SharePoint & Access -> Hyperlink problems [closed] - sharepoint

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I've got a SharePoint Access application (based on one of the templates), should just be a simple Todo-Utility for the group.
I added a field "Link" to the table "Problems", people should insert the JIRA-ID, which should be automatically converted to a link pointing to "[HERE_THE_ID]".
Every solution is fine with me: "AfterUpdate-Event writing the converted link into the table" is just as fine as "only the short code is saved in the table and the onclick-macro does the job", I don't care.
However, it looks like there is no FollowHyperlink macro available + even if the column is set to "hyperlink" it is only clickable on the client and not when deployed to the sharepoint site.
Any solutions?

Okay, this seems to be a problem of non-IE browsers, works fine in IE...


How to access a DOM object and modify its properties using node.js? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am trying to access an HTML label element and change its text property. I have already tried by using this code:
However, I am getting error:
$ is not defined.
Node.js is used in back end side.
If you need to run your sample code, you must use some template engine like ejs to render HTML and include CSS, JavaScript.

How to fill a form in a web page automatically [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm a new UNIX-Like system user and now I need to achieve such a function with script:
open an url
fill its form
click the submit button
I don't want to use any software to do this job. What I need is just running a script and finishing the job.
Can you give me a simple example?
For example, how to code a script to use Google automatically to search a key word?
You should look into cURL - you'll be able to post data to a URL / form action, something like:
curl -X POST -F 'formfield1=somedata' -F 'anotherformfield=moredata'

DocuSign: Display Quote PDFs [closed]

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This question appears to be off-topic because it lacks sufficient information to diagnose the problem. Describe your problem in more detail or include a minimal example in the question itself.
Closed 8 years ago.
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I have created a custom DocuSign button in Salesforce standard Quote object. It is working well. However, when I am trying to add documents, I do not see Quote PDFs. Is there a way to include this list?
If you haven't done so already, you should review the DocuSign for Salesforce Administrator guide ( -- specifically content starting on page 16 under the heading Adding Send With DocuSign Button to the Quotes Object. It includes several custom button code examples. The release notes for DfS v4.1.17 ( also contain some sample custom button code for sending from the Quote object.

How to move document library sharepoint 2007 [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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We have one client requirement to move document library from one subsite to another.
While moving we should move all documents along with all the custom columns with its values as it is.
All the column value must remain same eg column name Modified By should contain same name after moving also.
in short like cut-paste
How we can do this?
Try Sharepoint Content Deployment Wizard.
Use Data Synchronisation Studio
You will need to use the extra add-in to keep the modified dates the same
There's a tool that allows you to copy all the properties from one list to another. It's called Sharegate ( There's a free trial that only limits the number of items that you can copy. The full version of the software is sold at 375$ which is a no brainer for most of the company. Hopefully, this will help you!
definitely saving as a template and check the box to save all content, then going to the new site and upload the template## I hard somewhere that could be done in explorer view but...never tried this approach...
You can save the list as a template and check the box to 'include content'. Then just copy over the template and create a new doc. lib. using it. It will have all of the documents as well as the same columns, values for those columns, etc.

write the domain without extension [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I found that sometimes when I write the name of a site it gets to the right website. for example when I write google I get and when I write facebook I get
But when I write mohamedkadri I don't get
I thought That the browser uses the that name to get the site when it has been previously visited and cached, but I also visited but mohamedkadri doesn't get
How does this work? and who is the responsible for that, the host or the browser, or even the default search engine in my browser?
Some browsers use the 'feeling lucky' google search (or other search engines) to return the first result for a given keyword.
If you search on google for 'facebook' you'll get as the first result.
If you search for 'mohamedkadri' you don't get '' as the first result.
It's up to your browser to decide which site to access. In the case of Firefox, the term for the address bar is the 'Awesome Bar', which uses a combination of search, history, and favorites to get you where you want to go Here's some more information
I just did a little testing in Chrome, and it looks like I'm set to a google search if the tld is left off. I'm not sure of the reaction of IE but I think it functions similarly to Chrome.
