Is this how to use mod_speling? - .htaccess

I had my VPS host enable mod_speling, but I'm not sure it's working, and just wanted to check with you guys that I've got the right idea about it.
I have URLs on the server like this:
People that type URLs using all lower case are getting 404 errors, so I figured enabling mod_speling would fix it. This is what I have in .htaccess:
RewriteEngine On
CheckCaseOnly On
Should this be working?

The mod_speling documentation says this of CheckCaseOnly:
When set, this directive limits the action of the spelling correction to lower/upper case changes. Other potential corrections are not performed.
So that sounds pretty much like exactly what you want. If won't attempt to correct: but it will ignore case when you go to
But if you're not using mod_rewrite, you don't need the RewriteEngine On line.


Is this possible with an htaccess rewrite

I am wondering if this is possible to do with an .htaccess rule.
My beginning url:
What I want to end up with:
The ttaho will change according to the page.
Thanks for any input.
Don't think I was asking anyone to code this for me...Just asking if it was possible. I have tried a few things and couldn't get them to work. The %2c is an encoded part of the url that is added from the plugin I was using.
I will figure it out. No worries.

.htaccess rewrite rule from to

I guess this was a very common and simple .htaccess rewrite rule, however I wasn't able to google a solution for it.
So, the question is in the title already, how can I rewrite the address to change it from to The rule would of course not be only for just the contact.htm but for any page in the website. No need to worry about GET variables, since I won't be using any.
[ Also, do you think this is or might be considered a good practice or not really relevant? ]
Try this:
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^contact.htm$ /contact
This should serve contact.html when requesting
You could consider using MultiViews. You'll need to load the content negotiation module and turn MultiViews on, then Apache will automatically look for a file with an extension (there's a priority list in case you have both .html and .htm files with the same name for instance).

mod_rewrite for name fields

I am complete newbie in mod_rewrite, and I have been going through some sites reading how to handle this, all I could find was when the get variable was numbers and nothing about strings, and it turns out be over my head.
What I want to do is to rewrite display.php?name=blahblah123 to display/blahblah123
Together with the answer, I would love some sites where I can build some grasp over mod_rewrite myself.
With more searching, I came up with this
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^display/([a-z]+)$ display.php?name=$1 [L]
The code above works, but for some reason, The page I get has no CSS. The CSS I see included shows Hostgator's 404 page CSS. But HTML looks fine, so does the content and everything else. Any idea?
Just to be clear, mod_rewrite is something that happens internally in apache. I find that sometimes people do not understand what it does and doesn't do. It will not take a url that you output and change it from
It will however, allow someone to make a request from your site for display/blahblah123 and convert that to display.php?name=blahblah123, so that your display.php script can operate on it.
Rewrite rules require an understanding of regular expressions. The better you understand regex the easier mod_rewrite will be for you.
As a beginner this article should help:
For your specific question, I'd probably use:
RewriteRule ^display/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)$ /display.php?name=$1
Try to put a "/" in front of the css file name.
<link rel=".." href="/style.css".
instead of
<link rel=".." href="style.css".

RewriteRule does not match as expected (by me)

i cannot understand why this is not working. Maybe somebody can explain it to me.
I have the following:
which should rewrite to
In my .htaccess I enabled this rule:
RewriteRule ^/(.*)-tag\.html$ /tag/$1
In my understanding everything between / and before -tag.html should be taken as argument 1.
But the above will lead to a 404. I even put the domain in front of /tag/$1 but this doesn't work too.
Any help is appreciated, thanks much.
Depending on apache version, the leading slash is not required. (You can place /? if you want to be able to match both cases) see #Jeff Parker comment.
Also, if you want the URL to be displayed as in the browser when typing, you should add the [R] flag to redirect.
And of course, your file on the server should be name my-apache in the tag/ directory. Or you will have 404 error.
If you want the client to type and be served your rule is wrong and should be :
RewriteRule ^tag/(.*)$ /$1-tag.html
If you want to combine both behaviour, be careful of loops.

Avoiding sub-directory request rewrites with Apache mod_rewrite

I want to a rewrite rule such that if a user goes to the URL the rule will process and end up at re-writer.php but if the user goes to the rule will not be triggered and they will get a standard 404 (or a page, if one should exist).
I can't tell, based on the environmental variables, if this is possible without some fairly fancy regex.
So does anyone know of either:
a) a way this is already built into the mod_rewrite syntax, or
b) a good, reliable way of handling this with regular expressions?
Links to documentation or tutorials welcome. I'm just feeling clueless on where to go next.
Oh, and I can imagine the ways I could simply have the script that the rule redirects to simply deliver the 404, but I'd rather only use the rule when the conditions exist.
Try this:
RewriteRule ^stuff/[^/]+$ re-writer.php
This will rewrite all requests to /stuff/… with only one additional path segment to re-writer.php.
