MVC5: Where could I get System.Web.Mvc.pdb? -

I want to debug into MVC5, but I meet the error below:
Where could I get System.Web.Mvc.pdb file? Please help me.

You could use dotPeek (free .NET decompiler with debugging functionality, by JetBrains).
For other .NET assemblies you could also, in your VS, go to Tools, Options, Debugging, General and select the options "Enable .NET Framework source stepping" and "Enable source server support", which will download symbols for some .NET assemblies. It will not download symbols for the MVC assembly though as it is not considered part of the basic framework.

Have you tried looking into ?
You should be able to download the source and build with debug mode to get the PDB.


Unable to load Json.NET dll Xamarin Studio

I have an Indie license for Xamarin so that I can develop apps for iPhone/iPad in my most proficient programming language, C#. With this license I can't use the Visual Studio plugin from Xamarin. I still prefer Visual Studio to Xamarin Studio, so I still develop on Visual Studio whatever code that does not need MonoTouch references and then just manually copy the dll into Xamarin Studio.
I have one assembly, .Net framework 4.5, that gets the following error message when I try to debug my app:
Loaded assembly: /Users/EdGriMac/Dropbox/Quiz/Newtonsoft.Json.dll
2013-09-23 20:30:38.021 Exam936[2228:c07] Could not load 'Newtonsoft.Json' for registration:
System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded.
at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:GetTypes
at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in
at MonoTouch.Registrar.OldDynamicRegistrar.RegisterAssembly
(System.Reflection.Assembly a) [0x00000] in
2013-09-23 20:30:38.023 Exam936[2228:c07] This could be due to an outdated assembly kept by the simulator, location:
My tries:
The first thing that springs to mind is that NewtonSoft.Json can't be used with MonoTouch, but I don't know how to find out. Is there a way to find out for sure if a 3rd party dll can be used?
My second idea was that an older or newer version of NewtonSoft.Json could be used by another assembly. This is not a large project, however, and the only other assembly I have that uses Json is RestSharp, but I don't think that uses NewtonSoft.Json. I looked at the web pages for their GitHub page, but was unable to find a reference.
I googled a bit and found this post saying that (a bit down) MonoTouch.Registrar.OldDynamicRegistrar.RegisterAssembly indicates that (quote:) I can't build the app using the build flags --registrar:olddynamic. If I remove that, it now works, I can now link and it appears to be working.. This is probably a setting in Visual Studio you can adjust when you have a Business license. I don't know how to build without these flags.
Is what I am trying to do possible? If yes, what should I do?
Thanks in advance!
The Json.NET version from Xamarin component store ( works fine. And it installs directly from within Xamarin Studio

InstallShield Extension Condition DLL in .NET

I'm writing a Suite Installer in InstallShield 2012 Spring Premiere and am including an Extension Condition DLL in the project. I have a .NET version of the library that is included with my application and I'd like to add on the Extension Condition APIs to it so that I don't have to write a C++ version of the exact same code.
Has anyone done this before? Is there a sample project I can look at? KB Article reference?
Many thanks!
may be you can make your .Net Dll COM Visible. Look at this article.

Resharper internal error when debugging in 64bits and using SMO APIs

If I debug some unit tests with Resharper, and those unit tests use the SMO SDK, I get this error:
Any idea how to avoid it? I'm running ReSharper (Full Edition)
UPDATE: After upgrading to Resharper 6.1.1000.82, I get a slightly different error:
Filed in JetBrain's issue tracker:
I managed to find a two-step workaround:
Use .NET 3.5, not .NET 4.0.
After this change, debugger stopped crashing. However, it still was very slow, and sometimes my breakpoints were not hit. The second step that needs to be done for this workaround to make your debugger fully work is:
Go to Properties of your .NET project, "Debug" tab, disable the option "Enable the Visual Studio hosting process"
An example of the effect these two changes have in your project files is this diff:

Are there debugging Symbols for Sharepoint?

Is it possible to debug issues with stuff like wsstracing? Or is the disassembly the best I can get?
MOSS 2007 SP2.
Try the Microsoft Public Symbol Server. If the Sharepoint symbols are not there, your next best bet would be to install debug Windows Server from an MSDN subscription and get the symbols for it from there.
The actual symbol server is at this URL. However, it is not browsable in a browser, it's useful only in WinDbg.
To answer myself: No, there aren't.
.NET Reflector now has a "Pro" version which will allow you to step through and debug just about any third party assembly including the SharePoint assemblies (with the exception of code that is obfuscated).
I actually just downloaded it today, and it looks really good! It integrates with Visual Studio, and is seamless when stepping from your own code into the SharePoint assembly's code.

Running Resharper code analysis outside of Visual Studio

Resharper includes various analysis rules which can be run on your solution from inside Visual Studio but is it possible to run these from say the commandline or as part of your autobuild? Resharper seems to be focused on running in Visual Studio but can it be invoked on solution or project files from outside the IDE?
UPDATE: Seems like TeamCity 7.0 EAP includes a way to execute the code-analysis while building
(blog post) so at least it can somehow be invoked and utilized as part of a CI process.
No, this feature is not currently offered by ReSharper. There is a thread on the JetBrains website related to this question and it can be found here.
Here's a quote:
Currently ReSharper has no interface
from running in a standalone batch
application. However, it is possible
to write such an application that
provides the functionality you're
looking for using ReSharper OpenAPI.
So apparently you could use the ReSharper OpenAPI to create the functionality you want; unfortunately, I haven't had any experience in using it so I'm not much help there.
Some links of interest...
ReSharper OpenAPI Developer Community
ReSharper public API and sample source code (aka. ReSharper PowerToys)
I think you want the functionality provided by fxCop. I am not aware of Resharper functioning outside of Visual Studio.
Looks like they're listening! First version available as a 30-day demo now:
If you're looking for compliance of code to standards, take a look at StyleCop. You can tie it into msbuild and run the rules outside of the IDE.
No, it can not be run from commandline. I still hope that they add this feature since I requested it last october :)
