titanium Appcelerator. If anyone has used these modules or similar to this, please help me to use these too.
Thanks in advance.
That would be great! The problem I think is that javascript (at least at it's current version) isn't multi-threaded. it's built to be event driven - and if you use event driven well, you can get pretty good performance. What paralleljs does is using web-workers which are not available in Titanium.
What you might be able to to is write some kind of webview that will run the work inside it and report back to Titanium.
Take a look at the following:
How to create multithreading in mobile sdk
Titanium Worker Thread Module
You'll have to test it and see if it's memory/performance efficient.

unit testing for node.js

I looked into various frameworks for writing unit tests for an application developed in node.js. There exists multiple options like: nodeunit, jasmine-node, should.js library in Mocha. All seems to be pretty much capable of testing everything. I couldn't find any limitation of any of above mentioned options.
I will prefer to use nodeunit as it seems easy to use as a beginner. Any suggestion about any limitation of nodeunit would be highly helpful before I start working on this. Or any suggestion if anyone thinks that there exists a easier and better option for unit testing in node.js.
I previously used JUnit in Java and want to find similar testing framework. It was hard for me to getting started with BDD frameworks like Mocha. Finally I stoped on node unit. All advanced functions which I couldn't find in node unit was finded in expect.js. Also important testing framework in web application context is superagent(which helps to make requests, and get responce on tests), it was easy to mix with node unit, and easy to test async code. One more nice thing there is plugin for WebStorm :)

Need Testing in node.js

I'm quite new to testing in javascript, where I work, we us node.js for our projects.
I finished one of our projects, but I only used manual testing.
I need to develop my testing skill and I dont know how to improve it.
I need any testing tool to run my node.js projects, could you please tell me how to improve and learn new testing skills?
Look at Mocha test framework. I think this is the best choose for testing node.js applications at this moment.
If you are using Node to develop a web application you could use one of the headless browsers to test the user interaction (along with ajax) there are PhantomJS and Zombie for example.
Look around in Node Toolbox you'll find many frameworks and utilities to create your tests.
This is a good overview on some of the different unit test tools for Node.js:
3 Quick Tips for Writing Tests in Node.Js (after some rambling)
