Abstract form of "applying default value" - haskell

I want to easily take a value out of a "failable" data type or use a default in the case of failure.
Here's my implementation for Maybe:
infixr 1 <||>
(<||>) :: Maybe a -> a -> a
(<||>) = flip fromMaybe
pred :: String -> String -> Bool
pred x name = (x ==) <$> name `lookup` myMap <||> False
pred returns True if name maps to x in myMap.
But as is usually the case in Haskell, there is a more abstract way of doing this that I am unaware of. Anyone?

Foldable is probably a reasonable choice from the standard libraries:
import Data.Foldable
infixr 1 <||>
(<||>) :: Foldable f => f a -> a -> a
v <||> a =
case toList v of
[] -> a
(x:xs) -> x
It does mean you have to decide whether to take the "first" element found or the "last" one though. Also unfortunately it doesn't yet have an Either instance, though it's coming in GHC 7.8/base 4.7. In the meantime you can define it yourself:
instance Foldable (Either a) where
foldMap _ (Left _) = mempty
foldMap f (Right y) = f y
foldr _ z (Left _) = z
foldr f z (Right y) = f y z

Here's what I came up with:
class Defaultable f where
infixr 1 <||>
(<||>) :: f a -> a -> a
instance Defaultable Maybe where
(<||>) = flip fromMaybe
instance Defaultable (Either a) where
(Left _) <||> x = x
(Right x) <||> _ = x
Coupled with Alternative, you can string together possible choices with a default at the end.


Haskell instances under type variable conditions

Starting with a concrete instance of my question, we all know (and love) the Monad type class:
class ... => Monad m where
return :: a -> m a
(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> mb
Consider the following would-be instance, where we modify the standard list/"nondeterminism" instance using nub to retain only one copy of each "outcome":
type DistinctList a = DL { dL :: [a] }
instance Monad DistinctList where
return = DL . return
x >>= f = DL . nub $ (dL x) >>= (dL . f)
...Do you spot the error? The problem is that nub :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] and so x >>= f is only defined under the condition f :: Eq b => a -> DistinctList b, whereas the compiler demands f :: a -> DistinctList b. Is there some way I can proceed anyway?
Stepping back, suppose I have a would-be instance that is only defined under some condition on the parametric type's variable. I understand that this is generally not allowed because other code written with the type class cannot be guaranteed to supply parameter values that obey the condition. But are there circumstances where this still can be carried out? If so, how?
Here is an adaptation of the technique applied in set-monad to your case.
Note there is, as there must be, some "cheating". The structure includes extra value constructors to represent "return" and "bind". These act as suspended computations that need to be run. The Eq instance is there part of the run function, while the constructors that create the "suspension" are Eq free.
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Functor as F
import qualified Control.Applicative as A
import Control.Monad
-- for reference, the bind operation to be implemented
-- bind operation requires Eq
dlbind :: Eq b => [a] -> (a -> [b]) -> [b]
dlbind xs f = L.nub $ xs >>= f
-- data structure comes with incorporated return and bind
-- `Prim xs` wraps a list into a DL
data DL a where
Prim :: [a] -> DL a
Return :: a -> DL a
Bind :: DL a -> (a -> DL b) -> DL b
-- converts a DL to a list
run :: Eq a => DL a -> [a]
run (Prim xs) = xs
run (Return x) = [x]
run (Bind (Prim xs) f) = L.nub $ concatMap (run . f) xs
run (Bind (Return x) f) = run (f x)
run (Bind (Bind ma f) g) = run (Bind ma (\a -> Bind (f a) g))
-- lifting of Eq and Show instance
-- Note: you probably should provide a different instance
-- one where eq doesn't depend on the position of the elements
-- otherwise you break functor laws (and everything else)
instance (Eq a) => Eq (DL a) where
dxs == dys = run dxs == run dys
-- this "cheats", i.e. it will convert to lists in order to show.
-- executing returns and binds in the process
instance (Show a, Eq a) => Show (DL a) where
show = show . run
-- uses the monad instance
instance F.Functor DL where
fmap = liftM
-- uses the monad instance
instance A.Applicative DL where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
-- builds the DL using Return and Bind constructors
instance Monad DL where
return = Return
(>>=) = Bind
-- examples with bind for a "normal list" and a "distinct list"
list = [1,2,3,4] >>= (\x -> [x `mod` 2, x `mod` 3])
dlist = (Prim [1,2,3,4]) >>= (\x -> Prim [x `mod` 2, x `mod` 3])
And here is a dirty hack to make it more efficient, addressing the points raised below about evaluation of bind.
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Functor as F
import qualified Control.Applicative as A
import Control.Monad
dlbind xs f = L.nub $ xs >>= f
data DL a where
Prim :: Eq a => [a] -> DL a
Return :: a -> DL a
Bind :: DL b -> (b -> DL a) -> DL a
-- Fail :: DL a -- could be add to clear failure chains
run :: Eq a => DL a -> [a]
run (Prim xs) = xs
run (Return x) = [x]
run b#(Bind _ _) =
case foldChain b of
(Bind (Prim xs) f) -> L.nub $ concatMap (run . f) xs
(Bind (Return a) f) -> run (f a)
(Bind (Bind ma f) g) -> run (Bind ma (\a -> Bind (f a) g))
-- fold a chain ((( ... >>= f) >>= g) >>= h
foldChain :: DL u -> DL u
foldChain (Bind b2 g) = stepChain $ Bind (foldChain b2) g
foldChain dxs = dxs
-- simplify (Prim _ >>= f) >>= g
-- if (f x = Prim _)
-- then reduce to (Prim _ >>= g)
-- else preserve (Prim _ >>= f) >>= g
stepChain :: DL u -> DL u
stepChain b#(Bind (Bind (Prim xs) f) g) =
let dys = map f xs
pms = [Prim ys | Prim ys <- dys]
ret = [Return ys | Return ys <- dys]
bnd = [Bind ys f | Bind ys f <- dys]
in case (pms, ret, bnd) of
-- ([],[],[]) -> Fail -- could clear failure
(dxs#(Prim ys:_),[],[]) -> let Prim xs = joinPrims dxs (Prim $ mkEmpty ys)
in Bind (Prim $ L.nub xs) g
_ -> b
stepChain dxs = dxs
-- empty list with type via proxy
mkEmpty :: proxy a -> [a]
mkEmpty proxy = []
-- concatenate Prims in on Prim
joinPrims [] dys = dys
joinPrims (Prim zs : dzs) dys = let Prim xs = joinPrims dzs dys in Prim (zs ++ xs)
instance (Ord a) => Eq (DL a) where
dxs == dys = run dxs == run dys
instance (Ord a) => Ord (DL a) where
compare dxs dys = compare (run dxs) (run dys)
instance (Show a, Eq a) => Show (DL a) where
show = show . run
instance F.Functor DL where
fmap = liftM
instance A.Applicative DL where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad DL where
return = Return
(>>=) = Bind
-- cheating here, Prim is needed for efficiency
return' x = Prim [x]
s = [1,2,3,4] >>= (\x -> [x `mod` 2, x `mod` 3])
t = (Prim [1,2,3,4]) >>= (\x -> Prim [x `mod` 2, x `mod` 3])
r' = ((Prim [1..1000]) >>= (\x -> return' 1)) >>= (\x -> Prim [1..1000])
If your type could be a Monad, then it would need to work in functions that are parameterized across all monads, or across all applicatives. But it can't, because people store all kinds of weird things in their monads. Most notably, functions are very often stored as the value in an applicative context. For example, consider:
pairs :: Applicative f => f a -> f b -> f (a, b)
pairs xs ys = (,) <$> xs <*> ys
Even though a and b are both Eq, in order to combine them into an (a, b) pair, we needed to first fmap a function into xs, briefly producing a value of type f (b -> (a, b)). If we let f be your DL monad, we see that this can't work, because this function type has no Eq instance.
Since pairs is guaranteed to work for all Applicatives, and it does not work for your type, we can be sure your type is not Applicative. And since all Monads are also Applicative, we can conclude that your type cannot possibly be made an instance of Monad: it would violate the laws.

Is there a point-free way to convert a conditional check into a Maybe type of the input?

I am just working through some simple exercises in haskell and was wondering if there was a point-free way of converting an if-then-else statement into a Maybe type: Nothing being returned if the condition is false, and Just the input if the condition is true.
In short, given some:
maybeIf :: (a -> Bool) -> a -> Maybe a
maybeIf cond a = if cond a then Just a else Nothing
Is there an implementation that is point-free with respect to a? I've also been looking at a more concrete version, a -> Maybe a, and feel like there may be an answer somewhere in Control.Arrow. However, since Maybe is a data type and if-else statements control data flow, I'm unsure if there is a clean way of doing it.
The main thing getting in the way of making that pointfree is the if/then/else. You can define an if' combinator, or you can use this generalized version that I define and use often:
ensure p x = x <$ guard (p x)
Standard tools give successive point-free versions as
ensure p = ap (<$) (guard . p)
ensure = ap (<$) . (guard .)
though I really don't think either are better than the pointful version.
You can import find from Data.Foldable and then it's quite simply:
import Data.Foldable(find)
maybeIf cond = find cond . Just
The function find is not complicated so you could quite easily define it yourself less generically, in terms of Maybe, but it isn't actually so different from your own implementation of maybeIf so you might not gain much, depending on why you wanted to do it.
If we choose a Church-encoding for Booleans…
truth :: Bool -> a -> a -> a
truth True t f = t
truth False t f = f
Then we can write a point-free maybeIf in Applicative-style.
maybeIf :: (a -> Bool) -> a -> Maybe a
maybeIf = liftA3 truth <*> pure Just <*> pure (pure Nothing)
Some intuitions…
f <$> m₁ <*> … <*> mₙ = \x -> f (m₁ x) … (mₙ x)
liftAₙ f <$> m₁ <*> … <*> mₙ = \x -> f <$> m₁ x <*> … <*> mₙ x
Here is a rendering in PNG format of the above "intuitions", in case your installed fonts do not support the needed unicode characters.
So therefore:
liftA3 truth <*> pure Just <*> pure (pure Nothing)
= liftA3 truth <$> id <*> pure Just <*> pure (pure Nothing)
= \p -> truth <$> id p <*> (pure Just) p <*> (pure (pure Nothing)) p
= \p -> truth <$> p <*> Just <*> pure Nothing
= \p -> \a -> truth (p a) (Just a) ((pure Nothing) a)
= \p -> \a -> truth (p a) (Just a) Nothing
Following dfeuer's lead (and using Daniel Wagner's new name for this function),
import Data.Bool (bool)
-- F T
-- bool :: a -> a -> Bool -> a
ensure :: (a -> Bool) -> a -> Maybe a
ensure p x = bool (const Nothing) Just (p x) x
ensure p = join (bool (const Nothing) Just . p)
= bool (const Nothing) Just =<< p
ensure = (bool (const Nothing) Just =<<)
join is a monadic function, join :: Monad m => m (m a) -> m a, but for functions it is simply
join k x = k x x
(k =<< f) x = k (f x) x
join is accepted as a replacement for W combinator in point-free code.
You only wanted it point-free with respect to the value argument, but it's easy to transform the equation with join further (readability of the result is another issue altogether), as
= join ((bool (const Nothing) Just .) p)
= (join . (bool (const Nothing) Just .)) p
#> (join . (bool (const Nothing) Just .)) even 3
#> (bool (const Nothing) Just =<<) even 4
Just 4
But I'd much rather see \p x -> listToMaybe [x | p x] in an actual code.
Or just \p x -> [x | p x], with Monad Comprehensions. Which is the same as Daniel Wagner's x <$ guard (p x), only with different syntax.
This function is defined in Control.Monad.Plus and is called partial

Recursion scheme in Haskell for repeatedly breaking datatypes into "head" and "tail" and yielding a structure of results

In Haskell, I recently found the following function useful:
listCase :: (a -> [a] -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
listCase f [] = []
listCase f (x:xs) = f x xs : listCase f xs
I used it to generate sliding windows of size 3 from a list, like this:
*Main> listCase (\_ -> take 3) [1..5]
Is there a more general recursion scheme which captures this pattern? More specifically, that allows you to generate a some structure of results by repeatedly breaking data into a "head" and "tail"?
What you are asking for is a comonad. This may sound scarier than monad, but is a simpler concept (YMMV).
Comonads are Functors with additional structure:
class Functor w => Comonad w where
extract :: w a -> a
duplicate :: w a -> w (w a)
extend :: (w a -> b) -> w a -> w b
(extendand duplicate can be defined in terms of each other)
and laws similar to the monad laws:
duplicate . extract = id
duplicate . fmap extract = id
duplicate . duplicate = fmap duplicate . duplicate
Specifically, the signature (a -> [a] -> b) takes non-empty Lists of type a. The usual type [a] is not an instance of a comonad, but the non-empty lists are:
data NE a = T a | a :. NE a deriving Functor
instance Comonad NE where
extract (T x) = x
extract (x :. _) = x
duplicate z#(T _) = T z
duplicate z#(_ :. xs) = z :. duplicate xs
The comonad laws allow only this instance for non-empty lists (actually a second one).
Your function then becomes
extend (take 3 . drop 1 . toList)
Where toList :: NE a -> [a] is obvious.
This is worse than the original, but extend can be written as =>> which is simpler if applied repeatedly.
For further information, you may start at What is the Comonad typeclass in Haskell?.
This looks like a special case of a (jargon here but it can help with googling) paramorphism, a generalisation of primitive recursion to all initial algebras.
Reimplementing ListCase
Let's have a look at how to reimplement your function using such a combinator. First we define the notion of paramorphism: a recursion principle where not only the result of the recursive call is available but also the entire substructure this call was performed on:
The type of paraList tells me that in the (:) case, I will have access to the head, the tail and the value of the recursive call on the tail and that I need to provide a value for the base case.
module ListCase where
paraList :: (a -> [a] -> b -> b) -- cons
-> b -- nil
-> [a] -> b -- resulting function on lists
paraList c n [] = n
paraList c n (x : xs) = c x xs $ paraList c n xs
We can now give an alternative definition of listCase:
listCase' :: (a -> [a] -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
listCase' c = paraList (\ x xs tl -> c x xs : tl) []
Considering the general case
In the general case, we are interested in building a definition of paramorphism for all data structures defined as the fixpoint of a (strictly positive) functor. We use the traditional fixpoint operator:
newtype Fix f = Fix { unFix :: f (Fix f) }
This builds an inductive structure layer by layer. The layers have an f shape which maybe better grasped by recalling the definition of List using this formalism. A layer is either Nothing (we're done!) or Just (head, tail):
newtype ListF a as = ListF { unListF :: Maybe (a, as) }
type List a = Fix (ListF a)
nil :: List a
nil = Fix $ ListF $ Nothing
cons :: a -> List a -> List a
cons = curry $ Fix . ListF .Just
Now that we have this general framework, we can define para generically for all Fix f where f is a functor:
para :: Functor f => (f (Fix f, b) -> b) -> Fix f -> b
para alg = alg . fmap (\ rec -> (rec, para alg rec)) . unFix
Of course, ListF a is a functor. Meaning we could use para to reimplement paraList and listCase.
instance Functor (ListF a) where fmap f = ListF . fmap (fmap f) . unListF
paraList' :: (a -> List a -> b -> b) -> b -> List a -> b
paraList' c n = para $ maybe n (\ (a, (as, b)) -> c a as b) . unListF
listCase'' :: (a -> List a -> b) -> List a -> List b
listCase'' c = paraList' (\ x xs tl -> cons (c x xs) tl) nil
You can implement a simple bijection toList, fromList to test it if you want. I could not be bothered to reimplement take so it's pretty ugly:
toList :: [a] -> List a
toList = foldr cons nil
fromList :: List a -> [a]
fromList = paraList' (\ x _ tl -> x : tl) []
*ListCase> fmap fromList . fromList . listCase'' (\ _ as -> toList $ take 3 $ fromList as). toList $ [1..5]

Filter an infinite list of monadic values

Perhaps this is obvious, but I can't seem to figure out how to best filter an infinite list of IO values. Here is a simplified example:
infinitelist :: [IO Int]
predicate :: (a -> Bool)
-- how to implement this?
mysteryFilter :: (a -> Bool) -> [IO a] -> IO [a]
-- or perhaps even this?
mysteryFilter' :: (a -> Bool) -> [IO a] -> [IO a]
Perhaps I have to use sequence in some way, but I want the evaluation to be lazy. Any suggestions? The essence is that for each IO Int in the output we might have to check several IO Int values in the input.
Thank you!
Not doable without using unsafeInterleaveIO or something like it. You can't write a filter with the second type signature, since if you could you could say
unsafePerformIOBool :: IO Bool -> Bool
unsafePerformIOBool m = case mysteryFilter' id [m] of
[] -> False
(_:_) -> True
Similarly, the first type signature isn't going to work--any recursive call will give you back something of type IO [a], but then to build a list out of this you will need to perform this action before returning a result (since : is not in IO you need to use >>=). By induction you will have to perform all the actions in the list (which takes forever when the list is infinitely long) before you can return a result.
unsafeInterleaveIO resolves this, but is unsafe.
mysteryFilter f [] = return []
mysteryFilter f (x:xs) = do ys <- unsafeInterleaveIO $ mysteryFilter f xs
y <- x
if f y then return (y:ys) else return ys
the problem is that this breaks the sequence that the monad is supposed to provide. You no longer have guarantees about when your monadic actions happen (they might never happen, they might happen multiple times, etc).
Lists just do not play nice with IO. This is why we have the plethora of streaming types (Iteratees, Conduits, Pipes, etc).
The simplest such type is probably
data MList m a = Nil | Cons a (m (MList m a))
note that we observe that
[a] == MList Id a
toMList :: [a] -> MList Id a
toMList [] = Nil
toMList (x:xs) = Cons x $ return $ toMList xs
fromMList :: MList Id a -> [a]
fromMList Nil = []
fromMList (Cons x xs) = x:(fromMList . runId $ xs)
also, MList is a functor
instance Functor m => Functor (MList m) where
fmap f Nil = Nil
fmap f (Cons x xs) = Cons (f x) (fmap (fmap f) xs)
and it is a functor in the category of Functor's and Natural transformations.
trans :: Functor m => (forall x. m x -> n x) -> MList m a -> MList n a
trans f Nil = Nil
trans f (Cons x xs) = Cons x (f (fmap trans f xs))
with this it is easy to write what you want
mysteryFilter :: (a -> Bool) -> MList IO (IO a) -> IO (MList IO a)
mysteryFilter f Nil = return Nil
mysteryFilter f (Cons x xs)
= do y <- x
let ys = liftM (mysteryFilter f) xs
if f y then Cons y ys else ys
or various other similar functions.

Are these two combinators already available in Haskell?

I need binary combinators of the type
(a -> Bool) -> (a -> Bool) -> a -> Bool
or maybe
[a -> Bool] -> a -> Bool
(though this would just be the foldr1 of the first, and I usually only need to combine two boolean functions.)
Are these built-in?
If not, the implementation is simple:
both f g x = f x && g x
either f g x = f x || g x
or perhaps
allF fs x = foldr (\ f b -> b && f x) True fs
anyF fs x = foldr (\ f b -> b || f x) False fs
Hoogle turns up nothing, but sometimes its search doesn't generalise properly. Any idea if these are built-in? Can they be built from pieces of an existing library?
If these aren't built-in, you might suggest new names, because these names are pretty bad. In fact that's the main reason I hope that they are built-in.
Control.Monad defines an instance Monad ((->) r), so
ghci> :m Control.Monad
ghci> :t liftM2 (&&)
liftM2 (&&) :: (Monad m) => m Bool -> m Bool -> m Bool
ghci> liftM2 (&&) (5 <) (< 10) 8
You could do the same with Control.Applicative.liftA2.
Not to seriously suggest it, but...
ghci> :t (. flip ($)) . flip all
(. flip ($)) . flip all :: [a -> Bool] -> a -> Bool
ghci> :t (. flip ($)) . flip any
(. flip ($)) . flip any :: [a -> Bool] -> a -> Bool
It's not a builtin, but the alternative I prefer is to use type classes to generalize
the Boolean operations to predicates of any arity:
module Pred2 where
class Predicate a where
complement :: a -> a
disjoin :: a -> a -> a
conjoin :: a -> a -> a
instance Predicate Bool where
complement = not
disjoin = (||)
conjoin = (&&)
instance (Predicate b) => Predicate (a -> b) where
complement = (complement .)
disjoin f g x = f x `disjoin` g x
conjoin f g x = f x `conjoin` g x
-- examples:
ge :: Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
ge = complement (<)
pos = (>0)
nonzero = pos `disjoin` (pos . negate)
zero = complement pos `conjoin` complement (pos . negate)
I love Haskell!
I don't know builtins, but I like the names you propose.
getCoolNumbers = filter $ either even (< 42)
Alternately, one could think of an operator symbol in addition to typeclasses for alternatives.
getCoolNumbers = filter $ even <|> (< 42)
