ServiceStack.Ormlite single poco map to many tables - servicestack

I know that Servicestack.Ormlite is setup to be a 1:1 mapping between poco and database table. I have a situation where I will have groups of tables that are of the same structure and they are created as necessary. I am trying to find a way to be able to do something where I can continue to use the IDbConnection and specify the table name in CRUD operations.
Something like
using(var db = _conn.OpenDbConnection()){
db.SaveAll(objList, "DIFFERENT_TABLE");
I was easily able to work around to make creating and deleting the tables. I am hoping that I can use of the ExpressionVisitor or something else to help change the table name before it is executed. One of the requirements of the project is that it be database agnostic, which is why I am trying to not manually write out the SQL.
Here are a couple of functions that I ended up creating if anyone out there wants some more examples.
public static List<T> SelectTable<T>(this IDbConnection conn, string tableName) {
var stmt = ModelDefinition<T>.Definition.SqlSelectAllFromTable;
stmt = stmt.Replace(ModelDefinition<T>.Definition.Name, tableName.FmtTable());
return conn.Select<T>(stmt);
public static List<T> SelectTableFmt<T>(this IDbConnection conn, string tableName, string sqlFilter,
params object[] filterParams) {
var stmt = conn.GetDialectProvider().ToSelectStatement(typeof (T), sqlFilter, filterParams);
stmt = stmt.Replace(ModelDefinition<T>.Definition.Name, tableName.FmtTable());
return conn.Select<T>(stmt);
public static void InsertTable<T>(this IDbConnection conn, T obj, string tablename) {
var stmt = conn.GetDialectProvider().ToInsertRowStatement(null, obj);
stmt = stmt.Replace(obj.GetType().Name, tablename.FmtTable());
public static int SaveAll<T>(this IDbConnection conn, string tablename, IEnumerable<T> objs) {
var saveRows = objs.ToList();
var firstRow = saveRows.FirstOrDefault();
if (Equals(firstRow, default(T))) return 0;
var defaultIdValue = firstRow.GetId().GetType().GetDefaultValue();
var idMap = defaultIdValue != null
? saveRows.Where(x => !defaultIdValue.Equals(x.GetId())).ToSafeDictionary(x => x.GetId())
: saveRows.Where(x => x.GetId() != null).ToSafeDictionary(x => x.GetId());
var existingRowsMap = conn.SelectByIds<T>(tablename, idMap.Keys).ToDictionary(x => x.GetId());
var modelDef = ModelDefinition<T>.Definition;
var dialectProvider = conn.GetDialectProvider();
var rowsAdded = 0;
using (var dbTrans = conn.OpenTransaction()) {
foreach (var obj in saveRows) {
var id = obj.GetId();
if (id != defaultIdValue && existingRowsMap.ContainsKey(id)) {
var updStmt = dialectProvider.ToUpdateRowStatement(obj);
updStmt = updStmt.Replace(obj.GetType().Name, tablename.FmtTable());
else {
if (modelDef.HasAutoIncrementId) {}
var stmt = dialectProvider.ToInsertRowStatement(null, obj);
stmt = stmt.Replace(obj.GetType().Name, tablename.FmtTable());
return rowsAdded;

OrmLite supports specifying the table name for Update and Delete operations. Unfortunately the examples in the readme here have yet to be updated. This is the required format:
db.UpdateFmt(table: "Person", set: "FirstName = {0}".Fmt("JJ"), where: "LastName = {0}".Fmt("Hendrix"));
db.DeleteFmt(table: "Person", where: "Age = {0}".Fmt(27));
The methods you need can be found here. You should be able to use .Exec to handle reading and insert operations.


is it possible to connect to java jOOQ DB?

I discovered a new interesting service and I'm trying to understand how it works. Please explain how to connect to my jOOQ database from another program?
MockDataProvider provider = new MyProvider();
MockConnection connection = new MockConnection(provider);
DSLContext create = DSL.using(connection, SQLDialect.H2);
Field<Integer> id = field(name("BOOK", "ID"), SQLDataType.INTEGER);
Field<String> book = field(name("BOOK", "NAME"), SQLDataType.VARCHAR);
So, I create but can I connect to it?
Here I have added your code, Lukas.
try (Statement s = connection.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery("SELECT ...")
) {
while (
This example was found here
public class MyProvider implements MockDataProvider {
public MockResult[] execute(MockExecuteContext ctx) throws SQLException {
// You might need a DSLContext to create org.jooq.Result and org.jooq.Record objects
//DSLContext create = DSL.using(SQLDialect.ORACLE);
DSLContext create = DSL.using(SQLDialect.H2);
MockResult[] mock = new MockResult[1];
// The execute context contains SQL string(s), bind values, and other meta-data
String sql = ctx.sql();
// Dynamic field creation
Field<Integer> id = field(name("AUTHOR", "ID"), SQLDataType.INTEGER);
Field<String> lastName = field(name("AUTHOR", "LAST_NAME"), SQLDataType.VARCHAR);
// Exceptions are propagated through the JDBC and jOOQ APIs
if (sql.toUpperCase().startsWith("DROP")) {
throw new SQLException("Statement not supported: " + sql);
// You decide, whether any given statement returns results, and how many
else if (sql.toUpperCase().startsWith("SELECT")) {
// Always return one record
Result<Record2<Integer, String>> result = create.newResult(id, lastName);
.newRecord(id, lastName)
.values(1, "Orwell"));
mock[0] = new MockResult(1, result);
// You can detect batch statements easily
else if (ctx.batch()) {
// [...]
return mock;
I'm not sure what lines 3-5 of your example are supposed to do, but if you implement your MockDataProvider and put that into a MockConnection, you just use that like any other JDBC connection, e.g.
try (Statement s = connection.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery("SELECT ...")
) {
while (

How to batch get items using PocoDynamo?

With Amazon native .net lib, batchget is like this
var batch = context.CreateBatch<MyClass>();
var result = batch.results;
Now I'm testing to use, however I couldn't find how to do it. I've tried the following, both failed.
//1st try
var q1 = db.FromQueryIndex<MyClass>(x => x.room_id == "hashkey1" || x.room_id == "hashkey2"||x.room_id == "hashkey3");
var result = db.Query(q1);
//2nd try
var result = db.GetItems<MyClass>(new string[]{"hashkey1","hashkey2","hashkey3"});
In both cases, it threw an exception that says
Additional information: Invalid operator used in KeyConditionExpression: OR
Please help me. Thanks!
Using GetItems should work as seen with this Live Example on Gistlyn:
public class MyClass
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Content { get; set; }
db.DeleteTable<MyClass>(); // Delete existing MyClass Table (if any)
db.InitSchema(); // Creates MyClass DynamoDB Table
var items = 5.Times(i => new MyClass { Id = $"hashkey{i}", Content = $"Content {i}" });
var dbItems = db.GetItems<MyClass>(new[]{ "hashkey1","hashkey2","hashkey3" });
"Saved Items: {0}".Print(dbItems.Dump());
If your Item has both a Hash and a Range Key you'll need to use the GetItems<T>(IEnumerable<DynamoId> ids) API, e.g:
var dbItems = db.GetItems<MyClass>(new[]{
new DynamoId("hashkey1","rangekey1"),
new DynamoId("hashkey2","rangekey3"),
new DynamoId("hashkey3","rangekey4"),
Query all Items with same HashKey
If you want to fetch all items with the same HashKey you need to create a DynamoDB Query as seen with this Live Gistlyn Example:
var items = 5.Times(i => new MyClass {
Id = $"hashkey{i%2}", RangeKey = $"rangekey{i}", Content = $"Content {i}" });
var rows = db.FromQuery<MyClass>(x => x.Id == "hashkey1").Exec().ToArray();

Auto Mapper : how to map Expressions

public IEnumerable<CustomBo> FindBy(Expression<Func<CustomBo, bool>> predicate)
Mapper.CreateMap<Expression<Func<CustomBo, bool>>, Expression<Func<Entity, bool>>>();
var newPredicate = Mapper.Map<Expression<Func<Entity, bool>>>(predicate);
IQueryable<Entity> query = dbSet.Where(newPredicate);
var searchResult = Mapper.Map<List<CustomBo>>(query);
return searchResult;
I want to map customBo type to Entity Type..
Here customBo is my model and Entity is Database entity from edmx.
I'm using AutoMapper.
I'm Getting following Error
Could not find type map from destination type Data.Customer to source type Model.CustomerBO. Use CreateMap to create a map from the source to destination types.
Could not find type map from destination type Data.Customer to source type Model.CustomerBO. Use CreateMap to create a map from the source to destination types.
Any Suggession what I'm missiong here..
I find a work around. I create my custom methods to map Expression.
public static class MappingHelper
public static Expression<Func<TTo, bool>> ConvertExpression<TFrom, TTo>(this Expression<Func<TFrom, bool>> expr)
Dictionary<Expression, Expression> substitutues = new Dictionary<Expression, Expression>();
var oldParam = expr.Parameters[0];
var newParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TTo), oldParam.Name);
substitutues.Add(oldParam, newParam);
Expression body = ConvertNode(expr.Body, substitutues);
return Expression.Lambda<Func<TTo, bool>>(body, newParam);
static Expression ConvertNode(Expression node, IDictionary<Expression, Expression> subst)
if (node == null) return null;
if (subst.ContainsKey(node)) return subst[node];
switch (node.NodeType)
case ExpressionType.Constant:
return node;
case ExpressionType.MemberAccess:
var me = (MemberExpression)node;
var newNode = ConvertNode(me.Expression, subst);
MemberInfo info = null;
foreach (MemberInfo mi in newNode.Type.GetMembers())
if (mi.MemberType == MemberTypes.Property)
if (mi.Name.ToLower().Contains(me.Member.Name.ToLower()))
info = mi;
return Expression.MakeMemberAccess(newNode, info);
case ExpressionType.AndAlso:
case ExpressionType.OrElse:
case ExpressionType.LessThan:
case ExpressionType.LessThanOrEqual:
case ExpressionType.GreaterThan:
case ExpressionType.GreaterThanOrEqual:
case ExpressionType.Equal: /* will probably work for a range of common binary-expressions */
var be = (BinaryExpression)node;
return Expression.MakeBinary(be.NodeType, ConvertNode(be.Left, subst), ConvertNode(be.Right, subst), be.IsLiftedToNull, be.Method);
throw new NotSupportedException(node.NodeType.ToString());
Now I'm calling it like
public CustomBo FindBy(Expression<Func<CustomBo, bool>> predicateId)
var newPredicate = predicateId.ConvertExpression<CustomBo, Entity>();
Still if anyone know how to do it by automapper then plz let me know.
Looks like this was added after your asked your question: Expression Translation (UseAsDataSource)
Now all you have to do is dbSet.UseAsDataSource().For<CustomBo>().Where(expression).ToList();. Much nicer!

Is it possible to do paging with JoinSqlBuilder?

I have a pretty normal join that I create via JoinSqlBuilder
var joinSqlBuilder = new JoinSqlBuilder<ProductWithManufacturer, Product>()
.Join<Product, Manufacturer>(sourceColumn: p => p.ManufacturerId,
destinationColumn: mf => mf.Id,
sourceTableColumnSelection: p => new { ProductId = p.Id, ProductName = p.Name },
destinationTableColumnSelection: m => new { ManufacturerId = m.Id, ManufacturerName = m.Name })
Of course, the join created by this could potentially return a lot of rows, so I want to use paging - preferably on the server-side. However, I cannot find anything in the JoinSqlBuilder which would let me do this? Am I missing something or does JoinSqlBuilder not have support for this (yet)?
If you aren't using MS SQL Server I think the following will work.
var sql = joinSqlBuilder.ToSql();
var data = this.Select<ProductWithManufacturer>(
q => q.Select(sql)
If you are working with MS SQL Server, it will most likely blow up on you. I am working to merge a more elegant solution similar to this into JoinSqlBuilder. The following is a quick and dirty method to accomplish what you want.
I created the following extension class:
public static class Extension
private static string ToSqlWithPaging<TResult, TTarget>(
this JoinSqlBuilder<TResult, TTarget> bldr,
string orderColumnName,
int limit,
int skip)
var sql = bldr.ToSql();
return string.Format(#"
)as InnerResult
)as RowConstrainedResult
WHERE RowNum > {2} AND RowNum <= {3}
", orderColumnName, sql, skip, skip + limit);
public static string ToSqlWithPaging<TResult, TTarget>(
this JoinSqlBuilder<TResult, TTarget> bldr,
Expression<Func<TResult, object>> orderSelector,
int limit,
int skip)
var member = orderSelector.Body as MemberExpression;
if (member == null)
throw new ArgumentException(
"TResult selector refers to a non member."
var propInfo = member.Member as PropertyInfo;
if (propInfo == null)
throw new ArgumentException(
"TResult selector refers to a field, it must be a property."
var orderSelectorName = propInfo.Name;
return ToSqlWithPaging(bldr, orderSelectorName, limit, skip);
It is applied as follows:
List<Entity> GetAllEntities(int limit, int skip)
var bldr = GetJoinSqlBuilderFor<Entity>();
var sql = bldr.ToSqlWithPaging(
entity => entity.Id,
return this.Db.Select<Entity>(sql);

Issue with SqlScalar<T> and SqlList<T> when calling stored procedure with parameters

The new API for Servicestack.OrmLite dictates that when calling fx a stored procedure you should use either SqlScalar or SqlList like this:
List<Poco> results = db.SqlList<Poco>("EXEC GetAnalyticsForWeek 1");
List<Poco> results = db.SqlList<Poco>("EXEC GetAnalyticsForWeek #weekNo", new { weekNo = 1 });
List<int> results = db.SqlList<int>("EXEC GetTotalsForWeek 1");
List<int> results = db.SqlList<int>("EXEC GetTotalsForWeek #weekNo", new { weekNo = 1 });
However the named parameters doesn't work. You HAVE to respect the order of the parameters in the SP. I think it is because the SP is executed using CommandType=CommandType.Text instead of CommandType.StoredProcedure, and the parameters are added as dbCmd.Parameters.Add(). It seems that because the CommandType is Text it expects the parameters to be added in the SQL querystring, and not as Parameters.Add(), because it ignores the naming.
An example:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sproc_WS_SelectScanFeedScanRecords]
#JobNo int = 0
,#SyncStatus int = -1
, FSR.JobNo
, FSR.BatchNo
, FSR.BagNo
, FSR.ScanType
, FSR.ScanDate
, FSR.ScanTime
, FSR.ScanStatus
, FSR.SyncStatus
, FSR.JobId
FROM dbo.SCAN_FeedScanRecords FSR
WHERE ((FSR.JobNo = #JobNo) OR (#JobNo = 0) OR (ISNULL(#JobNo,1) = 1))
AND ((FSR.SyncStatus = #SyncStatus) OR (#SyncStatus = -1) OR (ISNULL(#SyncStatus,-1) = -1))
When calling this SP as this:
db.SqlList<ScanRecord>("EXEC sproc_WS_SelectScanFeedScanRecords #SyncStatus",new {SyncStatus = 1});
It returns all records with JobNo = 1 instead of SyncStatus=1 because it ignores the named parameter and add by the order in which they are defined in the SP.
I have to call it like this:
db.SqlList<ScanRecord>("EXEC sproc_WS_SelectScanFeedScanRecords #SyncStatus=1");
Is this expected behavior? I think it defeats the anonymous type parameters if I can't trust it
My solution was to roll my own methods for stored procedures. If people finds them handy, I could add them to the project
public static void StoredProcedure(this IDbConnection dbConn, string storedprocedure, object anonType = null)
dbConn.Exec(dbCmd =>
dbCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
dbCmd.CommandText = storedprocedure;
dbCmd.SetParameters(anonType, true);
public static T StoredProcedureScalar<T>(this IDbConnection dbConn, string storedprocedure, object anonType = null)
return dbConn.Exec(dbCmd =>
dbCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
dbCmd.CommandText = storedprocedure;
dbCmd.SetParameters(anonType, true);
using (IDataReader reader = dbCmd.ExecuteReader())
return GetScalar<T>(reader);
public static List<T> StoredProcedureList<T>(this IDbConnection dbConn, string storedprocedure, object anonType = null)
return dbConn.Exec(dbCmd =>
dbCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
dbCmd.CommandText = storedprocedure;
dbCmd.SetParameters(anonType, true);
using (var dbReader = dbCmd.ExecuteReader())
return IsScalar<T>()
? dbReader.GetFirstColumn<T>()
: dbReader.ConvertToList<T>();
They are just modified versions of the SqlScalar and SqlList plus the ExecuteNonQuery
