Is this possible with an htaccess rewrite - .htaccess

I am wondering if this is possible to do with an .htaccess rule.
My beginning url:
What I want to end up with:
The ttaho will change according to the page.
Thanks for any input.

Don't think I was asking anyone to code this for me...Just asking if it was possible. I have tried a few things and couldn't get them to work. The %2c is an encoded part of the url that is added from the plugin I was using.
I will figure it out. No worries.


.htaccess redirect to another page while retaining the complete query string

I am a little lost. I tried searching this site and the web at large, but I couldn't seem to find exactly what I need. So please forgive me if this has been answered before, I really tried to find it.
I have … inherited a .htaccess file with quite a lot of 301 redirects in the
Redirect 301 /shorthand /actual-link/actual-file.php
syntax (with a RewriteEngine On line somewhere high up in the file). I don't know exactly much about redirects, but that seems pretty straightforward to me. It just sits there and sometimes new shorthand links get added. There is some non-www to www, and http to https kind of stuff at the top, that's it.
Now the structure of the site changes, and two similar pages that process query parameters get consolidated into one. Basically there is
Old page: /path/subpath/index.php?some=query&parameter=or&other
New page: /other-path/file.php?added=parameter&some=query&parameter=or&other
I can't predict what parameters exactly will be part of the URL, I just have to take everything starting from the ? and append it to the new URL, that already has to include an added parameter, so everything after the ? follows ?added=parameter& .
I suppose that is not exactly hard, but alas, I lack the experience. And all I could find was something like "Take this specific defined query parameter you already know and set it as a path name" or vice versa, and I couldn't get that to work for my problem.
Is there a solution compatible with the syntax used elsewhere in the file? Or does that matter at all? Can I combine Redirect 301 … lines with RewriteCond … RewriteRule … commands? Does %{QUERY_STRING} help me somehow? If so, how can I figure out the correct syntax?
I would really appreciate if someone could point me in the right direction.
Many thanks in advance!

Is this how to use mod_speling?

I had my VPS host enable mod_speling, but I'm not sure it's working, and just wanted to check with you guys that I've got the right idea about it.
I have URLs on the server like this:
People that type URLs using all lower case are getting 404 errors, so I figured enabling mod_speling would fix it. This is what I have in .htaccess:
RewriteEngine On
CheckCaseOnly On
Should this be working?
The mod_speling documentation says this of CheckCaseOnly:
When set, this directive limits the action of the spelling correction to lower/upper case changes. Other potential corrections are not performed.
So that sounds pretty much like exactly what you want. If won't attempt to correct: but it will ignore case when you go to
But if you're not using mod_rewrite, you don't need the RewriteEngine On line.

Trying to create seo friendly url

I'm trying to create friendly url for my site but with no success :(( and i have two questions
The first is:
How to change the url from to
And the second is:
Will the changes make duplicate content and if how to fix the problem.
Thank you for your time,
Have a nice day
Check out the official URL Rewriting guide:
You'll be using the simplest use case, Canonical URLs. Assuming you have no other pages that you need to worry about, you can use a rule like this: (note: untested, your usage may vary)
RewriteRule ^/(.*)([^/]+)$ /$1$2.php
While that example might not exactly work for your use case, hopefully reading the guide and my example will help you get you on your way.

Remove directories from URL using .htaccess

I've been searching around and tried many different ideas to fix the state of a URL for my client, but have had no joy.
The URL currently looks like this:
My client wants this to be showing much like the other links on the website as so:
I'm fine with removing the .php that's simple enough and is already written into my .htaccess file. It's just removing the 3 directories from the URL is what I cannot work out.
Before anyone asks about moving the file to a higher directory, I'm afraid this cannot be done as everything needs to be down in this 3rd directory for this page.
I believe my latest attempt is about the closest I've got to solving this, if anyone could point out my mistakes and a solution it would be much appreciated:
RewriteRule ^/folder1/folder2/folder3/(.*)$ /page$1 [L,R=301]
After researching more today, I think I may have confused people with this question. I think what I should have said is that I need to mask the URL, hiding the 3 directories, and showing just the domain and the page itself.
I still seem to be hitting a wall with masking too. Any advice?
After a whole weekend (and quite a bit of the week between working) I finally managed to succeed with what I wanted.
The site now displays as required:
Which has been redirected and masked from:
The piece of code required in the .htaccess is as follows:
RewriteRule ^page$ /folder1/folder2/folder3/page.php
Looks like I was being stupid before and had the syntax backwards, but all is well now and I'm allowed to sleep :)
Hope this helps anyone else in future with this sort of problem!

Htaccess change url to directory url

For example, I want:
To show this in the browser:
How do I do this?
Check this answer:
It gives a nice way to do exactly what you want to do.
Other answers are useful too if you have problems with the confirmed one.
