Filtering issues (no change in contents) in datatable primefaces 3.5, sorting works - jsf

Primefaces 3.5 doesn't seem to filter data at all from the datatable, oddly enough it somehow reorders them as I type, so, there must be some AJAX calls firing, but obviously not the right ones.
<h:panelGroup id="table-wrapper-component">
var="tagInfoObject" emptyMessage="No tags found with given criteria"
<prime:ajax event="filter" global="false" />
<prime:column sortBy="#{tagInfoObject.tagId}"
headerText="Identifier" filterMatchMode="contains" filterBy = "#{tagInfoObject.tagId}">
<h:outputText value="#{tagInfoObject.tagId}" />
<prime:column sortBy="#{tagInfoObject.type.tagTypeId}"
headerText="Tag Identifier" filterMatchMode="contains" filterBy ="#{tagInfoObject.type.tagTypeId}">
<h:outputText value="#{tagInfoObject.type.tagTypeId}" />
<prime:column sortBy="#{tagInfoObject.title}" headerText="Title" filterMatchMode="contains" filterBy="#{tagInfoObject.title}">
<h:outputText value="#{tagInfoObject.title}" />
<prime:column filterBy="#{tagInfoObject.description}"
filterMatchMode="contains" sortBy="#{tagInfoObject.description}"
styleClass="wrap" headerText="Component Description">
<h:outputText value="#{tagInfoObject.description}" />
Any help is appreciated! All the Beans and method calls exist and return the appropriate data, just that the filtering doesn't seem to work at all.
Also, note that sorting functions properly only filtering does not!

The issue was that you always need to wrap any filtering/sorting attributes in a data table with an h:form tag. This is not explicitly specified in the documentation of PrimeFaces, however, it is in the showcase here. I wrapped the whole thing in form tags.
So, don't forget to wrap your data tables in a form if you want any type of interaction provided by primefaces.

Your managed Bean Code will do a lot of good
Post your managed bean code.
May be you have not set the value for artifactSelectionBackingBean.filteredComponents in the managed bean


Conditionally apply AJAX events to datatable rows

I'm relatively new to JSF and Primefaces, but I've been tasked to try and reduce the amount of AJAX requests made in a legacy codebase. This question is from a particular example where we have a directory listing UI of files and folders.
<p:dataTable id="directoryTable" var="directoryObject" value="#{fileCabinet.folderContents}"
resizableColumns="true" scrollable="true"
rowKey="#{directoryObject}" selectionMode="single"
selection="#{fileCabinet.currentObject}" dblClickSelect="true"
sortMode="multiple" emptyMessage="This folder is empty"
<c:if test="#{directoryObject.objectType eq 'DIRECTORY'}">
<p:ajax event="rowSelect" listener="#{fileCabinet.onRowSelect}"
update=":form:directoryTable :menu" />
I've excluded the rest of the datatable for brevity. With this code, the ajax event is never attached even though the 'test' expression evaluates perfectly fine in subsequent 'rendered' attributes of html elements later on. Unfortunately, p:ajax doesn't support 'rendered' conditionals.
I've also tried c:choose / c:when, to the same results.
This feels like something that should be really easy to do! I'm probably missing some simple syntax to make this work.
I fixed this by using the disabled attribute for <p:ajax> with my conditional as the value (negated of course).
<p:ajax event="rowSelect"
update=":form:directoryTable :menu"
disabled="#{directoryObject.objectType ne 'DIRECTORY'}" />
Since 4.0 version, Primefaces datatable comes with a disabledSelection property.
<p:dataTable var="foo" value="#{bean.foos}" selection="#{bean.selectedFoo}" disabledSelection="#{ == 1}">
<p:column selectionMode="single" />
<h:outputText value="#{}" />

JSF 2: duplicate IDs inside p:dataList

i have a list of billable services per client and i'm trying to build a table where the user can select which ones shall actually be billed:
<p:dataList value="#{billController.billings}" var="billings">
<p:dataTable value='#{billings.billablesDataModel}' var='item' selection="#{billings.toBill}">
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="#{}" />
the problem is, that all the dataTables are rendered with the same ID attribute (j_idt9:j_idt13:0:j_idt14) which is automatically assigned by JSF. i'm suspecting this is causing that the selection doesn't work. (the backing bean billings.toBill is not updated/stays empty.)
i was trying to set the ID attribute of the dataTable manually like this:
<p:dataTable id="#{}" ...>
however, i get the following error:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Empty id attribute is not allowed
(#{} is definitely set to the unique client's ID as i get the right output from an h:outputText for debug purposes.)
can you help me fixing this?
i'm using JSF Mojarra 2.1.1 and PrimeFaces 3.2 on a Tomcat 6.
You need to use p:column for content of datalist as documented in user's guide.
What if you loop over billController.billings via ui:repeat and not via p:dataList:
<ui:repeat var="billings" value="#{billController.billings}">
<p:dataTable value="#{billings.billablesDataModel}" var="item" selection="#{billings.toBill}">

input binding in ui:repeat in jsf

i am using facelets jsf 2.0 with primefaces 3.0.M2 component library.
i am trying to achieve dynamic numbers of rows including iput fields that are filled when a datatable selection occurs.
whenever a selection is made the dynamic rows generated correctly with input fields but after the first selection for following selections dynamic row count changes correctly but the input fields does not update and keeps showing inputs from the first selection.
here is how i iterate list in facelet;
<ui:repeat value="#{goalEntranceBean.selectedCard.parameterList}" var="prmBean" >
<li><h:outputText value="#{prmBean.lookUp.value}"/></li>
<h:outputText value="Weight:"/>
<p:inputText id="wx" required="true" value="#{prmBean.weight}">
<h:outputText value="Percent:"/>
<p:inputText required="true" value="#{prmBean.percent}">
my bean where i get the list of cards and set the selectedCard with rowSelect event in datatable.
#ManagedBean(name = "goalEntranceBean")
public class GoalEntranceAction implements Serializable {
private List<ScoreCard> personalCards = new ArrayList<ScoreCard>();
private ScoreCard selectedCard = new ScoreCard();
when i checked in debug mode i can see the true list but in screen the elements does not change.
This is a common problem (gets asked every couple of days). To make long story short, inputs inside ui:repeat do not work, period.
It is a problem with JSF, a long standing, famous one. Maybe it will be fixed. Maybe not, it seems that no one really cares (I mean - an input? in a... ui:repeat? such crazy scenario!).
A quick-fix is to use a h:dataTable, possibly ungodly abused with css to make it look like a list. A long-fix is to use some iterator from a different library. Primefaces has an element that should work that renders an unordered list.
thanks for your replies. Sorry for forget sharing the solution.
As i mentioned above i have primefaces datatable.
On row selection event i render datatable and want to update the cells of that datatable.
USING p:inputtext easily solved my problem. Now i can change the data on screen and i can see the values after update operation on screen. I don't understand the reason but it works.
<p:dataTable var="orgPrmBean"
<p:columnGroup type="header">
<p:column headerText="Parameters" colspan="3" style="text-align:left;width:480;"/>
<p:column style="text-align:left;width:200px;">
<h:outputText value="#{}"/>
<p:column style="text-align:left;width:180px;">
<p:inputText value="#{orgPrmBean.weight}"
<f:convertNumber maxFractionDigits="0"/>
It IS possible to make it work, but the solution is to bind the inputs to a backing bean, and update the values of the controls in the backing bean via listeners (using the new value received in the argument). Obviously this isn't a good solution if you have a complex form, as you need to add a listener/control in the backing bean for each control in the page, but it's practical if you just have one or two inputs.

ValueChangeListener problem

While calling the ValueChangeListener in JSF based on value change in dropdown, it is calling all the ValueChangeListner that are on that page.
There are two valueChangeListener in DataTable, while changing value in one dropdwon the 2nd one also executing.
<t:column id="avlId" styleClass="coltextcenteralign">
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="#{bundle['travelLocalAccommodation.title.availability']}" />
<h:outputText value="*" style="color:red" />
<t:selectOneMenu value="#{accomDtls.availability}" immediate="true"
valueChangeListener="#{TravelProcessingBB.localAccommodationBB.setAvailableFlag}" forceid="true" id="avl"
onchange="return availabilityAlert('#{accomDtls.prepopulatedFlag}','avl[#{table_count}]')"
styleClass="dropDownStyle" style="width:50">
<f:selectItem itemValue="Y" itemLabel="Yes" />
<f:selectItem itemValue="N" itemLabel="No" />
The value change alone won't automatically call the valueChangeListener. You need to submit the form as well. A commonly used "hack" is to call form.submit() using JavaScript during the onchange event. This will however submit the entire form. Truly the valueChangeListener will be triggered for all changed fields of the form.
To fix this in JSF 1.x, you need to hassle somewhat with the immediate attribute to skip all other form components from validating and with component binding so that you can properly get/set the other component's value. Long story short, I ever wrote an article about that: populate child menus in JSF 1.2.
In JSF 2.0, this is however easier to achieve with help of <f:ajax> tag. If you're really using JSF 2.0 (your current question doesn't indicate that), then let me know if you need an example.

RichFaces rich:panel header not appearing

I specified this
<f:facet name="header">
Panel #1. Changing Style Synchronously
Each component in the RichFaces has a pre-defined set of classes you can manipulate with. If defined, those
classes overwrite the ones come from the skin.
from the RichFaces demo, in my JSF page and no header appears, although I've nothing in my css which would interfere. What might be the reason for this?
i dont see any problem with using f:facet
<f:facet name="header">
<div><h:graphicImage value="/images/search.png" />
<h:outputText value=" Action Logs Search" /></div>
in order to regenerate the error you mentioned
Mine disappeared when I accidentally included the panel's facets in the panel form. The facets must be children of the modal panel:
<a4j:form> <!-- This is trouble! -->
<f:facet name="header">
Panel #1. Changing Style Synchronously
Each component in the RichFaces has a pre-defined set of classes you can manipulate with. If defined, those
classes overwrite the ones come from the skin.
OK, do please feel free to comment on why the f:facet tag is not working, but I get my nice shiny headers when I change the code so it's like this instead:
<rich:panel header="header">
Each component in the RichFaces has a pre-defined set of classes you can manipulate with. If defined, those
classes overwrite the ones come from the skin.
