Lambda Calculus (λa.b)((λx.xx)(λx.xx)) [closed] - haskell

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Im looking for an example of a weakly normalising lambda term.
Am I right in saying that the following:
Reduces to:
doesnt terminate (if you try to reduce (λx.xx)(λx.xx))
I wasnt sure if the first reduction is correct so just need some clarification,

If you evaluate the right term first and continually then it will never reach a normal form, thus it is not strongly normalizable. If you evaluate the left term first it will immediately reach a normal form, thus it is normalizable and demonstrates that this term is weakly normalizable. It's also an example of the non-confluence of the untyped lambda calculus.
Note that you're more likely to want to talk about how a rewriting system is normalizing than a particular term. This term is thus a counterexample to the strong normalization property of untyped lambda calculus, but does not provide positive evidence that ULC is weakly normalizing (and it isn't).


what is the relationship between safe & pure & referential transparency in functional programming? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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pure / impure: appears when we talk about the different between Haskell and lisp-family.
safe / unsafe: appears when we name functions like unsafePerformIO, unsafeCoerce.
referential transparency / referential opacity: appears when we emphasize the benefit of purely functional programming.
The difference between these words are very subtle, I find there is some post talking about them individually, but I'm still hoping there is a clear comparison between them, and I can't find such a post here yet.
I've always been fond of Amr Sabry's 1998 paper that explored a similar question with the rigor it deserved:
A sample quote:
A language is purely functional if (i) it includes every simply typed
lambda-calculus term, and (ii) its call-by-name, call-by-need, and
call-by-value implementations are equivalent modulo divergence and
While this question can generate a lot of "opinion" based answers (which I am carefully avoiding!), reading through Amr's paper can put you in the right mindset about how to think about this question; regardless whether you end up agreeing with him or not.

Searching for simple problems naturally solved using stacks [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I would like to know about simple problems that can be naturally solved using stacks with the usual interface (emptyS, isEmptyS, push, pop, top).
The complexity asociated to the context of the problem should be null. I can't touch topics like parsing, compiling or search algorithms at this moment. This discards many classical examples.
The most beautiful example I found so far is checking for balanced parenthesis in strings. In very few lines, without any other background, the exercise shows the utility of the data structure:
Another good example is procesing a string where the asterisk means to pop an item from the stack and a letter means to push it into the stack. The function must return the stack after the operations described in the string are applied to an empty stack.
If you can share some others problems, I will apreciate it very much.
Thank you in advance.
Though this question is too broad, I am going to give some other applications. Some of other common applications are -
Recursive Function
Calling Function
Expression Evaluation
Expression Conversion
Infix to Postfix
Infix to Prefix
Postfix to Infix
Prefix to Infix
Towers of Hanoi
Some details can be found here.

How to implement an optimal beta reduction on Levy's sense? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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In 1990, John Lamping published a paper proposing an optimal implementation of the untyped lambda calculus. Since that paper is 25 years old, I wonder how much we have advanced since. Thus, my question is: what is a simple description of John's optimal lambda calculus evaluating algorithm (or, in case we made improvements since, of the improved algorithm), preferably explained briefly on Haskellish-pseudocode?
Update: as I've learned more since I asked, I believe a valid answer could be simply a pseudocode for an unbloated algorithm that 1. maps pure untyped lambda terms to interaction nets; 2. reduces those nets and 3. maps back from nets to lambda terms such as that the whole process normalizes the initial lambda term optimally.

Algorithmic programming based on strings [closed]

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Questions asking for code must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. Include attempted solutions, why they didn't work, and the expected results. See also: Stack Overflow question checklist
Closed 9 years ago.
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Given a set of 10 symbols and a set of strings(at max 100) of length at max 20 each consisting of these symbols, find the maximum length string which can be made from these symbols that doesn't have any of the given strings as its sub-string. In case, if we can have infinite long string satisfying the property, print -1.
Besides brute force algorithm which will go exponential in time, I am not able to get any solution for this.
Any hint to approach this problem will be thankful.
Given a set of strings that need to be matched, my immediate reaction is to use to create a matcher. This matcher is a finite state machine that accepts one character at a time and tells you which state you end up in next, given that character.
So I think you can reduce the problem to accepting a directed graph and a starting point and finding the longest route through that graph that does not go through the nodes that correspond to pattern matches - which I think we can simply delete from the graph. This is covered in Constructing this graph is also linear so the whole thing seems to be O(n)

Why does cos(2^27) fail? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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It seems excel knows how to calculate =cos(2^27-1) but fails to calculate =cos(2^27). That returns #NUM!. Does anyone know why?
I have no idea what sort of arithmetic that Excel uses internally, but at some point, with a large number, the error after you do a mod 2*pi operation is too substantial to produce a reliable answer. Presumably they picked 2^27 as their cutoff.
This is behavior is not well documented. The Sin Function documentation indicates that the argument is a Double, and the specified limits in the documentation indicate that the double type is stored as a 64-bit number ranging from 4.94E-324 to 1.797E308 (for positive numbers).
I suspect that it is not coincidental that 2^27 (134,217,728) bytes is precisely 128 megabytes, and it seems likely that there is an internal limitation for some trig functions (eg. COS, SIN and TAN, but interestingly, NOT for TANH, etc.). This is not to say that this amount of memory consumption would be required - it's just that a programmer's implementation could have some (potentially unnecessary) limits on these types of inputs internally.
To get around this silly limit, simply use the following:
=COS(MOD(2^27, 2*PI()))
This works because the limitation does not exist for other operations, and is nowhere to be seen in the Excel Specifications and Limits. :-)
It would be good for the documentation as linked provided a description of these limits, but unfortunately, it does not.
