How to work around F#'s type system - haskell

In Haskell, you can use unsafeCoerce to override the type system. How to do the same in F#?
For example, to implement the Y-combinator.

I'd like to offer a different solution, based on embedding the untyped lambda calculus in a typed functional language. The idea is to create a data type that allows us to change between types α and α → α, which subsequently allows to escape the restrictions of a type system. I'm not very familiar with F# so I'll give my answer in Haskell, but I believe it could be adapted easily (perhaps the only complication could be F#'s strictness).
-- | Roughly represents morphism between #a# and #a -> a#.
-- Therefore we can embed a arbitrary closed λ-term into #Any a#. Any time we
-- need to create a λ-abstraction, we just nest into one #Any# constructor.
-- The type parameter allows us to embed ordinary values into the type and
-- retrieve results of computations.
data Any a = Any (Any a -> a)
Note that the type parameter isn't significant for combining terms. It just allows us to embed values into our representation and extract them later. All terms of a particular type Any a can be combined freely without restrictions.
-- | Embed a value into a λ-term. If viewed as a function, it ignores its
-- input and produces the value.
embed :: a -> Any a
embed = Any . const
-- | Extract a value from a λ-term, assuming it's a valid value (otherwise it'd
-- loop forever).
extract :: Any a -> a
extract x#(Any x') = x' x
With this data type we can use it to represent arbitrary untyped lambda terms. If we want to interpret a value of Any a as a function, we just unwrap its constructor.
First let's define function application:
-- | Applies a term to another term.
($$) :: Any a -> Any a -> Any a
(Any x) $$ y = embed $ x y
And λ abstraction:
-- | Represents a lambda abstraction
l :: (Any a -> Any a) -> Any a
l x = Any $ extract . x
Now we have everything we need for creating complex λ terms. Our definitions mimic the classical λ-term syntax, all we do is using l to construct λ abstractions.
Let's define the Y combinator:
-- λf.(λx.f(xx))(λx.f(xx))
y :: Any a
y = l (\f -> let t = l (\x -> f $$ (x $$ x))
in t $$ t)
And we can use it to implement Haskell's classical fix. First we'll need to be able to embed a function of a -> a into Any a:
embed2 :: (a -> a) -> Any a
embed2 f = Any (f . extract)
Now it's straightforward to define
fix :: (a -> a) -> a
fix f = extract (y $$ embed2 f)
and subsequently a recursively defined function:
fact :: Int -> Int
fact = fix f
f _ 0 = 1
f r n = n * r (n - 1)
Note that in the above text there is no recursive function. The only recursion is in the Any data type, which allows us to define y (which is also defined non-recursively).

In Haskell, unsafeCoerce has the type a -> b and is generally used to assert to the compiler that the thing being coerced actually has the destination type and it's just that the type-checker doesn't know it.
Another, less common use, is to reinterpret a pattern of bits as another type. For example an unboxed Double# could be reinterpreted as an unboxed Int64#. You have to be sure about the underlying representations for this to be safe.
In F#, the first application can be achieved with box |> unbox as John Palmer said in a comment on the question. If possible use explicit type arguments to make sure that you don't accidentally have the wrong coercion inferred, e.g. box<'a> |> unbox<'b> where 'a and 'b are type variables or concrete types that are already in scope in your code.
For the second application, look at the BitConverter class for specific conversions of bit-patterns. In theory you could also do something like interfacing with unmanaged code to achieve this, but that seems very heavyweight.
These techniques won't work for implementing the Y combinator because the cast is only valid if the runtime objects actually do have the target type, but with the Y combinator you actually need to call the same function again but with a different type. For this you need the kinds of encoding tricks mentioned in the question John Palmer linked to.


Generate injective functions with QuickCheck?

I'm using QuickCheck to generate arbitrary functions, and I'd like to generate arbitrary injective functions (i.e. f a == f b if and only if a == b).
I thought I had it figured out:
newtype Injective = Injective (Fun Word Char) deriving Show
instance Arbitrary Injective where
arbitrary = fmap Injective fun
fun :: Gen (Fun Word Char)
fun = do
a <- arbitrary
b <- arbitrary
arbitrary `suchThat` \(Fn f) ->
(f a /= f b) || (a == b)
But I'm seeing cases where the generated function maps distinct inputs to the same output.
What I want:
f such that for all inputs a and b, either f a does not equal f b or a equals b.
What I think I have:
f such that there exist inputs a and b where either f a does not equal f b or a equals b.
How can I fix this?
You've correctly identified the problem: what you're generating is functions with the property ∃ a≠b. f a≠f b (which is readily true for most random functions anyway), whereas what you want is ∀ a≠b. f a≠f b. That is a much more difficult property to ensure, because you need to know about all the other function values for generating each individual one.
I don't think this is possible to ensure for general input types, however for word specifically what you can do is “fake” a function by precomputing all the output values sequentially, making sure that you don't repeat one that has already been done, and then just reading off from that predetermined chart. It requires a bit of laziness fu to actually get this working:
import qualified Data.Set as Set
newtype Injective = Injective ([Char] {- simply a list without duplicates -})
deriving Show
instance Arbitrary Injective where
arbitrary = Injective . lazyNub <$> arbitrary
lazyNub :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
lazyNub = go Set.empty
where go _ [] = []
go forbidden (x:xs)
| x `Set.member` forbidden = go forbidden xs
| otherwise = x : go (Set.insert x forbidden) xs
This is not very efficient, and may well not be ok for your application, but it's probably the best you can do.
In practice, to actually use Injective as a function, you'll want to wrap the values in a suitable structure that has only O (log n) lookup time. Unfortunately, Data.Map.Lazy is not lazy enough, you may need to hand-bake something like a list of exponentially-growing maps.
There's also the concern that for some insufficiently big result types, it is just not possible to generate injective functions because there aren't enough values available. In fact as Joseph remarked, this is the case here. The lazyNub function will go into an infinite loop in this case. I'd say for a QuickCheck this is probably ok though.

What is "Scrap Your Boilerplate"?

I see people talking about Scrap Your Boilerplate and generic programming in Haskell. What do these terms mean? When would I want to use Scrap Your Boilerplate, and how do I use it?
Often when making transformations on complex data types, we only need to affect small pieces of the structure---in other words, we're targeting specific reducible expressions, redexes, alone.
The classic example is double-negation elimination over a type of integer expressions:
data Exp = Plus Exp Exp | Mult Exp Exp | Negate Exp | Pure Int
doubleNegSimpl :: Exp -> Exp
doubleNegSimpl (Negate (Negate e)) = e
Even in describing this example, I'd prefer not to write out the entirety of the ... part. It is completely mechanical---nothing more than the engine for continuing the recursion throughout the entirety of the Exp.
This "engine" is the boilerplate we intend to scrap.
To achieve this, Scrap Your Boilerplate suggests a mechanism by which we can construct "generic traversals" over data types. These traversals operate exactly correctly without knowing anything at all about the specific data type in question. To do this, very roughly, we have a notion of generic annotated trees. These are larger than ADTs in such a way that all ADTs can be projected into the type of annotated trees:
section :: Generic a => a -> AnnotatedTree
and "valid" annotated trees can be projected back into some brand of ADT
retract :: Generic a => AnnotatedTree -> Maybe a
Notably, I'm introducing the Generic typeclass to indicate types which have section and retract defined.
Using this generic, annotated tree representation of all data types, we can define a traversal once and for all. In particular, we provide an interface (using section and retract strategically) so that end users are never exposed to the AnnotatedTree type. Instead, it looks a bit like:
everywhere' :: Generic a => (a -> a) -> (AnnotatedTree -> AnnotatedTree)
such that, combined with final and initial section and retracts and the invariant that our annotated trees are always "valid", we have
everywhere :: Generic a => (a -> a) -> (a -> a)
everywhere f a0 = fromJust . retract . everywhere' f . section
What does everywhere f a do? It tries to apply the function f "everywhere" in the ADT a. In other words, we now write our double negation simplification as follows
doubleNegSimpl :: Exp -> Exp
doubleNegSimpl (Negate (Negate e)) = e
doubleNegSimpl e = e
In other words, it acts as id whenever the redex (Negate (Negate _)) fails to match. If we apply everywhere to this
simplify :: Exp -> Exp
simplify = everywhere doubleNegSimpl
then double negations will be eliminated "everywhere" via a generic traversal. The ... boilerplate is gone.

Match Data constructor functions

I'm trying to match data constructors in a generic way, so that any Task of a certain type will be executed.
data Task = TaskTypeA Int | TaskTypeB (Float,Float)
genericTasks :: StateLikeMonad s
genericTasks = do
want (TaskTypeA 5)
TaskTypeA #> \input -> do
want (TaskTypeB (1.2,4.3))
runTaskTypeA input
TaskTypeB #> \(x,y) -> runTaskTypeB x y
main = runTask genericTasks
In this, the genericTasks function goes through the do-instructions, building a list of stuff to do from want handled by some sort of state monad, and a list of ways to do it, via the (#>) function. The runTask function will run the genericTasks, use the resulting list of to-do and how-to-do, and do the computations.
However, I'm having quite some trouble figuring out how to extract the "type" (TaskTypeA,B) from (#>), such that one can call it later. If you do a :t TaskTypeA, you get a Int -> Task.
I.e., How to write (#>)?
I'm also not entirely confident that it's possible to do what I'm thinking here in such a generic way. For reference, I'm trying to build something similar to the Shake library, where (#>) is similar to (*>). However Shake uses a String as the argument to (*>), so the matching is done entirely using String matching. I'd like to do it without requiring strings.
Your intuition is correct, it's not possible to write (#>) as you have specified. The only time a data constructor acts as a pattern is when it is in pattern position, namely, appearing as a parameter to a function
f (TaskTypeA z) = ...
as one of the alternatives of a case statement
case tt of
TaskTypeA z -> ...
or in a monadic or pattern binding
do TaskTypeA z <- Just tt
return z
When used in value position (e.g. as an argument to a function), it loses its patterny nature and becomes a regular function. That means, unfortunately, that you cannot abstract over patterns this easily.
There is, however, a simple formalization of patterns:
type Pattern d a = d -> Maybe a
It's a little bit of work to make them.
taskTypeA :: Pattern Task Int
taskTypeA (TaskTypeA z) = Just z
taskTypeA _ = Nothing
If you also need need to use the constructor "forwards" (i.e. a -> d), then you could pair the two together (plus some functions to work with it):
data Constructor d a = Constructor (a -> d) (d -> Maybe a)
apply :: Constructor d a -> a -> d
apply (Constructor f _) = f
match :: Constructor d a -> d -> Maybe a
match (Constructor _ m) = m
taskTypeA :: Constructor Task Int
taskTypeA = Constructor TaskTypeA $ \case TaskTypeA z -> Just z
_ -> Nothing
This is known as a "prism", and (a very general form of) it is implemented in lens.
There are advantages to using an abstraction like this -- namely, that you can construct prisms which may have more structure than data types are allowed to (e.g. d can be a function type), and you can write functions that operate on constructors, composing simpler ones to make more complex ones generically.
If you are using plain data types, though, it is a pain to have to implement the Constructor objects for each constructor like I did for TaskTypeA above. If you have a lot of these to work with, you can use Template Haskell to write your boilerplate for you. The necessary Template Haskell routine is already implemented in lens -- it may be worth it to learn how to use the lens library because of that. (But it can be a bit daunting to navigate)
(Style note: the second Constructor above and its two helper functions can be written equivalently using a little trick:
data Constructor d a = Constructor { apply :: a -> d, match :: d -> Maybe a }
With this abstraction in place, it is now possible to write (#>). A simple example would be
(#>) :: Constructor d a -> (a -> State d ()) -> State d ()
cons #> f = do
d <- get
case match cons d of
Nothing -> return ()
Just a -> f a
or perhaps something more sophisticated, depending on what precisely you want.

Is Milner let polymorphism a rank 2 feature?

let a = b in c can be thought as a syntactic sugar for (\a -> c) b, but in a typed setting in general it's not the case. For example, in the Milner calculus let a = \x -> x in (a True, a 1) is typable, but seemingly equivalent (\a -> (a True, a 1)) (\x -> x) is not.
However, the latter is typable in System F with a rank 2 type for the first lambda.
My questions are:
Is let polymorphism a rank 2 feature that sneaked secretly in the otherwise rank 1 world of Milner calculus?
The purpose of having of separate let construct seems to specify which types should be generalized by type checker, and which are not. Does it serve any other purposes? Are there any reasons to extend more powerful systems e.g. System F with separate let which is not sugar? Are there any papers on the rationale behind the design of the Milner calculus which no longer seems obvious to me?
Is there the most general type for \a -> (a True, a 1) in System F?
Are there type systems closed under beta expansion? I.e. if P is typable and M N = P then M is typable?
Some clarifications:
By equivalence I mean equivalence modulo type annotations. Is 'System F a la Church' the correct term for that?
I know that in general the principal typing property doesn't hold in F, but a principal type could exist for my particular term.
By let I mean the non-recursive flavour of let. Extension of system F with recursive let is obviously useful as it allows for non-termination.
W.r.t. to the four questions asked:
A key insight in this matter is that rather than just typing a
lambda-abstraction with a potentially polymorphic argument type, we
are typing a (sugared) abstraction that is (1) applied exactly once
and, moreover, that is (2) applied to a statically known argument.
That is, we can first subject the "argument" (i.e. the definiens of
the local definition) to type reconstruction to find its
(polymorphic) type; then assign the found type to the "parameter"
(the definiendum); and then, finally, type the body in the extended
type context.
Note that that is considerably more easy than general rank-2 type
Note that, strictly speaking, let .. = .. in .. is only syntactic sugar in System F if you demand that the definiendum carries a type annotation: let .. : .. = .. in .. .
Here are two solutions for T in (\a :: T -> (a True, a 1)) in System F: forall b. (forall a. a -> b) -> (b, b) and forall c d. (forall a b. a -> b) -> (c, d). Note that neither one of them is more general than the other. In general, System F does not admit principal types.
I suppose this holds for the simply typed lambda-calculus?
Types are not preserved under beta-expansion in any calculus that can express the concept of "dead code". You can probably figure out how to write something similar to this in any usable language:
if True then something typable else utter nonsense
For example, let M = (\x y -> x) (something typable) and N = (utter nonsense) and P = (something typable), so that M N = P, and P is typable, but M N isn't.
...rereading your question, I see that you only demand that M be typable, but that seems like a very strange meaning to give to "preserved under beta-expansion" to me. Anyway, I don't see why some argument like the above couldn't apply: simply let M have some untypable dead code in it.
You could type (\a -> (a True, a 1)) (\x -> x) if instead of generalizing only let expressions, you generalized all lambda abstractions. Having done so, one also needs to instantiate type schemas at every use point, not simply at the point where the binder which refers to them is actually used. I'm don't think there's any problem with this actually, outside of the fact that its vastly less efficient. I recall some discussion of this in TAPL, in fact, making similar points.
I recall many years ago seeing in a book about lambda calculus (possibly Barendregt) a type system preserved by beta expansion. It had no quantification, but it had disjunction to express that a term needed to be of more than one type simultaneously, as well as a special type omega which every term inhabited. As I recall, the latter avoids Daniel Wagner's dead code objection. While every expression was well-typed, restricting the position of omega in the type allowed you to charactize which expressions had (weak?) head normal forms.
Also if I recall correctly, fully normal form expressions had principal types, which did not contain omega.
For example the principal type of \f x -> f (f x) (the Church numeral 2) would be something like ((A -> B) /\ (B -> C)) -> A -> C
Not able to answer all your very specialized questions, but no, its not a rank 2 feature. As you write, it's just that let definitions are being quantified which yields a fully polymorphic rank-1 type unless the definition depends on some monomorphic value ina nouter scope.
Please also note that Haskell let is known as let rec in other languages and allows definition of mutually recursive functions and values. This is something you would not want to code manually with lambda-expressions and Y-combinators.

Typed FP: Tuple Arguments and Curriable Arguments

In statically typed functional programming languages, like Standard ML, F#, OCaml and Haskell, a function will usually be written with the parameters separated from each other and from the function name simply by whitespace:
let add a b =
a + b
The type here being "int -> (int -> int)", i.e. a function that takes an int and returns a function which its turn takes and int and which finally returns an int. Thus currying becomes possible.
It's also possible to define a similar function that takes a tuple as an argument:
let add(a, b) =
a + b
The type becomes "(int * int) -> int" in this case.
From the point of view of language design, is there any reason why one could not simply identify these two type patterns in the type algebra? In other words, so that "(a * b) -> c" reduces to "a -> (b -> c)", allowing both variants to be curried with equal ease.
I assume this question must have cropped up when languages like the four I mentioned were designed. So does anyone know any reason or research indicating why all four of these languages chose not to "unify" these two type patterns?
I think the consensus today is to handle multiple arguments by currying (the a -> b -> c form) and to reserve tuples for when you genuinely want values of tuple type (in lists and so on). This consensus is respected by every statically typed functional language since Standard ML, which (purely as a matter of convention) uses tuples for functions that take multiple arguments.
Why is this so? Standard ML is the oldest of these languages, and when people were first writing ML compilers, it was not known how to handle curried arguments efficiently. (At the root of the problem is the fact that any curried function could be partially applied by some other code you haven't seen yet, and you have to compile it with that possibility in mind.) Since Standard ML was designed, compilers have improved, and you can read about the state of the art in an excellent paper by Simon Marlow and Simon Peyton Jones.
LISP, which is the oldest functional language of them all, has a concrete syntax which is extremely unfriendly to currying and partial application. Hrmph.
At least one reason not to conflate curried and uncurried functional types is that it would be very confusing when tuples are used as returned values (a convenient way in these typed languages to return multiple values). In the conflated type system, how can function remain nicely composable? Would a -> (a * a) also transform to a -> a -> a? If so, are (a * a) -> a and a -> (a * a) the same type? If not, how would you compose a -> (a * a) with (a * a) -> a?
You propose an interesting solution to the composition issue. However, I don't find it satisfying because it doesn't mesh well with partial application, which is really a key convenience of curried functions. Let me attempt to illustrate the problem in Haskell:
apply f a b = f a b
vecSum (a1,a2) (b1,b2) = (a1+b1,a2+b2)
Now, perhaps your solution could understand map (vecSum (1,1)) [(0,1)], but what about the equivalent map (apply vecSum (1,1)) [(0,1)]? It becomes complicated! Does your fullest unpacking mean that the (1,1) is unpacked with apply's a & b arguments? That's not the intent... and in any case, reasoning becomes complicated.
In short, I think it would be very hard to conflate curried and uncurried functions while (1) preserving the semantics of code valid under the old system and (2) providing a reasonable intuition and algorithm for the conflated system. It's an interesting problem, though.
Possibly because it is useful to have a tuple as a separate type, and it is good to keep different types separate?
In Haskell at least, it is quite easy to go from one form to the other:
Prelude> let add1 a b = a+b
Prelude> let add2 (a,b) = a+b
Prelude> :t (uncurry add1)
(uncurry add1) :: (Num a) => (a, a) -> a
Prelude> :t (curry add2)
(curry add2) :: (Num a) => a -> a -> a
so uncurry add1 is same as add2 and curry add2 is the same as add1. I guess similar things are possible in the other languages as well. What greater gains would there be to automatically currying every function defined on a tuple? (Since that's what you seem to be asking.)
Expanding on the comments under namin's good answer:
So assume a function which has type 'a -> ('a * 'a):
let gimme_tuple(a : int) =
(a*2, a*3)
Then assume a function which has type ('a * 'a) -> 'b:
let add(a : int, b) =
a + b
Then composition (assuming the conflation that I propose) wouldn't pose any problem as far as I can see:
let foo = add(gimme_tuple(5))
// foo gets value 5*2 + 5*3 = 25
But then you could conceive of a polymorphic function that takes the place of add in the last code snippet, for instance a little function that just takes a 2-tuple and makes a list of the two elements:
let gimme_list(a, b) =
[a, b]
This would have the type ('a * 'a) -> ('a list). Composition now would be problematic. Consider:
let bar = gimme_list(gimme_tuple(5))
Would bar now have the value [10, 15] : int list or would bar be a function of type (int * int) -> ((int * int) list), which would eventually return a list whose head would be the tuple (10, 15)? For this to work, I posited in a comment to namin's answer that one would need an additional rule in the type system that the binding of actual to formal parameters be the "fullest possible", i.e. that the system should attempt a non-partial binding first and only try a partial binding if a full binding is unattainable. In our example, it would mean that we get the value [10, 15] because a full binding is possible in this case.
Is such a concept of "fullest possible" inherently meaningless? I don't know, but I can't immediately see a reason it would be.
One problem is of course if you want the second interpretation of the last code snippet, then you'd need to go jump through an extra hoop (typically an anonymous function) to get that.
Tuples are not present in these languages simply to be used as function parameters. They are a really convenient way to represent structured data, e.g., a 2D point (int * int), a list element ('a * 'a list), or a tree node ('a * 'a tree * 'a tree). Remember also that structures are just syntactic sugar for tuples. I.e.,
type info =
{ name : string;
age : int;
address : string; }
is a convenient way of handling a (string * int * string) tuple.
There's no fundamental reason you need tuples in a programming language (you can build up tuples in the lambda calculus, just as you can booleans and integers—indeed using currying*), but they are convenient and useful.
* E.g.,
tuple a b = λf.f a b
fst x = x (λa.λb.a)
snd x = x (λa.λb.b)
curry f = λa.λb.f (λg.g a b)
uncurry f = λx.x f
