Glimpse: Unable to view anything in Execution or Timelines tab - glimpse

I am new in using Glimpse tool to diagnose the MVC application. I have installed Glimpse.Mvc4 and few other plug-ins. For example, Bundling & performance.
However, I am not able to view anything in "Execution", "Metadata", "Timelines" tab. Neither I am getting any use of "Bundling" plug-in visually.
Can anyone provide a better documentation place for these?


How to use Android Studio Activities

I'm new to Kotlin and Android studio, I previously completed a project of mine with KivyMD, I want to replicate the project with Kotlin using Android studio, the project has 56 screens, I've learnt that activities represents screen in Android Studio, which means I'll have to create 55 more activities in additional to MainActivity, thinking that might be a bit much I googled if they is a limit to number of activities I can create I found it's 10..
So how do I put the contents of other screens? or Could I just go ahead and create all 56 activities??
Thanks to you for your help in advance..
Jetpack is a bunch of libraries created to ease app development and help people follow best practices, and the official recommendation is a single-Activity app:
While activities are the system provided entry points into your app's UI, their inflexibility when it comes to sharing data between each other and transitions has made them a less than ideal architecture for constructing your in-app navigation. Today we are introducing the Navigation component as a framework for structuring your in-app UI, with a focus on making a single-Activity app the preferred architecture.
By using the Navigation component, your Activity is basically a container for Fragments, which act as your "screens". Navigation handles a lot of the boilerplate for swapping them in and out and maintaining history, and you focus more on connecting them together in a navigation graph.
It's a lot to learn at first, but it's definitely worth it, and if you're going to be messing with 56 destinations then you'll probably end up saving a lot of time letting it handle the bulk of the work! Here's a codelab tutorial you can do to get up to speed with it, and here's the documentation which starts with the basics and gets to some of the more complex uses

Adding onBlur and onFocus events

My company is currently looking into making our website "Web Accessible". I'm very rough when it comes to using Kentico (v8.2.50), but that's the CMS that is driving our site.
Running the front page through a Web Accessibility Checker, we encountered this warning on our main menu strip:
script not keyboard accessible - onmouseout missing onblur
onmouseover event handler missing onfocus event handler.
The fix sounds simple, but I'm not sure where to add these events. Has anyone had any experience with this?
It really depends on how your site has been put together. If the site has been built using the portal engine, you're probably able to find the markup that you're looking for in one of the transformations. There is a possibility that you're using the CMSListMenu control which for restricted flexibility in terms of markup. Without a little more information or a page to look at it is hard to tell.
As for looking through transformations, I can highly recommend Search for Kentico to help find things within the CMS, it's been invaluable on a number of occasions when looking for specific markup. What it can do is help you locate things within Kentico by very quickly looking through the templates and transformations etc.

PProPanel JSX - Basic guide to get started?

I know you can extend Adobe Premiere Pro with some simple JavaScript. The problem with that link (which I got to through the official Adobe website), is that all of sample code links are outdated (they point to the wrong location of the file, to lines that aren't correct anymore).
The second paragraph instructs you to install a bunch of things, none of which seem like things you "install", and they mention ExtendScript, which I don't understand whether is already installed with my Premiere or not (it's not available on Creative Cloud, and also the links I found on Adobe's website for it are, again, dead). I keep searching online and finding dead links to tutorials that no longer exist. Really, dead links everywhere.
I'm an experienced developer with good JS background, I just want know what I need, some simple examples of basic usage to get me started and maybe working links to some cheat-sheet I can use when I'm looking for available functions.
Extendscript is the name of the old API for automating Premiere and other Adobe apps. It's built-in and can basically do anything that you can do with the GUI, and it's javascript-based.
There is an IDE for Extendscript, the Extendscript Toolkit (ESTK) which has a debugger and allows you to inspect data etc. It's perplexingly hard to find on the Adobe website; I found it by a duckduckgo search here, I installed it through the creative cloud desktop manager, though I'm not sure how you do that with the current version.
As far as documentation goes, you're right, it's dead link city. There is a Javascript Tools Guide included with the Extendscript Toolkit, on windows it's in C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit CC\SDK\. That covers creating UI elements, but doesn't explain Premiere's object model. AFAIK there is no official documentation for this, you have to use the ESTK data browser to look for yourself.
The CEP extensions are a new development and allow for easier integration with the host. I think you already have all the documentation there is for it. I'd advise that you pester Adobe to make it easier for developers like yourself to create tools for their users.
Here is for anyone else who gets here from a Google search: You can also go to this link to download the ESTK:

Apps Script vs Chrome Extension: Writing an alternative spellchecker to Google Docs

Say, I want to develop an alternative spellcheck module to google docs.
This means that I have to get corrections from my backend, and color the misspelled text's background, and do a small popup bubble when user hovers over it, where I'd display the correction. (please mind that spellcheck is not the actual goal of my project, but it does address my problems in a more simplified way)
What are my options? Any ideas how to do this?
Few possible solutions I came up with:
Chrome extension vs Apps script
Chrome extension
pros: user has to grant permissions once, can freely traverse and append anything to dom via content script
cons: is a "hacky" way, if google changes classnames or js source, it would stop working, and also, reverse engineering google docs's editor engine is impossible
Apps script
pros: supported by google: if it works, I dont need to be afraid of docs updates
cons: it seems to me that I can't just fiddle with the dom (because of Caja compiler), has very limited support (if any) for custom highlighting or hover functionality.
As I see it, neither of these are perfect solutions for this project. What do you think? Any suggestions are very welcomed.
I know this is an old question, but I have recently gotten into the same problem, and believe I have a solution. So for future Googler's I will post my answer here.
My solution was to create a Chrome Extension and understand how the Google Docs DOM's are structures to interact with it.
You can find my code to work with the Google Doc DOM's here
In Apps Script you can't "fiddle" with the DOM and you won't be able to implement hover functionality. Also, a lame Highlighting would involve changing the current document itself (which would go to revision history, undo queue, etc)
Therefore, your only altertive is the Chrome Extension. But I agree with you on the cons. It is a super hard task that could break at any minute without notice.

LIferay from a front end perspective?

My background is as a website designer, making sites with Drupal and also doing the frontend. With my new job im just doing the frontend, and ive been asked by my boss to look into liferay (most people here are java developers), from a 'frontend perspective'.
So, how themable is liferay? Do you have (easy) control over the exact html outputted?
Bit of an open ended question I know but im not really sure how to be more specific....
You don't have much control, because LR html pages are huge. it is a composition of Portal page and html sections of particular portlets. It can be 3 - 10 of them on a page, and you style them all within the huge portal Page ... That's why there is quite complicated CSS hierarchy and you should be a little skilled in CSS to feel comfortable in such an environment, also even if you turn off caching on tomcat and property file, sometimes you have to manually empty browser cache to reload the page properly.
But I must say that LR UX developers are the best I know and it's all very professionally done. Pleasure to work with it.
There are 4 important points :
It's relatively easy to get into it with cooperation with a java developer. Because you must learn how to set it up on the web server (tomcat) - the easiest way is to install the bundle and run it. But you also need to checkout the source code of LR, look at themes (login guest, password empty) and do some reverse engineering. The theme is deployed (via Ant) into a running instance of LR. This is relatively doable even without any Java daveloper's help. After you run "$ant create" in the theme directory, it builds a template theme were you make your themes and deploy them. But there must be a little bit of Ant specific setting in regard to PATHs on the filesystem.
The theme development is straightforward, you just create a _diff of the classic LR theme - you modify an already done theme. The purpose is, that the LR javascript & CSS framework and the CSS hierarchy is quite complex and this is the best way possible.
create in tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/, add this line and create in the same location with this content, which makes UI development JS & CSS much more friendly.
Also there is alloy framework build on top of YUI CSS & JS framework that provides you with a lot of "widgets" and plugins to work with.
Simply put, it very interesting thing to work with and one can learn a lot, but must be willing to spend some time to get into it.
