in windows 8.1
I goto:
Control Panel > All ControlPanel Items > Default Programs > set Associations
and pick
MAILTO (URL:mailto)
it shows the following list to pick from
Google Chrome
Look for an app in the Store
How do I register my own program (cheapMail.exe) to show up on this list?
As far as I know you have to create a windows store app (metro, modern, whatever).
I opned visual studio 2012,
created blank Windows Store (Blank) App,
opened Package.appxmanifest,
clicked on "Declarations"
entered "mailto" for Name:
entered something for Logo: and Desplae name:
then compileded,
which registered the app, show it shows up on the list.
I don't think windows 8.1 allows URL:mailto to be associated with a normal old school exe file.
If I am wrong on this please correct me.
I do know you can't just fiddle with the registry.
I'm using google chrome with multiple email accounts and hence chrome users feature is so useful to me. It was easy for me to create shortcuts for every user in windows 10. But it seems difficult for me to open chrome in an account and then switching to the account which I want to use. It would be much helpful if the chrome users with their respective user pictures can be pinned in the dock. I'm using Pop OS 20.04 LTS. Are there any commands for enabling it? or any tricks?
First you need to navigate to chrome data directory, default is ${HOME}/.config/google-chrome. There you could find folders that stores different profiles, for instance Profile 1. Knowing directory names chrome can be executed with profile directory as follows:
google-chrome --profile-directory="Profile 1"
Do not use full path, give directory name only.
Knowing correct command create desired application launcher (I guess you can figure it out) and optionally put it to ${HOME}/.local/share/applications to access it from "start menu".
First you need to create a folder.desktop file in .local/share/applications.
There you can paste this code
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=google-chrome --profile-directory=PROFILE_NAME
Replace PROFILE_NAME with your own profile name.
then right click the file and go to properties>permissions and allow execute file as program.
Now press windows button and search for your PROFILE_NAME.There you can see your profile name.Add that to your favorites and open that file.If chrome asks for setup your profile,set you profile for the first time and after that every time you click on that icon it will open your profile.
In this way you can create icons for multiple chrome profiles.
I have an application created in Omnis studio where I want the user to be able to press a button to open Microsoft Excel and then paste what is in the clipboard. To do that I have my application call an AppleScript app Seen here:
tell application "Microsoft Excel"
make new workbook
paste special on worksheet active sheet
end tell
However whenever my application calls that script it runs into issues with apple's sandboxing saying that it can't send events to Microsoft Excel.
I read online that in order to get access to sending events in Mac OS you need to have a entitlements.plist file associated with your application. How would I add a entitlements.plist file to my Applescript app so that when it is run it is able to send events to Microsoft Excel?
If you do not sell the app and just use it for your own, best would be to deactivate sandboxing. Your app will still run by righclicking it > open.
If you already have sandboxing enabled there already must be a YOURAPPNAME.entitlements file inside your application structure (not in the compiled app, but in your source code) because sandboxing has to be enabled in that file.
I don't know Omnis studio, you may try using XCode instead which supports entitlements files from the scratch - even if you have to go with applescript objective-c instead of plain applescript.
if you manage to find that file you need to add a new key/value to it like so for addressing Excel:
key: ""
value (type array):
Item 0 > ""
But watch out - if you want to stay in sandbox, from OSX 10.14 there's a new security policy called "security integrity protection" (SIP) by Apple where users also need to allow your app to automate other apps, checkout this thread: "because it is not SIP-protected" - Apple event error in OSX Mojave
To bypass this beginning from 10.14 you also have to add a new line to your info.plist file
key: NSAppleEventsUsageDescription
value: [Some description why you need to use AppleEvents]
I don't know if third party editors will follow the speed Apple provides in things of changes.
This is an older post, but why would you create an Excel file like that, if its just columns of data, just export a CSV file, that Excel can easily open...
Really dumb question but it's annoying me because my VS2012 use to work like this:
When I run debug on the web application it used to open the current selected webform in the editor in the web browser.
Now the only way to change which one opens in the browser is that I must go to the webform I am busy on and click "Set As Start Page".
This makes it quite hard when I am working on multiple pages.
Please can someone tell me what setting I must change in VS to get it to work like it use to?
To change the startup options of a web application goto:
Project->Properties->Web-> Select Current Page.
I have implemented a search mechanism in my app. The user fill a textbox and then click on a button. is there a way to use the nice results view of Microsoft? i'm talking about the view you can see in the image attached.
I am giving you few resources, please check it out and let us know if you face any problem.
Guidelines and checklist for search (Windows Store apps)
Quickstart: Adding search to an app
Windows 8 and the future of XAML: Part 4: Contracts in WinRT/Windows 8
Search contract sample from MSDN
That's just a page and layout that someone created for that given app... given the Contoso branding it's some sample, though I don't immediately recognize it. I assume you saw the image, but don't have the source to it?
In Visual Studio, within an existing app you can use the Add>New Item dialog and select Search Contract to include a template page (with grid, filter combo box, etc.) to get you jumpstarted.
In the Windows 8 Camp Training kit, there is a fairly polished sample - Contoso Cookbook - that also includes a filtered search page, so that may be helpful as a start too.
I try to convert Excel files to PDF via COM automation. The code runs as a service using the system user. Unfortunately, I get the error "0x800A03EC" in the ExportAsFixedFormat() function. It works when I run this in an interactive session.
I've heard the systemprofile needs a Desktop folder, so I added those.
I've heard this also might have to do with the system user not having a default printer, so I added values to the following keys:
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Devices
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\PrinterPorts
But this only makes Excel hang instead of throwing an exception immediately.
I'm out of ideas and thankful for any help.
You have to select a default printer for this user. Try to import following code into your registry. Note: Replace these printers for your own (virtual) printers.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Devices]
"Send To OneNote 2010"="winspool,nul:"
"Microsoft XPS Document Writer"="winspool,Ne00:"
[HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\PrinterPorts]
"Send To OneNote 2010"="winspool,nul:,15,45"
"Microsoft XPS Document Writer"="winspool,Ne00:,15,45"
[HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows]
"Device"="Send To OneNote 2010,winspool,nul:"
Of course you still have to create your Desktop folder in
or in
depending on your setup.
After these steps you should be able to export Word, Powerpoint and Excel to PDF by using a regular, non-interactive service (e.g. Windows NT/SYSTEM user). You don't need any alterations in your Component Services
[HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows]
"Device"="Send To OneNote 2010,winspool,nul:"
[HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows]
"Device"="Microsoft XPS Document Writer,winspool,Ne00:"
I struggled with this mightily and this post was so close. After trying a number of other things I knew this post was close and thought I'd try something.
For the record, the "Desktop" folder fix in systemprofile fixed this issue when we were running Windows Server 2008 R2 and Excel 2013 Automation. This only started being an issue for after we upgraded to Windows Server 2012 R2 and Excel 2016. To eliminate Excel as the culprit, I tried on a server with Windows Server 2012 R2 and Excel 2013 and experienced very similar issues.
All automation worked just fine under Network Service, but ideally, we wanted to run our site under ApplicationPoolIdentity.
First things first, the application pool running with ApplicationPoolIdentity needs to Load the User Profile.
Start Run -> inetmgr
expand Server -> Application Pools
right click on your App Pool -> Advanced Settings
under Process Model -> Load User Profile <-- should be set to true
So now I had to figure out who this identity was. Maybe there's a better way to do this, but since I added the user to IIS_IUSRS this is where I found the information.
Windows -> Edit local users and groups
Groups -> right click IIS_IUSRS -> Add to Group...
Locations... (choose local server), click OK
In the Enter the object names to select box type IIS APPPOOL\<app pool name>
(note the space and the triple P)
also, <app pool name> is the name of your Application Pool in inetmgr
Now you should see as a Member of IIS_IUSRS IIS APPPOOL\ (SID) where SID is your applicationpoolidentity security identifier in windows. This will be a very long alpha-numeric dashed string like "S-1-5-##-#########-#########-##########-#########-#########"
Unlike the answers above, this was the user I needed to edit in the registry.
So now following the above answers I had to add the following to the registry. Note: Adding the keys to S-1-5-18 did not solve the issue, I had to add them to the SID of the ApplicationPoolIdentity found above.
[HKU]\SID\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Devices
"Send To OneNote 2010"="winspool,nul:"
"Microsoft XPS Document Writer"="winspool,Ne00:"
[HKU]\SID\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\PrinterPorts
"Send To OneNote 2010"="winspool,nul:,15,45"
"Microsoft XPS Document Writer"="winspool,Ne00:,15,45"
[HKU]\SID\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows
"Device"="Microsoft XPS Document Writer,winspool,Ne00:"
Notice how I used the "Correct" response from eletre/Robert. Using the OneNote option for Device did not work for me.
Hopefully this saves someone the trouble of hunting this down some day.