JMonkeyEngine FullScreen Script - fullscreen

I'm pretty new to Java scripting I was wondering if any of you could tell me what's wrong with these lines:
GraphicsDevice device = GraphicsEnviroment.
settings.setResolution(modes[0].getWidth(), modes][0].getHeight());

I'm sure we could debate the meaning of the word 'script', but that is Java, not a Java script (and certainly not javascript)...
You have several problems with extra punctuation, missing variable declarations, and misspelled method names. The code you want can be found on the jME3 website:
public void toggleToFullscreen() {
GraphicsDevice device = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getDefaultScreenDevice();
DisplayMode[] modes = device.getDisplayModes();
int i=0; // note: there are usually several, let's pick the first
app.restart(); // restart the context to apply changes


Why does my Groovy AST transform insert null at the end of my method?

I have written an AST transform that creates a setter for a JPA mapped property (it both sets the local field and calls setOwner on the other end of the relationship):
private static void createSetter(FieldNode field) {
Parameter parameter = GeneralUtils.param(field.getType(), field.getName());
BlockStatement body = new BlockStatement();
body.addStatement(assignS(fieldX(field), varX(parameter)));
MethodCallExpression setterCall = callX(varX(parameter), "setOwner", varX("this", field.getDeclaringClass()));
MethodNode method = new MethodNode(setterName(field.getName()), ACC_PUBLIC, ClassHelper.VOID_TYPE, new Parameter[] {parameter}, ClassNode.EMPTY_ARRAY, body);
This works, but the generated method has a strange null statement at the end as disassembled by JD-GUI (in addition to an odd local variable):
public void setMore(Simple_MoreStuff more) {
Simple_MoreStuff localSimple_MoreStuff = more;
this.more = localSimple_MoreStuff;
It doesn't seem to affect the actual correctness, but it's odd, and it seems like a bug. In MethodCallExpression, I found this comment but don't know if it relates, since my method is in fact void (I explicitly set it above, and it makes no difference):
//TODO: set correct type here
// if setting type and a methodcall is the last expression in a method,
// then the method will return null if the method itself is not void too!
// (in bytecode after call: aconst_null, areturn)
Is there a way to keep the generated method from having the spurious null?
I have not looked at JD-GUI, so I cannot tell how capable this tool is in understanding bytecode, that does not come from Java. But in general disassemblers can only somewhat show what Java code in that case might look like, by no means it is supposed to show correct code from a non-Java language. So better do not expect correct Java code if you disassemble Groovy.
In this case I suspect that JD-GUI stumbles over a workaround we have not gotten rid of yet. In several cases we add at the method end dead code, the const_null, areturn you have noticed. We do this because of problems with the verifier if a bytecode label is used at the end of a method. And since the dead code does not influence correctness we are currently using this solution.

How can I read a string directly into a variable? Java, slick

I want to program some kind of game where the player has to name loacations shown on a map. I am using the slick library.
My problem is that I need some way to get the keyboard input from the player. I tried it with InputDialog from JOptionPane but I do not really like it. I would rather have the string appear on some part of the screen. But I do not have any idea how I can read from the keyboard directly into a variable that should be drawn on the screen. I thought that it would be possible to use streams but if I try to get some examples, they are always about reading from files and I do not know how to use that for reading from keyboard.
String answer;
public void render(GameContainer gameContainer, StateBasedGame sbGame, Graphics g){
g.drawString(answer, 50, 50);
public void update(GameContainer gameContainer, StateBasedGame sbGame, int delta){
//user types something which I now call "inputFromUser"
//it does not appear anywhere before the string is drawn on the screen.
answer = inputFromUser;
Something like a Scanner does not work for me because the user has to type that into the console, and I want him to type it "directly into the game" like it works with a textfield. (But I do not want to use a textfield.)
I have one way to accomplish that but it's fairly resource intensive. First create a global variable to keep track of the current letters. now create a new method that runs through all of the keys to check if they are down
private String totalString;
private void handelUserInput(Input input){
totalString = totalString.substring(0, totalString.length() - 1);
totalString += "a";
totalString += "b";
next create an input handler in the update loop to pass into the handle input method.
public void update(GameContainer gc, StateBasedGame sbg, int delta)throws SlickException {
Input input = gc.getInput();
and then print the string somewhere on your window in the render loop. by the way the Input class is built into slick.

What's the mapping from Type.getSort() to the local and stack arrays in visitFrame(...)?

I need to adapt my code to the stricter Java 7 verifier and have to add visitFrame calls in my MethodNode (I'm using the tree api). I could not find any information on how Type maps to the Object[]s used in visitFrame, so please help me out here...
This is what I have so far:
private Object getFrameType(Type type) {
switch (type.getSort()) {
case Type.BOOLEAN:
case Type.CHAR:
case Type.BYTE:
case Type.SHORT:
case Type.INT:
return Opcodes.INTEGER;
case Type.LONG:
return Opcodes.LONG;
case Type.FLOAT:
return Opcodes.FLOAT;
case Type.DOUBLE:
return Opcodes.DOUBLE;
case Type.OBJECT:
case Type.ARRAY:
return type.getInternalName();
throw new RuntimeException(type + " can not be converted to frame type");
What I'd like to know is: what are Type.VOID and Type.METHOD?
When do I need Opcodes.TOP, Opcodes.NULL and Opcodes.UNINITIALIZED_THIS?
I'm guessing UNINITIALIZED_THIS is only used in the constructor and I can probably ignore VOID and METHOD, but I'm not sure and I don't have the slightest idea what TOP is.
If I understood your need correctly, you could just let ASM calculate the frames for you. This will probably slow down the class generation a bit, but certainly worth a try.
When creating the ClassWriter, just add COMPUTE_FRAMES to the flags argument of the constructor, e.g.
new ClassWriter(ClassWriter.COMPUTE_FRAMES);
Similarly, if you are transforming a class, the ClassReader can be asked to expand the frames like:
ClassReader cr = ...;
ClassNode cn = new ClassNode(ASM4);
cr.accept(cn, ClassReader.EXPAND_FRAMES);
The former option has the benefit that you can forget about the frames (and "maxs") altogether while the latter option might require you to patch the frames yourself depending on what kind of transformation you do.
The examples are for ASM version 4, but these features have been supported at least since version 3 - the parameters are just passed a bit differently.

Resharper Code Pattern for IDisposable not inside using

I'd like to know how to build a Resharper (6.1) code pattern to search and replace the following issues:
var cmd = new SqlCommand();
and turn it into this:
using (var cmd = new SqlCommand())
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader("myfile.txt");
string line = reader.Read();
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader("file.txt"))
string line = reader.ReadLine();
EDIT: Thanks for the answers, but I'm looking for anything that implements IDisposable
Search pattern:
var $cmd$ = $sqlcommand$;
Replace pattern:
using (var $cmd$ = $sqlcommand$)
where cmd = identifier
and sqlcommand = expression of type System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
It looks like what you're really after is an inspection mechanism that goes off looking for IDisposable objects and ensures they are disposed. If that's the case, I doubt custom patterns would be the right approach - after all, what if you do call Dispose() a few lines later?
One way to implement this is by using the ReSharper SDK. In fact, one of the examples the SDK comes with is a PowerToy which implements IDisposable on a particular class, so you could take that code as a foundation for possible analysis of usage.
Use the Search with Pattern tool under the ReSharper | Find menu.
In the Search pattern make sure you have C# selected and enter the code you're searching for in the box. Click the Replace button in the top-right, and enter the code you want to replace it with in the Replace pattern box.
You can save the search and replace pattern and R# will use it for subsequent code analysis should you so desire. You can also add additional patterns in R# Options under Code Inspection | Custom Patterns.

CATextlayer with AttributedString in MonoTouch

I am trying to create a "label" with different styles on different words, kind of like described here.
The problem is - as far as I can see - the MonoTouch implementation of UATextLayer does not accept assigning an NSAttributedString to the String property since the String property has the type string.
Is this an error in the implementation or is there another way of doing this?
(Yes, I am aware I can add separate labels - but I would rather not when there is a better solution).
EDIT (in response to the answer from Miguel):
After changing to GetHandler and correcting to "void_objc_msgSend_IntPtr" instead of "void_objc_msgSend_IntPrt" the code in the answer compiles and runs, but it doesn't quite work anyway (I was a bit fast in marking it as the answer).
No errors are thrown, but the text doesn't show.
string _text="Example string";
if(_textLayer==null) {
_textLayer = new CATextLayer();
_textLayer.Frame = new RectangleF(50,698,774,50);
CTFont _font=new CTFont("MarkerFelt-Thin",48);
CTStringAttributes _attrs=new CTStringAttributes();
_attrs.ForegroundColor = UIColor.White.CGColor;
var nsa = new NSAttributedString(_text);
If I uncomment the _textLayer.String=_text I see the text (but without attributes of course), so the problem is not with the layer.
For now, you can try:
using MonoTouch.ObjCRuntime;
var caTextLayer = new CATextLayer ();
var nsa = new NSAttributedString ();
Messaging.void_objc_msgSend_IntPrt (
Selector.sel_registerName ("string"),
Alternatively, can you download this preview of the upcoming version:
It implements a property AttributedString in CATextLayer that you can set.
