Ignore folder before first commit in kdesvn? - linux

I have an empty SVN repo on a remote server. I moved the code into kdesvn app and now I need to make a first commit. But I want to exclude some folders from commit (ignore them) so that they never upload later on.
How shall I do it in kdesvn? I went to Repository menu but could not find a command to mark folders ignored.
I did not commit anything yet. Just copied sources into kdesvn. On each file and folder I have icon with a green plus symbol and the status saying "locally added". Look at the image

You want to make a SVN revert. With kdesvn you select the files to revert, then in the menu Subversion > Working Copy > Revert current changes.
If you want to SVN ignore them, just right-click on a file that is not under version control (grey background color) and select Ignore/Unignore current item.


Window 7: Files are marked for add in perforce

Accidentally I have selected one folder in perforce and click Add sign. And so many files are showing as “marked for Add” files in Perforce which were auto generated in my local drive and I don't want to add it. How can I reverse that in windows 7? I am using Perforce Visual Client/NTX64/2015.1/1233444.
I believe you can simply Revert those files, they should not be deleted, but they will be removed from the "Marked for Add" list. Right-click on a file and Revert it, see what happens - for me, that works.

How to commit a mix of newly added files and modified files in tortoisesvn

A vendor gave me a tool to update my website, which added a lot of files and modified a lot of files.
I want to add all of the changes to TortoiseSVN, so I right clicked on the root folder of the website and clicked SVN commit. Almost 4k files are selected, and 11k files total.
I chose select all and did a quick review to confirm that they were. I commit the files, and I see that they are all successes. Click OK.
I then right click on the root folder, and again do SVN commit.
Why do the same files appear in the list with modified next to them?
How can I add all the new files and commit everything all at once?
I'd post the version if I new where it was :)
You probably forgot to do a SVN ADD before doing the commit to version them on the next commit. TSVN is just listing unversioned files again.

Perforce Revert Shows "file(s) not opened on this client"

I'm trying to open an existing Perforce application. I made some local changes, like deleting files, which I want to undo (that is, I want my local copy to exactly match the repository once more -- delete added files, restore deleted files, and undo changes).
When I try to revert using the p4v gui client, I see this error:
file(s) not opened on this client
What am I doing wrong?
I did manage to revert all the changed files, but not the added/removed files.
Edit: I did the following:
Connect to a Perforce server using p4v
Map a directory to my local file system (lets say C:\Perforce)
Get the latest version of the repository
Go to C:\Perforce in Windows Explorer
Delete some files and folders
Add some files and folders
I would like to get back to the "pristine" state, the copy of exactly what's on the server when I got the latest version of the repository for the first time.
By the looks of the edited description you added and deleted files directly on the filesystem and not through perforce. Therefore Perforce doesn't know anything about those changes so there is nothing to revert. Typically when you want to add a file you use 'p4 add" (or the equivalent p4v operation), and when you delete, you should use 'p4 delete' (or again, the equivalent p4v operation).
Really, the best option to get back to a pristine state is to nuke the local copy of the code in c:\perforce (in windows explorer), go to p4v, right click the area you want to sync, and choose "Get Revision..." and in the subsequent dialog, make sure that the "force operation" checkbox is checked. This will tell Perforce that you want a new copy of everything regardless of whether you had it synced or not.
You can also run "reconcile offline work" in p4v. Right click the depot area and choose that option. It will scan through the local folder structure and give you a report of what files have been added that don't exist in perforce, what files were deleted, and what files were modified. From that dialog, you can right click on local files that don't exist in perforce and delete them, or you can 'p4 add' them. You can also sync deleted files.
Just an extra not to point out another cause for this.
If the file name contains an unusual character that cannot be translated correctly the name on the client will never match that on the server.
The solution in this case is to spot that character in the file name (it will be a question mark emblem on Linux) and use a wildcard to help identify the file to the server so it can delete it etc (p4 deleting the file is a way to go).
This answer may not be your case. This happened to me when I edited the files on my local disk without logging into p4.
A quick fix at commandline is:
p4 login # make sure you've logged in
p4 edit <filename> # let p4 know you've edited the file
p4 revert <filename> # revert to "pristine" state
You can use p4 reconcile -w to restore your client to the state of the server. There is an alias called clean, which is also available in P4V on the right-click context menu as Clean....
There are several additional flags to control whether added and deleted files are deleted or restored, respectively.
The -w flag forces the workspace files to be updated to match the
depot rather than opening them so that the depot can be updated to
match the workspace. The -a, -d, and -e flags when used with -w
update workspace files as follows:
-a Files with no corresponding depot file are deleted.
-d Depot files not in the workspace are added.
-e Modified files are restored to the last version synced.

How to exclude a folder and not its children from SVN Update in Tortoise SVN

I am working on a shared project which is put in SVN. The directory structure of the project is as follows:
- Child_Dir_1
+ GrandChild_Dir_1
+ GrandChild_Dir_2
- Child_Dir_2
Child_Dir_1 contains configuration files (Eclipse's .LAUNCH files), and people put all sorts of file in this folder.
So each time I update my source code (by right clicking on ParentDir and picking Update), I got a lot of configurations that I don't really need, and I have to delete them manually.
I still need to have the children of Child_Dir_1 (which are GrandChild_Dir_1 and GrandChild_Dir_2) to be updated.
I have tried to go to set the "ignore" property of the of Child_Dir_1 to exclude *.LAUNCH files, but each time I update the source code, the ones that I manually deleted are restored to Child_Dir_1.
Since you are using TortoiseSVN:
Go into Child_Dir_1, select GrandChild_Dir_1 and GrandChild_Dir_2 and right click, TortoiseSVN -> Update.
That will update only those two folders.
Ignore is so that you can "ignore" ( from commit, status etc.) untracked files, files that are not checked in.
It could be that manojlds' answer is the solution for you, but I have doubts. The problem here is that those files are really part of the project. They are kind of unavoidable, and must be in sync with the rest of working copy.
Option 1 (best): Remove all configuration files form repository, or better yet have in repository only configuration template files (with, say, $ as first character in file names). Each user could copy those template files to true configuration files and change them accordingly. Configuration files should not ever be committed. Only template files should, but updating template files will not mess with current configuration files of any user.
Option 2 (second best): Ignore those configuration files. Use your own files for your own configuration, with names that don't clash with existing. You may even add your files to SVN, but you may just as well not add them. Does not matter, as long as you don't need your configuration on another machine.
Option 3: Use ignore-on-commit group. Use those configuration files that already exist. Change them to your likings, but don't ever commit them. To ensure that you don't commit them by accident flag them as non-committable (go to commit window, select all non-committable files, right click > Move to changelist > ignore-on-commit). The problem with this is your files are not protected from other users' updates, but may actually be a good thing.
Option 4: Chop the folder out (a horrible hack). Remove Child_Dir_1 from working copy (Right click on it > Update to revision > set Working depth to Exclude). Save the folder elsewhere first, because it will disappear. After that create it again, inside it checkout all subfolders (GrandChild_Dir_1 and GrandChild_Dir_2), and copy your configuration files. Now you have complete control over folder's contents, but update and commit become more complicated.
Edit: There is option 5 in theory, but I doubt it can be implemented successfully. You can try: Use NTFS hard links. Copy the whole tree with all files as hard links to existing files, except .svn folders and their contents. Original directory is used for SVN operations update, commit, add and delete, and new directory is used for editing files. From new directory delete all the files you don't need, and insert all the files you do need that are not the part of SVN. The problem here is minor extra work when deleting files from and adding them to SVN.

Using tortoiseSVN, how do you tag the code?

Using TortoiseSVN, how do you tag the code?
Is the process to branch exactly the same?
I know you have to just copy the code to the /tag/ folder, but how?
i.e. I want to copy revision # to a tag#.
Will it affect the /trunk/ at all?
The answers here were missing some key information for getting started with SVN and braches.
Step 1: You need to make sure you have a suitable branches/tags dir. e.g. if your project has this structure:
you also need:
To do this, don't "add" the directories and commit them, or tortoise will give you an error. Instead use the tortoise svn repo-browser, go to myproj then right click and "add Folder".
Step 2: Right click on your trunk folder, select "tortoise SVN" then "branch/tag". The copy branch/tag dialogue now pops up.
Step 3: Set the "to Path" to "/myproj/tags/myversion" where myversion is usually something like "1.0". Select "Head revision in the repository" and make sure "switch working to new branch/tag" is not checked. Hit OK.
Step 4: Unfortunately, next time you do an update, it will pull down the branches and tags as files. This means your HD will get filled with every file from every branch and version created. One solution is to only checkout each individual trunk dir, which is not always convenient (as you have to manually update 30 trunk dirs if you have one repo with 30 projects).
Personally, having used CVS, SCCS, PVCS, VSS & Rational for 30 years, I find SVN much harder to work with.
Right click on your project folder and select Branch/Tag
Point the URL to whatever you want the folder to be called inside the /Tag/ folder
Select Specific revision in repository and choose the one you want
It won't affect the trunk at all.
How to create a tag :
Right click on your repository local copy
Choose Create a branch or a tag...
Choose URL of the tag (normally at the same level that trunk you have a tags folder)
Choose which revision you want to tag
(Usually, you will choose HEAD revision. Why ? Because normally tags are to mark a state of your repository typically for release management, and then when you have the repository state wished, you tag it and then continue the development.
Yes, it's almost the same process that for branches, the difference is "conceptual".
No effect to your trunk !
Here's the official documentation.
Creating a tag won't affect the trunk nor your working copy (you'll still be pointing to trunk) unless you switch to the newly created tag or branch.
Answers below:
The process is almost exactly the same as a branch.
A branch is a tag which is updated essentially.
Right click on the folder you want to tag, click on RepoBrowser, then branch/tag.
Modify the ToURL, with where you want to place your tag
Enter your comment/tag in the box below.
This will tag the code in the folder, without moving it.
This will not effect the trunk at all.
