T4 template shadow copy does not work - visual-studio-2012

I'm using VS2012 and T4 templates and assemblies are supposed to be shadow copied, meaning that you can reference an assembly in a template and then recompile that assembly. But this simply doesn't work for me. When I try it, when I try to rebuild the assembly, I get errors like:
Unable to copy file "obj\Debug\xxx.dll" to "..\bin\xxx.dll".
The process cannot access the file '..\bin\xxx.dll' because it is being used by another process.
The only way around it is to restart Visual Studio, and this is so tedious that I'm ready to abandon T4 entirely. What could I be doing wrong?

So this isn't really an answer yet but hopefully we get there
Test ran the following in VS2013 (I realize you run VS2012)
<## assembly name = "$(SolutionDir)\TestProj\bin\Debug\TestProj.dll"#>
<## import namespace = "TestProj"#>
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class <#=Testing.Name#>
The TestProj contains the Testing class
namespace TestProj
public static class Testing
public static string Name
get { return "Tester" ;}
This did work very well in VS2013 and as far as I remember this worked in VS2012 as well.I will try to install VS2012 on one of my machines but do you mind testing this simple sample on your installation to validate it's not something in your solution that holds the dll?
In case you are interested in the project file you can find it here:

I work around similar issue. T4 design time template is processed in different App domain under the same process of visual studio. When rebuild the solution Visual Studio tries to replace the referenced DLL, and it cannot replace it because it is still in use.
I work around this issue by deleting the AppDomain in which T4 template is processed. See msdn


How do you clear this error with using HaxePunk in FlashDevelop?

I have tried researching this and using pre-made templates, but to no avail. I just want to get a real basic HaxePunk project working with FlashDevelop, with making Flash games in mind. Going back to real basic tutorials and such, this is my code:
import com.haxepunk.Engine;
import com.haxepunk.HXP;
class Main extends Engine
/*override public function init()
#if debug
//HXP.scene = new MainScene();
public static function main() { new Main(); }
I'm not sure whether to compile this as a Flash Player project or an NME project (I'm really new to this). If I try to compile it as a Flash Player project, I get this error at runtime:
TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter type must be non-null.
at flash.events::EventDispatcher/addEventListener()
at flash.display::Stage/addEventListener()
at com.haxepunk.utils::Input$/enable()
at com.haxepunk::Engine/onStage()
at com.haxepunk::Engine()
at Main()
at Main$/main()
at boot_0b9a/init()
at flash::Boot/start()
at boot_0b9a()
If I try to compile it as an NME project, I get this error at compile time:
Error: You must have a "project.xml" file or specify another valid project file
when using the 'build' command
I'm not finding a whole lot of information about this. What would likely be wrong here? Thanks.
You have to make an OpenFL project, not a flash one, this is because HaxePunk uses OpenFL for rendering.
To get flashdevelop work with an HaxePunk project this is what I usually do:
Create a new blank openfl project in FlashDevelop
Create a haxepunk project the commandline (it should be 'haxepunk new name')
Substitute files from the haxepunk project into the flashdevelop one
"Fix what's wrong"
Number 4 is usually a matter of renaming files, iirc in the haxepunk project files has a different name from the one in the flashdevelop one so you'll have to change it

Entity Framework my DB Context does not have connection when Reference in other Project

So here is my problem Guys
In my Solution,
I have ORM Class Liberary where I've added EntityFramework 5 (so has .edmx containing Context.tt
Designer.cs, edmx.diagram and .tt) files.. So far so good
And I have Project called Repositories and has reference of ORM project above.
In HeaderRepository class of Repositories Project, when I write following code,
using(UFPEntities ufpEntities = new UFPEntities())
Header header = ufpEntities.Headers.Single(x => x.VendorId == id);
}catche(Exception e)
Note: intellisense works fine COMPILER DOES NOT GIVE ERROR while writing above code, it happens at Run time
But, I get "No connection string named 'UFPEntities' could be found in the application config file."
App.config is in ORM Project, not in Repository Project where I am dealing with Data as Above.
Can you please help me so that I can CREATE MY MODEL class (such as Header) from Repository Project? or What I am doing wrong so it gives me Exceptions?
Thx in Advance.
The connection string must be in config of entry assembly - it is either web.config for web application or app.config for executable or unit test library. App.config for arbitrary library which is just referenced by executed code is completely ignored.

Can`t Load C++/CLI DLL resources

I'm trying just to see resource names but nothing appears.
I've made and compiled a C++/CLI (Managed) DLL in Visual Studio 2010 and added some Resource files as a test (one icon and one bitmap). I've checked with PE Explorer and the resources definitely are there.
My simple code:
Assembly asm = Assembly.LoadFrom("C:\\test.dll");
String[] res = asm.GetManifestResourceNames();
I know that the DLL is loaded because when I debug i can see all the infos in the 'asm' variable. Also i can Import data (using MEF) from the DLL.
So, the DLL has the resources and the code IS loading the assembly for sure. But why my 'res' variable always returns empty string list?
I've created a C# Class Library (.dll) with a resource just for a test. Now it works!! But still in my C++/CLI DLL the resources do not appear. Somehow they are in the DLL but the code cant reach it (only in the C++ DLL). Maybe it would have something to do with managed/unmanaged code, but since i'm compiling it with CLR it does not seem to be the case. Any suggestions?
I've got it! Just in case someone needs.
According to these topics:
Embedding resource in a C++/CLI project
the problem is exactly the C++/CLI thing. You have to add it in Input item under Linker tab in Project Properties. Now it seems to work fine. Thanks
I have a similar problem and your question helps me to solve it.
my project platform is C++/CLI and my DLL platform is c#.
I want to pack DLL into my executive file, hence we should put DLL in the project resource file through below steps at first:
1.copy DLL in project path.
2.put DLL name(e.g. test.dll) in below place
properties->linker->input->Embeded Managed Resource File
then we should read and use embedded DLL:
Stream^ stream = Assembly::GetExecutingAssembly()->GetManifestResourceStream("test.dll");
array<unsigned char>^ dllRawBuffer = gcnew array<unsigned char>(stream->Length);
int res = stream->Read(dllRawBuffer, 0, stream->Length);
Assembly^ dllAssembly = Assembly::Load(dllRawBuffer);
System::Type^ testclass = dllAssembly->GetType("TestNamespace.TestClass");
MethodInfo^ TestMethod = testclass->GetMethod("TestMethodName");
// Create an instance.
Object^ Testobj = Activator::CreateInstance(testclass);
// Execute the method.
array<Object^>^ params = gcnew array<Object^>(2);
params[0] = 2;
params[1] = 3;
Object^ result = TestMethod->Invoke(Testobj, params);
obviously, this solution only works for managed DLLs.

Can you force MonoTouch to include an unreferenced assembly in its static compilation?

I have a MonoTouch app that dynamically instantiates a class (using Type.GetType()) at runtime. The class is in an assembly that is not referenced anywhere else in the app, so the MonoTouch static compiler thinks that the assembly isn't used and ignores the assembly when it compiles the app. If I add a reference to the class in the app, then the compiler includes the assembly and the call to Type.GetType() works fine:
MyAssembly a;
I would prefer to just tell the compiler to always include all the assemblies listed in the project's "References" when it compiles the app. Is this possible?
-Tom B.
You will have to change your project's Linker behavior from "Link all assemblies" to "Link SDK assemblies only".
The other solution, if you have the project code that assembly was created with, is to mark the class you want to use with the PreserveAttribute.
Were you able to figure this out yet? If not, I had a similar problem: Is there a way to force MonoDevelop to build/load an assembly?
As I understand it, that's just how the C# compiler works. I was able to get around this by adding a custom pre-build step that scripts a class into the referencing assembly that includes dummy references to the unreferenced assemblies, like so:
using System;
namespace MyNamespace
public static class Referencer
Type t;
//These lines are scripted one per class in the unreferenced assemblies
//You should only need one per assembly, but I don't think more hurts.
t = typeof(Namespace1.Class1);
t = typeof(Namespace2.Class2);
t = typeof(NamespaceN.ClassN);

How to inherit from DataAnnotations.ValidationAttribute (it appears SecureCritical under Visual Studio debugging host in .NET 4 !)

I have an [AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers] class library containing subtypes of the System.DataAnnotations.ValidationAttribute. The library is used on contract types of WCF services.
In .NET 2/3.5, this worked fine. Since .NET 4.0 however, running a client of the service in the Visual Studio debugger results in the exception "Inheritance security rules violated by type: '(my subtype of ValidationAttribute)'. Derived types must either match the security accessibility of the base type or be less accessible." (System.TypeLoadException)
The error appears to occure only when all of the following conditions are met:
a subclass of ValidationAttribute is in an AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers assembly
reflection is used to check for the attribute
the Visual Studio hosting process is enabled (checkbox on Project properties, Debug tab)
So basically, in Visual Studio.NET 2010:
create a new Console project,
add a reference to "System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations",
write the following code:
using System;
[assembly: System.Security.AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers()]
namespace TestingVaidationAttributeSecurity
public class MyValidationAttribute : System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.ValidationAttribute
{ }
public class FooBar
{ }
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("ValidationAttribute IsCritical: {0}",
FooBar fb = new FooBar();
Console.WriteLine("Press enter to end.");
Press F5 and you get the exception !
Press Ctrl-F5 (start without debugging), and it all works fine without exception...
The strange thing is that the ValidationAttribute will or will not be securitycritical depending on the way you run the program (F5 or Ctrl+F5). As illustrated by the Console.WriteLine in the above code. But then again, this appear to happen with other attributes (and types?) too.
Now the questions...
Why do I have this behaviour when inheriting from ValidationAttribute, but not when inheriting from System.Attribute ? (Using Reflector I don't find special settings on the ValidationAttribute class or it's assembly)
And what can I do to solve this ? How can I keep MyValidationAttribute inheriting from ValidationAttribute in an AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers assembly without marking it SecurityCritical, still using the new .NET 4 level 2 security model and still have it work using the VS.NET debug host (or other hosts) ??
Thanks a lot!
Why do I have this behaviour when inheriting from ValidationAttribute, but not when inheriting from System.Attribute ? (Using Reflector I don't find special settings on the ValidationAttribute class or it's assembly)
This is because the System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations assembly is conditionally APTCA i.e. it is marked with the following attribute.
[assembly: AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers(PartialTrustVisibilityLevel = PartialTrustVisibilityLevel.NotVisibleByDefault)]
Something about the way Visual Studio starts the host process causes the CLR not to respect APTCA on this assembly even though the default AppDomain is fully trusted. This implies that all the types and methods in the DataAnnotations assembly are SecurityCritical. Since a security transparent type (MyValidationAttribute) cannot inherit from a security critical type (ValidationAttribute), this exception is thrown.
And what can I do to solve this ? How can I keep MyValidationAttribute inheriting from ValidationAttribute in an AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers assembly without marking it SecurityCritical, still using the new .NET 4 level 2 security model and still have it work using the VS.NET debug host (or other hosts) ??
It seems like this is a bug with the VS host, which is unfortunate for your situation. On the other hand, you should really be sure that you want your assembly to be APTCA. If it's necessary, then you have a couple of options.
You can leave your assembly as is. This is advantageous because in the most typical partial trust environment, ASP.NET, the DataAnnotations assembly will always be considered APTCA. Of course, you lose the ability to use the debugger in the VS hosting process.
You can mark your assembly C-APTCA as well. You'll be able to use the debugger in the VS hosting process, but consumers of your assembly in ASP.NET will need to add your assembly to the <partialTrustVisibleAssemblies> element in the web.config in order for it to be APTCA.
You could make your attribute SecurityCritical, so you'll be able to use the debugger and will not require any special configuration in ASP.NET, but all classes that use your attribute must also be critical.
For some reason the site posted the text into a completely different question from the one that was on the page when I was writing - weird.
