How to get current year in jsf without using backend bean [duplicate] - jsf

Is it possible to display the current date (today's) in JSF without using a backing bean?
I have the following code snippet , but it didn't work out.
<div class="leftSide">Today's date #{currentDate}</div>
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="Today's date" />
<h:outputText value="#currentDate">
<f:convertDateTime pattern="MM/dd/yyyy" type="date" />

You could register an instance of java.util.Date as a request scoped bean in faces-config.xml.
This way it's available as #{currentDate} without the need for a custom backing bean class.
Update: the JSF utility library OmniFaces has such a bean already registered as #{now}. So if you happen to use OmniFaces already, you can just make use of it directly.
<h:outputText value="#{now}">
<f:convertDateTime pattern="MM/dd/yyyy" type="date" />

In JSF you could use the implicit EL object session that provides access to the current HttpSession. The HttpSession#getLastAccessedTime time ...
... returns the last time the client sent a request associated with this
session, as the number of milliseconds since midnight January 1, 1970
GMT, and marked by the time the container received the request.
So you could use the following code snippet in your facelet:
<h:outputText value="#{session.lastAccessedTime}">
<f:convertDateTime pattern="MM/dd/yyyy" type="date" />
This will be server time and may differ from client time with respect to different time zones.
But you could also use a javascript solution, as discussed here:
How do I get the current date in JavaScript?

Or you could do it using Omnifaces. I'm surprised BalusC hasn't told you about this solution (I think he's a great Omnifaces contributor). Maybe it's because using Omnifaces just to display a simple date in a page might be an overkill to some.
Anyway, if your project already uses Omnifaces, there are 2 managed beans exposed by default and one in particular that you may find handy. As per the tag documentation specifies, once Omnifaces is added to your project, you can use the #{now} managed bean.
For instance, to set a Primefaces calendar's max date, I just wrote the following :
<p:calendar id="myCalendar" pattern="dd/MM/yyyy"
value="#{mybean.myDate}" maxdate="#{now}"/>
I guess the #{now} managed bean can be used in many more situations, and probably yours as well.
If your project does not use Omnifaces yet, I suggest you look at their spec and see how helpful it could be for you.
For instance, I'm using their validateOrder tag to make sure two dates are properly ordered.

You can use the tag which PrimeFaces provide.
<p:clock pattern="HH:mm:ss dd-MM-yyyy"/>


jsf methods expression valuechanged event don't work or work different in inputtext and selectOneMenu

i'm new with jsf technology and use of managed bean.
I'm reading the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition The Java EE Tutorial release 7 but it seems to be not clear, i have different problem how in example below :
<h:selectOneMenu value="#{user.age}" onchange="submit()" valueChangeListener="#{user.ageChanged}">
<f:selectItems value="#{user.ages}" />
<f:converter converterId="javax.faces.Integer"/>
<h:inputText id="name" value="#{}" required="true" validator="#{user.validateName}" valueChangeListener="#{user.nameChanged}" onchange ="submit()" />
the first one do the job, but the second not it displays:
'managedBean.User' does not have the property nameChanged.
but ageChanged is not a property but the first example do the job
but i'm using method expression to refers method nameChanged that it's present on the bean user,
i'm confusing, too with use or not of the bracket on methods expression:
valueChangeListener="#{user.nameChanged}" or valueChangeListener="#{user.nameChanged()}" what is the properly way to use methods expression?
i say this cause in another example having method with no parameters, the two approaches had different behave, first the same error about property missing, the second Apparently worked.
any help? a speak about method expressions it's appreciated to. thank you.

f:convertNumber failing when currencySymbol is obtained from bean via EL

Hi in my project I need to visualize currency value, as far in my f:convertNumber
I use a fixed currencySymbol; everything is ok, but when I try to get the symbol with an expression language like this:
<h:outputText value="#{rowItem.value}">
<f:convertNumber currencySymbol="#{rowItem.getCurrencySymbol()}" groupingUsed="true" maxFractionDigits="2" type="currency" />
it is like the method getCurrencySymbol is not called, I am sure there is something I am missing.
That will happen if #{rowItem} is only available during view render time, such as when it's specified by <h:dataTable var="rowItem">, as the variable name itself already suggests. It can also happen if #{rowItem} gets changed between building the view and rendering the view, such as when it's coming from a dropdown component in the same form. The <f:convertNumber> is namely a taghandler, not an UI component. It gets executed during view build time, not during view render time. The desired #{rowItem} value is not per definition available during view build time.
This all is explained in JSTL in JSF2 Facelets... makes sense? In that answer, you can substitute "JSTL" with <f:convertNumber> as they both are taghandlers and thus have exactly the same lifecycle.
There's no solution in standard JSF API without creating a custom converter and changing the view or model. You can find possible solutions in this answer: How to set converter properties for each row/item of h:dataTable/ui:repeat?
The JSF utility library OmniFaces offers <o:converter> out the box for exactly this problem. Use it as follows:
<h:outputText value="#{rowItem.value}">
<o:converter converterId="javax.faces.Number" currencySymbol="#{rowItem.getCurrencySymbol()}" type="currency" />
(note that I omitted the other two properties as those are the default already when type="currency" is used)

Filtering issues (no change in contents) in datatable primefaces 3.5, sorting works

Primefaces 3.5 doesn't seem to filter data at all from the datatable, oddly enough it somehow reorders them as I type, so, there must be some AJAX calls firing, but obviously not the right ones.
<h:panelGroup id="table-wrapper-component">
var="tagInfoObject" emptyMessage="No tags found with given criteria"
<prime:ajax event="filter" global="false" />
<prime:column sortBy="#{tagInfoObject.tagId}"
headerText="Identifier" filterMatchMode="contains" filterBy = "#{tagInfoObject.tagId}">
<h:outputText value="#{tagInfoObject.tagId}" />
<prime:column sortBy="#{tagInfoObject.type.tagTypeId}"
headerText="Tag Identifier" filterMatchMode="contains" filterBy ="#{tagInfoObject.type.tagTypeId}">
<h:outputText value="#{tagInfoObject.type.tagTypeId}" />
<prime:column sortBy="#{tagInfoObject.title}" headerText="Title" filterMatchMode="contains" filterBy="#{tagInfoObject.title}">
<h:outputText value="#{tagInfoObject.title}" />
<prime:column filterBy="#{tagInfoObject.description}"
filterMatchMode="contains" sortBy="#{tagInfoObject.description}"
styleClass="wrap" headerText="Component Description">
<h:outputText value="#{tagInfoObject.description}" />
Any help is appreciated! All the Beans and method calls exist and return the appropriate data, just that the filtering doesn't seem to work at all.
Also, note that sorting functions properly only filtering does not!
The issue was that you always need to wrap any filtering/sorting attributes in a data table with an h:form tag. This is not explicitly specified in the documentation of PrimeFaces, however, it is in the showcase here. I wrapped the whole thing in form tags.
So, don't forget to wrap your data tables in a form if you want any type of interaction provided by primefaces.
Your managed Bean Code will do a lot of good
Post your managed bean code.
May be you have not set the value for artifactSelectionBackingBean.filteredComponents in the managed bean

JSF, how to use EL in onclick

I want to create links using database columns. I have a backing bean where I 'm connecting to the database. There is no problem with the connection and also no problem with the links names. I can see my links on my browser. I want to use onclick function and that's exactly where the problem starts. How can I use or can I use EL in onclick?
A little example:
<h:dataTable rows="7" value="#{frontSiteMenu.links}" var="row"
styleClass="sitemenu" width="200">
<h:outputText value='#{row.newsGroup}' />
I take it you are using JSPs?
Use h:outputLink instead of an a tag and change the expression use the # character:
<h:outputLink value="#" onclick="dispNewsGroup('#{row.newsGroupId}')">
<h:outputText value='#{row.newsGroup}' />
That is untested, but should be close to what you want.
The spec says this about # vs $: convention the J2EE
web tier specifications use the
${expr} construct for immediate
evaluation and the #{expr} construct
for deferred evaluation.
So, in a repeat control where the underlying values change, it is desirable to use deferred evaluation.
There are also issues with using non-JSF tags as children of some JSF controls, so it is best to stick to using JSF controls where possible (though there is a f:verbatim tag). Many of these issues go away if you move to the newer Facelets view technology.

Formatting a double in JSF

I have a problem similar to the one found here : JSF selectItem label formatting.
What I want to do is to accept a double as a value for my and display it with two decimals. Can this be done in an easy way?
I've tried using but that seems to be applied on the value from the inputText that is sent to the server and not on the initial value in the input field.
My code so far:
<h:inputText id="december" value="#{budgetMB.december}" onchange="setDirty()" styleClass="StandardBlack">
<f:convertNumber maxFractionDigits="2" groupingUsed="false" />
EDIT: The above code actually works. I was fooled by JDeveloper that didn't update the jsp page even when I did a explicit rebuild of my project and restarted the embedded OC4J server. However, after a reboot of my computer everything was fine.
If I'm not misunderstanding your requirement, I was able to achieve formatting of the value in the input box during the rendering of the view with:
<h:inputText id="text1" value="#{...}">
<f:convertNumber pattern="#,###,##0.00"/>
I was using the Standard Faces Components in my vendor-branded Eclipse so I'm assuming the pattern attribute is part of standard JSF.
If what you are trying to do is make the value of the input text field change on screen (to correct user input), you should probably look into using one of the JSF ajax frameworks like Rich Faces.
A possible example would look like this:
<h:inputText id="december" value="#{budgetMB.december}" styleClass="StandardBlack">
<f:convertNumber maxFractionDigits="2" groupingUsed="false" />
<a4j:support event="onblur" reRender="december" />
I haven't tested this, but I think it may work.
It seems you're actually formatting a currency. There already exists a specific formatter to handle currencies that you can assign many options to:
<f:convertNumber type="currency" />
Some interesting attributes of this tag are: locale, currencyCode, integerOnly, currencySymbol and pattern.
