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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have created a custom DocuSign button in Salesforce standard Quote object. It is working well. However, when I am trying to add documents, I do not see Quote PDFs. Is there a way to include this list?
If you haven't done so already, you should review the DocuSign for Salesforce Administrator guide ( -- specifically content starting on page 16 under the heading Adding Send With DocuSign Button to the Quotes Object. It includes several custom button code examples. The release notes for DfS v4.1.17 ( also contain some sample custom button code for sending from the Quote object.
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Closed last month.
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Is it possible somehow to update all requirement links from (Successor/Predecessor) type to (Affected by/Affects) type automatically on project.
I didn't find any possible solution for it.
There isn't a built-in solution to do that automatically. However, you can try to write a script to call the Work Items - Update REST API to remove the Successor/Predecessor type links from a specify work item (requirement in your scenario), and then add the same links as the new type (Affected by/Affects).
Reference Remove a link sample to remove the Successor/Predecessor type links.
Reference Add a link sample to add the links as the new type Affected by/Affects.
Once you done that for a specify work item, then you call another REST API (Reporting Work Item Links - Get) to get all Requirement work items from the project, then change the type in a loop.
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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am creating a dialog box for my Credential Provider.
For that I am creating a MFC CDialog box with three edit text labels for:
old password,
new password,
confirm password.
After creating dialog box I got an .exe file and its works fine, but I don't know how to get the values from the three edit text label.
While searching in net I saw handle which can do that, but there is no clear information, so can somebody tell me how to get the value of three edit text from .exe file.
Thanks in advance.
You are writing a Credential Provider.
As a reaction to some event you want to ask user for old and new passwords.
I your case you don't need to draw your own Dialog Box - you can just reveal and hide some fields of your Credential Provider as a reaction to this event.
It is described like your description of scenario.
Right click on the Edit control and use the class wizard to bind the control value to a CString member. OnOK() calls UpdateData(TRUE), which moves control data from the control value to the member variable. You can call UpdateData(TRUE) on certain events to update all the control members of your dialog class.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have an Automobile classified website.If someone submit an ad for my website,the heading of the ad automatically generated from the "make","model","registered year" and a custom text like follows,
Model:-Corolla 121
registered year:-2005
generated heading: Toyota Corolla 121 REG-2005 for sale
Model:-Sunny N16
registered year:-2006
generated heading: Nissan Sunny N16 REG-2006 for sale
And I used this heading as my title tag on the individual ad page.
I have used this method for sometime.
But now those pages are listed in Google webmaster tools with duplicate title tags,because there are plenty of ads containing same make,model,and year
Does it make any sense if I use any random id along with the heading to make ad heading unique.If I do so, will it effect me to blacklist from google? OR what is the best practices to overcome this issue.
My recommendation would be to add the location City/ZIP, this will give you better SEO results when searching in a specific area, also will reduce the number of duplicate title tags.
You can also add a Post ID? this will definitely make it unique for every single post
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm trying to import a solution after deleting Custom Ribbon button in customization.xml. But it's failing while importing without showing any error information. Where can I get this error info.
Normally when an import fails it will give you the option to download a log file, if you open it in Excel the second tab will show the error status against individual components.
If you can't get the log file from here, an alternative is to look in the ImportJob view. This has a 'data' column which has the same information as the import log file does.
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Closed 10 years ago.
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I've got a SharePoint Access application (based on one of the templates), should just be a simple Todo-Utility for the group.
I added a field "Link" to the table "Problems", people should insert the JIRA-ID, which should be automatically converted to a link pointing to "[HERE_THE_ID]".
Every solution is fine with me: "AfterUpdate-Event writing the converted link into the table" is just as fine as "only the short code is saved in the table and the onclick-macro does the job", I don't care.
However, it looks like there is no FollowHyperlink macro available + even if the column is set to "hyperlink" it is only clickable on the client and not when deployed to the sharepoint site.
Any solutions?
Okay, this seems to be a problem of non-IE browsers, works fine in IE...