Windows Azure table access latency Partition keys and row keys selection - azure

We've got a windows azure table storage system going on where we have various entity types that report values during the day so we've got the following partition and row key scenario:
There are about 4000 - 5000 entities. There are 6 entity types and the types are roughly evenly distributed. so around 800'ish each.
ParitionKey: entityType-Date
Row key: entityId
Each row records the values for an entity for that particular day. This is currently JSON serialized.
The data is quite verbose.
We will periodically want to look back at the values in these partitions over a month or two months depending on what our website users want to look at.
We are having a problem in that if we want to query a month of data for one entity we find that we have to query 31 partition keys by entityId.
This is very slow initially but after the first call the result is cached.
Unfortunately the nature of the site is that there will be a varying number of different queries so it's unlikely the data will benefit much from caching.
We could obviously make the partitions bigger i.e. perhaps a whole week of data and expand the rowKeys to entityId and date.
What other options are open to me, or is simply the case that Windows Azure tables suffer fairly high latency?

Some options include
Make the 31 queries in parallel
Make a single query on a partition key range, that is
Partition key >= entityType-StartDate and Partition key <= entityType-EndDate and Row key = entityId.
It is possible that depending on your data, this query may have less latency than your current query.


Querying one record from tens of millions of records in Azure Table Storage

I have a typical scenario where a consumer is calling a Azure Function (EP1) (synchronously) which then queries Azure Table storage (having 5 million records), based upon the input parameters of the Azure Function API.
Azure Table Storage has following columns:
Order Number (incremental number)
IsConfirmed (can have value Y or N)
Type of Order (can be of 6 types maximum)
Order Date
Order Details
Now when consumer queries, it generally searches with the Order Number and expects the Order Date and Order Details in response, along with Order Number.
For this, we had chosen:
Partition Key: IsConfirmed + Type of Order
Row Key: UUID
Now for 5 million records search, because of the partition key type, the search partition often runs into more than 3 million records (maximum orders have IsConfirmed as Y and Type of Order a specific one among the six types) and the Table query takes more than 5 minutes.
As a result, the consumer generally times out as the wait configured on consumer side is 60 secs.
So looking for recommendation on how to do this efficiently.
Can we choose partition key as Order Number (but that will create 5 million partitions) or a combination of Order NUmber+IsConfirmed+TypeofOrder?
Ours is a write heavy Java application and READ happens much less.
+++++++++++ UPDATE +++++++++++++++
As suggested by Gaurav in the answer, after making orderid as partition key, the query is working as expected.
Now that brings to the next problem - we do have other API queries where the order data and type are only used as input search criteria.
Since this doesn't match with the partition key, so in this 2nd type of query, its basically making a whole scan and the consumer is again timed out again.
So what should be the design to handle these types of queries.. Azure doc says creating a separate table where order type + order date becomes partition key. However that will mean that whenever we are writing to the table, we will have to write on both tables (one with orderid as part key and other as order date + type as part key).
Can we choose partition key as Order Number (but that will create 5
million partitions) or a combination of Order
You can certainly choose partition key as order number as there is nothing wrong in having large number of partitions. However, please keep in mind that partition key value is of string type. What you may want to do is pad your order number with some character (say 0) so that all of your orders are of the same length.
In this case, I would actually recommend that you keep the row key as empty.
You may also want to think about storing multiple copies of the same data with different partition key/row key combination depending on your querying requirements. For example, if you were to query by order date, you may want to make another copy of the data with order date as the partition key.
Generally speaking it is recommended that you do point queries (query including both partition key and row key). Next best option would be to query by partition key (you would want to keep data in partition key small so that you're not doing partition scans). All other options would result in full table scan which is not at all recommended.
You may find this link useful:

Querying split partitions on Cassandra in a single request

I am in the process of learning Cassandra as an alternative to SQL databases for one of the projects I am working for, that involves Big Data.
For the purpose of learning, I've been watching the videos offered by DataStax, more specifically DS220 which covers modeling data in Cassandra.
While watching one of the videos in the course series I was introduced to the concept of splitting partitions to manage partition size.
My current understanding is that Cassandra has a max logical capacity of 2B entries per partition, but a suggested max of a couple 100s MB per partition.
I'm currently dealing with large amounts of real-time financial data that I must store (time series), meaning I can easily fill out GBs worth of data in a day.
The video course talks about introducing an additional partition key in order to split a partition with the purpose or reducing the size per partition requirement.
The video pointed out to using either a time based key or an arbitrary "bucket" key that gets incremented when the number of manageable rows has been reached.
With that in mind, this led me to the following problem: given that partition keys are only used as equality criteria (ie. point to the partition to find records), how do I find all the records that end up being spread across multiple partitions without having to specify either the bucket or timestamp key?
For example, I may receive 1M records in a single day, which would likely go over the 100-500Mb partition limit, so I wouldn't be able to set a partition on a per date basis, that means that my daily data would be broken down into hourly partitions, or alternatively, into "bucketed" partitions (for balanced partition sizes). This means that all my daily data would be spread across multiple partitions splits.
Given this scenario, how do I go about querying for all records for a given day? (additional clustering keys could include a symbol for which I want to have the results for, or I want all the records for that specific day)
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Basically this goes down to choosing right resolution for your data. I would say first step for you would be to determinate what is best fit for your data. Lets for sake of example take 1 hour as something that is good and question is how to fetch all records for particular date.
Your application logic will be slightly more complicated since you are trading simplicity for ability to store large amounts of data in distributed fashion. You take date which you need and issue 24 queries in a loop and glue data on application level. However when you glue that in can be huge (I do not know your presentation or export requirements so this can pull 1M to memory).
Other idea can be having one table as simple lookup table which has key of date and values of partition keys having financial data for that date. Than when you read you go first to lookup table to get keys and then to partitions having results. You can also store counter of values per partition key so you know what amount of data you expect.
All in all it is best to figure out some natural bucket in your data set and add it to date (organization, zip code etc.) and you can use trick with additional lookup table. This approach can be used for symbol you mentioned. You can have symbols as partition keys, clustering per date and values of partitions having results for that date as values. Than you query for symbol # on 29-10-2015 and you see partitions A, D and Z have results so you go to those partitions and get financial data from them and glue it together on application level.

Cassandra Performance : Less rows with more columns vs more rows with less columns

We are evaluating if we can migrate from SQL SERVER to cassandra for OLAP. As per the internal storage structure we can have wide rows. We almost need to access data by the date. We often need to access data within date range as we have financial data. If we use date as Partition key to support filter by date,we end up having less row with huge number of columns.
Will it hamper performance if we have millions of columns for a single row key in future as we process millions of transactions every day.
Do we need to have some changes in the access pattern to have more rows with less number of columns per row.
Need some performance insight to proceed in either direction
Using wide rows is typically fine with Cassandra, there are however a few things to consider:
Ensure that you don't reach the 2 billion column limit in any case
The whole wide row is stored on the same node: it needs to fit on the disk. Also, if you have some dates that are accessed more frequently then other dates (e.g. today) then you can create hotspots on the node that stores the data for that day.
Very wide rows can affect performance however: Aaron Morton from The Last Pickle has an interesting article about this:
It is somewhat old, but I believe that the concepts are still valid.
For a good table design decision one needs to know all typical filter conditions. If you have any other fields you typically filter for as an exact match, you could add them to the partition key as well.

Azure Table Storage Delete where Row Key is Between two Row Key Values

Is there a good way to delete entities that are in the same partition given a row key range? It looks like the only way to do this would be to do a range lookup and then batch the deletes after looking them up. I'll know my range at the time that entities will be deleted so I'd rather skip the lookup.
I want to be able to delete things to keep my partitions from getting too big. As far as I know a single partition cannot be scaled across multiple servers. Each partition is going to represent a type of message that a user sends. There will probably be less than 50 types. I need a way to show all the messages of each type that were sent (ex: show recent messages regardless of who sent it of type 0). This is why I plan to make the type the partition key. Since the types don't scale with the number of users/messages though I don't want to let each partition grow indefinitely.
Unfortunately, you need to know precise Partition Keys and Row Keys in order to issue deletes. You do not need to retrieve entities from storage if you know precise RowKeys, but you do need to have them in order to issue batch delete. There is no magic "Delete from table where partitionkey = 10" command like there is in SQL.
However, consider breaking your data up into tables that represent archivable time units. For example in AzureWatch we store all of the metric data into tables that represent one month of data. IE: Metrics201401, Metrics201402, etc. Thus, when it comes time to archive, a full table is purged for a particular month.
The obvious downside of this approach is the need to "union" data from multiple tables if your queries span wide time ranges. However, if your keep your time ranges to minimum quantity, amount of unions will not be as big. Basically, this approach allows you to utilize table name as another partitioning opportunity.

Azure - Querying 200 million entities

I have a need to query a store of 200 million entities in Windows Azure. Ideally, I would like to use the Table Service, rather than SQL Azure, for this task.
The use case is this: a POST containing a new entity will be incoming from a web-facing API. We must query about 200 million entities to determine whether or not we may accept the new entity.
With the entity limit of 1,000: does this apply to this type of query, i.e. I have to query 1,000 at a time and perform my comparisons / business rules, or can I query all 200 million entities in one shot? I think I would hit a timeout in the latter case.
Expanding on Shiraz's comment about Table storage: Tables are organized into partitions, and then your entities are indexed by a Row key. So, each row can be found extremely fast using the combination of partition key + row key. The trick is to choose the best possible partition key and row key for your particular application.
For your example above, where you're searching by telephone number, you can make TelephoneNumber the partition key. You could very easily find all rows related to that telephone number (though, not knowing your application, I don't know just how many rows you'd be expecting). To refine things further, you'd want to define a row key that you can index into, within the partition key. This would give you a very fast response to let you know whether a record exists.
Table storage (actually Azure Storage in general - tables, blobs, queues) have a well-known SLA. You can execute up to 500 transactions per second on a given partition. With the example above, the query for rows for a given telephone number would equate to one transaction (unless you exceed 1000 rows returned - to see all rows, you'd need additional fetches); adding a row key to narrow the search would, indeed, yield a single transaction). So would inserting a new row. You can also batch up multiple row inserts, within a single partition, and save them in a single transaction.
For a nice overview of Azure Table Storage, with some good labs, check out the Platform Training Kit.
For more info about transactions within tables, see this msdn blog post.
The limit of 1000 is the number of rows returned from a query, not the number of rows queried.
Pulling all of the 200 million rows into the web server to check them will not work.
The trick is to store the rows with a key that can be used to check if the record should be accepted.
