Why are external NICs not working on my server (running on Debian 7)? - linux

I have a server running Debian 7. The eth0 interface is configured to use the on-board ethernet card. This is basically used to connect to the internet. As it happens, I had to connect this server to some PCs through a switch, obviously on a different series of IPs. for this, I installed an external NIC in the PCI slot but, strangely it didn't seen to work. The configurations were alright. I checked them more times than I can imagine. So, I disabled my eth0 interface and connected eth1 (external NIC) to the internet. If for the same settings, the on-board card worked, so should the external one. But, it didn't. When I tried to ping some servers like, it gives me Destination Host Unreachable and on termination shows, 0 packets "transmitted" and 0 packets received, which is baffling, to say the least. The PCI slot is working because I checked if the drivers were being recognised or not. The NIC itself is working (checked with another machine running Debian 6). Any help/sugesstions would be appreciated.
P.S The NIC in question is D-Link System DGE-530T Gigabit Ethernet Adapter (rev 11)

You need to check to see if the card is being listed in lspci or not. Second, is this a virtual machine?
I would also check to see if the BIOS is handling IRQ's in auto or are they specifically assigned.


Raspberry pi with DP 4.1 cannot get IP from switch

As far as I figured out, Raspberry pi 3 which runs DP 4.1 cannot get IP address from my switch. Other devices on switch like PC's running windows or Rasbian installed Rasberries can get IP address as it should and be able to communicate each other. I tested my pi with both WiFi and cable connected router and it was able to get IP address normally. So I'm nearly sure that there is no problem on my Ethernet cable, pi or switch.
As a last note, the switches is Cisco sg100d-05 and I cannot use a router instead of this switch.
Is there anything that I can do to join this closed network on switch?

Alternate ways to log into BeagleBone Black when static IP is unknown

I am attempting to access my BeagleBone Black but I am having some issues and I'm needing some help.
I messed around with my BBB almost 2 years back and I statically set the IP address for eth0. Unfortunately, I don't recall what I changed it to. If I knew the network, I could probably figure it out but I haven't the slightest clue what it could be.
I am running Windows 10 on my laptop and I have a USB to USB-mini running to the device which provides to it power and a connection.
I have installed the latest drivers, PuTTY, and WireShark. I made sure the drivers were imported, ran WireShark for DHCP requests/ARP broadcasts, LL DNS updates, or SSH port references but I wasn't seeing anything on that particular interface on my laptop (ran as promiscuous and nonpromiscuous).
I read that the default IP address for the beaglebone.local is but I wasn't able to reach it via ICMP, HTTP, or SSL.
I assumed the USB connection provides either an Ethernet-over-USB connection or a serial connection (UART through USB), so, I have both the USB connected and the Ethernet cable connected.
To see if I could just use a serial connection with PuTTY (Serial-to-USB), I opened Device Manager to see which COM port it was using. The odd thing is that COM ports aren't listed in Dev Manager, not even by default when nothing is connected. There also wasn't section for Unknown Devices.
I figured at this point, it wouldn't hurt to download the latest release of Debian for BeagleBone. I wrote the .img to a 32GB MicroSD card and held down the USER/BOOT button while I applied power (as per the instructions).
Still no luck and I'm now out of ideas.
I only have a laptop at my disposal, currently. I don't have immediate access to a monitor, mouse, and keyboard so I wouldn't be able to view what is happening internally. The LED0 is giving me the standard heartbeat flash (2 consecutive flashes followed by a longer off period).
Does anyone have any suggestions?

multiple ethernet over USB devices

we have an embedded Linux device that primarily uses the Ethernet to communicate. We also allow access via the USB port, to support this our device has a g_ether Linux gadget driver that creates a virtual ethernet port for both our device and the clients host. A DHCP server assigns the client an IP address saving them having to configure this them selves, while the device has a fix IP address. I believe this is much the same as how Android does its tethering
This all works fine until a client wants to use 2 or more devices at once. Both devices come up as distinct network interfaces on the clients machine, but both devices have the same IP address meaning you cannot target the host specifically! A smaller problem is that there is a slight possibility that both devices might assign the clients "distinct" interface the same ip address and cause a conflict there too, but I am less concerned about that as the IP address is random since the DHCP server assigns the address based on the MAC address and g_ether randomly generates this, so a retry should fix the issue (not ideal, but will do)
I would like to know if anyone else has faced a similar problem, and if so how they solved it ?

IP Multicast - would this work on my dual homed embedded Linux device?

I am working on an embedded Linux project. It has a cell modem that comes up as ppp0 and a single Ethernet interface eth0 that may or may not be connected. The cable could be unplugged at any time from eth0 or may never be plugged in.
Is it possible to setup multicasting so that it could intelligently send the outgoing traffic over eth0 if it's up, otherwise over ppp0? If so I would be very interested on how to do this.

Capturing network traffic on Linux

Question: I have one Windows laptop, one Linux laptop and a wireless router.
Now I want to "investigate" the hotmail/windows live protocol.
What I want to do is route network traffic from the windows laptop via ethernet to the linux laptop, capture it on the Linux computer, forward it wirelessly to the router, receive the hotmail response from the router on the linux computer and forward it to the windows computer.
How do I do that?
In essence, switching the Linux laptop between the Windows laptop and the router, to capture network traffic ?
Which program is best for capturing/analysing ?
Please note that for whatever reason, packet capturing with winpcap on the windows computer doesn't work...
Of course you can do this, take a look at wireshark
man tcpdump
On my Mac, I do it like this:
sudo tcpdump -ien1 -s0 -xX -vvv
I don't know how similar tcpdump options are across platforms...
Note, tcpdump also allows you to capture to a pcap file that could then be imported to Wireshark and maybe other gui tools.
As others have mentioned, you can use wireshark (find out how to use filters to remove unnecessary packets in your log). If your Windows and Linux box are on the same network, you do not need that setup to sniff packets. Unless you are using ndiswrapper, you would probably be able to set the wireless network device on the Linux box to "monitor mode" and it will sniff all packets on your LAN. If your device does not support that mode, you can try connecting both boxes to your router physically. That will help you avoid the routing you described in your question.
