search NSDictionary for latitude longitude with a certain distance - mkmapview

I have an NSDictionary of about 2000 locations with lat and long and I am dropping pins on map based on if they are in the visible map region.
Currently every time the pan the map I simply loop through my dictionary and calculate the distance to see if the location is visible, if so drop a pin.
CLLocationCoordinate2D centre = [ centerCoordinate];
CLLocation *mapCenter =[[CLLocation alloc] initWithLatitude: centre.latitude longitude: centre.longitude];
for (int i=0; i < [self.dealersSource count]; i++) {
CLLocation *d = [[CLLocation alloc] initWithLatitude: [[[self.dealersSource objectAtIndex:i] valueForKey:#"lat"] floatValue]
longitude: [[[self.dealersSource objectAtIndex:i] valueForKey:#"long"] floatValue]];
CLLocationDistance distance = [d distanceFromLocation:mapCenter];
float dist =(distance/1609.344);
if (dist <= radius && dist !=0) {
// this will be visible on the map, add to list of annotations
This works but seems pretty inefficient and can be slow on older iPads - especially if more and more locations get added to this list. I would like to be able to use some sort of NSPredicate to filter my initial list before I start looping though them.

There is not really any standard Objective-C structure that is well-suited to finding values within a range -- you pretty much have to search one-by-one (though you can use "predicates" to "hide" the search inside filteredArray... operations, etc, and so write fewer lines of code).
The best structure for efficiently finding values between bounds on a line is probably an array sorted on the values which is searched with a binary search algorithm. You'd do one binary search for the lower bound an another for the upper bound. This is log(n) complexity, so fairly efficient for large lists (if you don't have to sort the lists very often).
Precisely how one would do this for a 2-d surface is harder to figure. Perhaps first use the above technique to find "candidates" in the X direction, then check their Y coordinate. Would not be log(n), though.


Finding closest triangle from a point using octree

I have a list of triangles in 3D space and a point described with (x,y,z) coordinates. I am writing a method for returning the closest triangle to that point.
The naive implementation I wrote initially was to loop through all the triangles, check the distance from that point and then return the one with the minimum distance. In most cases though the list of triangles I am working with consists of thousands or tens of thousands of elements, so I am looking at ways of optimising it.
I have been trying to make it work using an octree structure, so I have created an octree that stores all the triangles. I thought that a possible approach would be to find the closest cell of the octree from that point by calculating the distance between the point and the center of each cell, and then just comparing with the triangles inside that cell.
I am not sure though of how to retrieve the closest cell from the octree (it's the first time I'm using an octree). This is the method I have written so far:
public Octree getClosestCell(final Vec3D point) {
if (children != null) {
float minDist = Float.MAX_VALUE;
Octree closestCell = null;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
final float dist = point.distanceTo(children[i].getCentroid());
if (dist < minDist) {
minDist = dist;
closestCell = children[i];
return closestCell.getClosestCell(point);
} else {
return this;
So to sum up, I have 2 questions:
Does the suggested approach sound like a good solution for optimising this problem?
Does the method above seem correct or there is a better way of retrieving the closest cell?

How to make sure strings would not overlap each other in java processing?

I'm having a problem that I need to make the words I took from an external file "NOT" overlap each other. I have over 50 words that have random text sizes and places when you run it but they overlap.
How can I make them "NOT" overlap each other? the result would probably look like a word cloud.
if you think my codes would help here they are
String [] words;
int index = 0;
void setup ()
size (500,500);
background (255);
String [] lines = loadStrings ("alice_just_text.txt");
String entireplay = join(lines, " "); //splits it by line
words = splitTokens (entireplay, ",.?!:-;:()03 "); //splits it by word
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
float x = random(width);
float y = random(height);
int index = int(random(words.length));
textSize (random(60)); //random font size
fill (0);
textAlign (CENTER);
text (words[index], x, y, width/2, height/2);
index++ ;
Stack Overflow isn't really designed for general "how do I do this" type questions. You'll have much better luck if you post a more specific "I tried X, expected Y, but got Z instead" type question. But I'll try to help in a general sense:
You need to break your problem down into smaller pieces and then take on those pieces one at a time.
For example, you can isolate your problem to making sure rectangles don't overlap, which you can break down even further. There are a number of ways to do that:
You could use a grid to lay out your rectangles. Figure out how many squares a line of text takes up, then find a place in your grid where that word will fit. You could use something like a 2D array of boolean values, for example.
Or you could generate a random location, and then check whether there's already a rectangle there. If so, pick a new random location until you find a clear spot.
In any case, you'll probably need to use collision detection (either point-rectangle or rectangle-rectangle) to determine whether your rectangles are overlapping.
Start small. Create a small example program that just shows two rectangles on the screen. Hardcode their positions at first, but make it so they turn red if they're colliding. Work your way up from there. Make it so you can add rectangles using the mouse, but only let the user add them if there is no overlap. Then add the random location choosing. If you get stuck on a specific step, then post a MCVE and we'll go from there. Good luck.

Finding pairs closer than a given distance (proximity) in a set of points

I'm developping a multiplayer game with node.js. Every second I get the coordinates (X, Y, Z) of every player. How can I have, for each player a list of all players located closer than a given distance from him ?
Any idea to avoid a O(n²) calculation?
You are not looking for clustering algorithms.
Instead, you are looking for a database index that supports radius queries.
Octree (for 3d, quadtree for 2d)
Any of these should do the trick, and yield an O(n log n) performance theoretically. In practise, it's not as easy as this. If all your objects are really close, "closer than a given coordinate" may mean every object, i.e. O(n^2).
What you are looking for is a quadtree in 3 dimensions, i.e. an octree. An octree is basically the same as the binary tree, but instead of two children per node, it has 2^D = 2^3 = 8 children per node, where D is the dimension.
For example, imagine a cube. In order to create the next level of the root, you actually have every node representing the 8 sub-cubes inside the cube and so on.
This tree will yield fast lookups but careful not to use it for more dimensions. I had built a polymorphic quadtree and wouldn't go to more than 8-10 dimensions, because it was becoming too flat.
The other approach would be the kd-tree, where actually you halve the dataset (the players) at every step.
You could use a library that provides nearest neighbour searching.
I'm answering my own question because I have the answer now. Thanks to G. Samaras and Anony-Mousse:
I use a kd-tree algorithm:
First I build the tree with all the players
Then for each player I calculate the list of all the players within given range arround this player
This is very fast and easy with the npm module kdtree:
var kd = require('kdtree');
var tree = new kd.KDTree(3); // A new tree for 3-dimensional points
var players = loadPlayersPosition(); // players is an array containing all the positions
for (var p in players){ //let's build the tree
tree.insert(players[p].x, players[p].y, players[p].z, players[p].username);
nearest = [];
for (var p in players){ //let's look for neighboors
var RANGE = 1000; //1km range
close = tree.nearestRange(players[p].x, players[p].y, players[p].z, RANGE);
It returns nearest that is an array conataining for each player all his neighboors within a range of 1000m. I made some tests on my PC with 100,000 simulated players. It takes only 500 ms to build the tree and another 500 ms to find the nearest neigboors pairs. I find it very fast for such a big number of players.
bonus: if you need to do this with latitude and longitude instead of x, y, z, just convert lat, lon to cartesian x, y z, because for short distances chord distance on a sphere ~ great circle distance

Finding the bounds of an area covered by n of m rectangles

I have a set of m non-rotated, integer (pixel) aligned rectangles, each of which may or may not overlap. The rectangles cover thousands of pixels. I need to find the minimum sized bounding box that covers all areas that are covered by n of the m rectangles.
A (dirty) way of doing this is to paint a canvas that covers the area of all the targets. This is O(mk) where m is the number of rectangles and k is the number of pixels per rectangle. However since k is much greater than m I think there is a better solution out there.
This feels like a dynamic programming problem...but I am having trouble figuring out the recursion.
Solution which is better but still not great:
Sort the start and end points of all the rectangles in the X direction O(mlogm), iterate and find the x positions that may have over n rectangles, O(m) loop. For each x position that may have over n rectangles, take the rectangles at that position and sort the starts and stops at that position (O(mlogm)). Find the region of overlap, keep track of the bounds that way. Overall, O(m^2logm).
Hello MadScienceDreams,
Just to clarify, the bounding box is also non-rotated, correct?
If this is the case, then just keep track of the four variables: minX, maxX, minY, maxY–representing left-most, right-most, top-most, and bottom-most pixels–that define the bounding box, loop through each of the rectangles updating the four variables, and defining the new bounding box given those four variables.
It looks like you are asking about finding the bounds of some subset of rectangles, not the whole set.
So you have M rectangles, and you choose N rectangles from them, and find the bounds within that.
Even in this situation, looping through the N rectangles and keeping track of their bound would be at most O(m), which isn't bad at all.
I feel that I must be misunderstanding your question since this response isn't what you are probably looking for; is your question actually trying to ask how to precompute the bounds so that given any subset, know the total bounds in constant time?
Is this defines your question? For bounding box => #rect_label >= n
How about we starts with one box and find the next box that has nearest furthest corner from it. Now we have a region with two box. Recursively find the next region, until we have n boxes.
While we need to start on every box, we only need to actively work on the currently smallest regions. The effect is we start from the smallest cluster of boxes and expand out from there.
If n is closer to m than 0, we can reverse the search tree so that we start from the omni-all-enclosing box, chopping off each bordering box to create the next search level. Assuming we only actively work on the smallest remaining region, effect is we chop off the emptiest region first.
Is it too complicated? Sorry I can't remember the name of this search. I'm not good at maths, so I'll skip the O notation. >_<
I propose the following algorithm :
if (findBorder('left')) {
foreach (direction in ['top', 'right', 'bottom']) {
} else noIntersectionExists
prepareData (O(mlogm)):
Order vertical bounds and horizontal bounds
Save the result as:
- two arrays that point to the rectangle (arrX and arrY)
- save the index as a property of the rectangle (rectangle.leftIndex, rectangle.topIndex, etc.
findBorder(left): // the other direction are similar
best case O(n), worst case O(2m-n)
arrIntersections = new Array;
//an intersection has a depth (number of rectangles intersected), a top and bottom border and list of rectangles
for(i=0; i < 2*m-n-1; i++){ // or (i = 2*m-1; i > n; i--)
addToIntersections(arrX[i].rectangle, direction);
if(max(intersections.depth) = n) break;
} else {
removeFromIntersections(arrX[i].rectangle, direction);
addToIntersections(rectangle, direction): // explanations for direction=left
Best case: O(n), worst case: O(m)
hasIntersected = false;
foreach(intersection in intersection){
if(intersect(intersection, rectangle)){
hasIntersected = true
intersections[] = {
depth: intersection.depth,
bottom: min(intersection.bottom, rectangle.bottom),
top: max(...)}
intersection.bottom = max(intersection.bottom, rectangle.bottom) = max(...)
intersections[]={depth:1, bottom:rectangle.bottom,}
This gives an overall order between O(n^2) and O(m*(m-n/2))
I hope my pseudo code is clear enough

What is the complexity of this code?

I have a the above model represented in a Face Table List where the F1, F2,...F_n are the faces of the model and their face number is the index of the list array. Each list element is another array of 3 vertices. And each vertex is an array of 3 integers representing its x,y,z coordinates.
I want to find out all the neighbouring faces of the vertex with coordinates (x2, y2, z2). I came out with this code that I believe would do the task:
List faceList; //say the faceList is the table in the picture above.
int[] targetVertex = {x2, y2, z2}; //say this is the vertex I want to find with coordinates (x2, y2, z2)
List faceIndexFoundList; //This is the result, which is a list of index of the neighbouring faces of the targetVertex
for(int i=0; i<faceList.length; i++) {
bool vertexMatched = true;
for(int j=0; j<faceList[i].length; j++) {
if(faceList[i][j][0] != targetVertex[0] && faceList[i][j][1] != targetVertex[1] && faceList[i][j][2] != targetVertex[2]) {
vertexMatched = false;
if(vertexMatched == true) {
I was told that the complexity to do the task is O(N^2). But with the code that I have, it looks like only O(N). The length of targetVertex is 3 since there is only 3 vertices per polygon. So, the second inner loop is merely a constant. Then, I left only with the outer for loop, which is then O(N) only.
What is the complexity of the code that I have above? What could I have done wrong?
The complexity is (aproximatly) faceList.length * faceList[i].length, these are independent, but can both grow very large, and as they grow they will each approch infinity at which point (conceptually) they will converge on n, resulting in the complexity being O(n^2)
If the vertex list is explicitly limited to 3, then the complexity becomes faceList[i].length * 3, which is O(n)
It's pretty obvious that in the worst case you must look at each vertex of each polygon.
This is just O(size of the table) in your post, which in turn is the sum of all row lengths or the sum of all polygon vertex counts, whichever you prefer.
If you say polygons have no more than m vertices and there are n polygons, then the algorithm is O(mn).
FWIW it's possible to get the answer with no searching at all with a more sophisticated data structure. See for example the winged edge data structure and others. In this case, you just go to the vertex you're interested in and traverse the links that connect all adjacent polygons. Cost is constant for each polygon in the output.
These fancier data structures for polygonal meshes support lots of frequently used operations with wonderful efficiency.
From Wikipedia:
Big O notation is used to describe the limiting behavior of a function when the argument tends towards a particular value or infinity.
In this single case you might only be running the one for loop. But what happens when the number of vertices of the polygon approaches infinity? Do the majority of the cases cause the second for loop to run, or to break? This will determine whether your function is O(n) or O(n^2).
