I have a main like the following:
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
putStrLn $ functionName args
functionName args = "problem" ++ (filter (/= '"') $ show (args!!0))
Instead of putting the name to stdout like I do it right now, I want to call the function.
I am aware of the fact, that I could use hint (as mentioned in Haskell: how to evaluate a String like "1+2") but I think that would be pretty overkill for just getting that simple function name.
At the current stage it does not matter if the program crashes if the function does not exist!
Without taking special measures to preserve them, the names of functions will likely be gone completely in a compiled Haskell program.
I would suggest just making a big top-level map:
import Data.Map ( Map )
import qualified Data.Map as Map
functions :: Map String (IO ())
functions = Map.fromList [("problem1", problem1), ...]
call :: String -> IO ()
call name =
case Map.lookup name of
Nothing -> fail $ name + " not found"
Just m -> m
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
call $ functionName args
functionName args = "problem" ++ (filter (/= '"') $ show (args!!0))
If you're going to do this, you have a few approaches, but the easiest by far is to just pattern match on it
This method requires that all of your functions you want to call have the same type signature:
problem1 :: Int
problem1 = 1
problem2 :: Int
problem2 = 2
runFunc :: String -> Maybe Int
runFunc "problem1" = Just problem1
runFunc "problem2" = Just problem2
runFunc _ = Nothing
main = do
args <- getArgs
putStrLn $ runFunc $ functionName args
This requires you to add a line to runFunc each time you add a new problemN, but that's pretty manageable.
You can't get a string representation of an identifier, not without fancy non-standard features, because that information isn't retained after compilation. As such, you're going to have to write down those function names as string constants somewhere.
If the function definitions are all in one file anyway, what I would suggest is to use data types and lambdas to avoid having to duplicate those function names altogether:
Data Problem = {
problemName :: String,
evalProblem :: IO () # Or whatever your problem function signatures are
problems = [Problem]
problems = [
Problem {
problemName = "problem1",
evalProblem = do ... # Insert code here
problemName = "problem2",
evalProblem = do ... # Insert code here
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
case find (\x -> problemName x == (args!!0)) problems of
Just x -> evalProblem x
Nothing -> # Handle error
Edit: Just to clarify, I'd say the important takeaway here is that you have an XY Problem.
I'm trying to learn how to work with IO in Haskell by writing a function that, if there is a flag, will take a list of points from a file, and if there is no flag, it asks the user to enter them.
dispatch :: [String] -> IO ()
dispatch argList = do
if "file" `elem` argList
then do
let (path : otherArgs) = argList
points <- getPointsFile path
print "Enter a point in the format: x;y"
input <- getLine
if (input == "exit")
then do
print "The user inputted list:"
print $ reverse xs
else (inputStrings (input:xs))
if "help" `elem` argList
then help
else return ()
dispatch [] = return ()
dispatch _ = error "Error: invalid args"
getPointsFile :: String -> IO ([(Double, Double)])
getPointsFile path = do
handle <- openFile path ReadMode
contents <- hGetContents handle
let points_str = lines contents
let points = foldl (\l d -> l ++ [tuplify2 $ splitOn ";" d]) [] points_str
hClose handle
return points
I get this: do-notation in pattern Possibly caused by a missing 'do'?` after `if "file" `elem` argList.
I'm also worried about the binding issue, assuming that I have another flag that says which method will be used to process the points. Obviously it waits for points, but I don't know how to make points visible not only in if then else, constructs. In imperative languages I would write something like:
init points
if ... { points = a}
else points = b
some actions with points
How I can do something similar in Haskell?
Here's a fairly minimal example that I've done half a dozen times when I'm writing something quick and dirty, don't have a complicated argument structure, and so can't be bothered to do a proper job of setting up one of the usual command-line parsing libraries. It doesn't explain what went wrong with your approach -- there's an existing good answer there -- it's just an attempt to show what this kind of thing looks like when done idiomatically.
import System.Environment
import System.Exit
import System.IO
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
pts <- case args of
["--help"] -> usage stdout ExitSuccess
["--file", f] -> getPointsFile f
[] -> getPointsNoFile
_ -> usage stderr (ExitFailure 1)
print (frobnicate pts)
usage :: Handle -> ExitCode -> IO a
usage h c = do
nm <- getProgName
hPutStrLn h $ "Usage: " ++ nm ++ " [--file FILE]"
hPutStrLn h $ "Frobnicate the points in FILE, or from stdin if no file is supplied."
exitWith c
getPointsFile :: FilePath -> IO [(Double, Double)]
getPointsFile = {- ... -}
getPointsNoFile :: IO [(Double, Double)]
getPointsNoFile = {- ... -}
frobnicate :: [(Double, Double)] -> Double
frobnicate = {- ... -}
if in Haskell doesn't inherently have anything to do with control flow, it just switches between expressions. Which, in Haskell, happen to include do blocks of statements (if we want to call them that), but you still always need to make that explicit, i.e. you need to say both then do and else do if there are multiple statements in each branch.
Also, all the statements in a do block need to be indented to the same level. So in your case
if "file" `elem` argList
if "help" `elem` argList
Or alternatively, if the help check should only happen in the else branch, it needs to be indented to the statements in that do block.
Independent of all that, I would recommend to avoid parsing anything in an IO context. It is usually much less hassle and easier testable to first parse the strings into a pure data structure, which can then easily be processed by the part of the code that does IO. There are libraries like cmdargs and optparse-applicative that help with the parsing part.
I currently have a working parser in megaparsec, where I build an AST for my program. I now want to do some weeding operations on my AST, while being able to use the same kind of pretty errors as the parser. While this stage is after parsing, I'm wondering if there are general practices for megaparsec in doing so. Is there a way for me to extract every line and comment (used in the bundle) and add it to each item in my AST? Is there any other way that people tackle this problem?
Apologies in advance if this sounds open ended, but I'm mainly wondering is there are some better ideas than getting the line numbers and creating bundles myself. I'm still new to haskell so I haven't been able to navigate properly through all the source code.
This was answered by the megaparsec developer here.
To summarize, parsers have a getOffset function that returns the current char index. You can use that along with an initial PosState to create an error bundle which you can later pretty print.
I have a sample project within the github thread, and pasted again here:
module TestParser where
import Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Void
import Parser
import Text.Megaparsec
data Sample
= Test Int
| TestBlock [Sample]
| TestBlank
deriving (Show, Eq)
sampleParser :: Parser Sample
sampleParser = do
l <- many testParser
return $ f l
f [] = TestBlank
f [s] = s
f p = TestBlock p
testParser :: Parser Sample
testParser = do
offset <- getOffset
test <- symbol "test"
return $ Test offset test
fullTestParser :: Parser Sample
fullTestParser = baseParser testParser
testParse :: String -> Maybe (ParseErrorBundle String Void)
testParse input =
case parse (baseParser sampleParser) "" input of
Left e -> Just e
Right x -> do
(offset, msg) <- testVerify x
let initialState =
{ pstateInput = input
, pstateOffset = 0
, pstateSourcePos = initialPos ""
, pstateTabWidth = defaultTabWidth
, pstateLinePrefix = ""
let errorBundle =
{ bundleErrors = NonEmpty.fromList [TrivialError offset Nothing Set.empty]
-- ^ A collection of 'ParseError's that is sorted by parse error offsets
, bundlePosState = initialState
-- ^ State that is used for line\/column calculation
return errorBundle
-- Sample verify; throw an error on the second test key
testVerify :: Sample -> Maybe (Int, String)
testVerify tree =
case tree of
TestBlock [_, Test a _, _] -> Just (a, "Bad")
_ -> Nothing
testMain :: IO ()
testMain = do
testExample "test test test"
putStrLn "Done"
testExample :: String -> IO ()
testExample input =
case testParse input of
Just error -> putStrLn (errorBundlePretty error)
Nothing -> putStrLn "pass"
Some parts are from other files, but the important parts are in the code.
I need one function which read a file and return the number of lines in that file but it will not take anything as an argument.I have written this code but i am getting the error that couldnt match type IO Int with Int.
I am calling this function from another function as
let r=row'
Help me to figure it out
row' ()=do
content<-readFile "sample.txt"
let line_file=lines content
return (length line_file)
The problem here is that readFile and return are IO functions, and any function that performs IO in Haskell has to denote this in its type. You could instead write your function as
row' :: IO Int
row' = do
content <- readFile "sample.txt"
let line_file = lines content
return (length line_file)
And this would compile just fine. This restriction in the type signature is there to ensure that any function that has side effects or can return different values for the same input is sectioned off by the type system. This can greatly help in reasoning about your code, since for a pure function, such as
countRows :: String -> Int
countRows content = length (lines content)
Can always be guaranteed to return the same result for the same input. Then you can use these "pure" functions in "impure" functions to perform the actual calculations, keeping all the "impure" side effects contained to a single location:
row'' :: IO Int
row'' = do
content <- readFile "sample.txt"
return (countRows content)
Now row'' doesn't do anything other than read the file and pass the contents to a function that actually performs the work of counting the lines in that file. You could even state this more simply using fmap as
row'' :: IO Int
row'' = fmap countRows $ readFile "sample.txt"
To use this function, you can do something like
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "Counting the number of rows in sample.txt"
r <- row''
putStrLn $ "There are " ++ show r ++ " row(s) in sample.txt"
But note that row'' must be called from another IO function, you can not use it as
doubleRows :: Int
doubleRows = rows'' * 2
doubleRows' :: Int
doubleRows' = do
r <- rows''
return (r * 2)
because both of these examples would have to have the type IO Int instead, and the first one wouldn't compile even with the right type signature because IO Int * Int doesn't make any sense, you have to first "extract" the Int from IO Int using the bind syntax of r <-.
I'm writing a little command-line program in Haskell. I need it to dispatch to the correct encryption function based on the command line arguments. I've gotten that far, but then I need the remaining arguments to get passed to the function as parameters. I've read:
That's gotten me this far:
import qualified CaesarCiphers
import qualified ExptCiphers
dispatch::[(String, String->IO ())]
dispatch = [("EEncipher", ExptCiphers.exptEncipherString)
("EDecipher", ExptCiphers.exptDecipherString)
("CEncipher", CaesarCiphers.caesarEncipherString)
("CDecipher", CaesarCiphers.caesarDecipherString)
("CBruteForce", CaesarCiphers.bruteForceCaesar)]
main = do
(command:args) <- getArgs
Each of the functions takes some arguments that I won't know untill run-time. How do I pass those into a function seeing as they'll be bound up in a list? Do I just grab them manually? Like:
exampleFunction (args !! 1) (args !! 2)
That seems kind of ugly. Is there some sort of idiomatic way to do this? And what about error checking? My functions aren't equipped to gracefully handle errors like getting passed parameters in an idiotic order.
Also, and importantly, each function in dispatch takes a different number of arguments, so I can't do this statically anyways (as above.) It's too bad unCurry command args isn't valid Haskell.
One way is to wrap your functions inside functions that do further command line processing. e.g.
dispatch::[(String, [String]->IO ())]
dispatch = [("EEncipher", takesSingleArg ExptCiphers.exptEncipherString)
("EDecipher", takesSingleArg ExptCiphers.exptDecipherString)
("CEncipher", takesTwoArgs CaesarCiphers.caesarEncipherString)
("CDecipher", takesTwoArgs CaesarCiphers.caesarDecipherString)
("CBruteForce", takesSingleArg CaesarCiphers.bruteForceCaesar)]
-- a couple of wrapper functions:
takesSingleArg :: (String -> IO ()) -> [String] -> IO ()
takesSingleArg act [arg] = act arg
takesSingleArg _ _ = showUsageMessage
takesTwoArgs :: (String -> String -> IO ()) -> [String] -> IO ()
takesTwoArgs act [arg1, arg2] = act arg1 arg2
takesTwoArgs _ _ = showUsageMessage
-- put it all together
main = do
(command:args) <- getArgs
case lookup command dispatch of
Just act -> act args
Nothing -> showUsageMessage
You can extend this by having variants of the wrapper functions perform error checking, convert (some of) their arguments into Ints / custom datatypes / etc as necessary.
As dbaupp notes, the way we pattern match on getArgs above isn't safe. A better way is
run :: [String] -> IO ()
run [] = showUsageMessage
run (command : args)
= case lookup command dispatch of
Just act -> act args
Nothing -> showUsageMessage
main = run =<< getArgs
Alright so here's my current code:
import System.IO
import System.Environment
import System.Directory
main = do
unfiltered <- getArgs ; home <- getHomeDirectory ; let db = home ++ "/.grindstone"
case unfiltered of
(x:xs) -> return ()
_ -> error "No command given. See --help for more info."
command:args <- getArgs
createDirectoryIfMissing True db
let check = case args of
[] -> error "No arguments given. See --help for more info."
_ -> do let (params#(param:_),rest) = span (\(c:_) -> c=='-') args
if length params > 1 then error ("No arguments given for " ++ param)
else do
let (pArgs,_) = span (\(c:_) -> c/='-') rest
return (param, pArgs) :: Either (IO ()) (String, [String])
let add = print "sup"
let cmds = [("add", add)]
let action = lookup command cmds
case action of
Nothing -> error "Unknown command."
(Just action) -> action
The main problem is with check. I tried implementing the Either type since I want it to either error out, or return something for another function to use, but, it's currently erroring out with:
No instance for (Monad (Either (IO ())))
arising from a use of `return' at grindstone.hs:21:23-43
Possible fix:
add an instance declaration for (Monad (Either (IO ())))
In the expression:
return (param, pArgs) :: Either (IO ()) (String, [String])
In the expression:
do { let (pArgs, _) = span (\ (c : _) -> ...) rest;
return (param, pArgs) :: Either (IO ()) (String, [String]) }
In the expression:
if length params > 1 then
error ("No arguments given for " ++ param)
do { let (pArgs, _) = ...;
return (param, pArgs) :: Either (IO ()) (String, [String]) }
I'm only starting out in haskell and haven't dealt too much with monads yet so just thought I'd ask on here. anyone have any ideas?
The error that is causing your compile problems is that you are directly casting an expression to the type Either (IO ()) (String, [String]) when it is not an Either value. (The compiler is not outputting a very helpful error message.)
To create an Either value [1], we use the data constructors Left and Right. Convention (from the library page) is that errors are a Left value, while correct values are a Right value.
I did a quick rewrite of your arg checking function as
checkArgs :: [String] -> Either String (String, [String])
checkArgs args =
case args of
[] -> Left "No arguments given. See --help for more info."
_ -> let (params#(param:_),rest) = span (\(c:_) -> c=='-') args in
if length params > 1 then
Left ("No arguments given for " ++ param)
let (pArgs,_) = span (\(c:_) -> c/='-') rest in
Right (param, pArgs)
Note that the arg checking function does not interact with any external IO () library functions and so has a purely functional type. In general if your code does not have monadic elements (IO ()), it can be clearer to write it in purely functional style. (When starting out in Haskell this is definitely something I would recommend rather than trying to get your head around monads/monad transformers/etc immediately.)
When you are a little more comfortable with monads, you may want to check out Control.Monad.Error [2], which can wraps similar functionality as Either as a monad and would encapsulate some details like Left always being computation errors.
[1] http://www.haskell.org/ghc/docs/6.12.2/html/libraries/base-
[2] http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/mtl/
Either (IO ()) (String, [String]) is a type that contains an IO action or a
(String, [String]), so values of this type could be Left IO () or
Right (String, [String]). Left values usually represents an error
occurrence in Haskell. This error can be represented with any type you want,
for example, an error code (Int) or a String that says what happened.
If you use IO () as the type which represents an error, you won't be able
to extract any information about the error. You just will able to perform an IO action later on.
The type that you are looking for isn't Either (IO ()) (String, [String]),
is Either String (String, [String]). With this type can get information about the
error (String). Now, you dont need any IO action into Either type, so you
can remove all do expressions:
let check = case args of
[] -> Left "No arguments given. See --help for more info."
_ -> let (params#(param:_),rest) = span (\(c:_) -> c=='-') args
in if length params > 1
then Left ("No arguments given for " ++ param)
else let (pArgs,_) = span (\(c:_) -> c/='-') rest
in Right (param, pArgs)