I'm creating an app that reads a single podcast feed (unique to the app) and shows the episode titles in a LongListSelector. I can obtain the MP3 URI for each episode by parsing the RSS file. I'd like to add functionality that, when the user taps an item in the list, the URI is passed to an audio streamer and played like a music file.
I saw a tutorial on How to play background audio for Windows Phone, which points me to a project template for streaming audio.
I'm just wondering, is it still necessary to follow those steps and create a separate project, or is there a built-in API call in Windows Phone 8 that I can just pass my URI to and have it stream automatically?
Yes,if you need to use BackgroungAudioPlayer, it is necessary to create another project for AudioPlayer and add reference of it to your project.
Through MediaPlayer you can play files from medialibrary or IsolatedStorage.
So,for you it is necessary to follow those steps.Hope this helps.
Use the media element tag from the Windows Phone 8 Toolbox:
You should be able to achieve this without any difficulty, But it will not run in the background.
I am new to Web Audio API, i am working on a web app where users will select a video and that video will contain 2 channels:
Ch 1: Original Version (Full Mix)
Ch 2: M&E version (Music & Effect No Dialogue)
I need to give user the option to select the channel he wants to play for video.
I have seen that it can be possible using Web Audio API, but I am not able to write proper code for this.
Any help will be really apriciated.
Thanks in Advance.
Can anyone please guide me, step by step how to watermark/Overlay a video in Azure as I am new to Azure. If Possible please guide me with a tutorial or Video tutorial for the same. I have uploaded a .mp4 video in Azure and streamed it and able to view it in azure media player. Please guide me for watermarking or overlaying a video in azure.
Also I need to understand, azure is providing watermarking / overlay as a service so is there a way to do water marking directly with an Azure interface without visual studio C# coding.
Thanks in advance..
Do you need to overlay an image onto a video? Or do you want to overlay a video over another video? For the former case, the image will have to overlaid on the input video during the encoding process. There is a basic example documented here. In that example, the output contains a single MP4 at 640x360 resolution, which is sufficient for delivery via progressive download. Since you need to stream your video, you should update the Codecs section in that example with additional video bitrates - such as the one showed here.
You also mention needing to do this without writing code. If you have a PC, then you can install and run AMS Explorer (https://aka.ms/amse). Browse to the input video you want to process, hit "Ctl+R" and you will see tabs to specify the encoding settings, and others for advanced features including overlays.
I am building a video library on Azure Media Service and want to give feature where my streaming endpoint(like manifest hls/Dashed/smooth streaming urls urls) can be shareable on Facebook like how YouTube URL works on Facebook share,
i am not sure, is this possible or not?? if yes than which encoding format i need to use here, i tried different encoding here but they didn't work for me,
if above cant be done than whats the best alternate
The steps you need are:
Upload the source video (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/media-services/media-services-dotnet-upload-files)
Encode it to a format that supports streaming, using Standard Encoder using a preset like "Content Adaptive Multiple Bitrate MP4" (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/media-services/media-services-dotnet-encode-with-media-encoder-standard)
Above will produce an output Asset containing multiple MP4 files
Publish this output Asset (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/media-services/media-services-deliver-streaming-content)
You can now use the streaming locator that step 4 generatesin Azure Media Player (http://aka.ms/amsplayer)
However, before you can share links on Facebook, you need to stand up another web service - I've let my colleague know about this thread, and she will follow up shortly.
I am making a game where I want to command the AI using word i speak.
Say for example I can say go and AI bot goes to certain distance.
Question is I am finding asset and no provider is giving me grantee that it is possible ?
What are the difficulties for doing it?
I am programmer so if some one suggest the way to handle it I can do it.
Should I make mic listener on all the time and read audio and then pass audio to some external sdk which can convert my voice to text ?
these are the asset provider i have contacted.
and few more !
If someone just explains the steps I need to follow then I can try it for sure.
I am currently using this external api for pretty much the same thing: https://api.ai/
It comes with a unity SDK that works quite well:
You have to connect a audio source to the sdk, and tell it to start listening. It will then convert your voice audio to text, and even detect pre-selected intentions from your voice audio / text.
You can find all steps on how to integrate the unity plugin in the api.ai Unity SDK documentation on github.
EDIT: It's free too btw :)
If you want to recognize offline without sending data to the server, you need to try this plugin:
It uses open source speech recognition engine CMUSphinx
In Blogger I am trying to recreate the audio feature used in this web site http://www.talkenglish.com/lessondetails.aspx?ALID=2001 where you click on text and hear the audio (an mp3 file) instantly. When I embed identical code into a Blogger page and click it, it wants to play the mp3 file by kick starting Windows Media Player. I don't want a solution like SoundCloud that creates visible player controls. Can anyone suggest a solution. I am hoping to use it to create an online amateur speech therapy package to support some voluntary work I do in this area.
That site is using a file called audioplayer.js. To be honest, I am not exactly sure if that's custom built or not. You can look at the source for that here. You have a bunch of options to get the functionality you're looking for. A couple are below.
You can use SoundManager2 which is a very robust JS Sound plugin.
You can also use HTML5's built in <audio> element. You can read more about that here