Are there debugging Symbols for Sharepoint? - sharepoint

Is it possible to debug issues with stuff like wsstracing? Or is the disassembly the best I can get?
MOSS 2007 SP2.

Try the Microsoft Public Symbol Server. If the Sharepoint symbols are not there, your next best bet would be to install debug Windows Server from an MSDN subscription and get the symbols for it from there.
The actual symbol server is at this URL. However, it is not browsable in a browser, it's useful only in WinDbg.

To answer myself: No, there aren't.

.NET Reflector now has a "Pro" version which will allow you to step through and debug just about any third party assembly including the SharePoint assemblies (with the exception of code that is obfuscated).
I actually just downloaded it today, and it looks really good! It integrates with Visual Studio, and is seamless when stepping from your own code into the SharePoint assembly's code.


Where can you find the Microsoft C++ Redistributable: Change Log / Bug Fixes

Prior to release, we are required to review the Change Log / Bug Fixes for all third-party dependencies.
Do you know where I can find the: Microsoft's Visual C++ Redistributes change log?
Visual Studio has release notes, but this does not specifically reference the C++ Redistributable.
The Distributed Code sub-section does mention Visual C++ Runtime Files, but I don't see a change log.
Any input you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
Related Resources
Microsoft Support
Can download redistributable? Yes
Has change logs? NO
Visual Studio Subscriptions downloads
Can download redistributable? Yes
Has change logs? NO
Microsoft Developer Community bug list
If you really want to get down in the weeds, this website is an option... but be prepared to spend a lot of time looking. I personally find that the search engine for this website is not great.

MVC5: Where could I get System.Web.Mvc.pdb?

I want to debug into MVC5, but I meet the error below:
Where could I get System.Web.Mvc.pdb file? Please help me.
You could use dotPeek (free .NET decompiler with debugging functionality, by JetBrains).
For other .NET assemblies you could also, in your VS, go to Tools, Options, Debugging, General and select the options "Enable .NET Framework source stepping" and "Enable source server support", which will download symbols for some .NET assemblies. It will not download symbols for the MVC assembly though as it is not considered part of the basic framework.
Have you tried looking into ?
You should be able to download the source and build with debug mode to get the PDB.

Code Analysis Using VS2012 - Missing Dll References / GAC

I'm trying to run code analysis on my project and I'm plagued by lots of DLL resolve issues.
I've already Added a few dlls to the GAC using gacutil and solved a few issues that way, however I'm seeing an error regarding a reference to System.Net.Http version
I don't have a single reference to this DLL in my solution, I don't have this DLL anywhere on my machine in fact, only version or
I do have a binding redirect for this dll in my config file for the web site but obviously the code analysis process isn't using this.
I'm not sure how best to proceed with this. Can I configure code analysis to use the binding redirects? Or do I need to go hunting for DLLs online in order to GAC them?
Would appreciate any ideas, thanks.
I decided to just GAC version and code analysis is now working fine ...

SharePoint development and SpecFlow on the same machine?

I need some guidance on how to have SpecFlow installed on my Visual Studio 2010 development machine which is also leveraged for SharePoint 2010 development.
The .feature extensions causes some bad behavior...
I just posted a version of SpecFlow that resolves this issue. You can get more info in this post.
What I had to do to resolve the issue was download the source and change the extension for the feature files to .sfeature.
I think the problem here might be that SharePoint 2010 and SpecFlow make use of the .feature file extension. I did some research into this and found a SpecFlow Google group query about a similar problem. The answer given to the user with the problem was:
Hi, I'm sure you know the SharePoint
project better then me. Do you see
any conceptual idea how this conflict
could be resolved? What parts are
conflicting, the syntax coloring or
the generation? Is the SharePoint
".feature" file can also be placed in
a normal c#/vbnet project?
Tips for
manual workarounds: to switch off the
automatic recognition of the .feature
file for the
- rename key ".feature" to ".featureX" at "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE
BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}.feature" (this is
for C# projects)
you can still set the generation manually in VS by specifying
"SpecFlowSingleFileGenerator" for the
"custom tool" property of the file
to switch off syntax coloring:
remove (or rename) the shortcut at C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual
Br, Gaspar
Maybe you could try the registry hack mentioned above and that might let you use SPecFLow with SharePoint?
The original thread can be found here:

Subsonic in a VS2008 Add-In woes

I am writing a VS2008 add-in that connects to a remote database blah blah.
I am having a problem with the app.config in this project. When I use SubSonic in my code, it moans that is cannot find the SubSonicServer section. This is because the .config file cannot be found.
This appears to a problem with paths as the add-in is a DLL running in the context of VS2008 and the working directory is C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE.
Is there a way to get the app.config to deploy properly with the application so my add-in (and SubSonic) can find what it needs in the .config file, or is there a way to get SubSonic to work without the need for the .config?
I am very experienced in SubSonic projects now, but only winforms, web, web service, and WPF applications. This is the first time I have tried to use SubSonic in a VS2008 Add-In project. I also have AppSettings in the config file which the ConfigurationManager cannot read because it cannot see the .config file.
2AM now and brain is tired of trying to figure this one out. Hopefully there is an answer when I wake up :)
My suggestion would be to not use the app.config file and inject the parameters at runtime.
I use this approach in my Subsonic 2.2 project:!.aspx
You might want to have a look at the answer to this question which deals with configuration for add-ins:
How to use app.config with Visual Studio add-in?
