jconsole from Zulu doesn't work - azul-zulu

I have Zulu installed on latest MS Windows (2012r2). I can run terminal and server apps, but executing jconsole produces no result: no UI shown, no error messages.
How can this be solved?

Azul Zulu up to version 7.1 required headless mode to be disabled in order to run UI applications. E.g.:
jconsole -J-Djava.awt.headless=false
Starting from Zulu 7.2, headful mode is enabled by default so the -Djava.awt.headless=false argument is no longer needed.


GraphDB free does not run on Windows 10

I have tried to install GraphDB free 9.0.0 on a Windows 10 laptop (x64). The installation finishes succesfully but when I double click GraphDB it does not run. What should I check in order to fiind out why it does not run?
Thank you
I install GDB regularly on Windows 10 using the installer (eg GraphDB_Free-9.3.0.exe). It comes bundled with Java. Here's the version:
cd C:\Users\vladimir.alexiev.000\AppData\Local\GraphDB Free\runtime\bin
java --version
openjdk 11.0.7 2020-04-14
OpenJDK Runtime Environment AdoptOpenJDK (build 11.0.7+10)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM AdoptOpenJDK (build 11.0.7+10, mixed mode)
It's convenient because after starting, it opens Workbench in your browser, and a small control panel where you can see the log etc, and a tray icon.
If you use one of the other distributions, check your Java version.

Cassandra does not start on Java 10

I have a brand new Windows 10 Home installation, with a brand-new installation of JDK 10.0.1 (which is what Oracle recommended when I went to the JDK download site.) I just now downloaded Cassandra 3.11.2, un-tar'd it, and put the bin directory on my classpath.
When I attempt to start Cassandra using the cassandra -f command, I get this error:
PS C:\javatools> cassandra -f
WARNING! Automatic page file configuration detected.
It is recommended that you disable swap when running Cassandra
for performance and stability reasons.
Failed 64-bit check. Re-running to get version from 32-bit
Cassandra 3.0 and later require Java 8u40 or later.
Java 10 is clearly "Java 8 rel 40 or later". I verified that I was, in fact, running the version of Java I thought I was:
PS C:\javatools> java -version
java version "10.0.1" 2018-04-17
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 18.3 (build 10.0.1+10)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 18.3 (build 10.0.1+10, mixed mode)
How can I get Cassandra to recognize that I do, in fact, have "Java 8u40 or later"?
Cassandra does not support any Java release newer than Java 8.
References are as follows:
declined bug report against Java 9: CASSANDRA-9608
declined bug report against Java 10: CASSANDRA-14446
Furthermore, even though the documentation does indicate it's a "work in progress", it does indicate the following on the Getting Started page:
The latest version of Java 8, either the Oracle Java Standard Edition
8 or OpenJDK 8. To verify that you have the correct version of java
installed, type java -version.
While it doesn't explicitly say "Java 9 and newer are not supported", this is apparently supposed to be inferred from this indicator.
Finally, the misleading error message appears to be a wontfix item.
I've managed to run cassandra 3.11.3 on java-11-openjdk-amd64 on localhost (ubuntu 18.04).
(Strangely, java -version shows openjdk version "10.0.1" 2018-04-17)
I tweaked a lot in jvm.options, because many gc options are not supported anymore, and ThreadPriorityPolicy could not be set to 42. (last thing is most annoying: it was really good compaction threads were low priority).
Also, to run nodetool I have to specify jvm 1.8 by JAVA_HOME.

Installers created using install4j on linux are unable to launch the application in Windows

I have an install4j setup on Linux machine. When I install the application on windows, installation process completes but then the application is not launched.
I have checked installation.log and found that an action is not executed properly and so some variables are not assigned values.
I have the same setup on Windows machine that creates installers for all platforms fine. So there is nothing wrong with the setup I have.
Install4j version I am using is 6.1.5
This happened because of the known bug in install4j version 6.1.5. Working fine for former and later versions.

Eclipse Kepler crashes when I open Marketplace

I am trying to use Eclipse 4.3 "Kepler" on openSUSE 13.1 KDE 4.11
Every time I go to open the marketplace under "Help>Marketplace", Eclipse crashes.
When I ran eclipse from CLI here is the output:
No bp log location saved, using default.
[000:000] Cpu: 6.42.7, x4, 2200Mhz, 11952MB
[000:000] Computer model: Not available
[000:000] Browser XEmbed support present: 1
[000:000] Browser toolkit is Gtk2.
[000:000] Using Gtk2 toolkit
No bp log location saved, using default.
[000:000] Cpu: 6.42.7, x4, 2200Mhz, 11952MB
[000:000] Computer model: Not available
java version "1.7.0_51"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 2.4.4) (suse-24.13.5-x86_64)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.45-b08, mixed mode)
In my .log file I see a few errors, but not sure whats conflicting.
Here is my .log file: http://pastebin.com/qpjRnXLM
Any ideas?
Look at solution on this answer
Uninstall google-talkplugin. This work for me.
I run KDE as well and I've added this to eclipse.ini
after vmargs :
And it solved my problem

How do you enable 32 binary compatability in JDK?

Is there a vm option option to enable 32bit compatibility mode?
I've googled but couldn't find how to do it anywhere!
The reason I am doing it is I'm trying to run the GWT on Linux Ubuntu 64 as the link below indicates is possible.
Issue 134: GWT hosted web browser does not work in 64-bit Linux
You mean run the JVM as a 32-bit JVM? Try -d32 on the command line.
The Sun 1.6 JVM does not have an option to enable 32bit mode. You can however install a 32bit JVM along side the install of the 64bit JVM.
