Extension - Chrome native window - google-chrome-extension

it is possible to add/open Google Chrome native panel or window (something like firebug or like chrome dev tool) from extension level or maybe it is possible to add new tab to dev tool ?

it is possible to add/open Google Chrome native panel or window (something like firebug or like chrome dev tool) from extension level
or maybe it is possible to add new tab to dev tool ?
Yes. Declare a devtools_page in your extension's manifest, and use the chrome.devtools.panels API to "add a new tab".


How to open a browser within VSCode just like another editor tab

For a VSCode extension i want open browser within VSCode not externally, wherein i can load some URL (https://developers.redhat.com/)
I tried looking into various options to achieve it in VScode extension, what i came across is with help of webview i.e 'vscode.previewHtml' we can pass html content which would be rendered with in VSCode editor tab, but what i have is url to load. Can pass it to iframe but i can't open it in iframe
Another option is to open it in browser but it opens external browser.
what i need is to open a browser within IDE (VSCode), experience should be similar to what we get for 'vscode.previewHtml'
or as we see in IDEs like eclipse where browser window is opened right inside IDE.
As we can see below
Please give inputs, suggestions
It's possible now without extension. Open command palette (CTRL+P) and search for "Simple Browser: Show".
This is how it looks:
In order to render your html you can use the WebView API:
Microsoft has an extension in development, Live Preview. I use it to view html codecov reports inside of VSCODE and it at least works for that.
You just search for it in extensions and add it to VSCODE

Is it possible to access DOM elements of a chrome app from another chrome app / extension?

This is something like a chrome extension changes the elements of a web page dynamically.
I am wondering if i can change the DOM elements of a chrome app from another chrome app or extension.
If this is possible, how can I do that ?
There is a standalone chrome app working on the desktop
There is another app / extension works like a chrome app debugging tool which can access the content of that standalone app
The answer can be no, since when you are saying the DOM elements of a chrome extension, I guess you mean the popup/options page for the extension, its url starts with chrome://extensions while content script can't access this kind of page.
The answer can also be yes, since if you have control on both of the extension, you can do Cross-extension messaging, in this way, to some degree you can achieve change the DOM of a chrome extension from another extension.

"Edit source" button for Google Chrome extensions

I'm looking for a way to quickly test and debug Google Chrome extensions. Is there any way to add an "edit source" button next to each extension on the Chrome Extensions page, using an extension?
The TamperMonkey extension allows all installed userscripts to be viewed and edited within Chrome- this is the best "work-around" that I've found for this problem so far. I don't yet know whether it can synchronize scripts between Chrome installations - hopefully this feature will be implemented soon.

Debugging new Chrome packaged apps

I'm playing with new-style packaged apps in Chrome 24, and I don't see any way to bring up Developer Tools to do debugging.
What's the recommended strategy for debugging?
go to here
find the page you want
Starting on Chrome 24, you can right click and inspect your page or inspect the background page.
If your app doesn't have any open window to right click, you can go to chrome://extensions and use the Inspect Views links, from where you can open Developer Tools for any of your app pages, including those in the background.
Before Chrome 24, the only difference is that the background page could only be inspected using the chrome://extensions link, there was no "Inspect background page" in the right click menu.
UPDATE: If you want to debug an app installed from the Chrome Web Store, you need to enable the flag "Enable debugging for packed apps" in the chrome:flags page:
After that, right click will work on any app.
I've been able to right click the content area and inspect an element to get the dev tools to come up.

Is it possible to call one extension from another

I have Google Chrome and the extensions installed on it. I would like to reduce number of extension buttons on Chrome panel.
For this I want to create my plugin which will display popup window and allow to run another extension installed on my browser?
Is it possible and where I can find examples?
The messaging API has an external extension feature. You can use that communicate between extensions.
